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The Rallier-du-Baty Peninsula forms the southwestern part of the Kerguelen Archipelago (Indian Ocean), whose magmatic activity is related to the long-lived 115-Ma Kerguelen plume. The peninsula is mostly made of alkaline rocks constituting two well-defined ring complexes. This paper focuses on the northern ring complex, which is not yet known. Recent field studies have revealed seven discrete syenitic ring dykes ranging in age from 6.2 to 4.9 Ma, and two later volcanic systems. 40Ar/39Ar dating of a trachytic ignimbrite linked to the Dôme Carva volcano complex yields an age of 26±3 Ka. This represents the last major eruptive event on the Kerguelen Archipelago. The volcanism is bimodal with trachybasalts and trachyandesites constituting the mafic lavas and trachytes and rhyolites constituting the felsic lavas. The volume of erupted felsic magma is by far the larger, and is represented by abundant pyroclastic deposits and lava flows. Boulders of plutonic rocks are found to the northwest of Dôme Carva, and represent intermediate rocks (i.e. monzogabbros and monzonites) that are not present at the surface. Basic rocks are mostly trachybasalts and trachyandesites, while true basalts are scarce. Their mineralogy consists chiefly of plagioclase, olivine, diopside and oxides. Sieve-textured plagioclase is common, as well as corroded olivine and diopside phenocrysts. Peralkaline commenditic trachytes are the most abundant type of acid volcanic rocks. They consist of abundant sanidine, augite and magnetite phenocrysts and interstitial quartz, aegerinic pyroxenes and Na-amphiboles. Ring dykes of quartz-poor alkali feldspar syenites display the same mineralogy, except hornblende is common and replaces diopside. Hornblende is particularly abundant in intermediate monzogabbros. Major and trace element variations of volcanic rocks emphasise the predominant role of fractional crystallisation with a general decrease of MgO, CaO, P2O5, TiO2, FeO, Ba, Sr and Ni from basic to felsic rocks. However, the scattering of the data from the basic rocks indicates that other processes have operated. The overall evolution from trachyte to rhyolite is in agreement with the fractionation of sanidine as the major control. An increase of incompatible elements from trachyte to rhyolite is observed. The felsic lavas display an increase of 87Sr/86Sr(i) without any significant variations in the Nd isotopic composition. The genesis of the basic rocks is complex and reflects concomitant processes of fractional crystallisation, mixing between different basic magmas and probable assimilation of Ba-rich oceanic crust. Major and trace element modelling confirms the possibility of producing the trachytes through continuous differentiation from a basaltic alkaline parent. Discrepancies observed for some trace elements can be explained by the crystallisation of amphibole at an intermediate stage of magma evolution. The overall evolution from trachyte to rhyolite is thought to be controlled by crystal fractionation. High 87Sr/86Sr(i) of the trachytes is interpreted to reflect interaction with an ocean-derived component, probably during assimilation of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust. Boulders of amphibole-bearing monzonites and monzogabbros found to the northwest of Dôme Carva are thought to represent intermediate magma composition that formed at depths but did not erupt.  相似文献   
The mafic-ultramafic Chimbadzi Hill intrusion in the NW of the Zimbabwe craton is a dyke with inward-dipping margins comprising magnetite peridotite, troctolite and magnetite melatroctolite. The magnetite peridotite is composed of about equal amounts of V- and Ti-bearing magnetite and olivine (Fo60). The troctolite is composed of about 50% olivine (Fo50-54), 40% plagioclase (An53-58), 7% clinopyroxene and minor apatite and magnetite with ilmenite lamellae. Geochemical trends suggest that the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion formed by fractional crystallisation from a single initial magma. However, the more primitive magnetite peridotite overlies the more evolved troctolite in the intrusion. This ‘apparent’ inverted stratigraphy may be due to emptying of a fractionated magma chamber from the top, or to floor subsidence during intrusion.U–Pb dating on baddeleyite reveals that the age of the Chimbadzi Hill Intrusion is 2262 ± 2 Ma. This age does not correspond to any known tectono-thermal event in the Zimbabwe Craton or adjacent metamorphic belts. It is 300 Ma younger than the late Archean Great Dyke, and 230 Ma older than other Paleoproterozoic events in and around the craton. Therefore, it may represent a so far undocumented very early Proterozoic igneous event in the Zimbabwe Craton. The intrusion represents a vanadium resource for Zimbabwe, with titanium potentially being mined as by-product.  相似文献   
在比较研究常见的多种无损压缩算法的基础上,进一步研究了符合遥感应用的压缩技术.结合海洋遥感L3A 数据产品的特点,提出了一种基于优化行程编码的无损压缩算法以及该算法与哈夫曼编码相结合的组合压缩算法,可应用于 MODIS、NOAA、HY 等国内外多种卫星的 L3级原始数据文件的压缩.通过9种无损压缩算法的对比实验,结果表明,该算法与其它通用的压缩方法或工具相比,具有最小的时空积,即在压缩时间和空间上具一定的综合优势,且更加高效地传输、存储和共享海量的卫星遥感图像或数据  相似文献   
This study assesses the effect of decompression rate on two processes that directly influence the behavior of volcanic eruptions: degassing and permeability in magmas. We studied the degassing of magma with experiments on hydrated natural rhyolitic glass at high pressure and temperature. From the data collected, we defined and characterized one degassing regime in equilibrium and two regimes in disequilibrium. Equilibrium bubble growth occurs when the decompression rate is slower than 0.1 MPa s–1, while higher rates cause porosity to deviate rapidly from equilibrium, defining the first disequilibrium regime of degassing. If the deviation is large enough, a critical threshold of super-saturation is reached and bubble growth accelerates, defining the second disequilibrium regime. We studied permeability and bubble coalescence in magma with experiments using the same rhyolitic melt in open degassing conditions. Under these open conditions, we observed that bubbles start to coalesce at ~43 vol% porosity, regardless of decompression rate. Coalescence profoundly affects bubble texture and size distributions, and induces the melt to become permeable. We determined coalescence to occur on a time scale (~180 s) independent of decompression rate. We parameterized and incorporated our experimental results into a 1D conduit flow model to explore the implications of our findings on eruptive behavior of rhyolitic melts with low crystal contents stored in the upper crust. Compared to previous models that assume equilibrium degassing of the melt during ascent, the introduction of disequilibrium degassing reduces the deviation from lithostatic pressure by ~25%, the acceleration at high porosities (>50 vol%) by a factor 5, and the associated decompression rate by an order of magnitude. The integration of the time scale of coalescence to the model shows that the transition between explosive and effusive eruptive regimes is sensitive to small variations of the initial magma ascent speed, and that flow conditions near fragmentation may significantly be affected by bubble coalescence and gas escape.Editorial responsibility: D. Dingwell  相似文献   
Salt and ice crystallisation in porous sandstones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt and ice crystallisation in the pore spaces causes major physical damage to natural building stones. The damaging effect of these processes can be traced back to physically induced stress inside of the rock while crystallizing. The increasing scientific research done during the past century has shown that there are numerous parameters that have an influence on the weathering resulting from these processes. However, the working mechanisms of the stress development within the rock and its material dependency are still subject to discussion. This article gives an overview of salt and ice weathering. Additionally, laboratory results of various sandstones examined are presented. Salt crystallisation tests and freeze/thaw tests were done to obtain information about how crystallisation weathering depends on material characteristics such as pore space, water transportation, and mechanical features. Simultaneous measuring of the length alternating during the salt and ice crystallisation has revealed detailed information on the development of crystal in the pore spaces as well as the development of stress. These findings can help to understand the damaging mechanisms.  相似文献   
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