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建立了微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定土壤和沉积物中15种痕量稀土元素的分析方法。研究了溶样试剂、微波消解程序、标准溶液配制、质谱干扰与内标元素对稀土元素测定的影响。加入氢氟酸能有效打开样品,以HNO3-HF-H2O2混合酸溶解样品,稀土元素的溶出率较高。采用模拟土壤、沉积物中稀土元素天然组成比值的校正溶液,对稀土元素间的干扰具有明显的抑制作用。通过测定单个La、Ce、Pr、Nd和Ba的氧化物及氢氧化物产率,计算出等效干扰浓度,进而校正多原子离子干扰。利用103Rh内标校正系统,有效地抑制了分析信号的动态漂移。方法检出限为1.2~7.1 ng/g,精密度(RSD)≤5.3%(n=6),加标回收率为86.1%~110.1%。使用土壤、沉积物标准物质进行验证,测定结果与标准值相符。建立的方法样品处理程序简单快速、线性范围宽、分析重现性好、结果准确,适用于大批量地质样品的分析。  相似文献   
河北邯邢铁矿区矿山环境生态地球化学评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐国志  董迎春  邓金火  田恒川 《地质通报》2014,33(11):1827-1835
在河北邯邢西石门及周边铁矿区系统地采集了各类生态环境地球化学样品,包括土壤(n=242)、玉米(n=110)、地表水(n=37)、地下水(n=31)和水系沉积物(n=81)。通过对矿区各样品元素含量特征和元素富集程度的研究,利用区域地球化学基准值和地质累积指数定量评价了矿山污染扰动程度。研究表明,矿区土壤、玉米、地表水、地下水、水系沉积物中相对富集较高的与成矿作用有关的元素及主要的伴生元素,部分重金属元素超标,土壤和水系沉积物中Se、As、Cd、Cu、As、Cd、Cu、Co元素超标,玉米中F、Cr、Cd元素接近食品卫生限值,地表水和地下水部分指标浓度接近三类水质限值。研究表明,造成污染的主要来源是铁矿尾矿沙和煤矸石中的硫化物发生氧化作用,导致重金属淋滤转移,另一来源是燃煤降尘的积聚。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an integrated U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology and Si-in-white mica analysis for synorogenic sediments in the Jianghan Basin to the south of the Dabie Orogen. The results provide an improved understanding of the provenance of these sediments and the unroofing pattern of the early Mesozoic Dabie Mountain. Si contents of detrital white micas range from 3.09 to 3.34 atoms pfu for the upper Triassic sandstones whereas 3.06 to 3.59 atoms pfu for the lower and middle Jurassic sandstones. The majority of detrital white micas in the lower Jurassic sandstones is phengitic and originated exclusively from the Dabie high- to ultrahigh- pressure rocks. The U-Pb dating results of the detrital zircons for seven samples suggest that these synorogenic sediments have a significant change of provenance from late Triassic to early and middle Jurassic. For the upper Triassic sandstone, the U-Pb age clusters of these zircons are characterized by ~ 420-450 Ma, ~ 750-820 Ma, ~ 1050-1200 Ma and ~ 2500 Ma with minor Luliangian (~ 1700–2000 Ma) components. In contrast, the zircon ages of the Jurassic sandstones are dominated by the Luliangian (~ 1700–2000 Ma) ages with only minor Caledonian (~ 420-450 Ma) and Greenville (~ 1050-1200 Ma) ages. In combination with other available geological data, it can be concluded that the Dabie HP-UHP rocks might initially be exposed to the surface at the beginning of early Jurassic (~ 190 Ma). The Jiangnan terrain (also named “Jiangnan old continental in Chinese) to the south of the Jianghan basin provided the predominant supply of upper Triassic sediments, whereas the Paleoproterozoic Yangtze crustal materials (overlying the present Dabie Complex at the time) were the important provenance of the Jurassic sediments in the Jianghan basin.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the results of the investigation of Pleistocene sediments at the Royal Oak Portal (ROP) site on the new Crossrail scheme near Paddington Station, London. The site was sampled and recorded in May 2011 by archaeologists from Oxford Archaeology commissioned by Crossrail Ltd. The investigation revealed a sedimentary sequence associated with cool climate waterlain deposition towards the edge of the River Westbourne floodplain. During excavation an assemblage of around 100 identifiable large mammal bones was recovered, dating to the Late Pleistocene. The major concentration of bones, from bison and reindeer, was located and excavated from a shallow sequence of sediments. Analysis of the bones indicates that they represent a natural death assemblage, scavenged and subsequently disarticulated, transported by water, exposed and further dispersed and broken by trampling. The site is of regional and national importance because the assemblage derives from a well-constrained geological context, with associated dating evidence suggesting accumulation during the later parts of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 and continuing within MIS 4. The site is also of significance because it is one of a growing number of recently discovered sites away from the main fluvial archive for the British Middle and Upper Pleistocene. These sites have the potential to add significantly to our understanding of parts of the Pleistocene record that remain difficult to document through the investigation of the more active systems associated with major rivers such as the Thames, Severn or Trent.  相似文献   
张朱亚 《安徽地质》2009,19(4):241-246
分析了淮北新矿区新生界底部松散层沉积物沉积特征及水理性质,尤其是四含的岩性组合结构。在对各级粒径之间的相互掺杂进行统计的同时,对岩层的厚度,物理性质,水理性质,矿物形态及含量进行进一步的研究。得出结论:淮北煤田新矿区松散沉积物第四含水层是以下部合粘性土砂砾层和上部夹砂层的粘性土段组成。分布较稳定,但厚度和岩性有较大变化,主要受古地形和古地理位置的控制。各种粒级的沉积物相互掺杂,颗粒分布不均一,砂性土的有效粒径与其本身定名粒级相比低2~3个粒级,其透水性与比其低2个粒级沉积物相当。四含不仅具有隔水性,而且有较强的持水性。  相似文献   
通过对中国图们江河口湖沼沉积剖面的植硅体组合的分析,划分出该剖面自17.1~2.247 kaB.P.期间的6个植硅体组合带,分别对应冷干-凉湿-冷干-凉湿-温暖-温湿的气候阶段.将分析结果与本剖面Na、K、Ba、Cu、Pb、Fe、Mn分析相对比,发现植硅体对气候湿润程度的反映不如Na、K、Fe敏感,但是比其它指标,如泥炭地发育程度对湿润度的反映,要灵敏得多.区域对比发现,本剖面的植硅体古气候过程存在着区域上的良好响应,对全球变化与区域响应研究起着积极作用.  相似文献   
贵州鹅项水库沉积物特征及其土壤侵蚀的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对位于贵州西南部非喀斯特丘原区的鹅项水库中取得的一沉积物样芯(EX-1)做了137Cs,TOC,C/N和粒度分析以及矿物磁性测量。通过对这些分析和测量结果进行解译,推测了在过去的45年(1960~2005年)中这一水库的汇水流域内土壤侵蚀强度的相对变化。在这45年中,鹅项水库流域的土壤侵蚀经历了由弱到强再持续减弱的一个过程。将这一推测结果与流域内降水数据和土地利用/覆被变化资料数据相结合,探究了该流域土壤侵蚀强度变化的原因。与贵州西南部典型喀斯特流域的情况相比,在鹅项流域内,土地利用/覆被变化情况对土壤侵蚀强度的影响相对次要,而降水对土壤侵蚀强度变化的影响则更为重要。这可能主要因为与典型喀斯特流域相比,鹅项流域的土层较厚、植被覆盖较好。  相似文献   
Transmissivity (T) is one of the most important parameters in groundwater studies, and is generally estimated from pumping tests. T can also be deduced from abundantly available specific-capacity (Q/s) data by using analytical and/or empirical approaches, further upscaled by geostatistical methods. A different, remote sensing based, hydrogeomorphological approach is proposed, to upscale T from point- or well-scale to aquifer-scale, and it is applied to the piedmont alluvial aquifer system of Doon Valley in India. In the first step, Q/s and T data-pairs available from aquifer tests were used to establish an empirical, logarithmic relation. Subsequently, satellite imagery along with available data from published and unpublished maps, literature sources and ground surveys were used to divide the aquifer system into major hydrogeomorphological domains that control the groundwater occurrence and flow. Then, the T data derived from Q/s (using the empirical relation) and that available from pumping tests at well-scale were upscaled to aquifer-scale by averaging the T values within each hydrogeomorphological domain. Such a stratification approach is especially useful in areas where availability of only a few data-pairs of known Q/s and T limit the use of geostatistical techniques. A comparative study of the published empirical relations between Q/s and T in various hydrogeologic settings revealed that the relation obtained for Doon Valley aquifer system is close to that found for a similar alluvial aquifer system in Morocco.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Ugii Nuur basin, central Mongolia, investigations on chemical and mineralogical properties of lacustrine sediments were carried out on a 630 cm sediment core from lake Ugii Nuur. The interpretation of the record is based on a principal component analysis (PCA) of the elemental composition of the samples. The results show that lacustrine deposition started at 10.6 kyr BP. Low lake level conditions were identified during the Early Holocene (10.6-7.9 kyr BP). The Mid Holocene (7.9-4.2 kyr BP) was characterized by generally higher lake levels and thus higher moisture supply, but it experienced strong climatic fluctuations. Arid conditions prevailed from 4.2-2.8 kyr BP and were followed by a stable, more humid phase until today.  相似文献   
粘土矿物的掺杂对沉积物吸持Cu、Zn能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过考察粘土矿物及掺杂粘土矿物前后沉积物的吸附/解吸特性,分析了伊利石与蒙脱石对重金属污染沉积物中Cu与Zn稳定固定化的可行性。结果表明:伊利石与蒙脱石的掺杂均降低了沉积物吸持Cu的能力(最大下降量分别为5.4%和3.8%),伊利石的掺杂同样降低了沉积物吸持Zn的能力(最大下降量为4.4%),但蒙脱石掺杂后沉积物吸持Zn的能力明显增强,最高增加5.7%。因此,蒙脱石具有固定污染沉积物中Zn的能力,但不能提高污染沉积物中Cu的稳定性。  相似文献   
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