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王元战  贺林林  王朝阳 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):2969-2976
离岸深水全直桩码头结构长期承受波浪力、撞击力等动荷载作用,仅从静力角度分析不能满足工程设计要求。为研究离岸深水全直桩码头结构动力简化计算方法,利用ABAQUS软件建立了全直桩码头的嵌固点模型和结构-地基相互作用的三维弹塑性有限元模型。基于所建立的有限元模型,采用模态分析法研究了上述码头结构的自振特性。分析表明,结构基本周期较长,与波浪力、撞击力荷载周期接近,结构动力响应突出。进一步计算发现,全直桩码头结构在波浪力、撞击力荷载作用下的动力响应有限元计算结果与采用单自由度系统位移动力放大系数理论公式计算结果吻合较好,由此提出全直桩码头结构动力响应可按单自由度系统位移动力放大系数理论公式进行简化计算。在此基础上,结合规范中的m法、p-y曲线法、NL法提出了上述码头结构动力简化计算方法,通过与动力有限元计算结果对比,验证了所建立简化计算方法的正确性。  相似文献   
结构健康监测和结构状态评估的主要前提之一是结构损伤识别。基于曲率模态对结构局部损伤比较敏感和频率指标测试简单方便、精度高的特点,本文提出了一种以结构的曲率模态为基础,综合考虑频率的变化的改进的结构损伤识别方法。随机子空间方法是一种行之有效的基于环境激励的结构状态识别方法。该方法的主要优点是无需人工激励,不中断桥梁的运营。为此,论文提出了一种不中断桥梁运营的基于改进曲率模态的桥梁结构损伤识别方法。最后用一三跨连续梁的有限元模型对该改进方法进行了验证。结果表明,采用随机子空间结合改进的曲率模态方法可以在不中断桥梁运营的前提下有效地识别出桥梁的损伤状况。  相似文献   
为提高集装箱“公转铁”减排潜力评估结果的准确性,在分析“公转铁”减排原理的基础上,综合考虑空箱调运和重箱运输“门到门”运输链的干线运输、端点装卸、电力设备作业、集卡短驳、公铁中转等排放,引入反映活动类型、设备结构、能源生命周期排放的参数,对作业活动-方式结构-能耗强度-排放因子(ASIF)方法进行改进,建立“公转铁”减排潜力评估框架。以义乌—宁波港域出口集装箱运输为例,通过实地调研和公开文献获取数据,进行实证研究。结果表明,如果忽略必要因素将会导致每TEU运输需求“公转铁”的CO2减排率被高估0.50~36.73个百分点;最佳“公转铁”情景可减排3.42万t CO2,相应减排率为13.58%。研究结果可为政府相关部门客观评估“公转铁”的减排潜力、制定有效的“公转铁”政策措施提供理论支持。  相似文献   
神农架群的底界问题一直以来悬而未决。神农架群底界能否获取,已成为神农架群能否完美成为待建系候选层型的关键。距神农架东南几十公里的黄陵穹隆东北部地区自下而上发育中-新元古代西汊河组、吴家台组、浇园山组、南沱组和陡山沱组等地层,且胡正祥等(2012)认为该地吴家台组为神农架群中下部地层,那么该地是否存在神农架群的底界自然就引起大家的极大关注。本文基于该地浇园山剖面西汊河组石英片岩样品(0529-1),吴家台组底部砾岩(0228-4)和砂岩(0228-5)3件样品,应用LA-ICP-MS方法进行了碎屑锆石年龄的测试分析,同时结合地层单元间接触关系和岩石学与沉积学特征等标志,最终约束吴家台组形成时代。结果表明,崆岭北部樟村坪以北浇园山剖面西汊河组与上覆吴家台组呈不整合接触;西汊河组碎屑锆石年龄谱仅显示太古宙和2.0Ga两个明显的峰值;但吴家台组碎屑锆石年龄谱不仅包含了与西汉河组相同的太古宙和2.0Ga两个年龄峰值,而且还含有0.8Ga的弱峰值,由此断定西汊河组和吴家台组形成时限是完全不同的。前者应年轻于2.0Ga,但由于其为角闪岩相变质岩,又不同于扬子克拉通最终(1.8Ga)固结前的变质结晶基底岩石组合,因此推测西汊河组大致为中元古代,同理,吴家台组应形成于0.8Ga以后,结合吴家台组之上具有典型的南沱组冰碛杂砾岩,因此其时代应界于青白口纪晚期-南华纪早期之间,进一步结合各岩组砾岩中砾石组分的证据认为,吴家台组应相当于区域上莲沱组。同时研究表明,西汊河组和吴家台组物源主要来自黄陵穹隆核部中太古代TTG片麻岩和新太古代的花岗质片麻岩,古元古代碎屑锆石主要来源于崆岭杂岩中部的火山-岩浆岩以及黄陵穹隆南翼的新元古代岩浆岩。  相似文献   
大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的动力特性分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
介绍了福建泉州后渚大桥——大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的现场环境振动实验.并利用频域中的单模态识别法(SDOFI)、峰值法(PP)和时域中的随机子空间识别法(SSI)分别进行桥梁动力特性识别。利用ANSYS建立了全桥三维有限元模型并进行了理论模态分析,基于参数分析和环境振动测试结果对有限元模型进行了标定,建立了该桥的基准有限元模型,该模型可服务于桥梁长期健康监测与状态评估。  相似文献   
In this paper, a new spatial coherence model of seismic ground motions is proposed by a fi tting procedure. The analytical expressions of modal combination (correlation) coeffi cients of structural response are developed for multi-support seismic excitations. The coeffi cients from both the numerical integration and analytical solutions are compared to verify the accuracy of the solutions. It is shown that the analytical expressions of numerical modal combination coeffi cients are of high accuracy. The results of random responses of an example bridge show that the analytical modal combination coeff icients developed in this paper are accurate enough to meet the requirements needed in practice. In addition, the computational effi ciency of the analytical solutions of the modal combination coeff icients is demonstrated by the response computation of the example bridge. It is found that the time required for the structural response analysis by using the analytical modal combination coeffi cients is less than 1/20 of that using numerical integral methods.  相似文献   
A method for parametric system identification of classically damped linear system in frequency domain is adopted and extended for non‐classically damped linear systems subjected up to six components of earthquake ground motions. This method is able to work in multi‐input/multi‐output (MIMO) case. The response of a two‐degree‐of‐freedom model with non‐classical damping, excited by one‐component earthquake ground motion, is simulated and used to verify the proposed system identification method in the single‐input/multi‐output case. Also, the records of a 10 storey real building during the Northridge earthquake is used to verify the proposed system identification method in the MIMO case. In this case, at first, a single‐input/multi‐output assumption is considered for the system and modal parameters are identified, then other components of earthquake ground motions are added, respectively, and the modal parameters are identified again. This procedure is repeated until all four components of earthquake ground motions which are measured at the base level of the building are included in the identification process. The results of identification of real building show that consideration of non‐classical damping and inclusion of the multi‐components effect of earthquake ground motions can improve the least‐squares match between the finite Fourier transforms of recorded and calculated acceleration responses. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用GPS实现大跨桥梁的实时安全监测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于悬索桥跨度大,台风、地震、车载和温度变化对桥梁变形影响很大,对大桥实时监测,获取桥梁在上述环境下的工作状况,验证结构的抗风、抗震分析的特征参数,成为大桥安全性研究的重大课题。为连续实时监测大跨染在环境如台风、地震、车载和温度作用下的位移变形,通过比较几种桥梁传统的位移测量方法,提出利用GPS技术实时监测桥梁位移和转角的新方法,该系统能精确记录大桥的温度变化、车载、风荷载下桥梁变形的位移和模态特性,这些数据在评估大桥安全性和交通安全方面有着重要作用。  相似文献   
A step‐by‐step approximate procedure taking into consideration high‐frequency modes, usually neglected in the modal analysis of both classically and non‐classically damped structures, is presented. This procedure can be considered as an extension of traditional modal correction methods, like the mode‐acceleration method and the dynamic correction method, which are very effective for structural systems subjected to forcing functions described by analytical laws. The proposed procedure, herein called improved dynamic correction method, requires two steps. In the first step, the number of differential equations of motion are reduced and consequently solved by using the first few undamped mode‐shapes. In the second step, the errors due to modal truncation are reduced by correcting the dynamic response and solving a new set of differential equations, formally similar to the original differential equations of motion. The difference between the two groups of differential equations lies in the forcing vector, which is evaluated in such a way as to correct the effects of modal truncation on applied loads. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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