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The paper examines the prospects for resource-based development in the Russian Far East. It adopts a critical perspective on the potential for resource-based development by examining problems with Far East resource industries, specifically by looking at the experience of the other resource economies more generally. In particular, it highlights the new geo-economic context for resource development in the Far East of Russia as the world economy approaches the much touted, and now questioned, ‘Pacific Century’.  相似文献   
文章基于CICE海冰模式和PDAF并行数据同化框架,使用局地误差子空间变换卡尔曼滤波方法(LESTKF),将海冰密集度、海冰厚度和海冰干舷资料同化到模式中,设计实验研究了多参数同化对北极海冰密集度模拟的改进。结果显示,数据同化对北极海冰密集度模拟具有良好的改善作用,同化实验的平均偏差、均方根误差和平均绝对误差相对于控制实验均有明显减小,同化实验在夏季对海冰密集度和范围的模拟改善最为明显,多参数同化可以提高海冰密集度和范围模拟的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
酉阳河流域典型年汛期的基流分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷宇宽 《水文》2021,41(1):35-41
基流分割是水文学研究中的重难点问题之一,目前基流分割也存在许多方法.基于酉阳河典型年汛期实测日平均流量资料,分别采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法一次滤波(参数N=1)以及二次滤波(参数N=2)、BFI(f)法、HYSEP固定步长法、HYSEP滑动步长法、HYSEP局部最小值法进行基流分割并对其结果进...  相似文献   
桩基事故处理技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过列举西安绕城高速公路谢王互通式立交桥 B匝 19-2号桩基事故实例, 阐述了桩基事故处理的工艺过程: 钻孔取心确定缺陷部位, 分析事故原因; 高压水预清洗孔底粉尘和弱软层; 并应用超声波检测技术记录缺陷附近处理前的有关数据; 采用高压旋喷工艺加固缺陷部位; 再次应用超声波检测技术检测, 并与处理前相比较, 评价处理效果。还探讨了静压注浆、旋喷注浆、化学注浆 (高强粘结剂) 、加筋灌注、预应力锚索和旋喷注浆外围加固等技术在处理桩基事故中的应用条件, 提出了改进措施, 同时指出了还存在的一些问题。  相似文献   
为解决异地、异构、海量天文数据无缝透明地统一访问,中国虚拟天文台(China-VO)研究小组自主设计并开发了一套解决方案——虚拟天文台数据访问系统(VO-DAS)。着重从执行流程、设计模式、Session机制、生命周期、资源销毁、异常处理等模块详细阐述了该系统的任务调度设计。为了验证该系统的可行性和性能,最后描述了多个天文科学范例。  相似文献   
通过对广东西部沿海高速公路路面基层现场压实度检测过程的详细观察,并在不同的条件下反复进行试验、分析比较,找出了影响压实度现场检测精度的主要非理想因素,即标准砂密度、试样含水量和路面基层平整度,并提出了解决方法。  相似文献   
The uses and shortcomings of duricrusts (ferricrete, calcrete and silcrete) in engineering construction (as used for road‐base, aggregate, foundation materials and aquifers) are reviewed. Australian production of these materials represents about one‐third of all unprocessed road‐base and they are especially important as pavement courses for lightly trafficked, low‐cost rural and outback roads. However, duricrusts are regarded as marginal materials at best because of their typically poor grading, particle unsoundness, high fines plasticity, and absorption of water and bitumen. These materials are used because they are available locally in areas that are otherwise lacking in hard rock materials, such as deeply weathered and sedimentary rock terrains. The weathering profiles of which they form part are characterized by high permeability (despite being clay‐rich), variable cementation, low compressibility and a tendency to become weaker with depth. Although the more indurated layers are unrippable, they are also difficult to blast. Pedogenic (nodular) duricrusts were formerly sought for natural road‐base, because they occur widely and require only rudimentary processing. However, well‐cemented groundwater (vadose) duricrusts are now the preferred deposits, even though they require crushing and screening. Ferricrete is the most widely exploited of the duricrusts for engineering purposes, especially in northern and southwestern Australia, although calcrete is important in South Australia and in the Murray Basin. Silcrete is only a minor source of aggregate and road‐base, mainly in western Queensland.  相似文献   
利用水杨醛对壳聚糖进行改性,合成壳聚糖席夫碱类衍生物(S-CTS),将其滴涂在玻碳电极表面成膜。用循环伏安法研究了该修饰电极对NO2-的电催化作用。以0.1mol/LpH4.5的B-R缓冲溶液为底液,还原峰电流与NO2-浓度在0.20~81mg/kg范围内呈良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9899,检测限达到2.8×10-7mol/L。用于样品测定,结果较为满意。  相似文献   
李桂华  何家斌 《地震研究》2002,25(2):163-165
采用一致的地震震相和台网布局,应用昆明数字地震台网资料,对2002年月1月4日-1月7日的漾濞地震及序列作进一步核定,得出了更精确的地震震源位置,并作出三维空间图。  相似文献   
本文介绍了GDJ跟踪打印经纬仪在人造卫星的观测中如何应用计算机对多圈卫星的目视观测资料进行实时采集、处理等工作过程的原理和方法。  相似文献   
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