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《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):283-297
Western Turkey is a place of active continental extension, characterized by the occurrence of several WNW-ESE-trending major grabens. The central part of the northern edge of the Edremit Graben is delineated by various geological units, namely the metamorphic Kazda? Massif, the Mid-Cretaceous Çetmi mélange, the sedimentary Küçükkuyu formation, and loose Plio-Quaternary deposits. Detailed structural and sedimentological study suggests a two-stage extensional evolution of the area, separated by a short break in the tectonic regime. The first stage, possibly related to back-arc extension and/or orogenic collapse, is marked by the activity of a newly described low-angle detachment fault, the ?elale detachment fault, from the latest Oligocene onward. The fault plane, separating the mylonitized rocks of the Kazda? Massif in the footwall from the unmetamorphosed Çetmi mélange and Küçükkuyu formation in the hanging wall, must have played a significant role in the initial exhumation processes of the Kazda? Massif at that time. The Lower Miocene syntectonic Küçükkuyu formation has recorded the initiation and filling up of a small basin, which has developed in a typical supra-detachment basin, above the detachment fault. After a short phase of possible compression and erosion, the second stage—which marks the onset of neotectonic activity—is marked by the development of Plio-Quaternary step-like normal faults, which cut through all the previous units. Coarse, loose sediments were deposited following the fault activity. These local results are extrapolated to apply to the entire Edremit Graben. In that case, its evolution is seen as the succession of two extensional stages, characterized by distinct structural and sedimentological patterns, and possibly separated by a short compressional phase.  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTION It iS generally accepted that the stress state in the upper crust and upper mantle in the southernQinghai—Xiz~g Plateau is essentially extensional(Molnar and Tapponnier,1978;Chen and Molnar,1983:Armijo et a1.,1986).Data offocal.mechanism  相似文献   
利用Sentinel-1A SAR数据提取2021年西藏双湖县MW5.7地震同震形变场及2.5D形变场,反演断层滑动分布模型。计算不同节面解为接收断层产生的库仑应力变化差异确定发震构造,并结合余震分布信息评估未来地震风险性。结果表明,地震震中为34.37°N、87.71°E,震源深度6.51 km,发震断层倾向东、走向33°、倾角50°、平均滑动角-74°,以倾滑为主兼有少量左旋走滑分量,最大滑动量0.26 m。短时间内,震区南部地震风险较小,北部则需要结合更多资料进一步分析。本次地震是在羌塘块体持续向东扩张的背景下,受EW向拉伸作用使得黄水湖正断层发生的一次弥散型变形活动,SN向地堑得到进一步扩张。  相似文献   
岩溶断陷盆地不同海拔植物水分利用效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨不同海拔高度的养分、环境要素与植物水分利用效率变化的关系,以岩溶断陷盆地云南小江流域的乔木、灌木、草本为研究对象,分析水分利用效率和叶片养分浓度随海拔的变化情况。结果表明:(1)研究区内海拔2 000 m处的草本植物的叶片δ13C值最高,2 200 m处的乔木的叶片δ13C值最低;(2)海拔高度对乔木、灌木的植物水分利用效率影响大于草本植物,草本植物的水分利用效率随海拔高度的变化甚微,两者之间的拟合度较小;高值区出现在海拔为2 200 m处的乔木;低值区出现在海拔为2 000 m处的草本植物;(3)不同海拔水分利用效率与叶片N、P浓度的相关性较弱(与叶片的N浓度呈弱正相关,与叶片的P浓度呈弱负相关);(4)不同海拔水分利用效率与各气候因子的相关性较弱,与多年平均气温、多年平均降雨量、多年平均日照时数均呈弱正相关。  相似文献   
伊通地堑层序构成及层序地层格架样式   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
解习农  刘耀宗 《现代地质》1994,8(3):246-253
伊通地堑充填白垩系、下第三系、上第三系和第四系碎屑沉积物,厚约2000~6000m。地堑内主要发育冲积扇体系、扇三角洲体系和湖泊体系,在地堑不同演化阶段分别构成6种沉积体系域类型.层序地层格架主要受控于构造、物源体系、湖的扩展及萎缩旋回和沉积中心分布。层序地层格架样式显示南北向隆回相间、东缓西陡的不对称式充填特征。  相似文献   
王亮 《贵州地质》2002,19(1):44-51
通过采用先进的重力数据处理软件,对黔东南地区的1:20万布格重力场和剩余重力场等资料,进行了综合处理,重力解译,地质分析,获得了不少新信息和新认识,不仅证实了区内NE向断裂的存在,还发现了EW,NW,SN向的断裂构造,这是开展1:20万区域重力调查和运用先进的重力数据处理技术的一个重要成果。  相似文献   
现有各种资料都说明,"汾渭地堑"实际上包含着分别从始新世和上新世开始发生的3个相互斜列,向西南收敛,向东北撒开的独立地堑。3个地堑分别是由3个背斜轴部的纵向张断裂发育而成的,3个背斜是祁吕贺山字型构造体系弧顶东侧的组分。据此,对该区地震、现今地裂缝、地热异常、地下水量和水质,以及某些地方性疾病的分布等,都给予了合理的地质解释。  相似文献   
半地堑盆地演化机制的粘弹塑数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汤良杰 《地学前缘》2000,7(4):441-448
利用新近完成的粘弹塑构造模拟软件包对盆地的动力学演化进行了一系列模拟。文中主要概述不同厚度的上地壳中由高角度平面正断层界定的半地堑盆地的演化模拟。模拟时上地壳被考虑成具有Byerlee型强度包络 ,并且位于无粘性基底之上 ,盆地中由密度比地壳密度小的沉积物充填。计算了以一定增量逐渐拉伸上地壳层时各个阶段的非静岩应力 (Nonlitho staticstress)、塑性破裂 (Plasticfailure)分布及挠曲剖面 (Flexureprofile)。塑性变形使得有效弹性厚度减小。到切穿破裂出现以前 ,断层断距一直增加 ,之后 ,断距基本停止增加。所以 ,地壳强度使沉降量和隆升量均有极限。上地壳层厚度和沉积物密度是控制盆地宽度和极限深度的两个重要因素 ,上地壳层厚度增加或者沉积物密度加大都使盆地宽度和深度增大。模拟结果可以解释一些大陆裂谷盆地的宽度和沉积深度。  相似文献   
Experiments on extensional faulting were performed with semi-brittle talc-sand beds resting on a ductile clay base. The experiments show that the development of graben in the talc-sand beds is controlled by the deformation in the ductile basement. Graben-like structures form only when there is a non-uniform stretching in the basement. Uniform extension at the basement level fails to produce any such structures. Grabens initiate as large synclinal structures (sag). The sag is generated either by a downward flexing of the talc-sand bed on a ductile basement or by non ****-uniform thinning of beds. Listric master faults bounding the grabens intersect the basement at high angles. The master faults that initiate as curved shear planes rotate further with continued extension. At the initial stage, the graben structures are associated with normal drags, and with progressive deformation, drag patterns change from normal to a reverse one.  相似文献   
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