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An overview of a new comprehensive observational study of the Loop Current (LC) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico that encompassed full-depth and near-bottom moorings, pressure-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIES) and remote sensing is presented. The study array was designed to encompass the LC from the Campeche Bank to the west Florida escarpment. This overview centers about principal findings as they pertain to mesoscale dynamics. Two companion papers provide in-depth analyses. Three LC anticyclonic eddy separation events were observed with good 3D spatial coverage over the 2½ year extent of the field study; the three separations exhibited similar processes after the LC had extended into the eastern Gulf. Large scale (∼300 km wavelength, 40–60 day periods) southward propagating meanders developed on the eastern side of the LC over deep (∼3000 m) water that were the result of baroclinic instability between the upper layer meandering jet and lower layer cyclones and anticyclones. The lower layer was only highly energetic during relatively short (∼2–3 months) intervals just prior to or during eddy detachments because of baroclinic instability. The steepening of the meanders lead to a pinch-off of LC eddies. The deep lower-layer eddies, constrained by the closed topography of the southeastern Gulf, propagated westward across the detachment zone and appear to assist in achieving separation. Small scale (∼50–100 km, periods ∼10 days) frontal eddies, observed on the western side of the LC along the Campeche Bank slope, decay over the deep water of the northern part of an extended LC, and have little influence on lower layer eddies, the east side meanders and the eddy detachment processes.  相似文献   
陈世忠  杨经绥  许志琴  朱筱婷 《地质学报》2016,90(10):2721-2732
中国大陆科学钻探工程第三先导孔(PP3钻孔),位于秦岭-大别-苏鲁超高压造山带的东部,赣榆岗上超镁铁岩体中。钻孔中超镁铁岩的岩性包括纯橄岩和石榴超镁铁岩等,该超镁铁岩的SiO_2含量均值在43.68%,变化范围为41.9%~47.11%;MgO均值在44.71%,变化范围为47.12%~48.62%;Cr_2O_3均值在0.39%,变化范围为0.30%~0.47%;CaO均值0.12%(变化范围为0.006%~0.34%);Na2O均值在0.05%(变化范围为0.005%~0.32%)。超镁铁质岩的Mg#(Mg/(Mg+Fe)×100)稳定在91.9~93.0之间,Cr#(Cr/(Cr+Fe)×100)均值在38,较高;变化在30~45之间,变化小。其中闪石化金云母超镁铁岩具有最低的值(Cr#=19)。Ni含量在2100×10~(-6)~2500×10~(-6),CaO含量均值为0.13%,Al_2O_3含量均值为0.41%。岩体成分均一,表现为高镁,低钙和低铝的特征。超镁铁岩的不相容元素和稀土元素总量很低,稀土元素总量均值在0.60×10~(-6)。(La/Yb)N比值在6.9~51.2,均值在16.1,重稀土元素严重亏损,是中国东部最亏损的地幔岩之一。超镁铁岩中橄榄石成分(Fo在88.7~93.1之间,Fa在6.8~11.1之间),从早期到晚期,岩石Fo值从93→91~92.4→88.7~89.1。铬尖晶石Cr#值从51到89变化,TiO_2和MnO_2值分别低于0.26%和0.46%,晚期铬尖晶石Cr#值增大,Ti含量减小。单斜辉石由透辉石(Wo_(45.9)8En_(47.89)Fs_(2.73)Ac_(3.39))和顽透辉石(Wo_(27.61)En_(68.78)Fs_(2.27)Ac_(1.34))两种,透辉石(Cpx_Ⅰ)在顽透辉石(Cpx_Ⅱ)中呈被交代的残余粒状。角闪石和金云母呈明显的条带状和脉状,局部发育。岩石具有弱的Na和K交代作用,较高的Sr和Ba等元素,亏损高场强元素(HSFE),以及特征的稀土元素和微量元素配分曲线;岩石中主要组成矿物橄榄石从早期到晚期,矿物Mg#指数下降(Mg#从93→88);单斜辉石中可看到透辉石被顽透辉石交代现象;次生角闪石和金云母的形成等特征都显示超镁铁岩经历了碳酸盐交代作用。在超镁铁岩矿物橄榄石中发现细小白云石和菱镁矿等碳酸盐矿物更有力证明了苏鲁超高压变质带超镁铁岩经历了深部碳酸盐交代作用。PP3钻孔超镁铁岩属于强烈亏损地幔岩区域,单斜辉石和角闪石等含水矿物在超镁铁岩中含量低,交代作用的范围和规模有限,且交代作用在动力学上是快速的和不平衡的过程。  相似文献   
大陆科学钻探是“入地”的重要手段,是“深入地球内部的望远镜”。中国大陆科学钻探事业开展15周年以来,取得重要进展,获得全球地学界的高度关注,特别是2001年实施的中国第一口大陆科学深钻 (5158m),成果辉煌,影响巨大。继后,又开展了青海湖环境科学钻探、松辽盆地白垩纪科学钻探、柴达木盐湖环境资源科学钻探,汶川地震断裂带科学钻探以及中国大陆科钻资源集成计划,总共钻进约 35km,显示了中国科学钻探方兴未艾的景象。为纪念国际大陆科学钻探20周年(1996~2016)和中国大陆科学钻探实施15周年(2001~2016),本文回顾中国大陆科学钻探实施15年来的艰辛和奋斗的历程,展望中国大陆科学钻探的未来。  相似文献   
Metal speciation study in combination with major element chemistry of deep sea sediments provided possible metal enrichment pathways in sediments collected from environmentally different locations of Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIB). Metal speciation study suggests that Fe–Mn oxyhydroxide phase was the major binding phase for Ni, Cu and Pb in the sediments. The second highest concentrations of all these metals were present within the structure of the sediments. Easily reducible oxide phase (within the Fe–Mn oxyhydroxide binding phases) was the major host for all the three metals in the studied sediments. Major element chemistry of these sediments revealed that there was an increased tendency of Cu and Ni to get incorporated into the deep sea sediment via the non-terrigenous Mn-oxyhydroxide fraction, whereas, Pb gets incorporated mostly via amorphous Fe-hydroxides into the sediment from the CIB. This is the first attempt to provide an insight into the mechanism of metal enrichment in sediment that host vast manganese nodule.  相似文献   
Geological mapping of the Tucumã area has enabled the identification of dike swarms intruded into an Archean basement. The disposition of these dikes is consistent with the well-defined NW-SE trending regional faults, and they can reach up to 20 km in length. They were divided into three main groups: (i) felsic dikes (70% of the dikes), composed exclusively of porphyritic rhyolite with euhedral phenocrysts of quartz and feldspars immersed in an aphyric felsite matrix; (ii) mafic dikes, with restricted occurrence, composed of basaltic andesite and subordinate basalt, with a mineralogical assembly consisting dominantly of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine; and (iii) intermediate rocks, represented by andesite and dacite. Dacites are found in outcrops associated with felsic dikes, representing different degrees of hybridization or mixture of mafic and felsic magmas. This is evidenced by a large number of mafic enclaves in the felsic dikes and the frequent presence of embayment textures. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of felsic dikes yielded an age of 1880.9 ± 3.3 Ma. The felsic dikes are peraluminous to slightly metaluminous and akin to A2, ferroan and reduced granites. The intermediate and mafic dikes are metaluminous and belong to the tholeiitic series. Geochemical modeling showed that mafic rocks evolved by pyroxene and plagioclase crystallization, while K-feldspar and biotite are the fractionate phases in felsic magma. A simple binary mixture model was used to determine the origin of intermediate rocks. It indicated that mixing 60% of rhyolite and 40% basaltic andesite melts could have generated the dacitic composition, while the andesite liquid could be produced by mixing of 60% and 40% basaltic andesite and rhyolite melts, respectively. The mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas probably occurred during ascent and storage in the crust, where andesite dikes are likely produced by a more homogeneous mixture at high depths in the continental crust (mixing), while dacite dikes can be generated in the upper crust at a lower temperature, providing a less efficient mixing process (mingling). The affinities observed between the felsic to intermediate rocks of the Rio Maria and São Felix do Xingu areas and the bimodal magmatism of the Tucumã area reinforce the hypothesis that in the Paleoproterozoic the Carajás province was affected by processes involving thermal perturbations in the upper mantle, mafic underplating, and associated crustal extension or transtension. The 1.88 Ga fissure-controlled A-type magmatism of the Tucumã area was emplaced ∼1.0 to ∼0.65 Ga after stabilization of the Archean crust. Its origin is not related to subduction processes but to the disruption of the supercontinent at the end of the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   
大别与苏鲁造山带之间的郯庐断裂带张八岭隆起段,构成了华北与扬子板块之间的断裂边界。该边界带的深部结构状态长期以来存在着不同的认识。本文利用张八岭隆起带沿线出露的晚中生代岩浆岩中继承锆石U-Pb年代学信息,结合地球物理资料及Nd、Pb、Hf同位素资料,分析了其深部的岩浆源区属性及结构状态。张八岭隆起带北段晚中生代岩浆岩继承锆石年龄以1.9~2.7Ga为主,最大峰值年龄为2.5Ga;南段继承锆石年龄以2.2~2.6Ga为主,峰值年龄也为2.5Ga;郯庐断裂带庐江段则以含大量新元古代锆石为特征,在0.7Ga形成显著的分布峰值,并有早元古和少量太古代年龄信息。分析结果表明,张八岭隆起带北段的晚中生代岩浆岩源区为华北下地壳,南段的源区兼有华北和扬子陆壳的信息,而更南部庐江段则以扬子地壳源区为特征。电法剖面揭示,郯庐断裂主边界在张八岭隆起带下向南东倾斜,从而深部存在华北地壳;而南部庐江段转变为向北西陡倾,从而深部皆为扬子地壳。郯庐断裂深部产状特征支持其印支期应为斜向汇聚边界。而其中三叠纪继承锆石的缺失指示隆起带上变质岩应为原地岩石,而非来自大别造山带。  相似文献   
岩浆混合过程中不同熔体之间的相互作用会影响晶体的成核与生长,形成矿物内部复杂的成分变化,以及矿物之间的不平衡结构。尼木二长花岗岩位于冈底斯岩浆岩带中部,是代表性的形成于后碰撞构造演化时期的花岗岩体。本文对其中的斜长石与角闪石颗粒进行了详细的结构和成分分析,揭示了斜长石中的港湾状、浑圆状、筛孔状熔蚀结构以及斜长石成分的突然变化和角闪石包裹黑云母的不平衡结构,并探讨了它们的成因以及相关的岩浆混合作用。分析结果显示,斜长石中突变环带的An含量为37.6~40.6,熔蚀环带的An含量为48.2~59.5,均高于两侧斜长石的An含量(18.4~26.4),表明在形成这些结构时有外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆成分发生了突变。样品中的部分黑云母被自形的角闪石包裹,黑云母呈浑圆状并且具有港湾状的熔蚀边,这可能是基性岩浆的混合作用使得岩浆的温度升高导致黑云母发生部分熔融,混合后的岩浆在黑云母周围继续结晶形成角闪石。这些显微结构为揭示冈底斯岩浆岩带的岩浆混合作用提供了新证据。  相似文献   
陈超  张庆河 《海洋工程》2016,(5):718-732
A depth-integrated model for simulating wave-induced longshore current was developed with unstructured grids. Effects of surface roller and horizontal mixing under combined waves and currents were incorporated in the numerical model. Recommended values of model coefficients were also proposed based on sensitivity analysis. Field observations and three series of laboratory measurements including two cases conducted on the plane beach and one implemented on the ideal inlet were employed to examine the predictive capability of this model. For the field case and laboratory cases conducted on the plane beach, numerical results were compared favorably with the measured data. For the case with an ideal inlet, simulated circulation pattern is supposed to be reasonable although some deviations between numerical results and measured data still can be detected.  相似文献   
编辑部 《地质论评》2018,64(4):6404912-6404979
正2018年5月26日,自然资源部中国地质调查局在黑龙江省安达市松科二井工程现场召开大陆科学钻探工程(松科二井)完井暨学术研讨现场会。中国地质学会常务副理事长兼秘书长、自然资源部中国地质调查局副局长、松科二井工程领导小组组长李金发宣布松辽盆地大陆深部科学钻探工  相似文献   
基于岩石图像深度学习的岩性自动识别与分类方法   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
张野  李明超  韩帅 《岩石学报》2018,34(2):333-342
岩石岩性的识别与分类对于地质分析极为重要,采用机器学习的方法建立识别模型进行自动分类是一条新的途径。基于Inception-v3深度卷积神经网络模型,建立了岩石图像集分析的深度学习迁移模型,运用迁移学习方法实现了岩石岩性的自动识别与分类。采用此方法对所采集的173张花岗岩图像、152张千枚岩图像和246张角砾岩图像进行了学习和识别分类研究,通过训练学习建立岩石图像深度学习迁移模型,并分别采用训练集和测试集中的岩石图像对模型进行了检验分析。对于训练集中的岩石图像,每组岩石分别用3张图像测试,三种岩石的岩性分类均正确,且分类概率值均达到90%以上,显示了模型良好的鲁棒性;对于测试集中的岩石图像,每组岩石分别采用9张图像进行识别分析,三种岩石的岩性分类均正确,并且千枚岩组图像分类概率均高于90%,但是花岗岩组2张图像和角砾岩组的1张图像分类概率值不足70%,概率值较其他岩石图像低,推测其原因是训练集中相同模式的岩石图像较少,导致模型的泛化能力减小。为了提高识别精确度,对准确率较低的岩石图像进行截取,分别取其中的3张图像加入训练集进行再训练,增加与测试图像具有相同模式的训练样本;在新的模型中,对3张图像进行二次检验,测试概率值均达到85%以上,说明在数据足够的状况下模型具有良好的学习能力。与传统的机器学习方法相比,所提出的岩石图像深度学习方法具有以下优点:第一,模型通过搜索图像像素点提取物体特征,不需要手动提取待分类物体特征;第二,对于图像像素大小,成像距离及光照要求低;第三,采用适当的训练集可获得较好的识别分类效果,并具有良好鲁棒性和泛化能力。  相似文献   
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