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The Pengshan Sn-polymetallic ore field is located in the southeastern part of the Yangtze block, spanning the southeast edge of the MLYDZ and the northern edge of the mid-segment of the Jiangnan Uplift, and on one side of the MLYDZ. The studies of LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb chronology and petrogeochemistry for Early Cretaceous acid granites from the Pengshan ore field were carried out in this paper. We report zircon U–Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry for acid granites in the Pengshan ore ...  相似文献   
The Woniusi flood basalts from the Baoshan terrane, SW China, represent a significant eruption of volcanic rocks which were linked to the Late Paleozoic rifting of the Cimmeria from the northern margin of East Gondwana. However, the precise mechanism for the formation and propagation of the rifting is still in debate. Here we report 40 Ar/39 Ar dating, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes for the Woniusi basalts from the Baoshan terrane of SW China, with the aim o...  相似文献   
在山东省莒南地质公园内发现6个小型恐龙足迹化石,被归入足迹属Minisauripus。化石产于下白垩统大盛群田家楼组.时代为早白垩世巴列姆(Barremian)-阿普特期(Apdan)。5个较大,长约6cm,产于下部“主”层面上,其中4个组成2节行迹:1个较小,长约3cm,位于“主”层面30cm之上的上部层面上。山东Minisauripus的特征是:足迹个体小(长3.1~5.6cm,宽2.0~3.7cm),三趾型,略不对称;足迹纵长,各趾近平行,趾垫较清晰;趾末端较钝,但爪迹较尖。Ⅲ趾比Ⅳ趾略长,而Ⅳ趾比Ⅱ趾略长且窄。此外,步幅较长,足长与步长之比约为10:1。与四川、韩国Minisau却淞不同之处是:足迹个体较大,长约是它们的2倍。继中国四川和韩国之后,山东是Minisau而淞在全球的第三个发现点。  相似文献   
In an attempt to elucidate their ages, the often incomplete and poorly known early Permian marine faunas and sequences of India, Tibet, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Oman are compared with those of the Perth, Carnarvon and Canning Basins of Western Australia, where faunas are documented and in sequence, and stratigraphic relationships between units are clear. This comparison indicates that the faunas discussed are Latest Asselian or younger in age, and that most of the underlying glacial beds are probably Early Permian (Asselian) in age. By implication, the Permo‐Carboniferous boundary for Gondwana is considered to lie at or near the base of Unit II/Stage 2 and equivalent palynomorph zones throughout Gondwana.  相似文献   
张明震  戴霜 《地质学报》2013,87(8):1059-1066
内蒙古银根 额济纳旗盆地是我国北方重要的中-新生代陆内含油气盆地,主要出露白垩系冲洪积 河湖相碎屑岩及火山岩夹层。本文描述了在盆地东南部下白垩统巴音戈壁组下段(1号)和苏红图组二段底部(2号)发现的上、下两处原始埋藏的硅化木化石,并探讨了早白垩世时期盆地沉积时的气候环境。两处化石均保存完好,表面结构较为完整。巴音戈壁组上部和苏红图组下部泥岩段孢粉分析结果显示地层时代为早白垩世中晚期。同时,孢粉植物群揭示该时期银根 额济纳旗盆地气候环境温暖湿润,植被茂盛。根据化石保存特征和产出位置的地层岩性,初步推测1号硅化木化石点系冲洪积物快速堆积所致,2号硅化木化石点系火山喷发物瞬间埋藏所致,其埋藏时代大致为早白垩世晚期。  相似文献   
在前人研究成果和野外地质调查的基础上,系统研究了东天山南北两侧(准噶尔东缘和吐哈北缘)早二叠世沉积序列、岩相组合、古流向及盆地演化。研究表明,早二叠世准噶尔盆地东缘石人子沟组和塔什库拉组发育枕状玄武岩、流纹岩等双峰式火山岩建造和海相砂、泥质及碳酸盐岩复理石相沉积,并含有大量的海相生物化石,指示了海相裂谷盆地环境。吐哈北缘发育依尔希土组,以安山岩、流纹质火山岩及火山碎屑岩夹陆相碎屑岩为主,表现为陆相裂谷盆地环境。东天山南北两侧古流向及物源显示,东天山北侧,早二叠世古水流指向东南方向,在其南侧古水流指向西北部凹陷区,并且物源主要来自下伏前二叠纪岩石建造,表明早二叠世时期东天山博格达地区为汇水沉积区,且由东至西分别发育陆相和海相裂谷盆地,至早二叠世末期整体演化为陆相坳陷盆地。而导致东天山南北两侧早二叠世沉积环境迥异的原因是,石炭纪博格达裂谷东段祁家沟-天池地区和西段吐哈北缘地区演化的差异,造成随后的闭合阶段中东段早闭合、沉积环境“突变”,西段晚闭合和沉积环境“渐变”的不同过程。  相似文献   
金岭杂岩体由细粒黑云角闪闪长岩、中细粒黑云角闪闪长岩、中细粒黑云角闪二长闪长岩和细粒角闪二长闪长岩组成,是鲁西地区典型矽卡岩型富铁矿(金岭铁矿)控矿岩体。本次研究对细粒黑云角闪闪长岩和细粒角闪二长闪长岩进行了锆石LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb定年,其结果分别为129.2±3.2 Ma和132.8±1.2 Ma,表明该杂岩体的侵位时代为早白垩世。样品SiO2、K2O和Na2O含量分别介于54.17%~63.73%、1.92%~4.76%和3.10%~5.41%之间,K2O/Na2O为0.58~0.94,A/CNK为0.60~0.93,具有轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损的右倾型稀土配分模式,轻、重稀土分馏程度中等((La/Yb)N=9.94~23.49),Eu异常不明显(δEu=0.84~1.10),具中—弱负Ce异常(δCe=0.56~0.92)。样品以富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、K、U、Pb等)、亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti)以及高Sr/Y为特征。金岭杂岩体为燕山晚期岩浆活动产物,属准铝质高钾钙碱性系列,岩浆主要来源于富集岩石圈地幔的部分熔融,并在岩浆上升侵位的过程中有地壳物质的同化混染。燕山晚期华北克拉通在古太平洋板块俯冲后后撤引起的板内伸展环境下,增厚陆壳减薄阶段,岩浆上侵就位形成金岭杂岩体。  相似文献   
韩善楚  胡凯  曹剑 《地质论评》2013,59(6):1143-1149
华南早寒武世黑色岩系重晶石矿床是全球著名的沉积型层状矿床。本文报道了我们最近的一项新发现,在该区天柱大河边重晶石矿床中首次发现了环带钡冰长石,环带的外带BaO含量1653%~1786%,K2O含量777%~819%,相比而言,核部BaO含量1204%~1421%,K2O含量860%~979%。结合成矿地质背景和已有工作报道,讨论了这一新发现的地质意义。认为这种环带钡冰长石的出现,反映了重晶石成矿受到热水作用影响,且其形成过程中经历了不同期富钡流体的影响,成矿可能属于一种热水、断控、幕式、渐进的过程,这不仅进一步揭示了矿床的热水(液)喷流沉积成因,而且加深了对成矿过程的刻画。该认识还可供全球沉积型重晶石矿床成因研究时类比参考。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the results of the investigation of Pleistocene sediments at the Royal Oak Portal (ROP) site on the new Crossrail scheme near Paddington Station, London. The site was sampled and recorded in May 2011 by archaeologists from Oxford Archaeology commissioned by Crossrail Ltd. The investigation revealed a sedimentary sequence associated with cool climate waterlain deposition towards the edge of the River Westbourne floodplain. During excavation an assemblage of around 100 identifiable large mammal bones was recovered, dating to the Late Pleistocene. The major concentration of bones, from bison and reindeer, was located and excavated from a shallow sequence of sediments. Analysis of the bones indicates that they represent a natural death assemblage, scavenged and subsequently disarticulated, transported by water, exposed and further dispersed and broken by trampling. The site is of regional and national importance because the assemblage derives from a well-constrained geological context, with associated dating evidence suggesting accumulation during the later parts of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 and continuing within MIS 4. The site is also of significance because it is one of a growing number of recently discovered sites away from the main fluvial archive for the British Middle and Upper Pleistocene. These sites have the potential to add significantly to our understanding of parts of the Pleistocene record that remain difficult to document through the investigation of the more active systems associated with major rivers such as the Thames, Severn or Trent.  相似文献   
通过定量分析浙闽地区三个典型剖面(浙江象山石浦、松阳枊城下湖源及福建武夷山崇安) 的暗色岩系沉积期的孢 粉化石,研究了早白垩纪浙闽地区的古气侯特征。研究表明,石浦地区孢粉中Pinuspollenites,Podocarpidites,Celtispollenites 和Ulmuspollenites 含量最多,下湖源地区孢粉以Pinuspollenites,Gleicheiniiidites,Classopollis 和Deltoidospora 为主,崇安地区 孢粉以Classopollis,Tracheid,Pinuspollenites 和Podocarpidites 为主。孢粉化石组合表明,石浦地区为亚热带潮湿气候,气候 变化较小;下湖源地区为亚热带潮湿-半潮湿气候,并出现一次变热变干事件;崇安地区为亚热带半干旱气候,但发生过 数次干旱与潮湿交替的气候波动。总体而言,早白垩纪研究区属于亚热带气候,具有潮湿、干旱交替变化、自东而西越来 越干旱的特征。  相似文献   
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