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随着南海西部海域的勘探与开发,越来越多的砂砾岩油气藏被发现。但由于研究区域砂砾岩储层孔隙结构复杂,因此,孔隙度基本相同的储层之间渗透率差别很大,并且低渗砂砾岩储层的油水层测井响应特征不明显。针对于此,本文深入分析砂砾岩储层的孔隙结构特征及其对储集层电性的影响,总结不同沉积环境条件下渗透率的分布特征及影响因素。从宏观上看:受近物源的控制,快速堆积的碎屑杂基充填孔隙,储层渗透率表现为低渗特征;由于溶蚀作用改善了孔隙,远物源孔隙连通性较好,渗透率表现为中高渗特征;而压实作用较为强烈的储层则表现为特低渗特征。从微观上看,岩石平均孔喉半径是渗透率的重要内在控制因素。依据不同的沉积环境及孔隙结构特征,采用流动单元分析法,将砂砾岩储层细分为三大类,从而建立了三大类砂砾岩储层渗透率测井解释模型;并采用最能表征储层储集性能的补偿密度、补偿中子、泥质体积分数、地层流动带指数进行模糊聚类分析,得到Fisher线性判别模型。结果显示,流动单元法所建渗透率模型最终预测渗透率相对误差基本保持在50%以内,比传统孔渗模型方法精度更高,在研究区域更具有适用性和准确性。  相似文献   
通过选取合适的钻探设备和合理的钻进参数,采用空气反循环连续取样工艺,在吉林省珲春金泉岗含金砾岩矿区施工取得了良好的应用效果。实践表明,在岩矿样难以采取的含金砾岩地层中,采用空气反循环连续取样钻进工艺,其岩样采取率达98%以上,配合潜孔锤钻进工艺,在坚硬岩层中钻进,有效提高了钻探效率,降低了成本。介绍了施工设备、管材的配置及空气反循环连续取样钻探技术的施工工艺。  相似文献   
Auriferous quartz veins in the Bankuan gold deposit occur in the interlayer broken zone of the basal conglomerate of the Tietonggou Formation or at the unconformity between the Tietonggou Formation and the crystalline basement.The composition of fluid inclusions in the minerals indicates that the nature and composition of ore-forming hydrothermal solutions show a drastical change soon after the solutions reached the Tietonggou Formation from the crystalline basement,resulting in gold precipitation.So the Bankuan gold deposit can be assigned to the conglomerate stata-bound-type deposits.137 thermometric data are concentrated in the three ranges 400-340℃,330-220℃ and 180-160℃,representing three episodes of metalogenesis,Oxygen isotope studies demonstrate the evolution of ore-forming hydrothermal solutions from early metamorphic to late meteoric,Diversity of ore-forming materials dominated by deep-source material is supported by sulphur and lead isotope data.From the above discussions it may be concluded that the deposit formed by metamorphism induced as a result of Mesozoic northward intracontinental subduction along the Machaoying fault.  相似文献   
老君山砾岩是一套由砾岩和杂砂岩组成的陆相粗碎屑岩。砾岩由来自下伏基底的超镁铁岩、中—基性火山岩、硅质岩、花岗岩等碎屑组成。杂砂岩中岩屑含量大于70%,石英约10%,长石约15%。岩屑以中基性火山岩和花岗岩为主;硅质岩屑是主要的沉积岩屑。锆石、磷灰石、磁铁矿是杂砂岩中最为丰富的重矿物,同时还有铬铁矿、石榴子石、电气石、金红石、黄铁矿。这些事实说明,老君山砾岩的源区曾出露有超镁铁岩、中基性火山岩、变质岩等类型的岩石。砂岩碎屑模式和粉砂岩、泥岩的地球化学成分均表明,老君山砾岩源区为大陆边缘弧和大洋岛弧,形成于活动大陆边缘与岛弧相关的沉积盆地中。  相似文献   
东昆仑东段下三叠统洪水川组主要分布于东昆南断裂带和东昆中断裂带之间的红水川—托索河一带。笔者分别对出露于宝日禾日俄地区和可可沙地区洪水川组底部层位砾岩的砾石成分、磨圆度和粒度进行综合统计对比分析。结果显示:可可沙地区砾石成分主要为灰岩和变质岩,宝日禾日俄地区砾石成分主要为花岗岩和变质岩。从宝日禾日俄地区花岗岩砾石中获得的LA-ICP-Ma锆石U-Pb年龄为(464.9±9.3)Ma(MSWD=2.9)。砾石特征表明可可沙地区物源来自可可沙地区下伏地层哈拉郭勒组,而宝日禾日俄地区物源主要为早古生代岩浆岩,表明洪水川组底部层位物源主要为加里东期弧岩浆岩,而晚滇西—印支期弧岩浆岩并未提供沉积物质。结合前人资料认为,布青山—阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋于晚二叠世开始向北俯冲,洪水川组为一套弧前盆地的沉积产物,早三叠世早期布青山—阿尼玛卿古特提斯洋处于向北俯冲初始阶段。  相似文献   
Seafloor images of coarse‐grained submarine channel–levée systems commonly reveal complex braid‐plain patterns of low‐amplitude bedforms and zones of apparent bypass; however, mechanisms of channel evolution and the resultant channel‐fill architecture are poorly understood. At Playa Esqueleto the lateral relationships between various elements of a deep‐marine slope channel system are well‐exposed. Specifically, the transition from gravel‐dominated axial thalwegs to laterally persistent marginal sandstones and isolated gravel‐filled scours is revealed. Marginal sandstones pass into a monotonous thin‐bedded succession which built to form relatively low‐relief levées bounding the channel belt; in turn, the levées onlap the canyon walls. Three orders of confinement were important during the evolution of the channel system: (i) first‐order confinement was provided by the erosional canyon which confined the entire system; (ii) confined levées built of turbidite sandstones and mudstones formed the second‐order confinement, and it is demonstrated that these built from overspill at thalweg margins; and (iii) third‐order confinement describes the erosional confinement of coarse‐grained thalwegs and scours. Finer‐grained sediment was transported in suspension and largely was unaffected by topography at the scale of individual thalwegs. Facies and clast analyses of conglomerate overlying channel‐marginal scours reveal that they were deposited by composite gravity flows, which were non‐cohesive, grain‐dominant debris flows with more fluidal cores. These flows were capable of basal erosion but were strongly depositional; frictional freezing at flow margins built gravel levées, while the core maintained a more fluidal transport regime. The resultant architecture consists of matrix‐rich, poorly sorted levées bounding better‐sorted, traction‐dominated cores. The planform geometry is interpreted to have consisted of a low‐sinuosity gravel braid‐plain built by accretion around mid‐channel and bank‐attached bars. This part of the system may be analogous to fluvial systems; however, the finer‐grained sediment load formed thick suspension clouds, probably several orders of magnitude thicker than the relief of braid‐plain topography and therefore controlled by the levées and canyon wall confinement.  相似文献   
本文首先研究某工程泥质砾岩扰动样的流变、渗透和浸水软化特性,然后,简要介绍泥质砾岩隧洞的施工方法和支护形式并根据材料特性,模拟施工过程,湿化饱和过程和钢筋混凝土瓦片形衬砌的结构形式,分析了围岩和衬砌的应力及变形,探讨了浸水软化对围岩长期稳定性的影响和失稳机制。  相似文献   
四川汶川,都江堰地区五龙沟砾岩的地质特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苟宗海  吴山  赵兵 《矿物岩石》1999,19(4):29-34
四川汶川县水磨镇及都江堰市青城后山五龙沟、泰安寺一带的侏罗系,为一套厚度巨大的砾、砂岩沉积,并组成NE—SW 向的向斜构造。在1997年~1999 年1∶5×104《三江幅》区调期间,测制了该区多条侏罗纪地层剖面,并命名为一个非正式岩石地层单元-五龙沟砾岩,划分为一组、二组、三组。本文概述了它的岩石组合面貌、地层划分对比、年代地层归属,并讨论了五龙沟砾岩冲积扇相特征。  相似文献   
浙江中西部永康盆地及金衢盆地白垩系冲积扇特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浙江众多中小型白垩纪盆地中,分布着河湖相红色沉积岩夹火山岩的白垩系上部地层。作者对位于浙江省金华地区永康市和义乌市境内的2条剖面进行了研究,即金衢盆地早白垩世晚期至晚白垩世早期的铜山岩中戴组剖面和永康盆地早白垩世晚期的方岩景区方岩组剖面,认为其主要为冲积扇沉积,具有多套沉积旋回的陆相碎屑岩准层序组,沉积特征表现为:下部紫红色块状砾岩、砂砾岩,夹泥质粉砂岩,局部有紫红色凝灰岩及深灰色玄武岩;上部棕褐色钙质粉砂岩与泥质粉砂岩组成不等厚互层,产恐龙化石Chilantaisaurus zhejiangensis;具有大型交错层理等沉积构造。其中扇根亚相的砂砾岩为槽流沉积和辫流水道沉积,扇中亚相的片状或席状砂岩为漫流沉积,漫流成因的片状或席状砂岩可能成为良好的油气储集体。此研究成果对中国南方小盆地白垩系扇根—扇中碎屑岩的沉积特征及其成因分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   
关于北京“洼里砾岩”成因的争议由来已久,主要有构造成因和沉积成因两种不同的观点。在以往资料的基础上,结合近年来新的地热钻井资料,绘制了地质剖面图,进行了地层比对与构造分析,发现剖面中存在数条、多期、规模不一的逆断层,存在相互切割,这使得地层受到较大扰动,体现出八宝山断裂的逆冲作用非常强烈,且具有多期性;并在构造分析的基础上,结合砾岩的成分、结构、岩溶发育及出现层位等岩性特征,以及北京凹陷的形成过程,分析了其形成机制,提出“洼里砾岩”属于八宝山断裂带断层角砾岩雾迷山组内的部分,形成时代大约是在中生代中晚期。   相似文献   
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