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松辽盆地深层侏罗系-下白垩统生物组合和沉积环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文描述了松辽盆地探井揭露的深层地层序列及其所产的5个牛物门类化石组合特征.9个孢粉组合是Monosulcites-Cyathidites组合、Pinaceae-Cyathidites-Osmundaeidites组合、Classopollis-Piceites组合、Lophotriletes-Cicatricosisporites组合、Paleoconiferus-Lygodiumsporites组合、Cyathidites-Leiotriletes-Clavatipollenites组合、Cicatricosisporites-Leiotriletes-Polyporopollenites组合、Leiotriletes-Schizaeoisporites-Classopollis组合和Trilobosporites-Cyathidites-Tricolpollenites组合.3个藻类组合是Vesperopsis-Australisphaera组合、Balmula granorugosa组合和Vesperopsis zhaodongensis组合.2个介形类组合是Cypridea unicostata-Limnocypridesadscondida组合和Mongolocypris limpida-Paracandona planiuscula组合.4个植物组合是Elatocladus submanchurica-Ginkgoites orientalis组合、Acanthopteris gothani-Pterophyllum组合、Sphenopteris johnstrupii-Coniopteris nympharum组合和Platanus septentrionalis-Protophyllum undulaturn组合.3个大孢子组合是Minerisporites sp.组合、Ricinospora leavigata-Galamospora sp.组合和Arcellites组合.还介绍了叶肢介、轮藻、双壳类和鱼类化石的产出情况.结合同位素资料认为:大庆群时代为中侏罗世,火石岭组可能为贝里阿斯期,沙河子组为凡兰吟期-欧特里夫期,营城组为欧特里夫期-巴列姆期,登娄库组为巴列姆期-阿普第期早期,泉头组一-二段为阿普第-阿尔卑期,并对各组沉积环境进行了初步分析.  相似文献   
This study is an attempt of a semi-automatic geomorphological GIS analysis based on morphometric indices. In the study, 10-m-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are used to assess the neotectonic signals regarding the recent topographic developments and to attach additional significance to active tectonics in the Bingöl basin area. The methodology incorporates the determination of the structural similarities of the faults in the basins using fractal concepts and the application of four morphometric indices (Stream Power Index (SP), Multi-resolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) and Valley Width-to-Height Ratio (Vf)). In order to detect the deviation from spatial randomness of the applied indices, the weighted correlation coefficient Moran’s I is used and the results are interpreted at a confidence interval of 99%. The spatial distribution of integrated index values is evaluated with the tectonically active fault zones in order to determine the probable activity and the structural deformation in the basin.The applied methodology reveals that the fractal analysis of the fault lines and the spatial analysis of the morphometric indices proved to be effective tools in analyzing the tectonic influence of the fault system on the basin area. Within the basin area, a relatively lesser degree of tectonic activity is observed, in contrast with the high tectonic activity outside the basin.  相似文献   
邱祖林 《江苏地质》1999,23(4):216-220
江苏早第三纪地层 ,大部分隐埋于地下 ,对其研究 ,只能依据大量钻孔资料 ,分歧意见较多。通过对直溪桥盆地钻孔中系统孢粉资料的全面分析对比 ,来确定该地区的地层层序及时代归属 ,从而阐明早第三纪时期的古气候及古环境  相似文献   

扬子板块西北缘碧口微地块华严寺地区碧口群之上发育一套含砾沉积地层,其确切沉积时限对研究该区域的沉积—构造演化具有重要意义。本文对该套地层中的2件砂岩样品进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年分析,结果显示,锆石晶型较好,无色透明,磨圆度较差,具典型岩浆生长振荡环带和韵律结构,Th/U比值为0.28~3.6,锆石U-Pb年龄介于706~2489 Ma之间。存在3个主要的年龄组:新元古代年龄组(706~951 Ma),占92.9%,显著峰值为850 Ma和843 Ma;中元古代年龄组(1017~1080 Ma),占2.6%;古元古代年龄组(1628~2489 Ma),占4.5%。最小年龄组为706~715 Ma(峰值为711 Ma),结合区域地质和研究资料,华严寺地区沉积地层时代应属于南华纪,沉积时限约为720~635 Ma,物源区主要包括扬子板块西北缘碧口微地块以及南东侧的后龙门山构造带和汉南—米仓山微地块。新元古代晚期碧口微地块及扬子板块西北缘后碰撞—裂解阶段,华严寺地区南华纪沉积为碧口微地块及邻区新元古代岩浆岩在边缘裂谷环境中快速堆积形成。

三峡库区侏罗系顺向岸坡堆积体滑坡众多,其滑动模式存在一定差异。首先统计分析了192个三峡库区侏罗系层位发育的堆积体滑坡滑体及碎石土的工程地质性质和强度参数。在此基础上,运用数值分析软件对堆积体厚度变化引起的滑坡变形机制进行模拟分析。结果表明:堆积体厚度范围在15m及以下滑坡会沿着岩土界线面滑动、15~35m时滑坡会沿着层内剪切面滑动;厚度范围在35m以上时,堆积体滑坡内部可能存在着多层滑带,即滑坡可能沿着层内剪切面滑动或者沿着岩土界线面滑动。堆积体厚度范围在15m及以下时滑坡的治理措施可采用布置抗滑桩;厚度范围15~35m时可采用排水+布置抗滑桩的滑坡治理措施;厚度范围在35m以上时,可采用滑坡前期监测预报+后期根据滑坡发育情况相结合的滑坡防治措施。  相似文献   
The upper portion of the Cuyo Group in the Zapala region, south‐eastern Neuquén Basin (Western Argentina), encompasses marine and transitional deposits (Lajas Formation) overlain by alluvial rocks (Challacó Formation). The Challacó Formation is covered by the Mendoza Group above a second‐order sequence boundary. The present study presents the stratigraphic framework and palaeophysiographic evolution of this Bajocian to Eo‐Calovian interval. The studied succession comprises the following genetic facies associations: (i) offshore and lower shoreface–offshore transition; (ii) lower shoreface; (iii) upper shoreface; iv) intertidal–subtidal; (v) supratidal–intertidal; (vi) braided fluvial to delta plain; (vii) meandering river; and (viii) braided river. The stratigraphic framework embraces four third‐order depositional sequences (C1 to C4) whose boundaries are characterized by the abrupt superposition of proximal over distal facies associations. Sequences C1 to C3 comprise mostly littoral deposits and display well‐defined, small‐scale transgressive–regressive cycles associated with fourth‐order depositional sequences. Such high‐frequency cycles are usually bounded by ravinement surfaces associated with transgressive lags. At last, the depositional sequence C4 delineates an important tectonic reorganization probably associated with an uplift of the Huincul Ridge. This is suggested by an inversion of the transport trend, north‐westward during the deposition of C1 to C3 depositional sequences (Lajas Formation) to a south‐west trend during the deposition of the braided fluvial strata related to the C4 depositional sequence (Challacó Formation).  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带安徽段现代地震活动及应力场特征   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
分析了郯庐断裂带安徽段地震活动特征,利用近震直达波最大振幅比方法反演了99次中-小地震震源机制,并作了统计和聚类分析。现代地震活动整体上继承了历史地震分布格局,未显示增强趋势;断裂带及邻区应力场P轴和T轴优势方位大致呈近东西向和近南北向分布,现今承受的作用力以近水平或斜向为主,但也存在部分其它方向的应力场和近垂直方向的作用力。震源断层的破裂类型,带内以逆冲(或正断),或近逆冲(或正断)型为主。带附近较明显地呈现出走滑型或近走滑型破裂的优势;北、南亚段应力场有明显差异,即北压南张,其分界大约在北纬32°附近,北西西走向的桥头集—东关断裂是两者间的构造变换带。  相似文献   
对柴达木盆地东部地区侏罗系大煤沟剖面、绿草山剖面进行了露头取样,并利用Rock-Eval生油岩评价仪、色谱—质谱仪、稳定同位素质谱仪等实验分析测试技术对样品进行了地球化学特征分析。实验结果表明,样品有机碳含量变化从0.07%到56.8%,有机质类型以Ш型有机质为主,少数为型有机质,极少数为型有机质,灰黑色油页岩及黑色炭质页岩是侏罗系中的优质烃源岩。检测样品C29甾烷异构化参数C29αββ/(αββ ααα)、C29ααα20S/(20S 20R)分布范围分别为0.25~0.35、0.06~0.34,处于未熟—低熟状态。侏罗系水体环境较浅,多为滨浅湖与沼泽环境,具有煤系烃源岩特点,局部为水体比较咸化的半深湖—深湖环境。  相似文献   
根据岩性及其组合特征,本文将西藏北部安多—巴青地区侏罗纪含礁地层划分为流水成因的颗粒岩岩相、流水成因的碎屑岩岩相、复成因的泥晶—泥质灰岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的障积岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的粘结—障积岩岩相和生物及生物化学成因的骨架岩岩相等6大类型,计16种岩相。它们构成了潮坪相组合、台地浅滩相组合、开阔台地相组合和台地生物礁相组合共4种岩相组合,并由下而上有规律地形成2种岩相序列,即陆源碎屑与碳酸盐混合台地相序列和碳酸盐台地相序列。  相似文献   
This study combines microstructural observations with Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM), phase equilibria modelling and U–Pb dating of titanite to delineate the metamorphic history of a well‐exposed section through the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) in the Dzakaa Chu valley of Southern Tibet. In the hanging wall of the STDS, undeformed Tibetan Sedimentary Series rocks consistently record peak metamorphic temperatures of ~340 °C. Temperatures increase down‐section, reaching ~650 °C at the base of the shear zone, defining an apparent metamorphic field gradient of ~310 °C km?1 across the entire structure. U–Th–Pb geochronological data indicate that metamorphism and deformation at high temperatures occurred over a protracted period from at least 20 to 13 Ma. Deformation within this 1‐km‐thick zone of distributed top‐down‐to‐the‐northeast ductile shear included a strong component of vertical shortening and was responsible for significant condensing of palaeo‐isotherms along the upper margin of the Greater Himalayan Series (GHS). We interpret the preservation of such a high metamorphic gradient to be the result of a progressive up‐section migration in the locus of deformation within the zone. This segment of the STDS provides a detailed thermal and kinematic record of the exhumation of footwall GHS rocks from beneath the southern margin of the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   
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