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陈于仲 《成都信息工程学院学报》2008,23(4):473-479
大学是传承文化和创新文化的场所,是培养高素质人才的基地,校园规划和建设离不开大学的这种质的规定性。对大学文化的内涵、性质和大学精神认识愈充分,愈具体,就愈能判断和把握大学规划和建设的指导思想应表现出的文化底蕴。校园文化承载着大学精神,今天的大学精神就是创新、科学、自由和人文精神,大学校园规划、布局、建设、设计的美学要求就要体现大学的精神。这是指导校园规划与建设的思想原则、出发点和归宿。 相似文献
Individual states and academic institutions have taken leadership on climate change policy in the United States. Without unified national policy, a patchwork of state policies fosters geographic variation among climate action plans (CAPs) for American College and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment signatories. Correlation among indexes rating state climate policy and signatory CAPs and spatial analysis indicate that states with aggressive climate policy foster aggressive policy within their academies. Reflection on the national scale suggests that although state policies help combat climate change, they could be more significant if articulated within a more comprehensive national policy. 相似文献
南京信息工程大学缘气象而生、因气象而兴,是一所具有显著行业特色的高校.大气科学是南京信息工程大学的学科根基和学科之魂.回顾大气科学60年的发展历程,历经几代人的砥砺奋进,坚持改革创新、特色发展,铸就了大气科学的辉煌成就.20世纪60年代,大气学科为服务国家气象事业急需而创立,改革开放之后,对接中国气象事业发展需要,构建... 相似文献
龙门山及其邻区的构造和地震活动及动力学 总被引:193,自引:37,他引:156
论述了龙门山推覆构造带、岷山隆起、成都平原和龙泉山地区的构造和地震活动,讨论了构造活动特点和演化历史,并分析了它们的形成机制和动力学问题 相似文献
长江三峡仙女山断层带的变形结构及其动力学分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
根据仙女山断层分带性、分段性、分层性和断层变形结构特征,建立了其空间变形结构模式,进而讨论了仙女山断层带时间演化系列中两个主要变形阶段的几何学和运动学特征,并利用断层带的共轭节理、断面擦痕和显微构造标志分别确定燕山主期和喜马拉雅主期构造应力方向和差异应力大小,获得了若干重要的动力学资料 相似文献
Existing experimental evidence suggests that in pure Mg-forsterite with a fixed Mg/Si ratio, vacancies and interstitials on the Mg sublattice are the dominant intrinsic point defects, while O vacancies and conduction-band electrons are the primary oxygen-deficient defects. Orthopyroxene appears to dissolve readily in pure Mg-forsterite at high temperatures, the change in Mg/Si ratio being accommodated by Mg vacancies and Si interstitials; as a consequence, upper-mantle forsterite may be substantially non-stoichiometric. It is postulated that the amount of Fe that can be oxidized in the forsterite phase is directly related to the excess Si present, either incorporated in the structure, or available from another phase richer in SiO2 such as pyroxene. 相似文献
北京大学地质馆是20世纪30年代北大“中兴”时期建成的三大标志性建筑之一,也是其中唯一一座独属于一个学系(北大地质学系)的建筑。地质馆的落成有赖于三方面条件:30年代初,北大购得其“第一院”与“第二院”之间的松公府大片区域,为校园扩建提供了基础;北大与中华教育文化基金董事会商定的合作研究特款办法解决了大部分建筑经费问题;双方合聘的研究教授丁文江和李四光则成为地质馆建设的直接推动者。1935年由梁思成、林徽因设计的地质馆建成,以现代风格为主兼具中国传统特色,为北大地质学系师生提供了良好的教学和科研条件,可视为北大地质学系在20世纪上半叶全盛时期的标志。抗战爆发后地质馆落入日伪之手,先后被(伪)“东亚文化协议会”和(伪)“北大理学院”地质学系占用。1946年北大复员,地质学系迁回地质馆,图书、仪器均有增添。1952年全国高校院系调整,地质馆由新组建的北京地质学院使用,北大地质学系的辉煌也暂时告一段落。 相似文献
掌握基质吸力对非饱和离子型稀土抗剪强度的影响,对于认清水对矿体强度的弱化作用具有重要意义。现场测试了矿体的土?水特征曲线和抗剪强度,由此得到基质吸力对矿体抗剪强度的影响特性,即随着基质吸力的增大,矿体的内摩擦角略有增大,黏聚力大幅增大。同时,根据进气值所代表的物理意义进行分析可知,当基质吸力小于进气值时,基质吸力对抗剪强度的贡献速率可看成一稳定值;当基质吸力大于进气值时,基质吸力对抗剪强度的贡献速率逐渐减小。由此,以进气值为分界点,提出非饱和强度改进模型,通过改进模型计算得到的抗剪强度贡献值与现场实测值的误差绝对值基本在15%以内,且优于其他模型预测结果,表明本文的非饱和强度改进模型是有效的。 相似文献
Seung-Ik Park Jungrae Noh Hee Jun Cheong Sanghoon Kwon Yungoo Song Sung Won Kim M.Santosh 《地学前缘(英文版)》2019,10(3):909-925
During subduction, continental margins experience shortening along with inversion of extensional sedimentary basins. Here we explore a tectonic scenario for the inversion of two-phase extensional basin systems, where the Early-Middle Jurassic intra-arc volcano-sedimentary Oseosan Volcanic Complex was developed on top of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic post-collisional sequences, namely the Chungnam Basin. The basin shortening was accommodated mostly by contractional faults and related folds. In the basement, regional high-angle reverse faults as well as low-angle thrusts accommodate the overall shortening, and are compatible with those preserved in the cover. This suggests that their spatial and temporal development is strongly dependent on the initial basin geometry and inherited structures.Changes in transport direction observed along the basement-sedimentary cover interface is a characteristic structural feature, reflecting sequential kinematic evolution during basin inversion. Propagation of basement faults also enhanced shortening of the overlying sedimentary cover sequences. We constrain timing of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous(ca. 158-110 Ma) inversion from altered K-feldspar 40 Ar/39 Ar ages in stacked thrust sheets and K-Ar illite ages of fault gouges, along with previously reported geochronological data from the area. This "non-magmatic phase" of the Daebo Orogeny is contemporaneous with the timing of magmatic quiescence across the Korean Peninsula. We propose the role of flat/low-angle subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate for the development of the "Laramide-style" basement-involved orogenic event along East Asian continental margin. 相似文献