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The Upper Emsian to Frasnian Ia-Ib strata of the Marhouma area (or “km 30” outcrop), exposed in the Ougarta Range (SW Algeria) belong to the Chefar El Ahmar Formation. On the basis of distinct lithological and palaeontological features, this formation is subdivided into three members (Lower Marly Limestones Member, Middle Marly Limestones Member, and Upper Marly Limestones Member). The studied beds show low to moderate diversity of trace fossil assemblage which contains thirteen ichnotaxa: Chondrites intricatus, Chondrites isp., Chondrites cf. targionii, Circulichnis cf. montanus, Cochlichnus isp., Neonereites biserialis, Neonereites multiserialis, Nereites isp., Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp., Thalassinoides isp., Zoophycos aff. cauda-galli, and Zoophycos isp. A. The two latter ichnotaxa are the most common trace fossils in the assemblage and occur at three different levels showing different bioturbation intensities. The first Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 1) is characterised by an overall high bioturbation intensity reflecting a very high oxygenation rate and nutrient supply, allowing the development of large and dense Zoophycos specimens. The second Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 2) has a considerable reduction of bioturbation intensity as compared to the previous level, with an abundance of Chondrites, which is probably due to radical palaeoecological changes that suggests dysoxic and stressful conditions. The third Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 3) is characterised by an overall moderate bioturbation intensity. The distribution of trace fossils was influenced by lithology, sedimentation rate, energy level (storm events), bottom oxygenation, and nutrient supply. The lithofacies and trace fossils of the Chefar El Ahmar Formation both indicate a depositional environment fluctuating from the lower shoreface to lower offshore zone.  相似文献   
新疆西准噶尔铁厂沟镇南部广泛出露泥盆纪陆源碎屑岩沉积地层, 对其时代归属缺乏可靠的古生物化石依据, 并一直颇有争议。前人根据岩石地层对比将其归为中泥盆统库鲁木迪组。在充分分析前人研究成果的基础上, 对该套泥盆纪地层中的岩屑凝灰岩开展LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年, 获得加权平均年龄为(379.3±5.0)Ma(MSWD=0.45), 表明新疆西准噶尔铁厂沟镇南出露的泥盆系时代跨度较大, 其中存在晚泥盆世早期沉积, 而不是前人所笼统认为的中泥盆世。因此, 将这套前人所划分的中泥盆世库鲁木迪组地层沉积时代重新厘定为中泥盆世—晚泥盆世早期更为合理。在详细测制地层剖面的基础上, 进一步分析了该套泥盆系地层的岩石组合及沉积相, 结果显示该套泥盆纪陆源碎屑岩夹少量火山碎屑岩主体形成于浅海环境。  相似文献   
上述沉积层序特征和海平面变化,说明区内泥盆纪台缘断陷盆地的形成经历了由陆向海转化和盆地发展演化过程,反映了上扬子地台西缘陆架沉积发展的历史大致可划分为:盆地的雏形阶段(碎屑岩陆架的形成阶段),盆地的发展阶段(碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩混积陆架的形成阶段)和盆地形成与消亡不同性质的三个阶段。它们的形成与演化主要是构造断陷活动和龙门山海水不断向东侵进、古特提斯海北支向东扩展的结果,展示了由滨岸陆架转变为碳酸盐台地,由陆源碎屑充填转化为碳酸盐岩沉积的发展史。  相似文献   
自泥盆纪埃姆斯期, 广西受陆内裂陷影响, 形成碳酸盐台地与台沟间列的构造格局.吉维特期开始, 六景及相邻的黎塘一带逐渐形成孤立台地的沉积背景.吉维特期, 六景剖面的民塘组为以竹节石为特色的礁前斜坡生态系, 尽管目前没有出露生物礁, 从礁前角砾岩可以恢复曾经存在的礁生态系.而黎塘一带塘家湾组为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.弗拉斯期, 六景剖面的谷闭组则为少量珊瑚、腕足、层孔虫为特色的局限-半开放台地生态系.黎塘一带的桂林组仍为以珊瑚、层孔虫、腕足类为主要特色的台地生态系.六景、黎塘地区自法门期开始发生生态系突变, 六景剖面的融县组和黎塘一带的东村组发育藻礁丘或藻席为特色的藻生态系.该生态系的突变是F-F生物群集绝灭造成的生物类群突变的结果.生态系的特征也与吉维特-弗拉斯期烃源岩的形成、演化密切相关.   相似文献   
彭华斌 《云南地质》2009,28(2):143-147
基性-超基性岩浆杂岩是区内钛磁铁矿床的母岩体,矿体产于岩体中及边部,凤港组角闪斜长片麻岩和黑云斜长片麻岩是有利围岩,矿床成因属岩浆晚期结晶分异-变质矿床。预测本区有中-大型铁矿规模的找矿前景。  相似文献   
Occurrences and distribution of extremely scarce eognathodontids do not facilitate reliable correlation across the European regions. The correlation of the traditional early Pragian of the Prague Synform (a part of the classical Barrandian area) and the Spanish Central Pyrenees (section Segre 1) is based on conodont taxa of the Icriodus steinachensis and the Pelekysgnathus serratus stocks. This correlation has the potential to be extended to other peri‐Gondwanan regions where this scarcity of eognathodontid faunas exists as well. Application of the morphotype subdivision in I. steinachensis enables approximation of the beginning of the Pragian in the Pyrenees. It is based on the entry of I. steinachensis beta morphotype; it enters together with early eognathodontid taxa in the Barrandian sections. These correlations show that routine application of certain zonal concepts can lead to misleading conclusions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
内蒙古阿尔山地区泥盆系塔尔巴格特组主体为一套滨岩相陆源碎屑砂岩夹火山碎屑岩沉积,其沉积环境从早到晚经历了海相→海陆过渡相→陆相的过渡,晚期为陆相火山碎屑沉积。整体上,该地区塔尔巴格特组为一套无障壁滨岸-浅海陆棚环境沉积。  相似文献   
The Middle Devonian Gauja Formation in the Devonian Baltic Basin preserves tide‐influenced delta plain and delta front deposits associated with a large southward prograding delta complex. The outcrops extend over 250 km from southern Estonia to southern Lithuania. The succession can be divided into 10 facies associations recording distributary channel belts that became progressively more tide influenced when traced southwards towards the palaeo‐shoreline, separated by muddy intra‐channel areas where deposition was characterized by crevasse splays, delta plain lakes, abandoned channel deposits and tidal gullies. Tidal currents influenced deposition over the entire delta plain, extending up to 250 km from the contemporary shoreline. Tidal facies on the upper delta plain differ from those on the lower delta plain and delta front. In the former case, deposition from river currents was only occasionally interrupted by tidal currents, e.g. during spring tides, resulting in mica and mudstone drapes, and distinctive graded cross‐stratification. The lower delta plain was dominated by tidal facies and tidal currents regularly influenced deposition. There was a change from progradation to aggradation from the lower to the upper part of the Gauja Formation coupled with a vertical decrease in tidal influence and a decrease in coarse‐grained sediment input. The Gauja Formation contrasts with established models for tide‐influenced deltas as the active delta plain was not restricted by topography. The shape of the delta plain, the predominant southward (basinward)‐directed palaeocurrents, and the thick sandstone succession, show that although tidal currents strongly influenced deposition at bed scale, rivers still controlled the overall morphology of the delta and the larger‐scale bedforms. In addition, there are no signs of wave influence, indicating very low wave energy in the basin. The widespread tidal influence in the Devonian Baltic Basin is explained by changes in the wider basin geometry and by local bathymetrical differences in the basin during progradation and aggradation of the delta plain, with changes in tidal efficiency accompanying the change in basin geometry produced by shoreline progradation.  相似文献   
黄县煤田第三纪腐殖煤、藻烛煤、油页岩显微组分富含树脂体。根据产状和光学性质,树脂体划分为3种类型。GC/MS检测结果,饱和烃和芳烃馏分中存在大量的树脂生源的生物标志物,树脂体含量与总烃浓度,树脂体类型指数与烃转化率有良好的相关性。光学显微镜下,黄县煤田有机岩中发现有渗出沥青体和油珠。研究认为,树脂体是黄县煤田有机岩早期生烃的一种重要母质。  相似文献   
流体包裹体面(FIP)研究是当前的热点研究对象之一,已经取得了较为丰硕的成果,但利用FIP研究构造运动的文献为数不多。以苏北盆地富民、花庄油田为例,利用FIP研究了该油田的构造活动。结果表明:研究区至少经历了4次主要构造运动,主要发育3种类型的FIP。结合构造演化史、埋藏史及热史,确定了构造运动与油气成藏的时间与期次。  相似文献   
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