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The c. 500 m thick Middle Jurassic sandstones of the fluvial Bristol Elv and marine Pelion Formations of the East Greenland Basin are evaluated here in order to improve the understanding of the processes that influenced the diagenetic evolution. The study may help to predict the reservoir properties of sandstones affected by magmatism and faulting, both in general and specifically in undrilled areas on- and offshore East Greenland and, in the Vøring Basin on the Mid-Norwegian shelf. The study shows a variety of authigenic mineral phases dominated by quartz cement, carbonate cement, illite and iron-oxide. One of the clear differences between the two formations is the presence of early carbonate-cemented horizons in the marine sandstones; these horizons are inferred to reflect a primary concentration of biogenic clasts and fossil shells. Intense quartz cementation occurs primarily in the fluvial sandstones but the marine sandstones are also highly quartz-cemented. Two episodes of burial and uplift are recorded in the diagenetic sequence and widespread grain-crushing in coarse-grained intervals is believed to result from overpressure and subsequent compaction due to sudden pressure release along major faults. Maximum burial depths may only have been around 2000–2500 m. Cathodoluminescence analyses show that grain crushing was followed by intense quartz cementation. The quartz cement is to a great deal believed to have formed due to increased surface area from crushing of detrital quartz grains, creating fresh nucleation sites for the quartz. Cathodoluminescence investigations also show that only minor pressure dissolution has taken place between detrital quartz grains and that the ubiquitous quartz cementation displays several growth zones, and was thus in part the result of the introduction of silica-rich extra-formational fluids related to the flow of hot fluids along reactivated faults and increased heat flow and temperature due to magmatism. This interpretation is supported by fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures between 117 and 158 °C in quartz cements. In one of the two study areas, the development of macroscopic stylolites has significantly enhanced quartz cementation, probably in connection with thermal convection flow. As a result of the magmatic and fault-related quartz cementation and illitization, the reservoir quality of the sandstone formations deteriorated and changed drastically.  相似文献   
In the northern part of the Calchaquí Valley (NW Argentina), Palaeogene Andean foreland sediments are represented by a 1400-metre-thick continental succession (QLC: Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation) consisting of claystones, siltstones, sandstones, and conglomerates representing sedimentation in fluvial-alluvial plains and alluvial fan settings. To understand the main syn- and postsedimentary variables controlling the clay mineral assemblages of this succession, we have studied the fine-grained clastic sediments by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, along with a detailed sedimentary facies analysis, for two representative sections. In the northern section, the whole succession was sampled and analysed by XRD, whereas in the second section, a control point 15 km to the south, only the basal levels were analysed. The XRD study revealed a strong contrast in clay mineral assemblages between these two sections as well as with sections in the central Calchaquí Valley studied previously. In the northernmost part of the study area, a complete evolution from smectite at the top to R3 illite/smectite mixed-layers plus authigenic kaolinite at the bottom, through R1-type mixed-layers in between, has been recognized, indicating the attainment of late diagenesis. In contrast, the clay mineral assemblages of equivalent foreland sediments cropping out only 15 km to the south contain abundant smectite and micas, subordinate kaolinite and chlorite, and no I/S mixed-layers to the bottom of the sequence. Early diagenetic conditions were also inferred in a previous study for equivalent sediments of the QLC Formation cropping out to the south, in the central Calchaquí Valley, as smectite occurs in basal strata. Burial depths of approximately 3000 m were estimated for the QLC Formation in the central and northern Calchaquí Valley; in addition, an intermediate to slightly low geothermal gradient can be considered likely for both areas as foreland basins are regarded as hypothermal basins. Consequently, the attainment of late diagenesis in the northernmost study area cannot be explained by significant differences in burial depth nor in geothermal gradient in relation to the section 15 km to the south nor with the central Calchaquí Valley. The formation of R3 mixed-layer I/S and authigenic kaolinite in the northern study area was most likely controlled by the circulation of hot, deep fluids along the reverse faults that bounded the Calchaquí valley. These faults were active during the Cenozoic, as evidenced by the syndepositional deformation features preserved in the studied sediments. Stress could also have been a driving force in burial diagenesis at the R3 mixed-layer I/S stage in these young continental sediments.  相似文献   
Significant volumes of the known hydrocarbon reserves are found in carbonate rocks, many of these dolomitized. The spatial distribution of diagenesis on these rocks is one of the main challenges in oil reservoir modeling. Reactive transport models can be a powerful tool to understand the active diagenetic processes and their effects on the quality of these reservoirs. In this study it was used, for the first time, the CMG-GEM simulator to model diagenetic evolution of a carbonate sequence, subjected to compaction-driven and geothermal flow in a simulated period of 200 thousand years. It was simulated carbonate cementation, dolomitization and dissolution, with and without presence of faults. Among the analyzed variables, the volume of circulating fluid was the most important factor. For both mechanisms, flow simulated velocities obtained had magnitudes smaller than 10−6 m/day. Diagenesis was insignificant for these low speeds at simulated time interval. Only dolomitized facies presented relevant diagenesis in form of calcite dissolution and dolomite precipitation. Simulations with flow rates of 1 m/day revealed a considerable increase in observed diagenesis, especially in carbonate cementation and in porosity enhancement. Diagenesis was more pronounced in more permeable sediments, highlighting the role of fluid flow in diagenetic reactions. Relative dissolution was greatly reduced during simulations performed with absence of dolomite and dolomitization reactions. The presence of faults strongly influences spatial distribution of diagenesis, especially relatively to dissolution. More permeable facies were more dissolved near fault, decreasing with increasing distance. Low permeability facies, as mudstones, are not dissolved, even near fault. Spatial distribution of diagenesis would then be dependent mainly on the quality of original pore structure, of fault presence and mineral composition of rock.  相似文献   
Shallow-platform settings with marked differences in paleoplatform bottom physiography influence the degree of connection with oceanic waters and overall circulation patterns,even when sharing the same palaeoclimatic conditions.Two Kimmeridgian shallow-marine settings have been explored to test the sensitivity and reliability of carbonate chemostratigraphy to detect such differences.An integrated overview of the obtained elemental trends depicted four major facies,shared along specific stratigraphic intervals of both depositional records.Diagenesis obliterated original geochemical signals only throughout the siliciclastics-rich interval,corresponding to the most landward setting.For the remaining facies,elemental features could be attributed to the differential action of forcing mechanisms operating along the south-Iberian paleomargin during Kimmeridgian times.The highest degree of continental influence can be recognized by a strong relationship between Fe and Mn for the most proximal setting,which fades out along the mixed carbonate-fine siliciclastic rhythmic deposition in more open settings.A characteristic geochemical signature of progressively more positive δ~(13)C values and significantly higher Sr content is identified for the interval dominated by biogenic sponge buildups.Such a local response is related to local forcing by upwelling in the surroundings of a coral fringe.The geochemical signature of a hydrothermal origin can be clearly differentiated from the influence of mere terrigenous pulses.Accordingly,the decoupling of Fe and Mn along marginal settings is the clue to detecting major events of palaeogeographic restructuring.Observed temporal variations in Mg content along both studied sections are attributed to tectonic activity influencing nearshore/coastal water masses.By integrating chemostratigraphic information and complementary evidence,the palaeoenvironmental mechanisms promoting differentiated sedimentary records along ancient subtropical,shallow,coastal settings can be disentangled.  相似文献   
The Upper Triassic Chang 6 sandstone, an important exploration target in the Ordos Basin, is a typical tight oil reservoir. Reservoir quality is a critical factor for tight oil exploration. Based on thin sections, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), stable isotopes, and fluid inclusions, the diagenetic processes and their impact on the reservoir quality of the Chang 6 sandstones in the Zhenjing area were quantitatively analysed. The initial porosity of the Chang 6 sandstones is 39.2%, as calculated from point counting and grain size analysis. Mechanical and chemical compaction are the dominant processes for the destruction of pore spaces, leading to a porosity reduction of 14.2%–20.2% during progressive burial. The porosity continually decreased from 4.3% to 12.4% due to carbonate cementation, quartz overgrowth and clay mineral precipitation. Diagenetic processes were influenced by grain size, sorting and mineral compositions. Evaluation of petrographic observations indicates that different extents of compaction and calcite cementation are responsible for the formation of high-porosity and low-porosity reservoirs. Secondary porosity formed due to the burial dissolution of feldspar, rock fragments and laumontite in the Chang 6 sandstones. However, in a relatively closed geochemical system, products of dissolution cannot be transported away over a long distance. As a result, they precipitated in nearby pores and pore throats. In addition, quantitative calculations showed that the dissolution and associated precipitation of products of dissolution were nearly balanced. Consequently, the total porosity of the Chang 6 sandstones increased slightly due to burial dissolution, but the permeability decreased significantly because of the occlusion of pore throats by the dissolution-associated precipitation of authigenic minerals. Therefore, the limited increase in net-porosity from dissolution, combined with intense compaction and cementation, account for the low permeability and strong heterogeneity in the Chang 6 sandstones in the Zhenjing area.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯西缘前陆盆地中生界储层砂岩成岩作用主要受前陆盆地构造演化的影响,不同构造区带砂岩储层的成岩环境存在一定的差别。研究发现,冲断带近物源区由于杂基和软矿物含量高,压实作用表现较为强烈,砂岩物性较差;但斜坡带远离物源区压实程度较弱,原生粒间孔隙发育。前陆盆地不同区带的构造演化强度不同,形成了不同的成岩强度,冲断带的Ro值为0.5%~0.65%,其成岩演化刚进入晚成岩A期,但成岩演化程度比斜坡带略高,而坳陷带经历的成岩演化最高,成岩演化程度相对较高(Ro:0.7%~0.9%),强度最大。坳陷带比冲断带、斜坡带含有更高含量的富铁方解石,这些铁方解石属于成岩晚期的产物,很难遭受后期溶蚀改造,所以坳陷带中铁方解石含量较高的地区储层物性也比较差,其机理可能与黏土矿物转化和长石类矿物发生溶蚀有关。  相似文献   
Several diagenetic models have been proposed for Middle and Upper Jurassic carbonates of the eastern Paris Basin. The paragenetic sequences are compared in both aquifers to propose a diagenetic model for the Middle and Late Jurassic deposits as a whole. Petrographic (optical and cathodoluminescence microscopy), structural (fracture orientations) and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, REE) studies were conducted to characterize diagenetic cements, with a focus on blocky calcite cements, and their connection with fracturation events. Four generations of blocky calcite (Cal1–Cal4) are identified. Cal1 and Cal2 are widespread in the dominantly grain-supported facies of the Middle Jurassic limestones (about 90% of the cementation), whereas they are limited in the Oxfordian because grain-supported facies are restricted to certain stratigraphic levels. Cal1 and Cal2 blocky spars precipitated during burial in a reducing environment from mixed marine-meteoric waters and/or buffered meteoric waters. The meteoric waters probably entered aquifers during the Late Cimmerian (Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary) and Late Aptian (Early Cretaceous) unconformities. The amount of Cal2 cement is thought to be linked to the intensity of burial pressure dissolution, which in turn was partly controlled by the clay content of the host rocks. Cal3 and Cal4 are associated with telogenetic fracturing phases. The succession of Cal3 and Cal4 calcite relates to the transition towards oxidizing conditions during an opening of the system to meteoric waters at higher water/rock ratios. These meteoric fluids circulated along Pyrenean, Oligocene and Alpine fractures and generated both dissolution and subsequent cementation in Oxfordian vugs in mud-supported facies and in poorly stylolitized grainstones. However, these cements filled only the residual porosity in Middle Jurassic limestones. In addition to fluorine inputs, fracturation also permitted inputs of sulphur possibly due to weathering of Triassic or Purbeckian evaporites or H2S input during Paleogene times.  相似文献   
歧口凹陷沙三段成岩作用对储层物性贡献率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张自力  李勇  张威 《江苏地质》2011,35(4):354-357
为定量描述各种成岩作用对储层物性变化的影响,提出成岩综合系数(C),该系数由压实作用(α)、胶结作用(β)、溶蚀作用(γ)等3个成岩要素贡献率之和构成。通过对研究区大量岩芯薄片分析统计,经多元回归,建立各种成岩作用与孔隙度之间的关系式,得出它们对储层物性的贡献率,认为胶结作用是储层物性的主控因素。  相似文献   
The Upper Triassic – Lower Jurassic Åre Formation comprising the deeper reservoir in the Heidrun Field offshore mid-Norway consists of fluvial channel sandstones (FCH), floodplain fines (FF), and sandy and muddy bay-fill sediments (SBF, MBF) deposited in an overall transgressive fluvial to lower delta plain regime. The formation has been investigated to examine possible sedimentary facies controls on the distribution of cementation and compaction based on petrography and SEM/micro probe analyses of core samples related to facies associations and key stratigraphic surfaces. The most significant authigenic minerals are kaolinite, calcite and siderite. Kaolinite and secondary porosity from dissolution of feldspar and biotite are in particular abundant in the fluvial sandstones. The carbonate minerals show complex compositional and micro-structural variation of pure siderite (Sid I), Mg-siderite (Sid II), Fe-dolomite, ankerite and calcite, displaying decreasing Fe from early to late diagenetic carbonate cements. An early diagenetic origin for siderite and kaolinite is inferred from micro-structural relations, whereas pore filling calcite and ankerite formed during later diagenesis. The Fe-dolomite probably related to mixing-zone dolomitization from increasing marine influences, and a regional correlatable calcite cemented layer has been related to a flooding event. Porosity values in non-cemented sandstone samples are generally high in both FCH and SBF facies associations averaging 27%. Differential compaction between sandstone and mudstone has a ratio of up to 1:2 and with lower values for MBF. We emphasize the role of eogenetic siderite cementation in reducing compactability in the fine-grained, coal-bearing sediments most prominent in MBF facies. This has implications for modeling of differential compaction between sandstone and mudstones deposited in fluvial-deltaic environments.  相似文献   
Poor biostratigraphic control for some Triassic-Jurassic successions in the North Sea Basin and sub-basins necessitates the use of alternative correlation methods. This study examines the use of diagenetic signatures to distinguish continenetal from marine sandstone successions (Triassic-Jurassic) in the UK Central Graben. The key diagenetic alterations encountered in these successions include kaolinitization of the framework grains and the development of sphaerosiderite and pyrite. The δ 13CV-PDB values of siderite (−8.1 to −8.5‰) and of ankerite (−10.8 to −9.2‰), indicate a strong contribution of dissolved carbon from the decay of plant material in soil. However, marine water likely influenced diagenesis during periods of relative sea level rise by providing the dissolved sulfate (SO42−) required for the precipitation of pyrite. The presence of diagenetic alterations such as kaolinitization of framework grains and cementation by sphaerosiderite could indicate that the sediments were deposited in an overall continental setting. However, the occurrence of pyrite and scattered grains of deep-green colored glauconite suggests occasional marine influence. Such information on the changes of the diagenetic realm provides important clues for establishing a framework for stratigraphic correlations. Caution should be exercised when interpreting petrographic data as subsequent episodes of telodiagenesis can complicate petrographic interpretations.  相似文献   
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