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A suite of rocks from Borra Carbonate Granulite Complex (BCGC) in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt displays superposed structures and overprinted mineral assemblages that reveal multiple episodes of tectonothermal reworking of the complex under granulite facies condition. Five distinct episodes of deformation (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) and four phases of metamorphism (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are recorded. The signature of the earliest tectonothermal event, D1 is a gneissic foliation (S1) denned by segregation of peak granulite facies mineral assemblages corresponding to prograde M1 metamorphism. M2 metamorphic overprint represents an episode of near-isobaric cooling of the complex under a static condition. D2 represents an episode of ductile deformation manifested by isoclinal folding (F2) and associated extensional structures, within a broad framework of coaxial bulk deformation. The present study reveals that D2 took place subsequent to M2 - Subsequent deformation, D3, produced F3 folds and also deformations of boudins formed during D2. M3, which is synchronous with F3, represents a near isothermal decompression of the BCGC. This was followed by a weak structural readjustment (D4), producing E-W cross folds. The latter was not, however, associated with any recognizable petrological reworking. In the terminal events, deformation (D5) and mineral reactions (M4) were localized along narrow intersecting shear zones. The latter acted as channelways for carbonic and still later hydrous fluid infiltration. The available thermobarometric data from BCGC and other areas of the Eastern Ghats belt reveal that reworking during M2 and M3 ensued in a thermally perturbed regime. The high thermal regime might also have persisted during carbonic fluid infiltration related to terminal reworking (M4).  相似文献   
This article presents various tests using a cyclic triaxial instrument, on samples of saturated Hostun RF sand, reinforced with circular sheets of geosynthetic material. Tests performed with different types of geosynthetics of different compressibility, rigidity and roughness characteristics indicate a significant increase in liquefaction resistance for samples reinforced with compressible, non-woven geotextiles. The undrained behaviour of saturated Hostun RF sand reinforced with non-woven geotextiles is analysed on the basis of different test series. This analysis highlights the influence of reinforcement compressibility on interstitial pressure distribution in the sample, thus showing the role of this type of inclusion in the increase in liquefaction resistance.  相似文献   
研究区自加里东期运动以来,经历了复杂的构造-岩浆-热演化过程。在分析岩浆活动特征及其形成的构造环境的基础上,探讨了研究区沉积岩系及其中有机质的热变质作用。  相似文献   
Zoned garnet and amphibole occur in metabasites of the KraubathMassif, Eastern Alps, that contain relic magmatic clinopyroxene.The amphibole composition gradually changes from core (XMg =0·83) to rim (XMg = 0·6–0·7). A numberof compositional varieties of garnet occur in the metabasite.An older porphyroblastic garnet (Py23–27, Alm41–43,Grs29–33) has two different compositional domains, onerelatively rich in Mg (Py27–30) and the other rich inCa (Grs35–38) with a low Mg (Py20–25) content. Theyoungest variety, which forms rims on, or microveins in, theporphyroblastic garnet, has high Ca and low Mg (Grs40–57,Py2–7, Alm46–51). The amphibole cores and garnetporphyroblasts are interpreted to represent minerals formedduring Variscan regional metamorphism under amphibolite-faciesconditions. Alpine metamorphism is represented by the most recentCa-rich and Mg-poor variety of garnet that coexists with theamphibole rims, epidote and chlorite. Fracturing in the porphyroblasticgarnet probably originated during retrogression of the Variscanamphibolite-facies assemblages. Textural relations suggest thatthe garnet in the microveins formed by dehydration of hydrousphases during an Alpine metamorphic overprint that reached PTconditions of 550–583°C at 1·0 GPa. KEY WORDS: microveins; garnet; metabasites; Kraubath Massif; Eastern Alps  相似文献   
In the Vizianagaram area (E 83°29.442′; N 18°5.418′) of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, a suite of graphite‐bearing calc‐silicate granulites, veined by syenitic rocks, developed wollastonite‐rich veins at 6–7 kbar and > 850 °C. During subsequent near‐isobaric cooling wollastonite was replaced by calcite + quartz and a graphic intergrowth of fluorite + quartz ± clinopyroxene. Titanite with variable Al and F contents is present throughout the rock. Combining the compositional variation of titanite and recent experimental data, it is demonstrated that the mineral assemblage, the composition of coexisting fluids and the mobility of Al exert a far greater control on the composition of titanite than pressure, temperature or the whole rock composition. Thermodynamically computed isothermal–isobaric logfO2– logfCO2 and logfF2– logfO2 grids in the systems Ca–Fe–Si–O–F (CISOF; calcite‐free) and Ca–Fe–Si–O–F–C–H (CISOFV; calcite‐present) demonstrate the influence of bulk rock and fluid compositions on the stability of the fluorite‐bearing assemblages in diverse geological environments and resolve the problem of the stability of titanite in fayalite + fluorite‐bearing rocks in the Adirondacks. The mineralogy of the studied rocks and the topological constraints tightly fix the logfO2, logfF2 and logfCO2 at ?15.8, ?30.6 and 4.1, respectively, at 6.5 kbar and c. 730 °C. Because of the similarity in the P–T conditions, the compositions of pore fluids in the fluorite‐bearing assemblages of the Adirondacks and the Eastern Ghats Belt have been compared.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt along the east coast of India shares a thrusted lower contact with the surrounding cratons. The thrust, known as the Terrane Boundary shear zone, is associated with two large lateral ramps resulting in a curved outline on the northwestern corner of the mobile belt. The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt is divided into two lithotectonic units, the Lathore Group and the Turekela Group, based on their lithological assemblages and deformational history. On the basis of published data from a Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile of the Eastern Ghats crust, the Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is considered to be listric in nature and acts as the sole thrust between craton and mobile belt. The Lathore and Turekela Groups are nappes. With this structural configuration the NW part is described as a fold thrust belt. However, the thrusting postdates folding and granulite metamorphism that occurred in the Eastern Ghats, as in the Caledonide type of fold thrust belt of NW Scotland. The Terrane Boundary Shear Zone is interpreted to be contiguous with the Rayner-Napier boundary of the Enderby Land in a Gondwana assembly.  相似文献   
The global climate changings at the end of Pleistocene led to extinction of the typical representatives of Mammoth fauna–mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, wild horse, bison, muskox, cave lion, etc.–on the huge territories of Northern Eurasia. Undoubtedly the Mammoth fauna underwent pressure from the Upper Paleolithic Man, whose hunting activity also could play the role in decreasing the number of mammoths and other representatives of megafauna (large mammals). Archaeological data testify that the typical representatives of Mammoth fauna were the Man's hunting objects only till the end of the Pleistocene. Their bone remains are not usually found on the settlements of Mesolithic Man. Formerly it was supposed that the megafauna of ‘Mammoth complex’ was extinct by the beginning of Holocene. Nevertheless the latest data testify that the global extinction of the Mammoth fauna was sufficiently delayed in the north of Eastern Siberia. In the 1990s some radiocarbon data testified that the mammoths on the Wrangel Island existed for a long time during the Holocene from 8000 till 3700 y. BP. The present radiocarbon data show that wild horses inhabited the north of Eastern Siberia (the lower stream of the Enissey river, the Novosibirskie Islands, the East Siberian sea-shore) 3000–2000 y. BP. Musk-oxen lived on the Taimyr Peninsula and the Lena River delta about 3000 y. BP. Some bison remains from Eastern Siberia belong to the Holocene. The following circumstances could promote the process of preservation of the Mammoth fauna representatives. The cool and dry climate of this region promotes the maintenance of steppe associations – habitats of those mammals. The Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic settlements are not found in the Arctic zone of Eastern Siberia from the Taimyr Peninsula to a lower stream of the Yana River; they are very rare in the basins of the Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. So, the small number of the Stone Age hunting tribes on the North of Eastern Siberia was another factor in the long-term preservation of some Mammoth fauna representatives.  相似文献   
The Kunavaram alkaline complex is a NE-SW trending elongate body located along a major lineament, the Sileru Shear Zone (SSZ) that is regarded as a Proterozoic suture related to Indo-Antarctica collision. The complex is hosted within migmatitic quartzofeldspathic gneisses, mafic granulites retrogressed to amphibolites, and quartzites. The structural evolution of the country rocks and the alkaline complex are similar. The first phase of deformation, D1, produces a pervasive segregation banding (S1) in all rock units within and outside the complex. A second deformation phase D2 isoclinally folded S1 along subvertical axial planes with shallow plunging axes. F2 isoclinal folds are ubiquitous in the country rocks and the eastern extremity of the complex. In the interior of the alkaline body, D2 strain decreases and S1 is commonly subhorizontal. While amphibolite to granulite facies conditions prevailed during deformation, post-D2 annealing textures testify to persisting high grade conditions. In the west, a NNE-SSW trending dextral shear zone with strike-slip sense (D3) truncates the complex. Within this shear zone, quartzofeldspathic country rocks are plastically deformed, while hornblende-K-feldspar assemblages of the complex are retrogressed to biotite and plagioclase. Warping related to D3 shears also resulted in fold interference patterns on the subhorizontal S1 foliation in low D2 strain domains. Based on its steep dip, north-easterly trend, and non-coaxial nature with dextral strike-slip sense, the D3 shear zone can be correlated with the SSZ. Since this shear zone, i.e., the SSZ, is not associated with primary igneous fabrics and resulted in solid state deformation of the complex, it cannot be considered as a conduit for alkaline magmatism, but is probably responsible for the post-tectonic disposition of the pluton.  相似文献   
Knickpoint behaviour is a key to understanding both the landscape responses to a base‐level fall and the corresponding sediment fluxes from rejuvenated catchments, and must be accommodated in numerical models of large‐scale landscape evolution. Knickpoint recession in streams draining to glacio‐isostatically uplifted shorelines in eastern Scotland is used to assess whether knickpoint recession is a function of discharge (here represented by its surrogate, catchment area). Knickpoints are identified using DS plots (log slope versus log downstream distance). A statistically significant power relationship is found between distance of headward recession and catchment area. Such knickpoint recession data may be used to determine the values of m and n in the stream power law, E = KAmSn. The data have too many uncertainties, however, to judge definitively whether they are consistent with m = n = 1 (bedrock erosion is proportional to stream power and KPs should be maintained and propagate headwards) or m = 0·3, n = 0·7 (bedrock incision is proportional to shear stress and KPs do not propagate but degrade in place by rotation or replacement). Nonetheless, the E Scotland m and n values point to the dominance of catchment area (discharge) in determining knickpoint retreat rates and are therefore more consistent with the stream power law formulation in which bedrock erosion is proportional to stream power. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Causes for continuous siltation of the lower Yellow River   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Changxing Shi   《Geomorphology》2005,68(3-4):213-223
Previous studies indicate that aggradation of a river channel is caused by upriver and/or downriver controls, but the evaluation of their relative importance is often difficult. A method is proposed to isolate the effect of the downriver control based on the slopes of the existing river profile, those of the graded profile estimated from the discharge-sediment relationship and slope reduction due to local base-level rise. The method was applied to the rapidly aggrading lower Yellow River. The downriver control in this case refers to the local base-level rise associated with deltaic extension during the period under discussion. The result shows that the main portion of siltation along the river is not caused by downriver control but by the slope difference between the existing and the graded profiles over a period within the last 700 years, assuming conditions of discharge and sediment load during the period from 1962 to 1985 are reflective of the long term. The marked slope difference between the existing and the graded profiles of the river is a result of changes in the river environment in the past several thousand years including the increase of sediment load, local base-level rise associated with river lengthening by deltaic growth, and relative sea-level rise due to tectonic subsidence of the coastal alluvial plain.  相似文献   
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