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造山带构造年代学以研究造山带重大地质事件时代,建立时空格架为目的。其实质是研究同位素体系与变质作用的关系,包括变质过程中同位素体系扰动、同位素平衡、同位素均匀化以及锆石增生和放射性成因铅丢失等方面。并以大别山黄土岭麻粒岩和熊店榴辉岩为例阐述了构造年代学的研究方法和步骤,论证大别古陆老于2 814 Ma,大别山早前寒武纪基底变质事件发生在约20亿年前;大别熊店榴辉岩峰变质年龄为468 Ma。  相似文献   
大别山榴辉岩的氦、氩同位素组成及其岩石成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
论述了石榴石和绿辉石的氦、氩同位素地球化学特征,并讨论了大别山榴辉岩的成因。测得3 He/4He 值为(1-19 ~4-63) ×10 - 7 ,40Ar/36Ar 值为1209 ~4416 ,4 He/40Ar 值分布在0-07 ~1-39 范围内,3 He/36 Ar 值的变化范围为(0-59 ~2-85) ×10 - 4 。大别山榴辉岩中保留了原始的稀有气体同位素, 但是退变质作用使氦同位素优先丢失。氦、氩同位素地球化学资料表明,榴辉岩可能形成于亏损的地幔或者是一种亏损型“地幔岩”中  相似文献   
The REE and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopes in three xenoliths from limburgite and scoria-breccias, including spinel-lherzolite, spinel-garnet-lherzolite and phlogopite-gamet-lherzolite, were analysed. The REE contents of the xenoliths are 1.3 to 3.3 times those of the chondrites with their REE patterns characterized by weak LREE depletion. The143Nd/144Nd values of whole rocks and minerals range from 0.51306 to 0.51345 with εNd=+ 8.2− +15.8,206Pb/204 Pb < 18.673, and207Pb/204Pb < 15.574. All this goes to show that the upper mantle in Mingxi at the depth of 67–82 km is a depleted mantle of MORB type, with87Sr/86 Sr ratios 0.70237–0.70390. In Nd-Sr diagram the data points of whole rocks are all out of the mantle array, implying that the xenoliths from Mingxi have more radiogenic Sr isotopes than those of the mantle array.  相似文献   
The 1960 Kapoho lavas of Kilauea’s east rift zone contain 1–10 cm xenoliths of olivine gabbro, olivine gabbro-norite, and gabbro norite. Textures are poikilitic (ol+sp+cpx in pl) and intergranular (cpx+pl±ol±opx). Poikilitic xenoliths, which we interpret as cumulates, have the most primitive mineral compositions, Fo82.5, cpx Mg# 86.5, and An80.5. Many granular xenoliths (ol and noritic gabbro) contain abundant vesicular glass that gives them intersertal, hyaloophitic, and overall ‘open’ textures to suggest that they represent ‘mush’ and ‘crust’ of a magma crystallization environment. Their phase compositions are more evolved (Fo80–70, cpx Mg# 82–75, and An73–63) than those of the poikilitic xenoliths. Associated glass is basaltic, but evolved (MgO 5 wt%; TiO2 3.7–5.8 wt%). The gabbroic xenolith mineral compositions fit existing fractional crystallization models that relate the origins of various Kilauea lavas to one another. FeO/MgO crystal–liquid partitioning is consistent with the poikilitic ol-gabbro assemblage forming as a crystallization product from Kilauea summit magma with ∼8 wt% MgO that was parental to evolved lavas on the east rift zone. For example, least squares calculations link summit magmas to early 1955 rift-zone lavas (∼5 wt% MgO) through ∼28–34% crystallization of the ol+sp+cpx+pl that comprise the poikilitic ol-gabbros. The other ol-gabbro assemblages and the olivine gabbro-norite assemblages crystallized from evolved liquids, such as represented by the early 1955 and late 1955 lavas (∼6.5 wt% MgO) of the east rift zone. The eruption of 1960 Kapoho magmas, then, scoured the rift-zone reservoir system to entrain portions of cumulate and solidification zones that had coated reservoir margins during crystallization of prior east rift-zone magmas. Received: January 7, 1993/Accepted: November 23, 1993  相似文献   
This paper presents new major and trace element data from 150 garnet xenocrysts from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe located in the central part of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province (ADP). Based on the concentrations of Cr2O3, CaO, TiO2 and rare earth elements (REE) the garnets were divided into seven groups: (1) lherzolitic “depleted” garnets (“Lz 1”), (2) lherzolitic garnets with normal REE patterns (“Lz 2”), (3) lherzolitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”), (4) lherzolitic garnets with strongly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 4”), (5) harzburgitic garnets with sinusoidal REE patterns (“Hz”), (6) wehrlitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“W”), (7) garnets of megacryst paragenesis with normal REE patterns (“Meg”). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical garnet studies and modeling results suggest several stages of mantle metasomatism influenced by carbonatite and silicate melts. Carbonatitic metasomatism at the first stage resulted in refertilization of the lithospheric mantle, which is evidenced by a nearly vertical CaO-Cr2O3 trend from harzburgitic (“Hz”) to lherzolitic (“Lz 4”) garnet composition. Harzburgitic garnets (“Hz”) have probably been formed by interactions between carbonatite melts and exsolved garnets in high-degree melt extraction residues. At the second stage of metasomatism, garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”, “W”) were affected by a silicate melt possessing a REE composition similar to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. At the last stage, the garnets interacted with basaltic melts, which resulted in the decrease CaO-Cr2O3 trend of “Lz 2” garnet composition. Cr-poor garnets of megacryst paragenesis (“Meg”) could crystallize directly from the silicate melt which has a REE composition close to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. P-T estimates of the garnet xenocrysts indicate that the interval of ~60–110 km of the lithospheric mantle beneath the V. Grib pipe was predominantly affected by the silicate melts, whereas the lithospheric mantle deeper than 150 km was influenced by the carbonatite melts.  相似文献   
青岛榴辉岩相蛇绿混杂岩的岩石学证据及退变质P-T轨迹   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
青岛榴辉岩相蛇绿混杂岩发育在胶南隆起北缘地缝合线附近,构造侵位于胶南群云母斜长片麻岩中。它主要由斜方辉橄岩、玄武质和玄武安山质火山岩及少量杂砂岩和硅质岩组成。它与一般仰冲蛇绿岩的主要区别是:玄武质和玄武安山质岩石普遍遭受了榴辉岩相变质作用并发生强烈的糜棱岩化和退变质作用。强烈的退变质作用使大部分榴辉岩变为含石榴石石英斜长角闪岩,但仍保留有少量榴辉岩透镜体。它们可能是俯冲陆壳前缘岛弧地壳或岛弧型蛇绿岩残片的推覆体。它的退变质P-T轨迹表明,在其上升过程中热传导速率较高,这可能与该岩石强烈糜棱岩化和含水有关。  相似文献   

镍、钴和铂族元素(PGEs,Platinum group elements)是我国紧缺的关键金属,它们作为亲铁元素主要储存在地核和地幔中。幔源岩浆作用能否超常富集镍、钴和铂族成矿在一定程度上取决于地幔源区这些元素的组成与富集程度,地幔捕虏体可揭示中国大陆岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素的组成与含量。本文总结了中国华北克拉通、华南克拉通和中亚造山带东部等主要构造单元地幔捕虏体中镍、钴和铂族元素的组成与含量,认为:(1)华北和华南克拉通岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素原始含量较高,高于原始地幔,且随深度增加而增加,是镍、钴和铂族元素成矿岩浆的有利地幔源区;(2)镍、钴和铂族元素以纳米原子团簇、合金或硫化物等形式赋存、运移与富集;(3)不同构造单元岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素的富集程度不同;(4)岩石圈地幔镍、钴和铂族元素含量从元古代到新生代有所降低,意味着该区存在镍、钴和铂族元素抽取的岩浆事件,故其成矿潜力巨大。

The high-to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Atbashy complex were petrologically investigated. The eclogites of the Choloktor Formation show a prograde evolution from epidote-blueschist facies(P = 17-21 kbar and T = 450-515 ℃) to peak eclogite-UHP conditions(P = 26-29 kbar and T = 545-615 ℃) with a subsequent epidote-amphibolite and greenschist facies overprint. The micaschists of the Choloktor Formation also show a clockwise P-T path from blueschist/epidote-blueschist facies conditions through peak eclogite facies conditions(P = 21-23 kbar and T = 530-580 ℃) to retrograde epidote-amphibolite and greenschist facies stages. A comparison of the P-T paths in the eclogites and mica-schists of Choloktor Formation reveal that they may have shared their P-T history from peak to retrograde stages. The mica-schists of the Atbashy Formation record peak metamorphism of P = 10-12 kbar and T = 515-565 ℃, which indicates that the highest grade of regional metamorphism in the Atbashy Ridge was epidote-amphibolite facies.The newly obtained P-T conditions for the mica-schists of Choloktor Formation indicate that sheets of sedimentary rocks were brought to great depths along the subduction zone and they metamorphosed under eclogite facies HP conditions. The eclogite blocks were amalgamated with mica-schists of Choloktor Formation in the eclogite facies HP conditions and together they experienced isothermal decompression to ~40 km. During this path, the eclogites and mica-schists of Choloktor Formation docked with mica-schists of Atbashy Formation at 10-12 kbar and 515-565 ℃, and from this depth(~40 km) the whole sequence was exhumed together. These new results improve our understanding of high-pressure metamorphism in subduction-related accretionary prism zones and the exhumation processes of deeply-seated rocks in the Atbashy HP-UHP complex.  相似文献   
华北克拉通是显生宙以来全球古老克拉通破坏最为剧烈的地区。华北克拉通破坏及其相关的科学问题引起了国内外地质学家的广泛关注。有关华北克拉通破坏的研究已取得了许多重要进展,使我们认识到其破坏不仅表现为岩石圈厚度的剧烈减薄,更重要的是岩石圈地幔的物质组成与性质发生了巨大转变,即从古生代克拉通型转变为新生代大洋型。本文在综述华北地幔捕虏体锂同位素地球化学特征的基础上,进一步揭示了华北岩石圈地幔高度不均一的组成特征,以及不同来源的熔体对岩石圈地幔的改造作用,为深入认识华北岩石圈地幔的转变过程提供进一步的制约。  相似文献   
The peridotite xenoliths from Wangqing display a downward-concave PGE pattern with Pt at maximum due to Pt-Pd fractionation, which is different from the flat or negatively sloped patterns commonly observed for worldwide peridotite xenoliths and massifs. Taking into account the difference in partition coefficients of Pt and Pd between alloy and sulfide melt, it is suggested that some of the Wangqing peridotites must have been equilibrated with a melt in which alloy and sulfide coexisted. Segregation of Pt-rich alloy from Pd-sulfide melts due to density contrast and extraction of residual melts without sulfide saturation resulted in the fractionation of Pt from Pd. Project supported by the Ministry of Human Affairs and a part of an international collaboration program between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), and Australian Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Engineering (AINSE) grant to SJR.  相似文献   
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