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A Late Eocene foraminiferal fauna of free specimens is recorded from Cascade Seamount, a feature of volcanic origin, whose age and fauna were previously studied only in thin section. The fauna is of Late Eocene (P15) age because of the presence of Globigerapsis index, Globigerapsis rubriformis, Subbotina linaperta, Subbotina angiporoides and Chiloguembelina cubensis. Many typical Eocene indicators, such as Hantkenina, Pseudohastigerina and key globorotaliids, are absent. The age is a little older than that estimated for previous samples from the seamount. The fauna is dominated (78%) by benthic species, especially species of Cibicides that have greater affinities with New Zealand faunas than with coeval southern Australian faunas. The sediment and its fauna accumulated near the lower limits of wave activity, off the coast of a volcano that probably stood at least 400 m above sea level. The location has subsided nearly 1000 m over the past 40 million years to its present water depth of 1000 m, suggesting that the entire East Tasman Plateau was approximately 1000 m above its current depth at the time. Conditions were cool temperate and the fauna lacks any warm water indices, consistent with a palaeolatitude of 55–60°S, but also with cool waters at a time of oscillating conditions in southern Australia and also in Antarctica. There is essentially no infauna and the waters were highly oxygenated in the turbulent zone.  相似文献   
多筒吸力平台沉放调平模型试验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
丁红岩  王立国  杜杰 《岩土力学》2004,25(3):386-390
描述了位于渤海辽东湾93地区人工岛靠船系缆平台沉放调平模型的试验过程,系缆平台的基础采用了三筒结构型式,这也是我国应用于海洋工程的第一个多筒型基础平台,尽管海上施工前对筒型基础沉放已有了一定的经验, 但多数都是基于吸力锚或单筒式吸力平台结构,对于多筒式吸力基础平台还没有任何的工程经验。试验为海上原型结构沉放施工可行性及施工调平程序的编制起到了一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
文章报道了东南极格罗夫山地区蓝冰表面碎石带新生代冰碛岩(物)漂砾中微体古生物化石的分析结果及其意义。研究发现这些冰碛物(岩)内含有少量孢粉,而未见硅藻及其他微体化石。孢粉以裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子为主、被子植物花粉含量相对稀少为特征。值得注意的是,在所分析的4个样品中,均发现至今在南半球仍有分布的特有属假山毛榉(Nothofagus)花粉,由于该属花粉及大植物化石曾发现于横跨南极山脉上新的天狼星群(SiriusGroup)中,它的存在反映当时古气候温暖湿润。在样品S1507和S1509中发现蒿属(Artemisia)花粉,其出现所代表的时代推测为新近纪,很可能为上新世。格罗夫山地区冰碛物中的这一孢粉特征可能反映了南极地区上新世曾经发生过较大规模的气候变暖和冰川退缩事件。  相似文献   
The eastern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) has a long lasting geological record of Precambrian age. Archaean and Proterozoic strata are exposed in the western fold-and-thrust belt of the Uralides and are known from drill cores and geophysical data below the Palaeozoic cover in the Uralides and its western foredeep. In the southern Uralides, sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks of Riphean and Vendian age occur in the Bashkirian Mega-anticlinorium (BMA) and the Beloretzk Terrane. In the eastern part of the BMA (Yamantau anticlinorium) and the Beloretzk Terrane, K-Ar ages of the <2-µm-size fraction of phyllites (potassic white mica) and slates (illite) give evidence for a complex pre-Uralian metamorphic and deformational history of the Precambrian basement at the southeastern margin of the EEC. Interpretation of the K-Ar ages considered the variation of secondary foliation and the diagenetic to metamorphic grade. In the Yamantau anticlinorium, the greenschist-facies metamorphism of the Mesoproterozoic siliciclastic rocks is of Early Neoproterozoic origin (about 970 Ma) and the S1 cleavage formation of Late Neoproterozoic (about 550 Ma). The second wide-spaced cleavage is of Uralian origin. In the central and western part of the BMA, the diagenetic to incipient metamorphic grade developed in Late Neoproterozoic time. In post-Uralian time, Proterozoic siliciclastic rocks with a cleavage of Uralian age have not been exhumed to the surface of the BMA. Late Neoproterozoic thrusts and faults within the eastern margin of the EEC are reactivated during the Uralian deformation.  相似文献   
东海地区重磁场特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重磁方法是地球物理研究中的重要分支,其以位场理论为基础,具有在水平方向上的高分辨率能力并能够提供地壳深部结构的信息,从而对于研究沉积盆地的形成演化过程起着经济有效的作用.文章以东海地区近年的重磁数据为基础,分析了重磁场特征,布格异常值介于-160~460 mGal,在正值背景上发育一些局部的重力低圈闭,布格重力异常的主体走向为NE向,磁力异常值介于-200~+ 500 nT,磁力异常的主体走向为NE向.同时,利用磁异常数据计算了东海的磁性基底界面,磁性基底深度在4~12 km之间变化,各个地区磁性基底深度起伏变化不同,结合前人研究成果,认为东海地区广泛存在中生界地层.  相似文献   
“自适应海洋观测”指固定或移动的海洋观测平台能够根据海洋环境和信号的变化,自主调节测量和运行参数,获取最关键的海洋信息.自主水下航行器运用自适应检测和采样技术,在研究上升流锋面等实验中显示出前所未有的观测准确度和效率.一个海洋观测系统的综合效能,取决于固定平台和移动平台的功能互补以及自适应观测能力的增强.  相似文献   
在前人研究成果和野外地质调查的基础上,系统研究了东天山南北两侧(准噶尔东缘和吐哈北缘)早二叠世沉积序列、岩相组合、古流向及盆地演化。研究表明,早二叠世准噶尔盆地东缘石人子沟组和塔什库拉组发育枕状玄武岩、流纹岩等双峰式火山岩建造和海相砂、泥质及碳酸盐岩复理石相沉积,并含有大量的海相生物化石,指示了海相裂谷盆地环境。吐哈北缘发育依尔希土组,以安山岩、流纹质火山岩及火山碎屑岩夹陆相碎屑岩为主,表现为陆相裂谷盆地环境。东天山南北两侧古流向及物源显示,东天山北侧,早二叠世古水流指向东南方向,在其南侧古水流指向西北部凹陷区,并且物源主要来自下伏前二叠纪岩石建造,表明早二叠世时期东天山博格达地区为汇水沉积区,且由东至西分别发育陆相和海相裂谷盆地,至早二叠世末期整体演化为陆相坳陷盆地。而导致东天山南北两侧早二叠世沉积环境迥异的原因是,石炭纪博格达裂谷东段祁家沟-天池地区和西段吐哈北缘地区演化的差异,造成随后的闭合阶段中东段早闭合、沉积环境“突变”,西段晚闭合和沉积环境“渐变”的不同过程。  相似文献   
南海油气资源储量巨大,近年来周边国家对该海域油气资源的争夺日益白热化,南海领土及油气资源归属的矛盾日益突出,及时监测海上油气钻井平台的分布及其变化状况,对维护国家海洋权益和海洋资源环境保护具有重要意义.针对南海油气钻井平台的监测问题,从遥感影像的数据源选择和识别方法2个方面对近年来南海油气钻井平台的遥感监测情况进行了分...  相似文献   
Quaternary mafic lavas from Lake Turkana (northern Kenya) provideinformation on processes operating beneath the East AfricanRift in an area of anomalous lithospheric and crustal thinning.Inferred depths of melting beneath Turkana (15–20 km)are shallower than those recorded elsewhere along the rift,consistent with the anomalously thin crustal section. The maficlavas have elevated incompatible trace element contents whencompared with mid-ocean ridge basalts, requiring an enrichmentevent in the source region. Basalts with low Sr isotopic ratios(  相似文献   
东天山尖山铜矿床地质特征及成矿规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古学伟  郭全 《新疆地质》2007,25(3):274-278
尖山铜矿位于塔里木板块觉罗塔格晚古生代沟弧带南缘,赋矿地层为下石炭统白鱼山组,含矿岩性为安山质凝灰岩.矿体受康古尔塔格深大断裂之分支断裂苦水大断裂形成的低序次层间断裂破碎带控制,矿体形态为细长脉状.近矿围岩蚀变主要为绿帘石化、绿泥石化、阳起石化、黄铁矿化及绢云母化等,成因类型为中-低温热液石英脉型.  相似文献   
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