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六横大岙附近海域环境质量现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1995年4月对码头工程区附近海域的水质和沉积物的环境质量现场调查,采用环境质量指数法,评价了该海区水质和沉积物的环境质量状况。结果表明,水质中无机氮严重超标,超三类标准的超标率达100%。无机磷超一类标准的超标率达100%,有个别测站超二类标准。COD、pH、DO、油类均低于一类海水标准。潮间带水质基本符合一类水质要求。底质环境质量现状良好  相似文献   
渤海湾天津近岸海域水环境空间变异分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
朱琳  聂红涛  陶建华 《海洋学报》2007,29(6):134-140
由于海岸带的地理条件和海洋动力特性的复杂性以及人类开发活动对海岸带的影响,近岸海域的生态环境系统在空间分布上有很大的变异性.基于现场实测资料,建立系统的空间变异分析模型,对海岸带生态环境空间变化规律进行分析,可以充分了解不同区域的污染特征和变化趋势.应用所构建的空间变异分析模型对渤海湾天津近岸海域的水环境特性进行分析,结合对应年份的入海流量及其变化,分析了天津渤海湾海岸带污染的主因子和区域水环境的分布特征,结果可以对海洋功能区的划分和水环境综合评价结果进行验证和补充.  相似文献   
吉林省东南部早寒武世晚期地层中含有数层含铜层,它们主要赋存在红色岩层所夹的灰绿黄绿色岩层之中。本区含铜层的形成与当时富氧阶段中的缺氧时期息息相关;而且该类型含铜层主要产自滨海或滨浅海地带,受当时古地理严格控制  相似文献   
孟昭秦 《地质科学》1998,33(4):489-493
通过对陕西耀州窑遗址内4个古窑,临潼兵马俑一号坑,西铜一级公路经过黄堡工地开挖的两个五代窑,以及耀州窑博物馆仓库工地内开挖的一个金代窑和一个春秋窑遗址的古地磁研究,初步得出了西安地区古地磁场变化的规律,为鉴定从春秋到金代西安地区的古遗址、古文物提供了考古地磁学上的一个粗略的标准。  相似文献   
2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震地表破裂带   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:30  
2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级地震是近50年来在我国大陆发生的震级最大、地表破裂最长的地震事件.地震地表破裂带全长426km,宽数米至数百米,总体走向90°~110°,具有明显的破裂分段特征,自西向东由5条次级破裂段组成.各破裂段又由若干更次级左阶或右阶斜列的破裂组成,具有自相似的分形结构特征.地震破裂带以左旋走滑为主,倾滑量很小.宏观震中区位于库赛湖东北93.0°~93.5°E一带的昆仑山南麓断层谷地内.最大地表同震左旋水平位移6.4m,最大垂直位移为4m.地表水平位移沿地震破裂带走向出现6个峰值,各峰值之间存在相对独立的衰减序列,这表明此地震具有多点破裂特征.  相似文献   
浅埋隧道塌方地质灾害成因及风险控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塌方是浅埋隧道施工过程中的主要地质灾害之一,利用风险动态评估模型及风险规避方法进行实时控制是确保隧道施工安全的有效途径。首先,采用洞内外相结合的地质调查方法,分析隧址区地质特征及塌方灾害风险诱因,并建立浅埋隧道塌方风险模糊层次评价模型,进行基于孕险环境的静态风险评估;其次,根据隧道施工过程中揭露的动态信息,对孕险环境进行动态修正,并汲取大气降水、开挖支护措施及监控量测等施工信息,进行隧道施工过程中的动态风险评估;最后,基于动态评估结果提出了风险规避方法,通过对施工方案的审核和优化,达到逐渐降低隧道施工风险、规避地质灾害的目的。该方法成功应用于宜巴高速公路段家屋隧道施工过程中,有效地规避了塌方地质灾害的发生,可为同类工程所借鉴。  相似文献   
Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3-D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure.The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading considering the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem. The models also take into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties. The developed models are incorporated in a computer program PTDDSSA.These analysis/design procedures are incorporated within a code named SARETL developed in this study for stability analysis and remediation of earthquake triggered landslides. In addition to the dynamic inertia forces, the system takes into consideration local site effects.The code is capable of assessing the landslide hazard affecting major transportation routes in the event of earthquakes and preparing earthquake induced landslide hazard maps (i.e., maps showing expected displacements and probability of slope/embankments failure) for different earthquake magnitudes and environmental conditions. It can also beused for proposing a mitigation strategy against landslides.  相似文献   
Quantitatively evaluating the effects of adjusting cropping systems on the utilization efficiency of climatic resources under climate change is an important task for assessing food security in China. To understand these effects, we used daily climate variables obtained from the regional climate model RegCM3 from 1981 to 2100 under the A1B scenario and crop observations from 53 agro-meteorological experimental stations from 1981 to 2010 in Northeast China. Three one-grade zones of cropping systems were divided by heat, water, topography and crop-type, including the semi-arid areas of the northeast and northwest (III), the one crop area of warm–cool plants in semi-humid plain or hilly regions of the northeast (IV), and the two crop area in irrigated farmland in the Huanghuaihai Plain (VI). An agro-ecological zone model was used to calculate climatic potential productivities. The effects of adjusting cropping systems on climate resource utilization in Northeast China under the A1B scenario were assessed. The results indicated that from 1981 to 2100 in the III, IV and VI areas, the planting boundaries of different cropping systems in Northeast China obviously shifted toward the north and the east based on comprehensively considering the heat and precipitation resources. However, due to high temperature stress, the climatic potential productivity of spring maize was reduced in the future. Therefore, adjusting the cropping system is an effective way to improve the climatic potential productivity and climate resource utilization. Replacing the one crop in one year model (spring maize) by the two crops in one year model (winter wheat and summer maize) significantly increased the total climatic potential productivity and average utilization efficiencies. During the periods of 2011–2040, 2041–2070 and 2071–2100, the average total climatic potential productivities of winter wheat and summer maize increased by 9.36%, 11.88% and 12.13% compared to that of spring maize, respectively. Additionally, compared with spring maize, the average utilization efficiencies of thermal resources of winter wheat and summer maize dramatically increased by 9.2%, 12.1% and 12.0%, respectively. The increases in the average utilization efficiencies of precipitation resources of winter wheat and summer maize were 1.78 kg hm−2 mm−1, 2.07 kg hm−2 mm−1 and 1.92 kg hm−2 mm−1 during 2011–2040, 2041–2070 and 2071–2100, respectively. Our findings highlight that adjusting cropping systems can dominantly contribute to utilization efficiency increases of agricultural climatic resources in Northeast China in the future.  相似文献   
方宏伟  李长洪  李波 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):156-164
基于滑移线场理论,按边坡坡面变形量评价其稳定性,提出均质边坡极限曲线法。该法是求有重边坡极限荷载的逆过程,也是强度折减法的对偶过程。以特征线法差分方程组(SCM)和试验方程近似公式(CCM)求得的极限坡面曲线与坡面线相交为变形破坏准则,定义了安全度(DOS)和破坏度(DOF)2个评价指标。该方法不必假设和搜索临界滑动面。经典考题和典型算例的验算表明,随着节点的增加SCM法计算精度增加,边界步长不变时,3次样条插值求得的变形破坏准则判断值不变,说明SCM算法稳定。典型算例的计算数据和图例表明,边坡角变大时边坡稳定性降低,极限坡面曲线与坡面由无交点变为有交点,证明了变形破坏准则的正确性。由2个例题计算结果对比可知,安全系数较大时,SCM法、CCM法计算结果与其具有可比性,相对于原边界条件增加了外荷载;安全系数变小时,SCM法、CCM法偏于保守。34个样本计算正确率为安全系数法67.7%,应力状态法73.5%,CCM法79.4%,SCM法70.6%,表明SCM法和CCM法正确率较高,计算结果可靠,SCM法、CCM法因素敏感性分析结论与安全系数法完全一致。在露天矿边坡稳定性和最终边坡角的分析与计算中,SCM法、CCM法结论与原报告相同,当参数变小时CCM法更有利于实践,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
时坚  王晶  刘德深  韩行瑞 《中国岩溶》2006,25(4):330-334
黄河中上游地区,自黄河青铜峡,经内蒙准格尔、山西、陕西两省至河南西部,为我国最重要的以煤炭资源为主的能源基地。随着能源基地的建设和开发,区域岩溶地下水水位连年持续下降,岩溶泉水流量衰减,引起了一系列环境地质问题,如水质恶化、生态退化等。本文从能源基地岩溶泉流量衰减问题入手,研究了能源基地区岩溶泉水流量衰减问题,提出了开展水土保持工作、合理控制地下水的开采、搞好矿坑水的综合利用及污水处理资源化等相应的防治对策。   相似文献   
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