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This paper develops a parallel dynamic programming algorithm to optimize the joint operation of a multi-reservoir system. First, a multi-dimensional dynamic programming (DP) model is formulated for a multi-reservoir system. Second, the DP algorithm is parallelized using a peer-to-peer parallel paradigm. The parallelization is based on the distributed memory architecture and the message passing interface (MPI) protocol. We consider both the distributed computing and distributed computer memory in the parallelization. The parallel paradigm aims at reducing the computation time as well as alleviating the computer memory requirement associated with running a multi-dimensional DP model. Next, we test the parallel DP algorithm on the classic, benchmark four-reservoir problem on a high-performance computing (HPC) system with up to 350 cores. Results indicate that the parallel DP algorithm exhibits good performance in parallel efficiency; the parallel DP algorithm is scalable and will not be restricted by the number of cores. Finally, the parallel DP algorithm is applied to a real-world, five-reservoir system in China. The results demonstrate the parallel efficiency and practical utility of the proposed methodology. 相似文献
Soil liquefaction induced by earthquakes frequently cause costly damage to pile foundations. However, various aspects of the dynamic behavior and failure mechanisms of piles in liquefiable soils still remain unclear. This paper presents a shake-table experiment conducted to investigate the dynamic behavior of a reinforced-concrete (RC) elevated cap pile foundation during (and prior to) soil liquefaction. Particular attention was paid to the failure mechanism of the piles during a strong shaking event. The experimental results indicate that decreasing the frequency and increasing the amplitude of earthquake excitation increased the pile bending moment as well as the speed of the excess pore pressure buildup in the free-field. The critical pile failure mode in the conducted testing configuration was found to be of the bending type, which was also confirmed by a representative nonlinear numerical model of the RC pile. The experimental results of this study can be used to calibrate numerical models and provide insights on seismic pile analysis and design. 相似文献
In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model is developed adopting the direct analysis method using FLAC 2D software to simulate the complex dynamic soil–structure interaction and treat the behaviour of both soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously. To have a better judgment on the inelastic structural response, three types of mid-rise moment resisting building frames, including 5, 10, and 15 storey buildings are selected in conjunction with three soil types with the shear wave velocities less than 600 m/s, representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee, according to Australian Standards. The above mentioned frames have been analysed under two different boundary conditions: (i) fixed-base (no soil–structure interaction) and (ii) flexible-base (considering soil–structure interaction). The results of the analyses in terms of structural displacements and drifts for the above mentioned boundary conditions have been compared and discussed. It is concluded that considering dynamic soil–structure interaction effects in seismic design of moment resisting building frames resting on soil classes De and Ee is essential. 相似文献
During the past strong ground motions, chimneys constructed according to international standards are representative of similar structures at industrial areas throughout the world, including those collapsed or moderately damaged in earthquake-prone regions. This is due to the specialty of structural characteristics and the special loads acting on the structure such as earthquakes, wind and differences in the level of temperature, etc. In this context, the researchers and designers should focus on the dynamic behavior of chimneys especially under high temperature and seismic effects. For this purpose, the main focus of this study is to evaluate the dynamic response of a chimney under the above-mentioned effects considering soil-structure interaction (SSI). A 52 m steel chimney in Yeşilyurt township of Samsun City in Turkey was studied. The in-situ model testing and numerical models were compared. Before the commissioning of the chimney, a series of tests was realized to define its dynamic characteristics in case of no-heat and after the fabric got to work, the same tests were repeated for the same sensor locations to understand the heat effect on the dynamic response of the chimney. The ambient vibration tests are proven to be fast and practical procedures to identify the dynamic characteristics of those structures. The dynamic testing of the towers promises a widespread use, as the identification of seismic vulnerability of such structures becomes increasingly important. The data presented in this study are considered to be useful for the researchers and engineers, for whom the temperature and SSI effects on steel chimneys are a concern. Using the modal analysis techniques, presented finite element simulation for the soil/pile foundation-chimney interaction system is verified. The results of modal analyses using numerical solutions are shown to have acceptable accuracy compared with results obtained by in-situ test. The present study also aims to provide designers with material examples about the influence of these on the seismic performance of steel chimneys by means of reflecting the changes in the dynamic behavior. 相似文献
本文从库仑破裂应力与动态应力触发原理、观测事实与研究现状以及存在的问题与展望等3个方面介绍了动态应力触发的研究进展。其中,在主震对余震活动、强震对后续远场地震活动、不同破裂类型的地震之间及强震对火山(泥火山)的动态应力触发作用、一次大地震中子事件之间的动态应力触发关系以及动态应力触发的时间延迟等方面进行了详细讨论。分析认为,动态应力触发理论在解释震后余震分布、远程触发以及对火山触发性喷发等方面得到了较好的结果;动态应力触发可能会受断层破裂方式和方向的影响;大地震中子事件之间的动态应力触发关系对震源研究有重要意义;动态应力触发现象普遍存在时间延迟。 相似文献
基于钻孔应变观测资料分析远震造成的动态库仑应力变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
You Lilan Liu Dajie Huang Jia'na Liu Xue Zhou KechangInstitute of Crustat Dynamics SSB Beijing China Wuhan Technical University of Surveying Mapping Wuhan China National Center for Seismic Data Inforraanon SSB Beijing China 《中国地震研究》1994,(3)
This paper makes a probe into the application of the Kalman filtering method to the data processing of across-fault measurements.On the basis of statistical regression,the mathematic and stochastic models of filtration are established by combining the regression method with Kalman filtering.In the filtering computation,not only the randomness of fault movements but also the time-dependent variation of environmental effects have been taken into consideration.By use of the adaptive filtering method,an estimation of the dynamic noise variance matrix is obtained through iteration.Models for one measuring line(leveling line or baseline),two measuring lines(both leveling lines or both baselines)and four measuring lines(two leveling lines and two baselines)are derived and established systematically.By means of these models,the data of across-fault measurements can be processed dynamically in real-time to provide the filtered values of height difference between benchmarks or baseline length at different time in 相似文献
The August 17, 1999 Kocaeli earthquake affected the city of Adapazari, which is located in the northwest of Turkey, with severe liquefaction and bearing capacity failures causing tilting of buildings, excessive settlements and lateral displacements. To understand the stress–strain behavior and pore pressure behavior of undisturbed soils during the earthquake, the cyclic and post-cyclic shear strength tests have been conducted on soil samples obtained from Adapazari in a cyclic triaxial test system within the scope of this research. Cyclic tests have been conducted under stress controlled and undrained conditions. Post-cyclic monotonic tests have been conducted following cyclic tests. The strength curves obtained in the experiments showed that the dynamic resistance of silty sand was found to be 45% lower than those of high plasticity soils (MH). The strength of clayey soils with the plasticity index of PI=15–16% was lower compared to the strength of high plasticity soils. Also, it was observed that silty sand soils had the lowest strength. The dynamic strength of the soils increased with the increase in plasticity. 相似文献
The single tie (sleeper) push test (STPT) is a common method to evaluate the lateral resistance of a railway track sleeper. This methodology evaluates the lateral resistance phenomenon in a static manner despite the fact that the majority of the exerted loads on a railway track have a dynamic nature. For this reason, a mass–spring–damper numerical model was created to investigate the dynamic lateral interaction between an isolated sleeper and ballast layer in the presence of various lateral impact loads. On the basis of the model outputs, a pendulum loading test device (PLTD) was designed and developed in the laboratory. In this regard, a cylindrical hammer with modifiable mass and triggering angle was installed on a steel frame for imposing lateral impact load on an instrumented concrete sleeper. The graphs of the sleeper–ballast interaction force versus the sleeper lateral displacement were extracted for different masses and triggering angles of the hammer. Considering a same condition for sleeper, the maximum value of this interaction force was called the dynamic lateral resistance (DLR) and static lateral resistance (SLR) respect to the dynamic and static states of lateral loading. Comparing the values of the sleeper DLRs and SLR indicated that unlike the constant SLR of 6.5 kN, the DLR was in the range 2–10.2 kN in the impact load domain of 3–40 kN. However, as a key finding, the average slopes of the DLR and SLR graphs were equivalent in the dynamic and static tests. 相似文献