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杨爱武  孔令伟  张先伟 《岩土力学》2014,35(6):1634-1640
软土一般具有蠕变特性,蠕变在微观上表现为土颗粒与孔隙的变化。为了解长期变形内在机制,对天津滨海吹填软土原状土与重塑土进行了固结不排水三轴蠕变试验。在围压为75 kPa、偏应力为10 kPa情况下开展多组平行试验,选取蠕变过程中多个时间点的试样进行微观结构测试,提取了颗粒与孔隙变化参数,研究蠕变过程中微结构变化规律。研究结果表明:在文中所受荷载条件长期作用下,颗粒与孔隙定向性明显;平均孔径及平均孔隙体积呈逐渐减小趋势;结构性原状土比表面积逐渐增大,重塑土则呈减小趋势;结构性原状土颗粒与孔隙分数维呈减小趋势,但重塑土呈相反趋势。  相似文献   
The Dovedale Griff has incised into valley fill deposits in Staindale to expose sub-fossil wood at the base of a meander cut bank. The wood includes oak (Quercus sp.) driftwood, and apparently in situ stumps of willow (Salix sp.) and alder (Alnus sp.). An alder stump is dated at 6270 radiocarbon years BP. Fluvial gravels approximately 1±5 m thick have accumulated above the wood, which has been exposed by renewed incision.  相似文献   
Management of coastal ecosystems necessitates the evaluation of pollutant loading based on adequate source discrimination. Monitoring of sediments and fish on the shelf off San Diego has shown that some areas on the shelf are contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Here, we present an analysis of PCB contamination in fish on the shelf off San Diego designed to discriminate possible sources. The analysis was complicated by the variability of species available for analysis across the shelf, variable affinities of PCBs among species, and non-detects in the data. We utilized survival regression analysis to account for these complications. We also examined spatial patterns of PCBs in bay and offshore sediments and reviewed more than 20 years of influent and effluent data for local wastewater treatment facilities. We conclude that most PCB contamination in shelf sediments and fish is due to the ongoing practice of dumping contaminated sediments dredged from San Diego Bay.  相似文献   
Mountaintop removal/valley fill coal mining (MTR/VF) in central Appalachia has buried an estimated 4000 km of headwater streams, but the long-term geomorphic consequences of the anthropogenic valley fills and associated mined landscapes are poorly understood. These anthropogenic landscapes are not intended to be maintained in perpetuity once reclamation is complete. Here we present the first ever field-based study of erosional landforms on this type of mined landscape paired with the subsequent examination of 10 regional LiDAR (light detection and ranging) datasets for gullies and landslides in a transect from eastern Kentucky to central West Virginia. Field observations indicate that overtopping of or intentional discharge from drainage systems and overtopping of valley fill terraces can initiate gullying. We manually extracted 1328 gullies from 512 km2 of mined landscape within the LiDAR datasets. Gullies are predominantly located along the perimeter of the mined landscape with the majority of gullies associated with drainage systems. The number of gullies linearly scales with mined area (R2 = 0.66). We observed 387 landslides along the perimeter of MTR/VF. Within the datasets, landslides per km2 ranged from 0.1 to 3.9. We observed 34 landslides within fully reclaimed valley fills, a heretofore undocumented phenomenon. Over 90% of these landslides were in Kentucky datasets, which covered only 47% of total mined area analyzed. Previously measured regional differences in the angle of friction of mine spoils or construction practices may explain the abundance of gullies and elevated level of landslide occurrence in eastern Kentucky valley fills relative to West Virginia. Observations of erosion on regionally extensive MTR/VF landscapes warrant further study to better ascertain ecological impacts. Large-scale alteration by surface mining in steep landscapes may generally lead to peripheral gully erosion. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海相结构性软黏土地基的沉降特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内试验获得了海相结构性软黏土的初始屈服面;考虑不同埋深处地基土的初始结构屈服面之间的相似性规律,应用结构性本构模型,结合工程实测数据,对海相软黏土地基土体屈服与地基沉降之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,结构性本构模型能够较好地模拟海相结构性软黏土地基的沉降变形;结构性土地基的土体屈服是由浅及深逐步发展的,虽然存在低荷载时沉降小、高荷载时沉降大且呈非线性增大的现象,但这是渐变的过程,沉降量—时间—填土高度曲线上不能确定显著的转折点,通过观察沉降曲线的转折点来确定临界填土高度的方法将难以实现。  相似文献   
为研究水平地震作用下黄土多级高填方边坡动力响应规律及稳定性,本文以某高填方边坡工程为背景,利用GeoStudio2012有限元分析软件建立模型进行分析,并对比分析多级高填方边坡与单级填方边坡动力响应结果。计算结果表明,边坡坡面和挖填交界面上动力响应规律表现为:位移幅值基本随着高程的增加而增加;速度幅值随着高程的增加先增大后减小再增大;加速度幅值随着高程的增加有减小趋势;多级高填方边坡动力响应规律与单级填方边坡动力响应规律不同,单级填方边坡位移幅值、速度幅值、加速度幅值均随着高程的增加递增;地震波在坡体内传播时,随着高程的增加具有滞后性。边坡稳定性随着地震加速度峰值的增大有所下降,相比静力作用,水平地震作用下边坡稳定性下降明显。本文相关研究可为西北地区黄土高填方边坡工程抗震提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   
Small vertically oriented traction carpets are reported from the collapsed sandy fills of 100 m deep Devonian limestone sinkholes underlying the Lower Cretaceous Athabasca oil sands deposit in north‐eastern Alberta, Western Canada. Dissolution of 100 m of underlying halite salt beds caused cataclysmic collapse of the sinkhole floors and water saturated sinkhole sand fills to descend very rapidly. Turbulent currents flushed upper sinkhole fills of friable sandstone blocks and disaggregated sand and quartz pebble for tens of metres. Laminar deposits with inverse grading accumulated as many as six to eight curvilinear entrained pebble streaks, 10 to 30 cm long, vertically impinged against the sides of descending collapse blocks. These deposits were initiated as vertically oriented early stage traction carpets that interlocked fine sand grains and inversely graded overlying pebbles entrained below the dilute overlying turbulent flows. Vortexes that flushed these sinkhole fills and induced these depositional processes may have lasted only seconds before the very rapid descents abruptly halted. Some of the fabrics were suspended vertically in‐place and preserved from unlocking and obliteration. These small fabrics provide insight into the instability and ephemeral character of the transition from strong gravity‐driven grain falls to very early stages of traction carpet formation. These short‐lived deposits of very thin sand layers resulted from sufficient incipient frictional freezing that grain interlocking overcame, however briefly, the strong gravity drives of the vertical falls that would have otherwise dispersed grains and obliterated any organized fabric patterns. Tenuous frictionally locked grains were also suspended at the centres of hyperbolic grain fall flows that briefly developed between turbulent flow eddies, some of which were fortuitously preserved. Some of these suspended grain locking zones passed downward onto the relatively more stable surfaces of the rapidly descending block surfaces. The morphogenesis of these early stage traction carpets differ from more fully developed deposits elsewhere because of their short‐lived transport, dynamic instability and vertical orientation.  相似文献   
珊瑚土作为新兴的热带地区岛礁与港口工程的首选土工材料,宽级配是其结构组成的主要特征。由于相关工程面临较高的地震风险,珊瑚土的抗液化能力正逐渐引起重视。为探究含细粒珊瑚土的抗液化能力,以东太平洋某热带港口工程的实际珊瑚土场地为背景,通过大粒径循环三轴液化试验测试了设计相对密实度为0.4~0.8的3组代表性级配试样及剔除细粒的两组试样的饱和不排水动强度。试验结果表明:幂函数可以模拟含细粒珊瑚土的循环应力比与液化所需振次关系;细粒的存在与相对密实度的提高不会显著提高珊瑚土抗液化能力;珊瑚土液化过程的超静孔压发展模式与砂土相近,两参数或三参数的反正弦模型可以较好地模拟含细粒珊瑚土的液化超孔压发展过程。研究表明,含细粒珊瑚土仍然属于可液化土类。以背景工程为例,同类型工程在设计施工及使用阶段都需要考虑对地震液化灾害的设防,该研究为珊瑚土液化防治工作提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
欧孝夺  潘鑫  侯凯文  江杰  柳子炎 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):348-354
吹填土陆域的固有特性是造成其频受雷击的重要因素之一。针对广西北部湾吹填土的电冲击特性,结合理论分析、室内试验和数值模拟的方法对其展开研究,探究其与外电场的响应规律。首先从Archie电阻率模型理论出发,结合土体的介电常数公式,提出了吹填土的电冲击模型,认为影响其与外电场之间的响应规律的主要因素是干密度、含水率和含盐量。电冲击试验表明,吹填土击穿场强随含水率对数和干密度对数的升高呈线性降低,随含盐量的升高呈指数降低。再结合数值模拟结果发现,含水率、干密度和含盐量越高,吹填土内部场强越大,受冲击电场作用越显著,对外电场的响应越强烈,其中又以含水率和含盐量的影响为主。  相似文献   
中江地区沙溪庙组层序地层特征初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据层序地层学基本原理和沉积相演化及界面特征,可将中江地区沙溪庙组划分为湖泊—三角洲及河流相沉积两个充填层序。认为湖泊—三角洲充填层序为完整的湖进—湖退沉积旋回,而河流充填层序主要起填平补齐作用,层序的形成和演化受龙门山推覆构造活动控制。  相似文献   
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