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紧密结合国家非常规能源勘探开发的重大战略,聚焦重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查工作,总结了研究区岩溶发育特征与分布规律,评价了涪陵页岩气开发区区域水资源量和地下水质量。在此基础上,收集分析国内外资料,梳理了页岩气勘查开发所引发的6类环境(地质)问题及勘查、钻井、压裂、开采、闭井等5个阶段需关注的地质环境问题或风险等,其中涪陵页岩气勘查开发区主要诱发水土污染、地质灾害和大气污染等环境(地质)问题; 基本识别了2种地下水污染模式、3种污染类型及可能的地下水污染风险途径; 初步确定了涪陵页岩气勘查开发区污染指示性特征因子,并形成了页岩气勘查开发区地质环境影响评价指标体系,可指导页岩气勘查开发的环境地质调查。该研究为页岩气国家新型清洁能源的绿色开发和开发区生态文明建设提供支撑。  相似文献   
城市应急管理模型之设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市建设的快速发展 ,各类危及国家和人民群众生命财产安全的突发性事故灾害时有发生 ,尽管各有关部门的抢救队伍在实施抢险救援中发挥了积极作用 ,但各抢险救援力量专业单一、分散行动 ,形成不了合力 ,难以及时有效处置重大或特大突发性、综合性、大面积的城市事故灾害 ,特别是像地震以及的美国的 9 1 1那样突发性事故。我们目前开展的震害预测与灾害快速评估系统只是针对地震的 ,而地震是小概率事件。因此要应对城市各种重大突发事件 ,城市有必要建立一种应急机制或综合的应急管理信息系统。根据“数字城市”的思想 ,通过一个通信系统与信息系统集成的平台 ,统一协调公安、消防、急救、交警、公共事业、民防、地震等政府部门 ,为市民提供快速、及时的各种救助和相应的服务。统一报警、统一指挥、快速反应、联合行动 ,从而有效地减少损失。  相似文献   
利用中国数字地震台网(简称CDSN,下同)11个台的宽频带长周期(VLP)数字记录对1990-2012年间的124个极远震记录进行了分析处理,在震中距100.0°~179.0°之间,获取了CDSN11个台站的Pdif波的震相数据,得到了Pdif波在地球核幔界面上衍射的运动学特征和《Pdif波走时表》。所得结果大大拓展了Pdif的记录范围,在144.0°~179.0°之间弥补了《IASPEI1991地震波走时表》的缺失,为更大范围内的Pdif震相分析提供了参考标准,有助于提高中国地震台网的地震分析水平和积累震相分析经验,以及对地球核幔边界物理性质的认识。  相似文献   
Starting from the three-dimensional hydrostatic primitive equations, we derive Hamiltonian N-layer models with isentropic tropospheric and isentropic or isothermal stratospheric layers. Our construction employs a new parcel Hamiltonian formulation which describes the fluid as a continuum of Hamiltonian ordinary differential equations bound together by integral transport laws. In particular, we show that this parcel Hamiltonian structure is compatible with the stacking of layers under isentropic or isothermal constraints. The appeal of the parcel formulation is the simplification of various calculations, in particular the derivation of the continuum Poisson bracket and the proof of the Jacobi identity. A comparison and connection is made between the Hamiltonian dynamics of fluid parcels and the Hamiltonian system of partial differential equations. The parcel formulation can be seen as a precursor and tool for the study of Hamiltonian numerical schemes.  相似文献   
Reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR are used to systematically study preceding signals of monthlyprecipitation anomalies in the early raining season of Guangdong province, from the viewpoints of 500-hPageopotential height field, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) field, sea surface temperature (SST) and fourteenindexes of general circulation depicting atmosphere activity at high, middle and low latitutes. Being multipletools of information, a number of conceptual models are formulated that are useful for prediction of themagnitude of monthly precipitation (drought, flood and normal conditionss).  相似文献   
为预估全球变暖背景下中国西南地区未来暴雨洪涝灾害风险的变化特征,研究挑选5个CMIP6模式和5个极端降水指数,结合地形因子、社会经济数据和耕地面积百分比,构建暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估模型,对西南暴雨洪涝灾害风险进行基准期(1995—2014年)评估、未来两个时期(2021—2040年,2041—2060年)3种情景(SSP1-2.6,SSP2-4.5,SSP5-8.5)下的预估和对比分析。结果表明:EC-Earth3, EC-Earth3-Veg两个单模式对5个极端降水指数的模拟效果较好,不等权重集合(UEWA-5)的效果整体优于等权重集合(EWA-5)。西南地区5个极端降水指数的高值区位于云南西部、广西东北部以及四川盆地西缘,社会脆弱性和辐射强迫越高,极端降水指数平均值和最大值越大; 从基准期到未来两个时期,5个极端降水指数均呈增大趋势。未来暴雨洪涝灾害的中高风险区和高风险区主要分布在四川成都市、重庆中心和四川盆地西部、云南昆明市、广西中南部和桂林市等局部较发达地区; 未来两个时期SSP2-4.5情景下的中高风险区和高风险区面积最大; 从基准期到未来远期,中高风险区和高风险区面积将随着时间增长而增加。  相似文献   
Advances in photogrammetry have eased the acquisition of high-resolution digital information from outcrops, enabling faster, non-destructive data capturing and improved reservoir modeling. Geocellular models for flow dynamics with in the virtual outcrop in siliciclastic deposits at different sets of sandstone facies architecture remain, however, a challenge. Digital maps of bedding, lithological contrast, spatial-temporal variations of bedding and permeability characteristics make it more easy to understand flow tortuosity in a particular architecture. An ability to precisely model these properties can improve reservoir characterization and flow modeling at different scales. Here we demonstrate the construction of realistic 2 D sandstone facies based models for a pragmatic simulation of flow dynamics using a combination of digital point clouds dataset acquired from LiDAR and field investigation of the Sandakan Formation, Sabah, Borneo.Additionally, we present methods for enhancing the accuracy of outcrop digital datasets for producing high resolution flow simulation. A well-exposed outcrop from the Sandakan Formation, Sabah, northwest Borneo having a lateral extent of 750 m was chosen in order to implement our research approach. Sandstone facies and its connectivity are well constrained by outcrop observations, data from air-permeability measurements, bilinear interpolation of permeability, grid construction and water vector analysis for flow dynamics.These proportions were then enumerated in terms of static digital outcrop model(DOM) and facies model based on sandstone facies bedding characteristics. Flow simulation of water vector analysis through each of the four sandstone facies types show persistent spatial correlation of permeability that align with either cross-bedded orientation or straight with more dispersion high quality sandstone(porosity 21.25%-41.2%and permeability 1265.20-5986.25 mD) and moderate quality sandstone(porosity 10.44%-28.75% and permeability 21.44-1023.33 mD). Whereas, in more heterolithic sandstone(wavy-to flaser-bedded and bioturbated sandstone), lateral variations in permeability show spatially non-correlated patterns over centimeters to tens of meters with mostly of low quality sandstone(porosity 3.4%-12.31% and permeability < 1 mD to 3.21 mD). These variations reflect the lateral juxtaposition in flow dynamics. It has also been resulted that the vertical connectivity and heterogeneities in terms of flow are mostly pragmatic due to the interconnected sandstone rather than the quality of sandstone.  相似文献   
A conceptual hydrogeological model of the Viterbo thermal area (central Italy) has been developed. Though numerous studies have been conducted on its geological, geochemical and geothermal features, there is no generalized picture defining the origin and yield of the hydrothermal system. These latter aspects have therefore become the objectives of this research, which is based on new hydrogeological and geochemical investigations. The geological setting results in the coexistence of overlapped interacting aquifers. The shallow volcanic aquifer, characterized by fresh waters, is fed from the area around the Cimini Mountains and is limited at its base by the semiconfining marly-calcareous-arenaceous complex and low-permeability clays. To the west of Viterbo, vertical upflows of thermal waters of the sulphate-chloride-alkaline-earth type with higher gas contents, are due to the locally uplifted carbonate reservoir, the reduced thickness of the semiconfining layer and the high local geothermal gradient. The hot waters (30–60°C) are the result of deep circulation within the carbonate rocks (0.5–1.8 km) and have the same recharge area as the volcanic aquifer. The upward flow in the Viterbo thermal area is at least 0.1 m3/s. This flow feeds springs and deep wells, also recharging the volcanic aquifer from below.  相似文献   
江苏岸外条子泥二分水滩脊的沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈君  张忍顺 《海洋通报》2003,22(3):23-30
2000年1月16日在江苏岸外条子泥沙洲二分水滩脊选取三条断面,进行底质沉积物采样及滩面高程测量。共采集样品27个,对其用激光粒度仪进行粒度分析,发现沉积物的粒度参数、粒度组分及其分布均具有一定的变化规律,且与滩面高程变化具有很好的相关性。  相似文献   
A fully nonstationary stochastic model for strong earthquake ground motion is developed. The model employs filtering of a discretized white‐noise process. Nonstationarity is achieved by modulating the intensity and varying the filter properties in time. The formulation has the important advantage of separating the temporal and spectral nonstationary characteristics of the process, thereby allowing flexibility and ease in modeling and parameter estimation. The model is fitted to target ground motions by matching a set of statistical characteristics, including the mean‐square intensity, the cumulative mean number of zero‐level up‐crossings and a measure of the bandwidth, all expressed as functions of time. Post‐processing by a second filter assures zero residual velocity and displacement, and improves the match to response spectral ordinates for long periods. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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