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洞庭湖区第四纪气候变化的初步探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
探讨了洞庭湖区第四纪以来的气候变化,初步得出以下规律:更新世气候变化剧烈,气候组合暖湿(温湿)与冷干;全新世气候转为温凉,主要气候组合为温湿与凉干;历史时期气候主要仍温湿与凉干交替,但15 世纪以来出现短暂的温干与凉温期;15世纪以来,气候波动频繁,有愈来愈不稳定的趋向,进入20世纪,旱涝灾害更加。在全球变暖的背景下,预计该区未来气候趋向于暖湿,但不排除暖干的可能性。  相似文献   
龚一鸣  吴诒  杜远生 《地球科学》1994,19(5):575-586
通过对广西六景、贵州独山和乌当泥盆系剖面层序、体系域、副层序及作用相和环境相的系统研究,识别出2种层序界面;3种海进过程和10种层序、体系域和相对海面变化.并发现,阶跃型高幅海平面变化形成的层序界面、层序、体系域、副层序和旋回层往往可在大区域追踪对比;剖面作用相、环境相分析是露头层序地层和相对海平面变化研究的基础,剖面上层序、体系域及其反映的相对海平面变化的频率、幅度、速度和相位研究对层序界面、层序、体系域、副层序和旋回层的空间延拓、等时追踪对比和驱动机制的成因解释有重要的指导、预测作用.  相似文献   
作者通过对新疆北部泥盆纪火山-沉积岩系中6个习性类、9种遗迹群落中28个遗迹属的野外和室内观测,首次从遗迹化石个体或群体间排列状态和空间分布角度提出了遗迹化石共生组合关系的概念,并将其区分为3类15型.遗迹化石共生组合关系的研究对详细的古环境、古生态分析和对蕴含在遗迹化石中尚未揭示的奥秘的探索有重要意义.  相似文献   
柞水原划泥盆系中发现早前寒武纪变质岩系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文阐述了作者在1:5万区调填图中,从柞水地区商丹断裂带南侧原划泥盆系刘岭群桐峪寺组中解体出前寒武纪中深变质岩系,取得了同位素全岩Sm-Nd年龄平均值2499.83Ma的数据,这对研究秦岭造山带的演化具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   
根据地层地球化学研究,秦岭地区Au背景值为2.9×10-9,从西到东,自礼岷→文康→西成→凤太→板沙→镇旬→柞山地区金含量逐渐降低。凤太盆地、西成盆地、礼岷盆地泥盆系金背景值分别为3.1×10-9、3.2×10-9、4.7×10-9,为重要的金多金属地球化学成矿区。金在地层中的分布受岩性和沉积环境的控制,泥盆系是本区金成矿的矿源层,其中千枚岩、板岩、片岩、粉砂岩是金矿的重要源岩。与其他沉积盖层相比,秦岭中上泥盆统富集Au、Ag、Cu、Co、Ni、Cr、Pb、Zn。与上地壳丰度对比,Au、As、Sb、Ag、Co、Ni、Cr、V、Pb、Zn较富集。泥盆系中发育热水沉积岩,含Au较高。研究表明,在热水沉积中Au发生了预富集作用,沿海底同生断裂发育的钠质热水沉积过程中Au富集形成了矿源层。  相似文献   
The Hill End Trough of central‐western New South Wales was an elongate deep marine basin that existed in the Lachlan Fold Belt from the early Late Silurian to late Early Devonian. It is represented by a regionally extensive, unfossiliferous sequence of interbedded turbidites and hemipelagites of substantially silicic volcanic derivation, which passes laterally into contemporaneous shallow‐water sedimentary rocks. The Turondale and Merrions Formations of the Lower Devonian Crudine Group are two prominent volcanogenic formations in the predominantly sedimentary trough sequence. They contain a range of primary and resedimented volcanic facies suitable for U–Pb dating. These include widespread subaqueous silicic lavas and/or lava cryptodomes, and thick sequences of crystal‐rich volcaniclastic sandstone emplaced by a succession of mass‐flows that were generated by interaction between contemporaneous subaerial pyroclastic flows and the sea. Ion microprobe dating of the two volcanogenic formations by means of the commonly used SL 13 zircon standard yields ages ranging between 411.3 ± 5.1 and 404.8 ± 4.8 Ma. Normalising the data against a different zircon standard (QGNG) yields preferred slightly older mean ages that range between 413.4 ± 6.6 and 407.1 ± 6.9 Ma. These ages broadly approximate the Early Devonian age that has been historically associated with the Crudine Group. However, the biostratigraphically inferred late Lochkovian ‐ early Emsian (mid‐Early Devonian) age for the Merrions Formation is inconsistent with the current Australian Phanerozoic Timescale, which assigns an age of 410 Ma to the Silurian‐Devonian boundary, and ages of 404.5 Ma and 395.5 Ma to the base and top of the Pragian, respectively. There is, however, good agreement if the new ages are compared with the most recently published revision of the Devonian time‐scale. This suggests that the Early Devonian stage boundaries of the Australian Phanerozoic Timescale need to be revised downward. The new ages for the Merrions Formation could also provide a time point on this time‐scale for the Pragian to early Emsian, for which no data are presently available.  相似文献   
曹仁关 《地层学杂志》1995,19(2):140-143
云南路南上泥盆统的划分与对比曹仁关(云南省地质科学研究所,云南昆明,650011)关键词云南,路南,上泥盆统,一打得组,寨黑组,地层划分,地层对比云南东部泥盆系发育完整,分布较广,南起元江龙孔,经后屏双拼,建水石关山、华宁盘溪,至路南老人山都有出露。...  相似文献   
张欣平 《湖南地质》1991,10(2):97-104,T002
新化、湘潭等地跳马涧组的遗迹化石经笔者鉴定与描术者共15个遗迹属24个遗迹种(包括4个新遗迹种)。它们大部分属于跳马涧组上部,可分为Arenicolites-Palaeophycus组合,Skolithos-Planolites组合,Palaeophycus-Gordia组合,Rhizocorallium-Planolites组合,代表近滨环境,属Cruziana遗迹相。部分属于顶部Zoophycus-Cochlichnus组合和Zoophycus-Skolithos组合,属Zoophycus遗迹相上部。综合前人资料,湖南跳马涧组遗迹化石现已发现22属45种,可归并为居住迹、觅食迹、爬行迹、休息迹、啮食迹、钻孔、逃逸构造、生物扰动构造八种生态类型。由跳马涧组下部至顶部,由以居住迹为主的遗迹组合,转变为居住迹、觅食迹同等发育或以觅食迹为主,转变为啮食迹为主的组合。反映由前滨转变为近滨,再转变为远滨,代表海水加深、海侵扩大的过程。  相似文献   

渤海南岸的莱州湾滩地是中国古代重要的产盐区, 分布有众多盐业遗址。其中, 山东寿光机械林场遗址是一处东周和宋元时期的盐业遗址, 分布有盐灶、盐井和灰坑等遗迹单位。炭化遗存分析结果显示, 遗址中农作物种子的数量较少, 杂草的种类及数量较为丰富, 以藜科、菊科、禾本科、茨藻科为主, 并且发现了数量较多的草本植物茎秆, 植物比例显示出偏向自然生长的状态, 可能与放荒发展草荡以供燃料有关。寿光机械林场在东周时期处于滨海盐生草甸植被分布区, 气候较为温和干旱, 至宋元时期湿地植物增加。土壤盐碱化的环境特征并不适合发展农业, 遗址多为煮盐作坊区, 与生活区间可能隔有一定距离, 或与官府对盐业的管控有关。先民在煮盐时就地取材, 利用周边杂草作为燃料, 煮盐集中在秋末、冬季, 遗址可能存在季节性利用的特征。有关盐业遗址的炭化植物遗存的研究相对较少, 寿光机械林场遗址炭化遗存分析结果可以为研究煮盐燃料及莱州湾滩地盐业作坊区周边的环境与植物类型提供一些线索。

The Alexandra Formation, located in the Northwest Territories of Canada, is formed of a Late Devonian (Frasnian) reef system that developed on a gently sloping, epicontinental ramp in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. High‐resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis of its deposits delineates two reef complexes that are separated by a Type I sequence boundary. The second reef complex developed on the outer ramp, basinward of the first, after sea‐level fell ≈17 m. Stratigraphic complexity of the second reef complex was a result of its initiation during forced regression, and its development through an entire cycle of sea‐level rise followed by sea‐level fall. Its highstand systems tract was not characterized by high rates of carbonate production or sediment shedding. Rather, these features took place as sea‐level fell, after its highstand systems tract. The sequence stratigraphic framework of this regressive reef system highlights a number of depositional parameters that differ from high‐relief, shelf‐situated reef systems with steep, narrow margins. These have implications for understanding the controls on the development of ramp‐situated reef systems, and the nature of reef systems with gently sloping profiles. This study demonstrates that the development of stromatoporoid reef systems may be far more complex than generally realized, and that high‐resolution sequence stratigraphy may provide the tools for better understanding of complex, often enigmatic, aspects of these systems.  相似文献   
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