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印度夏季风与中国华北降水的遥相关分析及数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘芸芸  丁一汇 《气象学报》2008,66(5):789-799
20世纪80年代中国学者揭示了印度夏季风与中国华北降水的正相关关系,以后国内外又有一些研究证实了这种正相关关系的存在.文中利用1951-2005年多种气象资料和数值模拟方法,详细讨论了印度夏季风和中国华北地区夏季降水的关系,并针对由印度西北部经青藏高原到中国华北地区形成的正、负、正的遥相关型,从动力因子和热力因子两方面探讨了其中的内在联系,所得结果不但确证了以往的结论,而且进一步揭示了印度夏季风对华北地区降水的影响机制.结果表明:(1)印度夏季风强(弱)时,华北地区容易出现降水偏多(少)的天气;华北地区降水偏多(少)时,印度夏季风偏强(弱)的机率却低一些,这说明印度夏季风的异常变化对华北地区夏季降水有更大的影响.(2)印度夏季风强度主要受印度季风槽的影响,在印度季风槽加深的同时,中高纬的低压槽也加深发展,而这时西太平洋高压脊西伸,来自低纬的西南风水汽输送和源于西太平洋的副热带高压南侧的东南风水汽输送共同作用,有利于华北地区的降水偏多;反之则不利于华北地区的降水.(3)区域气候模式模拟结果也很好地模拟出印度夏季风和华北夏季降水的遥相关关系,其相应的环流异常系统与诊断分析结果非常一致,这从另一方面证实了这种遥相关关系的存在和可靠性.  相似文献   
近40年东亚季风变化特征及其与海陆温差关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 计算了乔云亭等定义的1957—2000年东亚季风指数, 研究了各指数之间相互关系和年际变化的主要特征, 在此基础上又利用全国194站1957—2000年地面资料分析东亚季风指数的年际变化与各气象要素场的年际变化之间的关系以及我国近40年气候变化特点。结果表明:西南季风、东南季风和偏北季风的年变化有所差异; 夏季, 东部地区降水量与相对应各个海区海陆温差负相关显著, 并且江淮区对应的海陆温差与东北区和华北区夏季降水有较好的正相关关系, 当江淮区对应的海陆温差降低时, 江淮区夏季降水量增加, 华北区和东北区夏季降水量减少; 经过前后两段时期 (1957—1978年和1979—2000年) 对比发现海陆温差变化对我国季风区夏季降水的影响在增强。同时, 发现850 hPa气温变化在前后两段时期也发生了显著变化, 1979年之前我国东部升温最快的区域位于华北西南部和江淮东部, 1979年之后升温最快的区域转移到江淮西部和我国东南部的海面上。  相似文献   
Source identification of PM2.5 particles measured in Gwangju, Korea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The UNMIX and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor models were used to investigate sources of PM2.5 aerosols measured between March 2001 and February 2002 in Gwangju, Korea. Measurements of PM2.5 particles were used for the analysis of carbonaceous species (organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC)) using the thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method, the investigation of seven ionic species using ion chromatography (IC), and the analysis of twenty-four metal species using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES)/ICP-Mass Spectrometry (MS). According to annual average PM2.5 source apportionment results obtained from CMB calculations, diesel vehicle exhaust was the major contributor, accounting for 33.4% of the measured PM2.5 mass (21.5 μg m− 3), followed by secondary sulfate (14.6%), meat cooking (11.7%), secondary organic carbon (8.9%), secondary nitrate (7.6%), urban dust (5.5%), Asian dust (4.4%), biomass burning (2.8%), sea salt (2.7%), residual oil combustion (2.6%), gasoline vehicle exhaust (1.9%), automobile lead (0.5%), and components of unknown sources (3.4%). Seven PM2.5 sources including diesel vehicles (29.6%), secondary sulfate (17.4%), biomass burning (14.7%), secondary nitrate (12.6%), gasoline vehicles (12.4%), secondary organic carbon (5.8%) and Asian dust (1.9%) were identified from the UNMIX analysis. The annual average source apportionment results from the two models are compared and the reasons for differences are qualitatively discussed for better understanding of PM2.5 sources.Additionally, the impact of air mass pathways on the PM2.5 mass was evaluated using air mass trajectories calculated with the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) backward trajectory model. Source contributions to PM2.5 collected during the four air mass patterns and two event periods were calculated with the CMB model and analyzed. Results of source apportionment revealed that the contribution of diesel traffic exhaust (47.0%) in stagnant conditions (S) was much higher than the average contribution of diesel vehicle exhaust (33.4%) during the sampling period. During Asian dust (AD) periods when the air mass passed over the Korean peninsula, Asian dust and secondary organic carbon accounted for 25.2 and 23.0% of the PM2.5 mass, respectively, whereas Asian dust contributed only 10.8% to the PM2.5 mass during the AD event when the air mass passed over the Yellow Sea. The contribution of biomass burning to the PM2.5 mass during the biomass burning (BB) event equaled 63.8%.  相似文献   
ENSO发展和衰减阶段的陕西夏季降水异常特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1961—2008年陕西78个气象站夏季 (6—8月) 降水资料、NCEP/NCAR位势高度场和风场月平均再分析资料,采用合成及相关分析方法探讨ENSO发展和衰减阶段对陕西夏季降水异常的影响,以期为陕西夏季降水的气候预测提供线索和依据。结果表明:陕西夏季降水异常对ENSO发展和衰减阶段的响应存在显著差异,El Ni?o发展阶段和La Ni?a衰减阶段,陕西夏季降水偏少; El Ni?o衰减阶段和La Ni?a发展阶段,陕西夏季降水偏多; ENSO不同阶段对陕西7月降水影响最为显著。比较而言,El Ni?o事件对陕西夏季降水的影响更加显著。在El Ni?o衰减、La Ni?a发展阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏强、偏西,东亚夏季风偏弱,而在El Ni?o发展、La Ni?a衰减阶段,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏东,东亚夏季风偏强,El Ni?o过程对东亚夏季风强弱的影响更加显著。ENSO发展和衰减阶段通过影响大气环流变化和东亚夏季风的强弱,进而影响陕西夏季降水。  相似文献   
南亚高压强度的年代际变化及可能原因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和NOAA ERSST海温资料,对夏季南亚高压的年代际变化特征及其可能机制进行了分析。结果表明,南亚高压由弱到强的年代际转折发生在1970年代末,或者说南亚高压强度在1978年前后发生了年代际突变。对南亚高压偏弱和偏强两个阶段的对比分析表明,大气环流(包括风场、温度场和垂直运动场等)的异常形势和特征显著不同,几乎是相反的。夏季地表潜热通量异常的分析说明,夏季高原(特别是高原西北部)的地表热通量异常对南亚高压强度的年代际变化有重要影响;相对而言,地表感热通量异常可能对南亚高压强度的年代际变化起更重要作用。夏季热带印度洋海温的全区一致型模态在1970年代末也发生了明显的年代际变化,与南亚高压强度的年代际异常有很好的一致性,表明夏季热带印度洋海温一致型模态异常对南亚高压年代际变化有影响。   相似文献   
东亚地区水汽输送与重庆夏季旱涝的联系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR(1960—2006年)的全球再分析格点资料,研究了东亚地区水汽输送异常与重庆夏季旱涝的关系。结果表明:当重庆夏季(7~8月)降水偏多(涝)时,欧亚地区中高纬维持"两脊一槽"的"双阻"型:乌拉尔山和鄂霍茨克海地区分别存在阻高,贝加尔湖地区为一槽区。冷空气沿着贝加尔湖槽后偏北风和乌拉尔山阻塞高压的南支西风南下进入中国。热带太平洋地区为显著的高度距平正异常区。副热带地区是高度距平负异常区,西太平洋副热带高压脊线位置偏南、强度偏强。来自热带海洋地区的暖湿气流分别沿西太平洋副热带高压西南侧和经印度、孟加拉湾两条主要路径进入中国。当来自高、低纬地区的冷、暖空气在长江流域中上游相遇,就会造成重庆等长江中上游地区降水异常偏多,发生洪涝。反之,降水偏少(旱)年,在欧亚中高纬地区存在"一槽一脊"的环流形势:乌拉尔山附近为一深厚的槽区;鄂霍茨克海阻塞高压异常发展,一直延伸到贝加尔湖附近;西欧地区维持着深厚的高压脊。西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北、偏东,主体基本退出中国大陆地区。整个热带为高度距平负异常区。这样环流形势致使东亚地区中高纬地区受乌拉尔山大槽影响盛行偏南风,不利于冷空气南下。低纬地区的暖湿气流沿着西太平洋副热带高压南面的东南气流从华南进入中国。这样的环流配置易造成南下的冷空气偏弱,同时使来自热带地区的暖空气向北推进到中国华北和东北地区,致使冷、暖空气无法在长江中上游地区交汇,该区域降水显著减少,形成干旱。  相似文献   
Observations from several data centers together with a categorization method are used to evaluate the IPCC AR4 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Fourth Assessment Report) climate models' performance in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation and monsoon circulation in East Asia. Out of 19 models under examination, 9 models can relatively well reproduce the 1979-1999 mean June-July-August (JJA) precipitation in East Asia, but only 3 models (Category-1 models) can capture the interdecadal variation of precipitation in East Asia. These 3 models are: GFDL-CM2.0, MIROC3.2 (hires), and MIROC3.2 (medres), among which the GFDL-CM2.0 gives the best performance. The reason for the poor performance of most models in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon interdecadal variation lies in that the key dynamic and thermal-dynamic mechanisms behind the East Asian monsoon change are missed by the models, e.g., the large-scale tropospheric cooling and drying over East Asia. In contrast, the Category-1 models relatively well reproduce the variations in vertical velocity and water vapor over East Asia and thus show a better agreement with observations in simulating the pattern of "wet south and dry north" in China in the past 20 years.
It is assessed that a single model's performance in simulating a particular variable has great impacts on the ensemble results. More realistic outputs can be obtained when the multi-model ensemble is carried out using a suite of well-performing models for a specific variable, rather than using all available models. This indicates that although a multi-model ensemble is in general better than a single model, the best ensemble mean cannot be achieved without looking into each member model's performance.  相似文献   
Based on the daily reanalysis data of NCEP / NCAR and by using the method of phase space reconstruction, the point conditional probability density of the subtropical high ridge index are determined and then used, together with their power spectra, to seek the correlation between them and individual monsoon-affecting factors and their power spectra. Through diagnosis, six indexes are discovered that have the most important effects on the subtropical high index. The results of the diagnosis indicate that the technique can identify the factors which are dynamically correlated. It can offer the basis in determining and choosing dynamic conceptual factors.  相似文献   
It is well known that suppressed convection in the tropical western North Pacific(WNP) induces an anticyclonic anomaly,and this anticyclonic anomaly results in more rainfall along the East Asian rain band through more water vapor transport during summer, as well as early and middle summer. However, the present results indicate that during late summer(from mid-August to the beginning of September), the anomalous anticyclone leads to more rainfall over central southern China(CSC), a region quite different from preceding periods. The uniqueness of late summer is found to be related to the dramatic change in climatological monsoon flows: southerlies over southern China during early and middle summer but easterlies during late summer. Therefore, the anomalous anticyclone, which shows a southerly anomaly over southern China, enhances monsoonal southerlies and induces more rainfall along the rain band during early and middle summer. During late summer,however, the anomalous anticyclone reflects a complicated change in monsoon flows: it changes the path, rather than the intensity, of monsoon flows. Specifically, during late summers of suppressed convection in the tropical WNP, southerlies dominate from the South China Sea to southern China, and during late summers of enhanced convection, northeasterlies dominate from the East China Sea to southern China, causing more and less rainfall in CSC, respectively.  相似文献   
黄昕  周天军  吴波  陈晓龙 《大气科学》2019,43(2):437-455
本文通过与观测和再分析资料的对比,评估了LASG/IAP发展的气候系统模式FGOALS的两个版本FGOALS-g2和FGOALS-s2对南亚夏季风的气候态和年际变率的模拟能力,并使用水汽收支方程诊断,研究了造成降水模拟偏差的原因。结果表明,两个模式夏季气候态降水均在陆地季风槽内偏少,印度半岛附近海域偏多,在降水年循环中表现为夏季北侧辐合带北推范围不足。FGOALS-g2中赤道印度洋"东西型"海温偏差导致模拟的东赤道印度洋海上辐合带偏弱,而FGOALS-s2中印度洋"南北型"海温偏差导致模拟的海上辐合带偏向西南。水汽收支分析表明,两个模式中气候态夏季风降水的模拟偏差主要来自于整层积分的水汽通量,尤其是垂直动力平流项的模拟偏差。一方面,夏季阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾的海温偏冷而赤道西印度洋海温偏暖,造成向印度半岛的水汽输送偏少;另一方面,对流层温度偏冷,冷中心位于印度半岛北部对流层上层,同时季风槽内总云量偏少,云长波辐射效应偏弱,对流层经向温度梯度偏弱以及大气湿静力稳定度偏强引起的下沉异常造成陆地季风槽内降水偏少。在年际变率上,观测中南亚夏季风环流和降水指数与Ni?o3.4指数存在负相关关系,但FGOALS两个版本模式均存在较大偏差。两个模式中与ENSO暖事件相关的沃克环流异常下沉支和对应的负降水异常西移至赤道以南的热带中西印度洋,沿赤道非对称的加热异常令两个模式中越赤道环流季风增强,导致印度半岛南部产生正降水异常。ENSO相关的沃克环流异常下沉支及其对应的负降水异常偏西与两个模式对热带南印度洋气候态降水的模拟偏差有关。研究结果表明,若要提高FGOALS两个版本模式对南亚夏季风气候态模拟技巧,需减小耦合模式对印度洋海温、对流层温度及云的模拟偏差;若要提高南亚夏季风和ENSO相关性模拟技巧需要提高模式对热带印度洋气候态降水以及与ENSO相关的环流异常的模拟能力。  相似文献   
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