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现代水资源评价及水资源学学科体系研究 总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37
在追溯水资源界定和内涵历史沿革的基础上,根据水资源评价的有效性、可控性和可再生性准则,按不同评价口径将水资源划分为广义水资源、狭义水资源、国民经济可利用量和生态环境需水量。从水资源承载的双重客体出发,一定程度上澄清了历史上关于水资源评价和定义的争论。而后从水资源科学的发展入手,刻划了水资源学研究的对象和三个层面上的内容,即基础研究、应用研究和综合研究,根据学科研究的内容,构建了包括基础学科、应用学科和综合学科的水资源学学科体系,并分别就三大组成部分作了剖析,这对于水资源学科建设具有积极的意义。 相似文献
通过地震、钻测井及生物地层资料的综合研究,认为准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系发育6套层序、两个构造层序。层序及沉积相空间分布的差异反映八道湾期至西山窑期以北部物源为主,下部构造层序揭示了北部抬升、南部均衡沉降的构造格局,头屯河期至喀拉扎期以南部物源为主,上部构造层序反映南部抬升、湖盆急剧收缩的构造格局。研究区主要发育冲积扇-辫状河三角洲-湖泊沉积体系,其次为曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系。早中侏罗世,本区以暖温带潮湿气候为主,但在三工河早期及头屯河中期有两次气候变干变热过程,晚侏罗世为亚热带干旱、半干旱气候,晚期的干旱气候还是导致湖盆急剧萎缩的重要因素。 相似文献
In the central Nepal Himalaya, landslides form the major natural hazards annually resulting in many casualties and damage. Structural as well as non-structural measures are in place to minimize the risk of landslide hazard. To reduce the landslide risk, a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) as a non-structural measure has been piloted at Sundrawati village (Kalinchowk rural municipality, Dolakha district) to identify its effectiveness. Intensive discussions with stakeholders, aided by landslide susceptibility map, resulted in a better understanding of surface dynamics and the relationship between rainfall and surface movement. This led to the development of a LEWS comprised of extensometers, soil moisture sensors, rain gauge stations, and solar panels as an energy source that blows siren receiving signals via a micro-controller and interfacing circuit. The data generated through the system is transmitted via a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network to responsible organizations in real-time to circulate the warning to local residents. This LEWS is user-friendly and can be easily operated by a community. The successful pilot early warning system has saved 495 people from 117 households in August 2018. However, landslide monitoring and dissemination of warning information remains a complex process where technical and communications skill should work closely together. 相似文献
Natural dams are formed when landslides are triggered by heavy rainfall during extreme weather events in the mountainous areas of Taiwan. During landslide debris movement, two processes occur simultaneously: the movement of landslide debris from a slope onto the riverbed and the erosion of the debris under the action of high-velocity river flow. When the rate of landslide deposition in a river channel is higher than the rate of landslide debris erosion by the river flow, the landslide forms a natural dam by blocking the river channel. In this study, the effects of the rates of river flow erosion and landslide deposition (termed the erosive capacity and depositional capacity, respectively) on the formation of natural dams are quantified using a physics-based approach and are tested using a scaled physical model. We define a dimensionless velocity index vde as the ratio between the depositional capacity of landslide debris (vd) and the erosive capacity of water flow (ve). The experimental test results show that a landslide dam forms when landslide debris moves at high velocity into a river channel where the river-flow velocity is low, that is, the dimensionless velocity index vde > 54. Landslide debris will not have sufficient depositional capacity to block stream flow when the dimensionless velocity index vde < 47. The depositional capacity of a landslide can be determined from the slope angle and the friction of the sliding surface, while the erosive capacity of a dam can be determined using river flow velocity and rainfall conditions. The methodology described in this paper was applied to seven landslide dams that formed in Taiwan on 8 August 2009 during Typhoon Morakot, the Tangjiashan landslide dam case, and the Yingxiu-Wolong highway K24 landslide case. The dimensionless velocity index presented in this paper can be used before a rainstorm event occurs to determine if the formation of a landslide dam is possible. 相似文献
付广裕 《大地测量与地球动力学》2012,32(6):1-7
利用球体位错理论计算了2011年日本强震产生的远场同震位移与应变,并利用GPS远场数据修正了该强震的总地震矩。结果表明:1)利用球体位错理论计算得到的理论水平位移场显示,垂直于发震断层的广大区域同震位移较大,位移矢量总体都指向震中地区,震中距约5 000千米的地方亦产生了3 mm以上的同震水平位移。理论位移与远场GPS观测结果具有良好的一致性;2)比较两个独立断层模型对应的理论同震位移场发现,震源西部地区远场位移总体上只有1%~4%的微小差异,而东部广大海域的差异则达到同震信号的6%~15%,震中周围差异更大。该差异表明,相对于震源仅局域覆盖的日本本土GPS观测数据对2011年日本强震的断层滑动分布模型的约束能力有限;3)依据中国及邻区的远场GPS同震观测数据修正2011年日本强震的总地震矩,把该地震释放的总能量约束在(3.24~4.96)×10 22 Nm,相应的矩震级为Mw8.97~9.10;4)2011年日本强震在华北地区产生的同震应变与该区的长期应力变化背景场大体相反,表明该强震使华北地区的地壳产生了松弛效应。 相似文献
54与80坐标系转换数学模型研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
54北京坐标系与80西安坐标系转换计算,属54系与80系不同参考椭球下高斯—克吕格投影数据转换计算,因全国不同区域重力场的变化而无法用一个固定的参数或公式推算,能否另辟途径实现其精确算法。应用多元统计分析基础理论,研究二者互换随机数学模型,以福建省区域为例,成功实现大批数据坐标转换。 相似文献
Obesity is a serious public health problem in the United States. It is important to estimate obesity prevalence at the local level to target programmatic and policy interventions. It is challenging, however, to obtain local estimates of obesity prevalence because national health surveys such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) are not designed to produce direct estimates at the local levels (e.g. census tracts) due to small population samples and the need to preserve individual confidentiality. In this study we address the problem of estimating local obesity prevalence rates by implementing a spatial microsimulation modeling technique to proportionally replicate the demographic characteristics of BRFSS respondents to census tract populations in metropolitan Detroit. Obesity prevalence rates are examined for high and low spatial clusters and studied in relation to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) measures of low-income neighborhoods and local food deserts and CDC's measure of healthy and less healthy food environments currently used to target obesity reduction initiatives. This study found that obesity prevalence was largely clustered in the City of Detroit extending north into contiguous suburbs. The spatial patterns of highest obesity prevalence tracts were most similarly aligned with USDA-defined low-income tracts and CDC's less healthy food tracts. The locations of USDA's food desert tracts rarely overlapped with the highest obesity prevalence tracts. This study demonstrated a new methodology by which to assess local areas in need of future obesity interventions. 相似文献
玉田啤酒厂饮用天然矿泉水井位于城关镇三里屯西200m,玉田酒厂院内,矿泉水赋存于第四系砂、砾卵石层中,属含锶、偏硅酸的重碳酸钙·镁型矿泉水,现已开发利用。 相似文献
浅谈固体地球科学与地球系统科学 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
地球科学在20世纪的诸多进展中,对后来科学发展具有深远影响的基本认识之一是地球演化的行为具有整体性,其不同的圈层确实通过多种途径相互作用,且人类活动已成为地球演化的重要营力之一。这些认识导致地球系统科学思想的产生和发展,并使不同圈层相互作用的过程和机理、人与环境的相互作用研究成为21世纪基础科学研究的前沿。地球系统科学强调地球不同圈层、不同单元相互作用的整体性和关联性,因而科学研究必须从"整体地球系统"的视野出发,但研究过程又必须从关键区域入手。我国是地球系统科学研究的关键地区之一,未来研究应立足地域优势和特色,攻克全球性重大科学问题,解决社会对地球科学的知识需求。 相似文献