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热释光是矿物晶体接受环境核辐射作用后积蓄起来的能量在受到热激发时以光的形式释放出来的一种物理现象,它与晶体损伤、晶体中杂质混入等原因所导致的晶格缺陷有关.热释光强度的大小主要取决于自然界中长寿命放射性元素(238U,235U,230Th,40K及其子体)的衰变,与其他物理、化学、生物或人类活动无关.热释光特征能有效反映晶体形成的环境条件.热释光方法的制样简单、测量快捷,因此在辐射学、核工业、核医学、环境学、农业、考古学、地质学等领域都得到了广泛的应用.在陆地地质学上热释光方法在地质年代测定[1,2]、地层对比[3]、矿物世代划分[4]、矿床含矿评价[4,5]、陨石形成热的历史恢复[6]以及地质事件识别[7]等方面都取得了不少成果.  相似文献   
长江和黄河入海沉积物不同粒级组分中稀土元素的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探索区分黄、东海陆架沉积物中来自长江和黄河源的有效替代性指标,从长江和黄河河口区各取3个沉积物样品作为长江和黄河入海沉积物的端元样品。研究结果表明:长江和黄河沉积物不同粒级组分中REE的变化范围分别为145.49~256.77 μg/g和121.22~135.56 μg/g,随粒度由细变粗分别呈下倾的"双峰"型分布和倒"S"型分布;长江沉积物中REE约为黄河的1.5倍,最低值比黄河的最高值高出20%;8~16 μm和2~4 μm是凸显长江和黄河沉积物稀土元素差异的敏感粒级,REE、LREE/HREE和(La/Yb)n等稀土元素特征参数在这两个粒级组分中差异明显。本次实验结果大幅度地提高了两条河流REE差异的灵敏度和可信度,为建立区分长江与黄河入海沉积物物源实用的有效指标提供了可能。  相似文献   
厌氧沉积的有孔虫组合中,底栖有孔虫主要由Bolivina诸种和Buliminella tenuata组成,同时含有少量厌氧标志种Suggrunda eckisi;浮游有孔虫中以Globigerrina bulloides和G.quingueloba为数较多。底栖有孔虫与浮游有孔虫数量相比,浮游有孔虫数量很少。  相似文献   
Metalliferous and pelagic sediments are exposed within and above the extrusive successions of the Upper Cretaceous Oman ophiolite which, on the basis of mostly geochemical evidence, is believed to have formed in an incipient marginal basin setting located above a NE-dipping subduction zone. The ophiolitic extrusives document various volcano-tectonic settings which include the axial zones of a spreading ridge, fault-controlled seamounts and off-axis volcanic edifices. Most of the Fe, Mn and trace metal-enriched sediments studied are interpreted as precipitates formed by oxidation of solutions derived from high-temperature sulphide-precipitating vents. The trace element content (e.g. REE and Sr) was largely scavenged from seawater. The sediments are similar to the dispersed metalliferous sediments on the flanks of modern spreading ridges, and the ‘basal’ sediments of DSDP wells and of other ophiolite complexes (e.g. Troodos, Cyprus).Distinctive mound structures located low in the lavas are attributed to percolation of sulphide-rich solutions into already deposited metalliferous oxide sediments. The resulting iron-silica rock was probably originally precipitated as ferruginous silicates.Major massive sulphides formed off-axis at the base of intermediate-basic edifices of volcanic arc affinities. Fe, Mn and trace metal enrichment in the sediment cover of a flat-topped seamount of axial lavas is interpreted as a dispersion halo around the largest massive sulphide orebody which is situated 5 km away (Lasail). Small massive sulphide bodies are common in the axial lavas particularly along major seafloor fault zones. The metalliferous sediments, locally precipitated near these vents, are ferromanganiferous, but trace metal-depleted.The metalliferous and pelagic sediment cover of the extrusive successions, generally, documents waning hydrothermal input after volcanism ended in the area.A model is discussed in which the ophiolite was created at a spreading axis above a subduction zone dipping away from the Arabian continental margin. With progressive subduction this crust approached the margin. Initially, calcareous sediment accumulated above the calcite compensation depth (CCD), but then non-calcareous radiolarites were deposited as the ophiolitic crust approached the continental margin where the CCD was higher and marginal upwelling possibly enhanced productivity. As the edge of the Arabian continental margin entered the trench, the over-riding ophiolite was regionally uplifted allowing short-lived chalk accumulation above the CCD. This was followed by volcaniclastic deposition related to the tectonic emplacement.  相似文献   
Distribution and sources of heavy metals in the sediment of Xiangshan Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Heavy metals in the surface sediments and sediment core from the Xiangshan Bay, a mariculture base on the coast of the East China Sea, were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP–MS) in order to evaluate their levels and sources. The results showed that the levels of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cr in the sediments of the bay have been generally influenced by anthropogenic inputs since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In particular, Cu and Zn were polluted to some extent, as evidenced by high enrichment factors. Organic matter, grain size, wastewater discharge, and low energy hydrodynamic environment played dominant roles in the heavy metal enrichment in the sediments. The ratio of terrigenous source to marine biogenic deposit of trace metals in the sediments was calculated, revealing that terrigenous inputs were the main source of Cu, Pb, and Zn, while biological pellets contributed much more to the enrichment of Cr and Cd. Considering the influence of biological sources on the enrichment of Cd and Cr, and the fact that the sediment has been polluted by Cu and Zn, the development of mariculture and discharge of wastewater into the Bay should be restricted.  相似文献   
本文对广东省近岸10个典型海湾的表层沉积物进行了系统的稀土元素(rare earth elements,REE)测试和分析,以期发现沉积物的物源组成特征及其控制因素。研究结果表明,同一海湾内沉积物的稀土丰度差异不明显,但不同海湾之间具有一定的差别(133.58—251.77mg.kg 1)。球粒陨石标准化配分曲线表现出轻稀土(La到Eu)富集、重稀土(Gd到Lu)亏损、δEu负异常等典型的陆源沉积物特征;PAAS(Post-Archean Australian Shale)标准化配分模式显示出明显的中稀土(Sm到Ho)富集特征,与已报道的国内河流沉积物REE特征相似。海湾沉积物与入海河流沉积物及流域内的原岩组成特征的比较说明,后者对海湾沉积物的控制作用明显。REE配分曲线的一致性和中稀土富集特征表明海湾沉积物主要来自汇入海湾的山溪及河流输入的沉积物。  相似文献   
本文对取自南黄海北部的B03孔岩芯(330cm)沉积物进行了粒度和重矿物特征分析,并运用电子探针技术,分析了其典型层位角闪石的矿物化学特征。研究表明,B03孔柱状样为均一连续的粉砂质沉积,重矿物含量较低(平均仅0.65%),主要为云母类和闪石类矿物,岩芯以85cm处为界分为上、下2个沉积层,其重矿物组合分别为普通角闪石-云母类矿物-绿帘石和云母类矿物-普通角闪石-绿帘石。角闪石的EPMA分析显示其种属主要为镁角闪石,其次为镁钙闪石、铁镁钙闪石及阳起石,成因以中酸性侵入岩与中高级变质岩为主,上下沉积层角闪石特征元素Mg/Fe2+比值分别为2.03、1.90。综合分析认为,岩芯的主要物源为黄河源物质及山东半岛陆架基岩剥蚀产物的混源,上下沉积层的矿物特征差异暗示了沉积物源发生了变化,其分界线可能代表了黄河1855年改道事件在山东半岛东部陆架的区域响应。  相似文献   
通过测定洋山深水港区海域2010~2013年6个航次秋、冬季沉积物中重金属含量,分析其时空差异,结果表明该海域沉积物重金属总体含量较低,空间分布较为均匀,Hg、Zn、Pb、Cd含量秋季明显高于冬季,As、Cu含量的季节性波动较小,用因子分析法研究该海域重金属来源,发现陆源工业、船舶航运排污以及有机质降解是研究海域Pb、Cd、Zn的主要来源;农业污染、码头货物装卸残留及建筑垃圾支配着Cu、As、Hg的来源。SQG-Q生态风险评价表明研究海域沉积物中重金属均存在中、低度的生态风险,秋季的生态风险高于冬季,Hg和Cu是主要生态风险因子;地累积指数法评价结果显示研究海域基本不受Hg、As、Zn、Pb的污染;Cd、Cu以轻度污染为主,部分站位属于偏中度污染,6种重金属污染程度依次为:CdCuPbZnHgAs。因子综合得分评价表明,重金属污染相对严重的站位依次为5号、4号及3号站位。但总体看来洋山深水港区附近海域沉积物中重金属污染状况属于轻度污染。  相似文献   
在2012年6月实施的国家自然科学基金春季航次中,采集了闽浙沿岸海域表层和岩心沉积物样品。对沉积物样品进行了汞和甲基汞的分析测试,并结合沉积物中常量元素含量、粒度组分、有机质含量和孔隙水中硫酸根离子浓度等系统地分析了汞和甲基汞含量的分布及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)闽浙沿岸海域沉积物中汞和甲基汞含量分布大致表现为近岸含量高(杭州湾以南浙江沿岸),远岸含量低的特点。泥质区岩心沉积物中汞的甲基化作用主要发生在近表层较小的深度范围内(泥质区北部和南部,其深度范围分别为0~15和0~13 cm)。(2)在闽浙近岸泥质区,汞的原位甲基化是甲基汞的主要来源,在成岩过程中,埋深或其他环境条件的变化可以导致甲基汞的转移或再分配。(3)影响沉积物中汞和甲基汞含量分布及甲基化作用强弱的因素主要包括人为污染、海流体系、粒级组成、有机质含量和硫酸盐还原菌活性。人为污染是沉积物中汞含量的主控因素;海流体系控制着汞含量的分布格局;粒级组成影响着甲基汞的富集程度;有机质对表层沉积物中汞的甲基化作用影响不明显,在岩心沉积物中,既可以促进汞的甲基化,也可以抑制汞的甲基化,主要取决于沉积物中有机质的类型;硫酸盐还原菌的活化能力是汞甲基化作用的主控因素之一。  相似文献   
邹大鹏  阎贫  卢博 《海洋学报》2012,34(3):80-86
在由垂直声速梯度建立的地声模型基础上,通过引入沉积物与海水声速比和沉积物压缩波与切变波声速比两个表征沉积物声学特征参数得到更全面和有实际指导意义的地声模型。在沉积物声波传播FCMCM模型基础上,基于热作用和重力作用下沉积物两相介质的应力应变分析,建立TFCMCM和DFCFCM模型,运用模型校正表层沉积物声速特征来计算和解释地声模型。根据海底表层沉积物存在低声速和高声速两种类型,结合沉积物沿纵深孔隙度不变和变化两种类型,得到南海海底沉积物的两类四种典型地声模型:低声速孔隙度不变型、低声速孔隙度减小型、高声速不变型和高声速孔隙度减小型。运用这四种典型地声模型的组合解释了卢博提出的南海三种典型声速结构。认知声速结构将为南海声学探测海底、划分海底区域提供模型支持。  相似文献   
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