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Emdad Haque  C. 《Natural Hazards》2000,21(2-3):225-245
The prevention and/or mitigation offlood disasters requires continual research, numerouscapital investment decisions, and high-qualitymaintenance and modifications of flood-controlstructures. In addition, institutional and privatepreparedness is needed. The experience offlood-control in North America has shown mixedoutcomes: while flood frequency has declined duringthe last few decades, the economic losses havecontinued to rise. Recent catastrophic floods havealso been linked to major structural interventions inthe region. The flood diversions may cause harmfuleffects upon the floodplain inhabitants by influencingflood levels in areas which are not normallyflood-prone. The increasing vulnerability of thefloodplain inhabitants poses new challenges and raisesquestions concerning the existing risk assessmentmethods, institutional preparedness and responses todisaster-related public emergencies, and local-levelpublic involvement in flood mitigation efforts.In the context of the catastrophic 1997 floods of theRed River Valley, Manitoba, Canada, this researchfocuses on two aspects of flood-related emergencygovernance and management: (i) the functions andeffectiveness of control structures, and (ii) theroles, responsibilities and effectiveness oflegislative and other operational measures. The studyconcludes that the flood-loss mitigation measures,both in terms of effects of control structures andinstitutional interventions for emergency evacuation,were not fully effective for ensuring the well-beingand satisfaction of floodplain inhabitants. Althoughorganizational preparedness and mobilization to copewith the 1997 flood emergency was considerable, theirsuccess during the onset of the flood event waslimited. Lack of communication and understandingbetween institutions, a reluctance to implementup-to-date regulations, and minimal publicparticipation in the emergency decision-making processall contributed to the difficulties experienced byfloodplain inhabitants.  相似文献   
陈万利 《江苏地质》2014,38(1):165-168
以徐州市地质灾害详细调查资料为依据,总结了徐州市地质灾害的主要类型,归纳分析了徐州市地质灾害形成的地质环境条件、诱发因素、发育现状及造成的损失。根据近年来省内外尤其是徐州市地质灾害调查评价和邳州石膏矿区地面塌陷现状及预防措施的建议,结合徐州市地质灾害隐患的具体特点,提出了加强地质灾害防治的有关制度建设、宣传培训工作、科学部署地质灾害防治、监测工程、强化建设项目的地质灾害危险性评估等地质灾害防灾减灾措施。  相似文献   
Horie  Kei  Maki  Norio  Kohiyama  Masayuki  Lu  Hengjian  Tanaka  Satoshi  Hashitera  Shin  Shigekawa  Kishie  Hayashi  Haruo 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):341-370
Rebuilding of victims' livelihoods was a crucial issue in the restoration process in the1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. Housing damage assessment influencedmost of the rebuilding of the livelihood in the long term, because the Victim Certificatesissued by the local governments based on the results of the Housing damage assessmentwas required to receive most of the individual assistance measures. In the process ofHousing damage assessment, many complex problems arose, leading to extensivework on the part of the disaster responders. Consequently, a considerable number ofvictims were dissatisfied with the assessment and applied for a resurvey. Due to a floodof requests for resurvey, disaster responders had to work on damage assessment, leavingrelief activities aside.In order to facilitate Housing damage assessment, this paper discusses thefollowing five points: (1) the processes and the problems of assessments performedin the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster, (2) the changes in the nature of informationneeded by the victims, (3) the improvements over the present damage assessment, (4)the housing situation in Japan, and (5) the international situation on damage assessment.It is obvious from the results that a poor damage assessment system and the size ofthe disaster produced a very large work load. Differences in appreciation among theinvestigators also contributed to unfair assessments and led to the victims beingincreasingly dissatisfied by the survey results. Finally, a design concept for acomprehensive damage assessment system, which has been derived from theabove five points, is proposed for post-disaster management.  相似文献   
震后建筑物倒塌造成人员埋压,快速的搜索与营救是有效减少伤亡的重要途径之一。本文通过研究震后典型建筑物倒塌类型,从建筑物垂直和水平破坏角度出发,提出一套三级分类体系,并对每类倒塌建筑物的受力及生存空间进行讨论。同时结合大量文献及汶川地震救援案例资料,重点分析总结各类建筑物救援时的路线选择、救援通道建立、被困人员施救等技术特点。  相似文献   
本文以“社交媒体多层次信息流”为概念框架,分析了四川九寨沟7.0级地震发生后,个人、当地的组织、宏观层面的主流媒体使用社交媒体所发挥的作用。通过对微博的数据进行挖掘分析,总结出地震灾害发生后社交媒体所具有的5项功能:人际之间的交流,地方政府、本土组织以及当地媒体的传播渠道,大众传媒信息发布的渠道,信息的收集和分享,微观、中观以及宏观各主体间沟通的渠道。在强震发生后社交媒体有巨大的传播潜力,本文的研究成果对未来大震发生后如何利用社交媒体来应对灾害有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
本文通过对东南沿海地震背景和地震破坏性经济损失,结合国内外城市化进程中防震减灾经济性对比研究,认为地震破坏的负面效应所带来的经济损失十分巨大。因而必须加强防震减灾工作为保障城市化顺利发展服务。  相似文献   
李华  彭勃 《城市地质》2013,8(2):25-27,48
王家山沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县达维乡境内,流域面积8.02km2,沟长5.14km,相对高度1614m,纵坡降314.0‰,沟内滑坡发育,形成泥石流的地形和松散固体物质条件充分;偶尔出现的高强度、短历时暴雨是泥石流形成的水源条件和激发因素。针对危害特征,对泥石流采取了以拦挡工程为主,辅以防护堤及生物措施的综合治理方案。  相似文献   
姜亚飞  王万金 《贵州地质》2014,31(2):147-149,146
贵州岩溶石山区岩溶洪涝洼地发育、内涝灾害造成了大量的耕地破。查明洪涝洼地成因并有效进行治理,对防灾减灾、生态环境治理、促进石山区经济社会发展具有重大意义。本文阐述了大海子岩溶洪涝的特征及其危害,探讨了洪涝洼地的成因,有针对性地提了治理方案。可为同类型治理工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Based on a series of international conferences for establishing HFA2 framework, this paper analyzed key issues of frontier of disaster risk science, integrated disaster prevention and mitigation strategies and integrated disaster risk governance. The future direction of disaster risk science was comprehensively discussed according to the widely discussed Post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA2). It was proposed to deepen the cognition of the complexity of disaster system in terms of recognizing the complexity of disaster system from the interaction among various elements of the system, recognizing the complexity of climate change risk from the regional characteristics and formation mechanism of the global climate change and recognizing the complexity of the catastrophe risk from the regional development levels and patterns. Furthermore, it was suggested to make integrated disaster risk reduction strategies and countermeasures from the perspective of the complexity of the disaster system, including the establishment of regional integrated disaster risk governance framework to face climate change, the establishment of integrated disaster risk governance system in multi-spatial scale, the establishment of disaster risk governance financial system integrating the insurance, bonds and lottery, the establishment of consilience mode in integrated risk governance considering multi-stakeholder and the establishment of modeling and simulation platform integrated disaster risk information services and disaster risk reduction strategies. Finally, it was pointed out that the assessment of disaster risk levels for different regions in multi spatial scale can provide robust scientific support for integrated disaster risk governance of the world and regions, industries and enterprises so as to improve response to global change and guarantee a global and regional sustainable development.  相似文献   
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