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The presence of dolomite breccia patches along Wadi Batha Mahani suggests large-scale fluid flow causing dolomite formation. The controls on dolomitization have been studied, using petrography and geochemistry. Dolomitization was mainly controlled by brecciation and the nearby Hagab thrust. Breccias formed as subaerial scree deposits, with clay infill from dissolved platform limestones, during Early Cretaceous emergence. Cathodoluminescence of the dolostones indicates dolomitization took place in two phases. First, fine-crystalline planar-s dolomite replaced the breccias. Later, these dolomites were recrystallized by larger non-planar dolomites. The stable isotope trend towards depleted values (δ18O: − 2.7‰ to − 10.2‰ VPDB and δ13C: − 0.6‰ to − 8.9‰ VPDB), caused by mixing dolomite types during sampling, indicates type 2 dolomites were formed by hot fluids. Microthermometry of quartz cements and karst veins, post-dating dolomites, also yielded high temperatures. Hot formation waters which ascended along the Hagab thrust are invoked to explain type 2 dolomitization, silicification and hydrothermal karstification.  相似文献   
Black and white dolomite crystals (mm to cm width) of different isotopic composition are associated with Triassic diapirism in central Tunisia, as well as with evaporite minerals and clays. The white dolomites occur mostly in the Jabal Hadifa diapir near the contact with Cretaceous limestones, whereas the smaller black dolomites occur in the Jabal Hamra diapir. The former dolomite has a narrow range of δ18O and δ13C values (− 3.83‰ to − 6.60‰ VPDB for δ18O; − 2.11‰ to − 2.83‰ VPDB for δ13C), whereas the latter dolomite has a wider range and more depleted values (− 4.92‰ to − 9.97‰ for δ18O; − 0.55‰ to − 6.08‰ for δ13C). However, the 87Sr / 86Sr ratios of most of the samples are near Triassic seawater values. Dolomite formation is due to at least two different fluids. The main fluid originated from deeper hydrothermal or basinal sources related to the Triassic saliferous rocks and ascended through faults during the diapiric intrusion. The second, less important fluid source is related to meteoric water originating from Cretaceous rocks.  相似文献   
The pressure–temperature conditions of the reactions of the double carbonates CaM(CO3)2, where M = Mg (dolomite), Fe (ankerite) and Mn (kutnohorite), to MCO3 plus CaCO3 (aragonite) have been investigated at 5–8 GPa, 600–1,100°C, using multi-anvil apparatus. The reaction dolomite = magnesite + aragonite is in good agreement with the results of Sato and Katsura (Earth Planet Sci 184:529–534, 2001), but in poor agreement with the results of Luth (Contrib Mineral Petrol 141:222–232, 2001). The dolomite is partially disordered at 620°C, and fully disordered at 1,100°C. All ankerite and kutnohorite samples, including the synthetic starting materials, are disordered. The P–T slopes of the three reactions increase in the order M = Mg, Fe, Mn. The shallower slope for the reaction involving magnesite is due partly to its having a higher compressibility than expected from unit-cell volume considerations. At low pressures there is a preference for partitioning into the double carbonate of Mg > Fe > Mn. At high pressures the partitioning preference is reversed. Using the measured reaction positions, the P–T conditions at which dolomite solid solutions will break down on increasing P and T in subduction zones can be estimated.  相似文献   
In conventional studies of tracing dolomitization and diagenetic fluids, REEs of dolomites were widely used as been normalized by PAAS, NASC or chondrite. However, most dolomites are formed in seawater or seawater-derived fluids. Thus, we conduct a new attempt to normalize the REEs of dolomite using seawater standard, based on case studies on 36 Triassic limestone–dolomite samples from the Geshan section of southeast China and 26 Permian–Triassic dolomite samples from the Panlongdong section of northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwest China.The Geshan seawater-normalized (SN) REE patterns are characterized by notable positive CeSN (average CeSN/Ce* = 6.823, SD = 0.192) and negative PrSN anomalies (average PrSN/Pr* = 0.310, SD = 0.010), and slightly negative GdSN anomalis (average GdSN/Gd* = 0.864, SD = 0.053), with no obvious EuSN anomaly (average EuSN/Eu* = 1.036, SD = 0.094). The signatures of REE patterns barely changed during the dolomitization process. For the REE compositions of the Panlongdong dolomite, it can be found that (1) the recrystallization process can result in varied total REE concentrations (between 7.16 ppm and 37.87 ppm), but do not alter the REE patterns, including consistent positive CeSN anomalies (average = 4.074, SD = 0.27) and LREE enrichment (average NdSN/YbSN = 3.164, SD = 0.787); (2) meteoric incursion can reverse Ce anomaly, from the strong positive Ce anomalies (CeSN/Ce* = 5.059) to slightly positive (CeSN/Ce* = 2.459) or even negative Ce anomalies; and (3) hydrothermal fluid altered REE pattern is complicated by fluctuated distribution curve, negative Ce anomaly and positive Eu anomaly (EuSN/Eu* = 1.862). These results suggest that the seawater normalized REE patterns of dolomite can serve as an index to study the source of the dolomitization fluids and distinguish complex diagenetic processes, providing a complement to previous works.  相似文献   
川东北飞仙关组甲烷为主的TSR及其同位素分馏作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
川东北开江-梁平陆棚东北侧飞仙关组多孔鲕粒白云岩中发生了以甲烷为主的热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR),产生高达20%的H2S;而西南侧鲕粒灰岩以低孔、低H2S天然气为特征。东北侧白云岩主要发育白云石粒间溶孔或粒间扩大溶孔,这些溶孔可与方解石(δ13C=-10‰~-19‰)、储层沥青、元素硫、黄铁矿和石英紧密共生,可分布于片状储层沥青与白云石晶体之间,说明白云石溶解作用发生在沥青形成以后。白云石的溶解作用导致现今天然气以无机CO2为主,δ13CCO2主要介于-2‰~+2‰之间。这种溶解作用是在酸性条件下,硬石膏或天青石参与下发生的,可能先产生MgSO4配对离子,而后MgSO4又与甲烷反应产生H2S,净增大了孔隙。研究还发现,普光气田及以东天然气的来源不同于河坝和元坝天然气;对普光气田及以东天然气分析显示,甲烷δ13C值与残余烃含量 之间存在对数相关关系。这表明TSR过程中,甲烷同位素分馏作用遵从封闭体系下瑞利分馏原理。据此计算显示,渡4井约有15%甲烷被氧化了。  相似文献   
Stable carbon- and oxygen-isotope compositions of calcite and dolomite cements have been used to understand porewater evolution in the Upper Tertiary Hazeva Formation within the Dead Sea Graben, southern Israel. Sandstone samples were obtained from four boreholes in three tectonic blocks of the graben over depths of 253–6448 m, a variation that largely reflects differential subsidence of individual fault-bounded blocks. Early carbonate cements dominate diagenesis. Calcite occurs at <1600 m, but was replaced by dolomite at greater depths. Dolomite at 1600–2700 m is Fe-poor (<0.8 mol% FeCO3), and at 4700–6200 m, Fe-rich (0.5–7.2 mol% FeCO3). Magnesite, anhydrite and halite are the final diagenetic phases. Calcite has positively correlated δ18O (+21‰ to +25‰) and δ13C (−6‰ to −2‰) values that generally decrease with depth. Dolomite has a wider variation in δ18O (+18‰ to +30‰) and δ13C (−8‰ to −1‰) values, which also generally are lower with increasing depth. However, the δ13C and δ18O values of dolomite from the uppermost 400 m of the Hazeva Formation in the Sedom Deep-1 borehole are anomalous in spanning the entire range of stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions over this relatively small interval.The decreasing dolomite δ13C values likely indicate an increased contribution of carbon from organic sources with increasing depth. Except for the uppermost 400 m, Hazeva Formation dolomite in the Sedom Deep-1 borehole has stable carbon-isotope compositions that imply initial dolomitization at much shallower levels, prior to the preferential subsidence of this tectonic block. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the calcite cement are best explained by equilibration at present burial temperatures (≤55 °C) with porewater of meteoric origin. Its δ18O values increased from −5‰ at the shallowest depths to 0‰ at 1600 m. The dolomite oxygen isotopic compositions also reflect equilibration at present burial temperatures with porewaters ranging from 0‰ at 1600 m to +7‰ at 3600 m (100 °C). In the deepest fault block (Sedom Deep-1 borehole), however, increasingly Fe-rich dolomite has (re)equilibrated with porewater whose δ18O values decreased from +9‰ at 4750 m (120 °C) to +1‰ to +2‰ by 6200 m (150 °C).Much of the dolomite likely formed at relatively shallow depths from saline brines derived from precursors to the Dead Sea. These infiltrated the Hazeva Formation, mixing with and largely displacing meteoric water, and dolomitizing calcite. Rock–water ratios tended to be high during these processes. However, the upper 400 m of the Hazeva Formation in the deepest fault block were likely deposited during its rapid tectonic subsidence, and largely escaped the initial style of dolomitization pervasive elsewhere in the study area. These sediments were also capped by evaporites. This relatively thin interval likely became a preferential conduit for brines that escaped underlying and overlying strata, including the Fe-rich, lower 18O fluids (evolved seawater?) present in the deepest part of the graben. These rocks present the most promising target for the passage and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the study area.  相似文献   
This research provides an ancient analogue for biologically mediated dolomite precipitation in microbial mats and biofilms, and describes the involvement of highly structured extracellular polymeric secretion (EPS) templates in dolomite nucleation. The structure of EPS is shown to match the hexagonal–trigonal lattice geometry of dolomite, which favoured the epitaxial crystallization of dolomite on the organic substrate. This structure of EPS also matches the arrangement of silica nanospheres in opal, which further accounts for the organically‐templated formation of opal enabling the non‐replacive co‐existence of dolomite and silica. The study is focused on a 50 m thick dolomite succession that is exposed in central areas of the Tertiary Duero Basin and was deposited in a mudflat‐saline lake sedimentary complex during the Middle to Late Miocene (9 to 15 Ma). In the intermediate intervals of the succession, poorly indurated dolomite beds pass gradually into silica beds. On the basis of sedimentological, compositional, geochemical and petrographic data, silica and dolomite beds have been interpreted as mineralized microbial mats. The silica beds formed in marginal areas of the lake in response to intense evaporative concentrations; this resulted in the rapid and early precipitation of opal. Silicification accounted for the exceptional preservation of the microbial mat structure, including biofilms, filamentous and coccoid microbes, and EPS. Extracellular polymeric secretions have a layered structure, each layer being composed of fibres which are arranged in accordance with a reticular pattern, with frequent intersection angles at 120° and 60°. Therefore, the structure of EPS matches the lattice geometry of dolomite and the arrangement of silica nanospheres in opal. Additionally, EPS binds different elements, with preference to Si and Mg. The concurrence of suitable composition and surface lattice morphologies in the EPS favoured the crystallization of dolomite on the substrate. In some cases, dolomite nucleation took place epicellularly on coccoid micro‐organisms, which gave way to spheroid crystals. Organic surfaces enable the inorganic mineral precipitation by lowering the free energy barrier to nucleation. Most of the microbial mats probably developed on the lake floor, under sub‐aqueous conditions, where the decomposition of organic matter took place. The subsequent formation of openly packed dolomite crystals, with inter‐related Si‐enriched fibrils throughout, is evidence for the pre‐existence of fibrillar structures in the mats. Miocene dolomite crystals are poorly ordered and non‐stoichiometric, with a slight Ca‐excess (up to 5%), which is indicative of the low diagenetic potential the microbial dolomite has towards a more ordered and stoichiometric structure; this confirms that microbial imprints can be preserved in the geological record, and validates their use as biosignatures.  相似文献   
Extensive, large-scale pervasive cementation in the form of cement bodies within fluvial strata has rarely been documented although fluvial strata commonly act as important hydrocarbon reservoirs, as well as groundwater aquifers. Here, we present outcrop, petrographic and geochemical data for pervasive ferroan dolomite cement bodies up to 250 m in size from Upper Cretaceous Desert Member and Castlegate Sandstone fluvial strata exposed in the Book Cliffs in Utah. These cement bodies are present with coastal plain fluvial strata within both the Desert and Castlegate lowstand sandstones and are most abundant in the thin, distal fluvial strata. Cement bodies are almost entirely absent in updip, thicker, fluvial strata. Petrographic observations suggest a predominantly early diagenetic timing to the mildly ferroan dolomite, with a component of later burial origin. δ13C values for the cement (+4.8 to −5.7‰ V-PDB) suggest a marine-derived source for the earliest phase with a burial organic matter source for later cement. δ18O data (−6.3 to −11.8‰ V-PDB) suggest precipitation from freshwater dominated fluids. It is proposed here that dolomite was derived from leaching of detrital dolomite under lowstand coals and cementation took place in coastal aquifers experiencing mixed meteoric-marine fluids as a result of base-level fluctuations. This data presented here shows that large cement bodies can be an important component within fluvial sandstones with a potentially significant impact upon both reservoir quality and fluid flow within reservoirs, especially at the marine-non-marine interface.  相似文献   
四川盆地灯影组白云岩岩溶孔洞储层发育,在四川盆地威远、资阳及高石梯-磨溪地区发现了大型气田。但是该套储层非均质强,储层预测困难,需要进一步从岩溶地质理论出发,恢复岩溶古地貌、古水系,从而掌握该套储层发育分布规律,指导进一步勘探开发。本文选用印模法恢复了高石梯地区灯四顶岩溶古地貌,并结合现代岩溶学和岩溶动力学理论,划分了岩溶台地、岩溶缓坡地和岩溶盆地3类二级地貌单元。应用现代岩溶分类方法,根据微地貌组合形态,对二级地貌作精细刻画,划分了6种三级地貌单元,最后根据岩溶动力学、岩溶水文地质学在高石梯地区刻画出北部、西部和东南部三大水系。认为岩溶缓坡,位于径流区,水动力条件最强,孔洞最发育,是储层勘探方向。精细的古地貌、古水系的刻画对促进高石梯地区灯影组油气勘探开发具有重要实际意义。  相似文献   
“白云岩问题”与“前寒武纪之谜”研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王勇 《地球科学进展》2006,21(8):857-862
白云岩的成因是沉积学界倍受关注的研究主题;众多的白云岩化模式可以用来解释各种成岩白云岩的成因;然而原生白云岩的成因一直是困扰沉积学界的难题,被称为“白云岩问题”。究其原因主要在于:在近地表环境的常温、常压实验条件下不能生成完美有序的白云石矿物。近年来,野外观测和实验模拟研究发现某些微生物的生命活动可导致白云石于地表常温、常压条件下发生沉淀。如硫酸盐还原细菌和产烷菌的调节作用可以克服白云石晶核形成的动力学障碍,在这些厌氧菌的参与下,白云石晶核形成和沉淀并不需要高镁离子和过饱和状态的溶液环境。这种微生物学和沉积学的结合代表了一个新的研究方向,同时也为解决“白云岩问题”带来了新希望。泥晶白云岩化作用(mimetic dolomization)可以保留原矿物(文石或方解石)的晶形、原岩的微细组构,对解释地史时期保存原生构造的白云岩具重要的启示。“前寒武纪之谜”是指前寒武纪叠层石中缺乏钙化蓝细菌化石的现象。参与碳酸盐岩叠层石建造的微生物群组成可能随着地质历史的演化发生变化,蓝细菌在显生宙的叠层石建造过程中起主导作用,细胞体积更小的真细菌很可能是参与前寒武纪叠层石建造的主要微生物。  相似文献   
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