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论述了山西新绛县在学校开展地震科普知识宣传教育的实践活动,认为学校开展地震科普知识教学,应以地震科普知识教学纳入大纲、应急避震演练形成制度为前提,以落实“七有”为标准,地震、教育、卫生、消防等有关部门密切配合、各尽其责,通过应急避震演练这一综合实战平台,提高学校处置各类突发事件的能力,增强广大师生面对突发事件的心理承受能力和自救互救能力。  相似文献   
The authors investigated acute health problems in people engaged in the operation mounted to clear the Hebei Spirit oil spill which occurred in December 2007 in Taean County, South Korea, and identified the risk factors associated with the development of symptoms.Eight hundred forty-six people engaged in the clean up operation for periods between 7 and 14 days were examined. Demographic information and risk factors were obtained using a questionnaire. Symptoms were classified into six categories: back pain, skin lesions, headache, and eye, neurovestibular, and respiratory symptoms.Residents and volunteers engaged in the Hebei Spirit oil spill clean up operation experienced acute health problems. Risk analyses revealed that more frequent and greater exposure was strongly associated with a higher occurrence of symptoms.  相似文献   
无线应用协议WAP在气象防灾减灾信息传播中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简单介绍了无线应用协议WAP的技术特点,认为WAP技术使得手机可以上网浏览获取大量因特网信息;WAPPush可以直译成WAP服务推送技术,且WAPPush的信息传送由服务器发起,克服了因特网浏览服务方式由用户发起的不足,使得手机用户也可以被动获取信息。移动气象公众服务系统设计,主要是应用WAP和WAPPush技术开发气象信息WAP网站,提供天气预警信息推送服务。其设计目标是普通公众的手机可以获取大量的气象信息,以及具有突发、不定时等特点的气象预警信息。  相似文献   
简要介绍了2006年11月9—11日在北京召开的地球系统科学联盟(ESSP)全球环境变化科学大会的基本内容,着重论述了全球环境变化背景下,海平面上升、城市疾病灾害、非洲的灾害以及灾害风险评估与管理等当前灾害研究热点领域的最新进展。从大会与灾害相关分会场的讨论内容可以看出,未来国际灾害研究关注的重点问题包括:理解和研究气候变化,以及气候与生态系统和人类社会之间的相互影响;加强对决定沿海系统脆弱性因素的评估,开展避免和减轻海平面上升影响的适应性研究;推进全球环境变化对人类健康影响途径和机制的深入研究;区域食物安全和饥荒依然是全球环境变化背景下非洲发展的重要议题;增强国际社会开展灾害风险评估、灾害预警、应急和恢复等风险管理方面的研究,探讨利用灾害制图、GIS和GPS等技术,对灾害多发地区,特别是沿海地区的灾害影响与损失进行评估。  相似文献   
洪水再生稻高产栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2007年7月8—9目,四川省泸县发生了特大洪涝灾害,嘉明和福集2镇洪水淹没面积多达8000hm^2,淹没时间为60-92h,处于不同生育期的水稻受到了不同程度的生长抑制。通过野外追踪调查和示范区比较试验,提出在洪灾后结合水稻生育期、淹没时间、淹水深度、植株长势等指标判断水稻受害程度,并以各指标为依据果断采取相应的抗灾、减灾对策。初步分析认为,蓄留洪水再生稻是行之有效的灾后生产自救措施,同时揭示了早割低留桩、晚割高留桩、早割多施肥、晚割少施肥、保持浅水层和防治病虫害是蓄留洪水再生稻的关键技术。  相似文献   
在对2000年晋城市煤管站遭雷击事故的调查分析基础上,提出今后的科学防护措施,既强化了全社会的防灾减灾意识,也促进了气象防雷减灾工作的积极开展。  相似文献   
雷公坛村雷电灾害调查及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:在对南昌市湾里区招贤镇乌井村雷公坛自然村的雷电灾害实地调查和测试的基础上,分析了其雷灾的成因,并提出了相应的雷电防护对策及建议。  相似文献   
以20世纪60-80年代天津地区地面沉降灾害的发展为例,讨论了城市地面沉降灾害的特征,分析了地面沉降引发的次生灾害及其防治问题。结果表明,城市地面沉降灾害主要具有缓释特征、不可逆特征、罪罚特征和灾害链特征,城市地面沉降能够破坏市政设施,引发城市内涝和河流泄洪能力降低,造成地下水质和地质环境恶化,使海平面上升,沿海风暴潮加剧,同时还能造成海拔标高损失等。地面沉降所造成的损失是个巨大的灾害链,损失应当包括硬件和软件,也应当包括当前和远景,以致更深层次的影响。另外,缓释、不可逆的灾链特征对经济发展的布局、远景规划和投资环境影响不可低估;生态地理环境灾害链的影响,其效益损失更难于估计。地面沉降是城市灾害系统中的重要环节,也是城市防灾减灾的重要内容。地面沉降灾害的防治,应当是经济、环境、行政、立法,甚至教育、宣传等各个方面相结合的系统工程。  相似文献   
This paper explores the relationship between disaster risk reduction and long-term adaptive capacity building in two climate vulnerable areas—the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean and Ceará, in NE Brazil. Drawing on past applications of the disaster risk reduction framework, we identify four critical factors that have led to reductions in risk: flexible, learning-based, responsive governance; committed, reform-minded and politically active actors; disaster risk reduction integrated into other social and economic policy processes; and a long-term commitment to managing risk. We find that while the presence of these factors has reduced overall risk in both regions, in Ceará, disaster response as it is currently practiced, has fallen short of addressing the fundamental causes of vulnerability that leave those prone to hazards able to cope in the short term, yet enmeshed in poverty and at risk from the longer-term changes associated with climate change. Although calls for integration of disaster risk management with poverty eradication are not new, there has been insufficient attention paid in the literature on how to foster such integration. Based on the two case studies, we argue that the adoption of good governance mechanisms (such as stakeholder participation, access to knowledge, accountability and transparency) in disaster risk reduction policy may create the policy environment that is conducive to the kind of structural reform needed to build long-term adaptive capacity to climate-driven impacts. We conclude that without a synergistic two-tiered approach that includes both disaster risk reduction and structural reform, disaster risk reduction, in the face of climate changes, will prove to be an expensive and ineffective palliative treatment of changing risks.  相似文献   
A field reconnaissance mission was led to the areas affected by the disaster caused by the Magnitude 7.9 earthquake event of 15/08/2007 near the city of Pisco in Peru. The main objectives of the mission were to collect data and make observations leading to improvements in design methods and techniques for strengthening and retrofit, and to assist the phase of reconstruction. The mission focused on the behaviour of non-engineered structures, in particular those of adobe constructions. The findings of the mission confirmed that most of the damage was observed on adobe houses constructed with traditional non anti-seismic techniques which either collapsed or nearly collapsed, causing 519 deaths, 1,366 injuries and more than 58,000 houses destroyed. The mission also confirmed that buildings constructed according to modern earthquake resistant design standards performed with no evident damage. All the parties contacted during the mission, especially the EC Delegation, showed particular interest in the results of the present mission report, which will be taken into consideration when planning the reconstruction phase, especially of the most distant rural areas, where close collaboration between the Governmental Institutions, International Organizations, Universities and NGO’s, will be needed to assist the population for the adoption of earthquake resistant designs in the reconstruction of the destroyed houses.  相似文献   
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