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In grazed semiarid ecosystems, considerable spatial variability in soil infiltration exists as a result of vegetation and soil patchiness. Despite widespread recognition that important interactions and feedbacks occur between vegetation, runoff and erosion, currently there is only limited quantitative information on the control mechanisms that lead to differences in infiltration from different vegetation types. In this paper, we determine (i) the relationship between vegetation and soil surface characteristics and (ii) the soil infiltration rate by using rainfall simulations on runoff plots (0.60 × 1.67 m) in three plant communities of northeastern Patagonia: grass (GS), degraded grass with scattered shrubs (DGS), and degraded shrub steppes (DSS). Our results clearly indicate that vegetation and soil infiltration are closely coupled. Total infiltration was significantly higher in the GS (69.6 mm) compared with the DGS and DSS (42.9 and 28.5 mm, respectively). In the GS, soil infiltration rate declined more slowly than the others communities, reaching a terminal infiltration rate significantly greater (57.7 mm) than those of DGS and DSS (25.7 and 12.9 mm, respectively). The high rate of water losses via overland-flow may limit the possibilities for grass seedling emergence and establishment and favor the persistent dominance of shrubs.  相似文献   
左昌虎 《地质与勘探》2016,52(2):251-260
康家湾铅锌矿是一个大型多金属矿床,矿区内发育有大面积角砾岩。本文在详细地质工作的基础上,参照前人研究成果,探讨了该角砾岩成因及其与成矿的关系。根据角砾成分和空间分布等特征,矿区内角砾岩可划分为层间硅化角砾岩(Qb)、岩溶角砾岩(Kb)、崩塌角砾岩(Ba)和断层角砾岩(Bf)四种类型。分析认为角砾岩主要由构造与热液双重作用形成,分别经历构造破碎、热液交代及后期岩溶改造三个阶段。矿体主要赋存于层间硅化角砾岩中,少量角砾状矿石赋存于岩溶角砾岩中。据上认为,该套角砾岩成因与康家湾铅锌矿具有密切成因关系。  相似文献   
河北坝上地区脆弱生态环境特征   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
坝上地区为典型的脆弱生态环境地带,这种地带易发生环境退化,但也存在着逆转的可能性。由于全球气候变化和人类活动的影响,近几十年来生态环境严重退化。土地风蚀沙化调查研究表明,影响风蚀沙化的因素很多,尤其是外部环境因素相互关系更为复杂,如大风和尘暴日、风速、降水、植被生长状况、土地封冻与融冻、土地耕翻等。但重要因素仍是风日、风速和地表物质。由于气候干旱,降水少等原因,本区最大的湖淖──安固里淖,在不断萎缩,该湖历史上比现在大十几倍,并且萎缩一直是自东向西进行,可能与新构造运动有关。坝上地区生态环境的退化是可以逆转的,近几年,一系列生态建设工程的实施,已初步收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   
中国酸雨状况和自然成因综述及防治对策探究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
首先从中国的酸雨研究历史出发,综述了中国近20年来的酸雨区域分布变化,指出中国的酸雨重灾区正由西南向华中地区转移,且酸雨面积正呈继续扩大发展之势。其次,根据国内外的统计数据,分析了中国酸雨的化学特征,指出中国是典型的硫酸型酸雨,其组成与国外有很大不同,国内南北两地的降水化学组成也有很大不同。接着从土壤性质、氨气、大气颗粒物和天气形式等自然因素方面探讨了中国酸雨现状的形成原因,指出南北方这些自然因素的差异是酸雨现状形成的最重要原因。最后,根据中国酸雨的实际情况,并结合国家的制定控制目标,提出了具体的防治策略。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONInfluenceoflanddesertificationonregionalenvironmentalchangehasinthepastfewdecadesbecometheresearchfocusofmanysch...  相似文献   
Causes and control countermeasures of eutrophication in Chaohu lake,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 IN T R O D U C T IO NC haohu Lake,located in the centralA nhuiProvince ofC hina, has m ultiple functions of flood control, w atersupply,irrigation,transportation,fishery and tourism .Itis fam ous for its beautifullandscape and historic sites.For thousan…  相似文献   
Wetlands are among the most valuable ecosystems in the world due to their delivery of ecosystem services (ES), but they are particularly vulnerable to drivers of land-use change. However, little is known about how different wetlands respond to drivers of land-use change and how that impacts their delivery of ES. After extreme floods hit Colombia in 2010–2011, negative impacts from these storms heightened the interest of Colombian policy-makers in understanding and recognizing the importance of wetlands. Here, we present a map with 19 wetland types for Colombia and assess the ES that these wetlands deliver and how those ES are impacted by drivers of land-use change. We based our spatial analysis on the Corine Land Cover data for Colombia and combined that with spatial indices derived from knowledgeable experts using the matrix approach and participatory mapping (PGIS). The most vulnerable wetland types identified were floodplain forests, riparian wetlands, freshwater lakes and rivers. The region of Magdalena-Cauca has been identified as the most vulnerable to the impacts of land-use change, until 2025. We discuss our results in light of the current Colombian policy-debate which concerns the designation of wetlands as strategic ecosystems. This designation implies necessary restrictions or prohibition of harmful activities in wetlands, principally mining and industrial agriculture.  相似文献   
以遥感资料为主要信息源,以地理信息系统(GIS)为支撑,采用经验模型法确定植被指数与植被覆盖度之间的关系;结合由地形图派生的坡度图,由区域地质图派生的纯碳酸盐岩、不纯碳酸盐岩以及非碳酸盐岩区的岩性背景图,参考降水量和降雨强度等有关因素,建立基于专家分类的石漠化定量分析模型,对南川市石漠化强度进行了分级制图.经实地检验,Kappa指数均超过最低允许的判别精度要求,为石漠化信息的获取提供了一个实用而高效的方法.  相似文献   
洮、霍两河下游地区土地沙漠化成因及治理模式研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
该地区沙地是松嫩沙地的一部分。土地沙漠化是影响该地区农牧业发展和生态环境恶化的主要因素之一。它的分布一是呈西北-东南向,由沙垅组成;二是呈西南-东北向,由沙丘组成。主要为轻度和潜在沙漠化。它的成因主要有丰富的沙源;冬,春干旱风大;以及人为破坏植被和土被等所致。该沙地形成于5000a BP前,土地沙漠化发展具有三性特征。试验示范表明轻度和潜在沙漠化土地,宜采用林,果(含瓜),药(含草),杂(杂粮)复合生态治理模式。  相似文献   
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