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The advanced piston corer (APC) has been used by the Ocean Drilling Program since 1985 for recovering soft sediments from the ocean floor. The pullout force measured on extracting the core barrel from the sediment is shown to correlate with the average shear strength of the sediment core measured in the ship's laboratory. A simple rule of thumb is derived relating the shear strength of the sediment to the pullout force. Multiple APC holes at individual sites allow the consistency of the pullout measurements to be assessed. The effects of different operational procedures during APC coring are also explored. Although generally applicable, the correlation between pullout force and laboratory measurements of shear strength breaks down for some APC holes, possibly because of the disturbance of some sediment types during the APC coring process. A better understanding of the physical process of APC coring, and its effect on the properties of the sediment both inside and immediately outside the core barrel, would indicate what confidence can be put on the measurement of pullout force as a way of evaluating the in situ shear strength of deep sea sediments.  相似文献   
Environmental risk management is an integral part of risk analyses. The selection of different mitigating or preventive alternatives often involve competing and conflicting criteria, which requires sophisticated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is one of the most commonly used MCDM methods, which integrates subjective and personal preferences in performing analyses. AHP works on a premise that decision-making of complex problems can be handled by structuring the complex problem into a simple and comprehensible hierarchical structure. However, AHP involves human subjectivity, which introduces vagueness type uncertainty and necessitates the use of decision-making under uncertainty. In this paper, vagueness type uncertainty is considered using fuzzy-based techniques. The traditional AHP is modified to fuzzy AHP using fuzzy arithmetic operations. The concept of risk attitude and associated confidence of a decision maker on the estimates of pairwise comparisons are also discussed. The methodology of the proposed technique is built on a hypothetical example and its efficacy is demonstrated through an application dealing with the selection of drilling fluid/mud for offshore oil and gas operations.  相似文献   
We compare foraminifera and macrofauna as bio-indicators of oil-based drill mud disposal site off Congo. The most polluted sites are characterized by poor faunas, dominated by some very tolerant taxa. Slightly further from the disposal site, there is an area with strongly increased densities, heavily dominated by opportunistic taxa. Still further, macrofauna appears to be similar to that at the reference area, but the foraminiferal meiofauna still suggests a slight environmental perturbation. The foraminiferal FIEI index, based on the species distribution in the study area, appears to be more discriminative than the macrofaunal ITI index, based on a priori definitions of the trophic guilds of the various taxa. Our comparative approach allows us to point out the benefits of (1) the use of macrofauna and foraminifera together and (2) the definition of the species groups used in biotic indices on the basis of observations made directly in the study area.  相似文献   
在水平定向钻穿越长距离、复杂地质条件施工中,为保证穿越导向孔钻进工程的顺利进行,避免或减少钻杆在传递推力时在钻孔内产生“蛇行”弯曲、不能有效传递推力、钻进方向不易控制等不利因素,通常采用在钻机侧沿钻进方向的钻杆上加装部分套管技术。本文详细阐述了水平定向钻岩石层穿越套管安装的施工流程、安装技术措施,同时对套管的钻进、润滑、回抽等环节进行了分析,并对套管施工过程中安全注意事项提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
水平定向钻进(HofizontNDirecfionl Drilling,简称HDD)是采用安装于地表的钻孔设备。对于大直径管道来说,工程竣工后在钻孔和管道之间要留下300mm-400mm的环状间隙。要对泥浆固结后进行应力应变的分析,前提是要知道环空泥浆的固结时间。而传统测量环空泥浆的固结时间的方法存在着很多问题与缺陷,这也导致了时间检测上面误差较大,从而耽误了研究泥浆固结后受力分析的最佳时间。因此,弄清泥浆固结时间的变化规律非常必要,而目前国内在判定泥浆固结时间的方法上仍处于空白阶段。针对这一状况.本人设计采用两种方法进行固结时间的判定,通过湿度传感器测量环空泥浆间隙的水蒸气含量进行泥浆固结时间的判定。  相似文献   
Eclogite, one of the important lithologies in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, exists above the depth of 3 245 m and has distinctive responses of gamma-ray, compensating density and neutron well-logging, and so on. In this study, according to the diversities of minerals and chemical components and well-logging responses, eclogites are classified from three aspects of origin, content of oxygen, and sub-mineral. We studied the logging identification method for eclogite sub-classes based on multi-element statistics and reconstructed 11 kinds of eclogite. As a result, eclogites can be divided into 6 types using well logs. In the light of this recognition, the eclogite in the main hole is divided into 20 sections, and the distribution characters of all sub-classes of eclogite are analyzed, which will provide important data for geological research of CCSD.  相似文献   
薛怀民  刘福来 《岩石学报》2007,23(12):3231-3238
中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔0~2000岩芯段的片麻岩包括二长花岗质片麻岩和斜长片麻岩两类,其中的Sr同位素组成与元素Rb的丰度关系显示原岩侵位后发生过强烈的Rb加入事件,说明Rb-Sr同位素体系在超高压变质和随后的退变质作用过程中受到了明显的扰动.相反,Sm-Nd同位素体系尚保持着封闭状态,可有效地示踪原岩的成因.二长花岗片麻岩的εNd(t)值较低,变化范围也不大(-8.2~-13.0),它们的Nd同位素模式年龄(TDM)主要介于2.25到2.54 Ga之间,远大于其原岩的实际侵位年龄,指示其原岩可能是由古元古代的地壳物质在新元古代部分熔融形成的.而斜长片麻岩的εNd(t)值变化范围广,从 1.3到-9.4.其中采自大套斜长片麻岩段的样品其εNd(t)值从-3.0到-9.4,它们的Nd同位素模式年龄介于2.1~2.4 Ga,与二长花岗片麻岩的TDM值类似,该类岩石的地球化学特征总体类似于扬子地台北缘新元古代双峰式火山岩的酸性端元,指示它们的原岩可能是在新元古代由地幔来源的玄武岩浆上升到地壳层位,引起成分不均一的古元古代地壳物质发生部分熔融形成的,其中可能混入了少量地幔来源的物质.而采自变镁铁质岩"夹层"中的斜长片麻岩显示出接近球粒陨石的Nd同位素特征(εNd(t)= 1.3~-2.6),类似或略低于邻近的榴辉岩和斜长角闪岩围岩的Nd同位素组成及大别山-苏鲁造山带内大多数榴辉岩的Nd同位素组成,指示它们与这些变镁铁质岩之间可能有成因联系.它们的Nd同位素模式年龄(TDM=1.28-1.60 Ga)虽然早于其原岩的侵位年龄,但明显小于花岗片麻岩及大套斜长片麻岩的TDM值.我们倾向于认为这些"薄层"状的斜长片麻岩的原岩是由玄武岩浆派生的,伴有一定程度的地壳混染.  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔(CCSD-MH)3000~3500m深度范围内的岩心揭示的主要岩石类型以正、副片麻岩为主,夹少量的榴辉岩、片岩及斜长角闪岩等。正片麻岩可进一步划分为钾长花岗质片麻岩和二长花岗质片麻岩。地球化学研究表明,花岗质片麻岩的SiO2含量普遍高,为73.56%~79.01%,Al2O3含量为10.49%~13.75%;TiO2、Fe2O3、FeO、MnO和MgO的含量明显偏低,其中Fe2O3为0.26%~2.56%,FeO为0.09%~1.13%,MgO为0.01%~0.63%;岩石明显富含Na2O、K2O,强烈贫钙,Na2O K2O的含量为6.20%~9.15%,K2O的含量为1.26%~5.67%,CaO的含量为0.08%~1.59%。花岗质片麻岩在洋脊玄武岩标准化蛛网图上都表现出强烈富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Th)的特点,高场强元素Ti、Ta和Nb表现为明显的负异常,而Hf和Zr则为明显正异常。3000~3500m花岗质片麻岩的原岩具A型花岗岩的特征,形成于大陆裂谷环境,记录了Rodinia超大陆裂解时苏鲁地区的花岗岩浆事件,表明新元古代晚期扬子板块北缘的构造属性为大陆裂谷环境。  相似文献   
海底观测网络的出现改变了人们观测海洋的方式,成为了海洋科学界新的研究热点。通过介绍现有观测技术的局限性,探讨了海底观测网具有的特征及功能,总结了各国的研究进展,指出了我国大陆架科学钻探中海底观测网建设应考虑的观测内容及部署原则。  相似文献   
梁凤华  许志琴  陈方远 《岩石学报》2009,25(7):1587-1602
榴辉岩的变形特征严重影响俯冲板片的流变学行为,而石榴石的变形机制又直接制约着榴辉岩的变形属性。本文在结合前人研究的基础上,通过对中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔榴辉岩中石榴子石的典型变形特征的详细对比和分析,进一步证明了榴辉岩在俯冲峰期条件下可以发生强烈的塑性变形。且俯冲峰期-折返早期经历了从以恢复作用主导的位错蠕变,到动态重结晶、扩散蠕变,再到静态重结晶和矿物生长的连续递进变形过程。其中,从动态重结晶到高温静态重结晶的转换,结合短时增温、局部熔融等证据,共同证明了在苏鲁超高压变质岩石折返过程中存在一个短暂的低应力“热”区间,在此前后,折返机制和驱动力发生了转变,由浮力作用下的快速折返转为以挤压透入性剪应力作用下的缓慢抬升阶段。  相似文献   
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