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长江经济带工业废水排放的时空格局演化及驱动因素   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
陈昆仑  郭宇琪  刘小琼  张祚 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1668-1677
利用探索性空间分析方法(ESDA)和迪氏分解模型(LMDI)研究长江经济带2002~2013年工业废水排放的时空格局演化和主要驱动因素。时空格局演化方面,时间上工业废水排放先上升后下降,在2005年达到峰值。空间上,排放量自上游向下游增加;高排放城市减少,中排放城市增多;工业废水排放自下游向中上游转移,并由大城市向中小城市扩散;呈现明显的空间集聚状态。 驱动因素方面,经济发展效应和技术进步效应分别是工业废水排放增多和降低的主导因素;产业结构效应的影响取决于产业发展政策的调整;人口规模效应影响较小。  相似文献   
东北振兴以来吉林省区域经济差异的时空演变研究   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
高翯  王士君  谭亮 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1712-1719
基于吉林省2003~2015年间地区生产总值和人均地区生产总值数据,以市域、县域两个尺度单元为研究对象,采用人口加权变异系数、基尼系数、泰尔指数等统计分析方法,对吉林省东北振兴战略实施以来的13 a内,区域经济差异的时空演变进行定量分析,并运用泰尔指数的分解方法,探讨了吉林省区域经济差异的空间格局。结果发现:① 吉林省区域经济总体差异、市域差异、县域差异均呈逐年下降趋势。 通过差异贡献率显示:县域差异是区域总体差异变化的主导力量,长春市域的内部差异远高于其他市域,但有逐年减小的趋势,长吉两地的二元结构仍然突出,是全省区域经济差异产生的主要来源,主导着全省区域经济差异走向;③ 从2003~2015年来看,全省经济增长速度较快的地区主要还是集中在“三核一带”;吉林省经济差异主要是由资源禀赋、产业结构、极化效应和政策导向等多种因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   
中原经济区干线公路路网通达性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GIS空间分析工具,选取最短时间矩阵、最短路径矩阵、路网密度及通达性系数等指标,对中原经济区干线公路路网通达性进行分析。结果表明:中原经济区公路总长度和高速公路长度逐年快速增加,国道和高速公路分别呈现出"四横五纵"和"米"字型布网。郑州、开封、许昌和新乡因优越的干线公路基础条件和中心地理位置,位居公路路网总距离和总时间排名的前列;运城市、蚌埠市和晋城市则因边缘效应而排名相对靠后。郑州和洛阳的交通中心地位明显,特别是郑州的中心地位更加突出,但以二者为中心交通运输最短时间分布状况欠佳,2 h圈内的城市数量较少。研究区总路网密度较高,区域内路网总容量较大,服务能力和辐射能力较强。高密度路网主要分布在中东部,低密度则分布在北部、西部和南部。高通达性城市主要分布在山东省和河南省,低通达性城市主要分布在河北省、山西省、安徽省及河南省部分省辖市,郑州市干线公路通达性最好,蚌埠市最差。自然地理位置、经济发展水平及交通建设资金投入是影响公路路网通达性的主要因素。  相似文献   
2018年1月27-28日,人文与经济地理学青年论坛暨第二届中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室青年论坛在北京国家会议中心成功举办。论坛以“人文与经济地理学的传承与创新:青年学者的责任与行动”为主题,来自全国100余家高校和研究机构从事人文与经济地理学相关研究的青年学者370余人参会。这说明人文与经济地理学青年学者很活跃、有热情、有担当意识。青年学者要加强学习、传承和发扬人文与经济地理学前辈的精神和知识体系,迎接人文与经济地理学繁荣发展的新时代。  相似文献   
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are important vectors of neoliberal globalization in India. Despite facing widespread resistance against the proposed land acquisition for these zones, they are still being promoted across the country. We argue that the wealth redistribution to the country's elites and the fractured resistance movements enable neoliberalism and its practices to grow in the countryside. Using a private sector SEZ in Gurgaon as a case study, this article explores how special economic zoning, as a neoliberal policy, has been implicated in the spatialized production of poverty. We also show that the main actors who promote neoliberalism in India (the state and the large‐scale urban private sector) have found a seemingly unlikely ally in rural India in the form of farmers with large landholdings, rural elites who are willing to let go of their land under certain conditions. The data for the article was collected in India in 2009–10.  相似文献   
The paper reports on preliminary observations from northern Jordan aimed at testing the view that people migrate from areas of relatively high potential for cultivation to the marginal semi-arid/arid frontier because of social differentiation, political factors or environmental constraints. Cultivated areas have been mapped from multi-date remotely sensed imagery, a typology of fields in the area has been constructed, and their dynamics between 1972 and 1992 analysed. In addition, semi-structured interviews with farmers attempted to understand the reasoning behind village growth, changing farming systems and cultivation practices. The findings are discussed in the context of the area's demography and national and regional shifts in economic policy.  相似文献   
退化土地的生态重建:社会工程途径   总被引:73,自引:5,他引:68  
蔡运龙  蒙吉军 《地理科学》1999,19(3):198-204
土地退化是全球环境变化的主要表现之一,而且与贫困问题互为因果。中国各地土地退化类型中,分布最广、影响最大的是土地沙漠化和土壤侵蚀,连片贫困人口也就分布于这些地区。在人口增长和自然资源需求增加的压力下,让退化土地自然恢复的思路已不切实际,必须通过社会投入对退化土地进行生态重建。重建要医治引起土地退化的经济和社会病根。还需要发达地区和欠发达地区的共同努力,因而是一种社会工程。其途径包括:从满足人民生存  相似文献   
Mount Pinatubo volcano erupted in June 1991 in the main island of Luzon belonging to the Philippines archipelago. Huge economic losses and population exodus have followed. This major crisis has been relayed with other crises due to rain-fed lahars which have been supplied with eruption deposits. These lahars have occurred every year since 1991 during the rainy season. They will probably last until 2005. After a brief presentation of the Philippine official response system to disasters, this paper draws up a critical analysis of the different kinds of institutional and social responses deployed to manage the different crisis and post-crisis phases of this event. Based on three viewpoints: from population, media and other actors, this analysis attempts to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the official management system, especially by studying the efficiency and the range of the solutions taken. So, it appears that the management of the June 1991 main crisis (eruption) was a success. On the other hand, difficulties have occurred with lahars risk management. Indeed, these lahars have obliged the authorities to protect and relocate thousands of people. In spite of persistent problems, the management system (monitoring/warning/evacuation) of lahar crises improves year after year. Failures appear especially within the rehabilitation program (protection/rehousing). Many direct (lack of means, preparedness, coordination, dialog, etc.) and indirect (politico-administrative, socio-economic, cultural contexts) factors come together to lock the wheels of the institutional response system. They defer the socio-economic start of this vital northern Philippines area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
中巴经济走廊是贯通南北丝路的关键枢纽。在全球变暖的背景下, 区域内冰川变化情况复杂, 部分冰川出现前进或跃动现象, 冰湖溃决的风险在不断上升, 进而威胁中巴经济走廊的建设与民生安全。基于1990—2018年Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像, 利用目视解译方法提取了中巴经济走廊3期冰湖编目数据, 并分析了28年来该区域内冰湖的总体变化趋势、 空间异质性以及成因。结果表明: 中巴经济走廊目前共发育有2 380个冰湖, 总面积为(131.76±19.08) km2, 集中分布于喀喇昆仑山脉和喜马拉雅山脉; 1990—2018年期间, 冰湖总体面积扩张速度为0.48%·a-1, 但各个山脉不同规模冰湖面积变化差异较大。中巴经济走廊在气温和降水的共同作用下, 区内冰湖面积呈扩张趋势, 同时气温和降水变化率的空间差异使得冰湖面积变化存在空间差异; 冰川的快速退缩增加了区内冰湖溃决的风险。  相似文献   
When fluid flow passes a cylinder, the drag crisis phenomenon occurs between the sub-critical and the super-critical Reynolds numbers. The focus of the present studies was on the numerical prediction of the drag crisis based on CFD methods. In this work, block structured meshes with refined grids near the cylinder surface and in the downstream were employed. Both 2D and 3D simulations were performed using various turbulence models, including the SST k  ω model, the k  ϵ model, the SST with LCTM, the DES model, and the LES model. In the convergence studies, the effects of the grid size, the time step, the first grid size and the aspect ratio (for 3D simulations) on the solutions were examined. The errors due to spatial and time discretizations were quantified according to a V&V procedure. Validation studies were carried out for various Reynolds numbers between Re = 6.31 × 104 and 7.57 × 105. The averaged drag force, the RMS of lift force and the Strouhal number were compared with experimental data. The studies indicated that standard 2D and 3D RANS methods were inadequate to capture the drag crisis phenomenon. The LES method however has the potential to address the problem.  相似文献   
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