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长江经济带城市群要素集聚能力差异的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
城市群作为当前区域发展的主要空间载体,在区域发展竞争中扮演着越来越重要的角色。论文结合互联网大数据抓取等手段,以长江经济带5个城市群为研究对象,对城市群间要素集聚能力差异进行比较研究,发现:① 长江经济带城市群间要素集聚能力差异与长江经济带社会经济发展的区域差异相吻合,城市群要素集聚格局呈现出由东向西梯度衰减的分布特征;② 城际层面要素集聚能力差异的两极分化现象显著,以城市群首位城市为中心的要素集聚“核心—边缘”空间结构特征较为鲜明;③ 长江经济带城市群内科技创新、对外开放、金融等要素的集聚格局具有明显的差异分化和集聚分布指向特征;④ 长江经济带城市(群)要素集聚能力等级规模结构分布总体符合位序-规模法则,可分为“均衡型”和“离散型”2种类型,首位城市要素集聚首位度随城市群要素集聚能力高低呈现出“两端高、中间低”的特征。  相似文献   
海洋战略性新兴产业的国际化发展对于建设海洋强国和发展海洋经济具有重要的理论和实际意义。文章分析我国海洋战略性新兴产业国际化起步晚和发展快、产业结构不断完善和区域发展水平存在差异的发展状况,提出目前存在的缺乏区域协调配合和交流合作以及政府支持政策亟须细化等主要问题,探索区域差异化发展模式、产业技术创新联盟合作模式、多元化投融资模式和国际合作模式等海洋战略性新兴产业国际化发展模式,在此基础上提出优化产业结构和布局、完善发展体制机制、加强国际交流合作、加强资金投入和人才培养以及强化示范项目建设的对策建议。  相似文献   
The roots of the Canadian harp seal hunt can be traced to the 16th Century. But in the mid-20th century, opposition to the commercial hunt became widespread after television images of seal pups being killed with clubs on the pack ice off the coast of Newfoundland were broadcast around the world. International conservation groups, animal welfare groups, animal rights groups, and foreign governments have been calling for the Canadian government to end the commercial seal hunt on the grounds that it is inhumane and that harvest levels are unsustainable. The Canadian government defends the traditional practices of hunting harp seals, argues that seal pelts are an important source of income for sealers, and insists that the killing methods are humane and that harvest levels are sustainable. Emotions run high on both sides of the debate. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether or not there is a purely economic argument for ending Canada's commercial seal hunt. The paper finds that the benefits of ending the commercial hunt exceed the costs, but not unequivocally. However, the paper argues there should be a higher criterion—the Pareto criterion—for ending the commercial hunt; that is the hunt should end only if winners compensate the losers. The paper goes on to argue that an effective way to satisfy this criterion is to introduce a system of individual transferable quotas (ITQs) and let the market reveal the value of the commercial seal hunt. In addition to many other advantages such as improving the safety and efficiency of the hunt, the ITQ market could provide a mechanism by which those willing to pay to end the hunt could do so directly to sealers thereby ensuring that the hunt is scaled back or ultimately ended only when it is economically efficient and unambiguously welfare-improving.  相似文献   
湛江具有独特的区位、自然资源和政策优势,但湛江经济发展与广东省其他城市及同批沿海开放城市相比却日趋落后。在剖析湛江经济发展中存在问题的基础上,提出了湛江各级政府应准确定位,彻底转变职能;做大做强支柱产业,积极培育战略产业;加大扶持农业龙头企业力度,提升湛江名牌、特色产品国际竞争力等实现湛江经济跨越式发展的路径。  相似文献   
This paper presents an estimation of the economic effects of the Prestige oil spill in Galicia, focusing on the Death Coast fisheries and using fish landings as a market technique. Examining the evolution of landings in the Death Coast before and after the accident, the analysis reveals two opposing trends, with landings of some species increasing and those of other species diminishing.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the extent to which specialisation gains can be achieved by liberalising access to fishing quotas within the European Union (EU). Fishing quotas are today exchanged between EU member states at a rate of 4% of total turnover in EU fisheries. Germany, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands are the most active. Only one fourth of these exchanges are permanent. With the management systems in EU fisheries differing among countries, comparative advantages in fisheries exist in member states with the best management practices. Hence, although positive but small specialisation gains exist in EU fisheries today, these gains might potentially be increased by liberalising access to fishing quotas and allowing transferability of quotas between individuals from different countries on a permanent basis. Increasing the gains might, however, affect relative stability.  相似文献   
The available data on known reserves of extracted resources have not previously been tabulated and graphed. In this article we compile the reserves data in one place for the first time. This serves to (1) show the trends in the reserves series, (2) make the series available to others, and (3) place the reserves data in the context of price data for which longer series have been available, and with which they can now be seen to be consistent in both showing increasing availability rather than increasing scarcity.  相似文献   
湖南大坊金银矿氧化带特征及工业意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王福山 《湖南地质》1991,10(1):17-24
湖南大坊金银矿位于耒阳—临武南北向构造带中段,控矿层位为石炭系中上统壶天群和下统梓门桥组白云岩。矿体受北西和北东向组扭裂面的控制,产于花岗闪长斑岩内外接触带。氧化带的有用组分为金和银,已圈定矿体7个,其平均品位Au 2.68 g/t,Ag26.20g/t。金的粒度以中—细粒为主,氰化浸出率在91%以上,银经槽浸回收率仅20-30%。鉴于金浸出率高,矿体埋藏浅。开采技术条件简单,交通方便等特点,值得开发利用。  相似文献   
1 mTRoorcnoxThe EnvirDment AgenCy of UK (l997) defins eUtIDPhication as "the enrichInnt of waters byinorgedc plant nUtrientS that result in the simulation of an mp Of syInPtOInati changes. These includethe inCrased PrOduCtiOn Of aigae or othe aquatic PlantS, affeChng the quallty of the water and distUIbingthe balance Of orpedsms Present within it. Such changes Inay be undesirable and intetw with wateuses." Sndth et al. (l999) indicated tha eopation of waters is mainly caused by h…  相似文献   
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