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煤岩吸附二氧化碳气体的CT实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用工业CT技术及应变测量研究不同气压下煤岩的二氧化碳气体吸附性质。研究发现:煤样的应变随吸附时间和气体压力的增加而增加,且在不同方向是不同的,吸附气体导致煤样孔隙率增加;煤样CT图像的灰度均值和灰度标准差随吸附时间和气体压力的增长都表现出增加的趋势。结果表明:吸附二氧化碳导致煤样总体发生膨胀变形,这为吸附提供更多的孔隙表面积而使吸附气体量增加,含气煤样的密度也因此而增大;气体吸附导致的煤样密度均值增加的效应大于体积膨胀导致的煤样密度均值减小的效应;吸附使煤样内部物质分布不均匀程度增加。  相似文献   
In order to reduce the brittleness of soil stabilized by lime only, a recent study of a newly proposed mixture of polypropylene fibre and lime for ground improvement is described and reported in the paper. To investigate and understand the influence of the mixture of polypropylene fibre and lime on the engineering properties of a clayey soil, nine groups of treated soil specimens were prepared and tested at three different percentages of fibre content (i.e. 0.05%, 0.15%, 0.25% by weight of the parent soil) and three different percentages of lime (i.e. 2%, 5%, 8% by weight of the parent soil). These treated specimens were subjected to unconfined compression, direct shear, swelling and shrinkage tests. Through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the specimens after shearing, the improving mechanisms of polypropylene fibre and lime in the soil were discussed and the observed test results were explained. It was found that fibre content, lime content and curing duration had significant influence on the engineering properties of the fibre–lime treated soil. An increase in lime content resulted in an initial increase followed by a slight decrease in unconfined compressive strength, cohesion and angle of internal friction of the clayey soil. On the other hand, an increase in lime content led to a reduction of swelling and shrinkage potential. However, an increase in fibre content caused an increase in strength and shrinkage potential but brought on the reduction of swelling potential. An increase in curing duration improved the unconfined compressive strength and shear strength parameters of the stabilized soil significantly. Based on the SEM analysis, it was found that the presence of fibre contributed to physical interaction between fibre and soil whereas the use of lime produced chemical reaction between lime and soil and changed soil fabric significantly.  相似文献   
Microcracks in the Cretaceous Ryoke-type granite in Japan were investigated by using deep drilling core samples collected in the Mizunami Underground Research Project of the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). The granite body suffered brittle deformation associated with Tertiary thrust movement. Based on core-scale and microscopic deformation features, the drill core from a depth of 300 to 700 m is divided into four domains, i.e. (A) undeformed granite, (B) granite intruded by cataclastic seams, (C) fractured granite in the fault damage zone, and (D) foliated cataclasite at the fault center. To characterize microcrack geometries in each domain, we employed the impregnation method using a low-viscous acrylic resin doped with fluorescent agents and captured the microcrack images by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The CLSM image in the fault damage zone revealed anisotropic development of microcrack networks related to the fault movement. Both CLSM observation and porosity measurements reveal a drastic increase of micro-pores in the foliated cataclasite, possibly caused by fragmentation, and granulation and crack sealing in the fault zone.  相似文献   
Abstract. Two new genera of Tantulocarida are described from the Ligurian deep sea (Western Mediterranean) off Corsica. Xenalytus scotophilia is referred to the Microdajidae and differs from Microdajus GREVE in thoracopodal segmentation as well as in the presence of coupling spines on thoracopod 6 and longitudinal lamellae on the cephalic shield. Aphotocentor styx is placed in the Deoterthridae and holds an intermediate position between Deoterthron BRADFORD & HEWITT and Boreotantulus HI/YS & BOXSHALL. Some aspects of cephalon internal structure are described for the first time and give a possible explanation for the mechanism of stylet protrusion. The external structures of the oral disc are described using SEM. The discovery of well-developed muscles in the trunk and thoracopods is discussed in the light of the benthic phase the tantulus passes through. The boundary between the thorax and abdomen in the tantulus is reinterpreted, corroborating the 5–7-5 bodyplan of the hypothetical urmaxillopodan as found in the Upper Cambrian Skaracarida and possibly also Dala peilertae MOLLER. Some aspects related to dispersal, infection, and feeding are reinterpreted or approached from a different perspective. SEM of Microdajus langi GREVE gives evidence that the tantuli hatch via a conspicuous slit located at the posterior end of the female trunk sac. A worldwide key to the tantulocaridan families and genera is given, and distributional records are compiled. It is suggested that Tantulocarida might be common representatives of the temporary meiobenthos and that their present species number represents only the tip of the iceberg.  相似文献   
冬季和春季长江口及其近海水域浮游病毒丰度的分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用荧光显微技术,对2006年长江口及近海水域20个站点的表层及10m层或潜水体冬、春两季的浮游病毒丰度进行了检测,对浮游病毒丰度在季节(冬、春两季)、水平分布和垂直分布上的变化进行了探讨.调查区浮游病毒丰度在冬、春季节上并无明显差异,但在水平分布上存在很大差异,河口区浮游病毒直接检测量(Virus Direct Count, VDC)达到10^7个/ml,近海水域VDC为10^6个/ml,河口区的浮游病毒丰度都明显高于近海水域病毒丰度 (P<0.01).在垂直分布上,冬、春两季长江口水域水深小于10m的站位,表层浮游病毒丰度与底层病毒丰度无明显差别,水深大于10m的站位,表层水样的浮游病毒丰度都高于10m水层病毒丰度,说明长江口浮游病毒的垂直分布与站位总水深有关.还通过比较各站点VDC与叶绿素a含量的数据,分析了二者之间的相关性:冬季浮游病毒丰度与叶绿素a含量成正相关性;春季浮游病毒丰度与叶绿素a含量成负相关性,但病毒丰度受叶绿素a含量的影响仅为10%-11%.  相似文献   
在建筑物立面重建中,窗户提取、结构识别是学者们研究的热点。针对建筑物特征提取的应用需求,文中提出一种基于局部搜索算法——爬山法的窗户信息提取方法,介绍研究中采用的一些原理、方法,从而可以准确有效地从激光扫描数据中提取出建筑物的窗户信息。利用本方案对地面激光扫描系统获取的建筑物实验数据进行具体的处理,并给出可视化表达结果。  相似文献   
针对传统三维碎片拼接匹配过程中依赖单一特征及存在误差累积的问题,提出了一种运用鱼群算法的全局最优匹配方法。该方法先对碎片点云数据进行多特征提取,结合纹理、专家经验信息对混合在一起的多种类型碎片进行粗糙集分类,之后采用鱼群算法的最优解求得最佳匹配方案。实例验证所提全局匹配方法具有能力强、与初始位置无关及较强的稳健性等特点,为三维碎片的全局匹配提供了一种有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
刘宝华  王智  宋云记 《测绘通报》2021,(6):159-162,165
在对建筑物进行三维实景数据采集时,地面三维激光扫描和无人机倾斜摄影测量是常用的技术手段,通过两种手段获取的数据类型不同,对空间的展示效果及精度也存在差异,特别是在获取建筑物顶部和近地部分的数据各有优劣势,将无人机获取的建筑物顶部数据和地面三维激光扫描获取的近地部分数据进行处理,通过空间多个同名公共点进行转换、匹配,将点...  相似文献   
宇宙尘似文象结构的图像分析和成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李增慧  李先宜 《矿物学报》1989,9(3):241-244
宇宙尘较广泛地分布于各地质时代和各种岩石中,它形成在不同的物理化学环境下,因此具有比较复杂的结构构造。本文对产于不同时代、不同岩性岩石中具有似文象结构的宇宙尘进行了广泛的研究,一方面研究Si、Al等元素的赋存状态,另一方面研究这些元素与似文象结构的关系,进一步为它们的成因提供信息。  相似文献   
胶磷矿晶体结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄小芬  张覃 《矿物学报》2011,31(3):566-570
详细叙述了磷灰石的晶体结构,并采用多种方法对磷灰石结构中配位多面体各元素间的化学键力进行计算,分析了磷灰石的表面特性。针对贵州典型磷矿区具有代表性的胶磷矿试样,其主要由微晶磷灰石组成,采用x射线衍射分析了胶磷矿试样的物相组成、结晶度、晶胞参数以及磷灰石晶粒大小。在扫描电子显微镜下,2种胶磷矿多呈集合体形态,两种胶磷矿中磷酸盐矿物主要为氟磷灰石。  相似文献   
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