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Perissocytheridea Stephenson is characteristic of brackish water facies. In 57 samples from the Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene, from five localities, Pirabas Formation, Pará State, Brazil eleven species have been identified. Among these species, four are new reports: Perissocytheridea punctoreticulata n. sp., Perissocytheridea largulateralis n. sp., Perissocytheridea colini n. sp. and Perissocytheridea pirabensis n. sp.; five species in open nomenclature: Perissocytheridea sp. 1, P. sp. 2, P. sp. 3, P. sp. 4, and P. sp. 5 and two species left in “aff.” abbreviation: Perissocytheridea aff. Perissocytheridea pumila and Perissocytheridea aff. Perissocytheridea brachyforma subsp. excavata. The distributional pattern of the Perissocytheridea combined with the occurrence of foraminifera Elphidium and Ammonia in the studied sections supports the presence of the brackish water facies to the respective layers. Their quantitative variation through the studied sections indicate more than one phase of salinity reduction (about >5 and <30 ppm) and/or the decrease of the sea level, forming lagoon along the Pirabas Formation. This genus has a wide paleobiogeographical occurrence and stratigraphic distribution ranging from the Cretaceous to Recent, and already been recorded in the northern of South America, especially in the Neogene of Solimões Basin, but this is the first report of a neotropical genus to the Oligo-Miocene deposits of Pirabas Formation, northern Brazilian Coast, Pará State.  相似文献   
Phosphate mining in southeastern Idaho has historically resulted in the release of dissolved metals and inorganics to groundwater and surface water, primarily due to leachate from waste rock in backfilled pits and overburden storage piles. Selenium (Se) is of particular concern due to its high concentration in leachate and its limited attenuation downgradient of source zones under oxic conditions. Assessments of potential groundwater/surface water impacts from waste rock typically involve laboratory characterization using saturated and unsaturated flow columns packed with waste rock. In this study, we compare the results of saturated and unsaturated column tests with groundwater quality data from the Mountain Fuel, Champ, South and Central Rasmussen Ridge Area (SCRRA), Smoky Canyon, Ballard, Henry, and Enoch Valley Mines, to understand the release and attenuation of Se in different geochemical environments. Column studies and field results demonstrate that the ratio of aqueous Se to aqueous sulfate (Se:SO4 ratio) is a useful metric for understanding Se release and attenuation, where the extent of sulfate reduction is much less than Se reduction. Comparison of dissolved Se and sulfate results suggests that the net leachability of Se from unsaturated waste rock is variable. Overall, Se concentrations in groundwater directly beneath waste rock dumps is not as high as would be predicted from unsaturated columns. Lower Se:SO4 ratios are observed immediately beneath waste rock dumps and backfilled pits relative to areas receiving shallow waste rock runoff. It is hypothesized that Se released in the oxic upper portions of the waste rock is subsequently attenuated via reductive precipitation at depth in unsaturated, low-oxygen portions of the waste rock. This highlights an important mechanism by which Se may be naturally attenuated within waste rock piles prior to discharge to groundwater and surface water. These results have important implications for mining practices in the region. A better understanding of Se dynamics can help drive waste rock management during active mining and capping/water management options during post-mining reclamation.  相似文献   
This paper presents the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Maimará Basin and explores the relationship between the clastic sediments and pyroclastic deposits in the basin and the evolution of the adjacent orogeny and magmatic arc. The sedimentary facies in this part of the basin include, in ascending order, an ephemeral fluvial system, a deep braided fluvial system and a medial to distal ephemeral fluvial system. We interpret that Maimará Formation accumulated in a basin that has developed two stages of accumulation. Stage 1 extended from 7 to 6.4 Ma and included accelerated tectonic uplift in the source areas, and it corresponds to the ephemeral fluvial system deposits. Stage 2, which extended from 6.4 to 4.8 Ma, corresponds to a tectonically quiescent period and included the development of the deep braided fluvial system deposits. The contact between the Maimará and Tilcara formations is always characterized by a regional unconformity and, in the study area, also shows pronounced erosion.Rare earth element and other chemical characteristics of the tuff intervals in the Maimará Formation fall into two distinct groups suggesting the tuffs were erupted from two distinct late Miocene source regions. The first and most abundant group has characteristics that best match tuffs erupted from the Guacha, Pacana and Pastos Grandes calderas, which are located 200 and 230 km west of the study area at 22º-23º30′S latitude. The members the second group are chemically most similar to the Merihuaca Ignimbrite from the Cerro Galán caldera 290 km south-southwest of the studied section. The distinctive geochemical characteristics are excellent tools to reconstruct the stratigraphic evolution of the Neogene Maimará basin from 6.4 to 4.8 Ma.  相似文献   
通过对江苏省南京市江宁区杨库村铜矿的地质背景、矿床地质特征、围岩蚀变及矿床成因、成矿控矿条件的分析研究,并与相邻已知矿区进行对比,结合近几年的工作成果,阐述了杨库村铜矿的找矿前景。  相似文献   
昭通国家级页岩气示范区黄金坝气田是继礁石坝和长宁—威远之后中国又一个在页岩气勘探、开发领域实现重大突破的地区,为了系统地展示黄金坝气田页岩气资源富集的储层条件,为未来的勘探工作提供参考,以五峰—龙马溪组页岩气储层为研究对象,从区域地质条件、储层岩石学、物性和地球化学4个方面对该页岩气储层进行了综合研究。结果表明稳定的区域构造和良好的顶底板条件是黄金坝地区页岩气资源富集的关键,良好的保存条件使储层维持了较高的压力(压力系数1);较高的孔隙度(平均4%)和TOC含量(目的层2%)提供了良好的储集空间,使储层具有较高的含气量(1.35~3.48 cm3/g,平均2.50 cm3/g);天然气地球化学数据表明,区内天然气主要成分为CH4(97%),其次还含有少量的C2H6、C3H8和CO2;天然气同位素数据表明烃类C同位素组成发生了倒转,表明储层具有良好的封闭性。但储层孔隙系统较为复杂,且非均质性极强,从而导致渗透率较低,在储层改造施工过程中应予以充分考虑。总体上,黄金坝气田具有较好的开发前景,生产测试表明,区内直井压裂产量为0.5×104~3.5×104m3/d/井,水平井压裂产量可达12×104~40×104m3/d/井。  相似文献   
贾志刚 《探矿工程》2016,43(2):9-11
金山气田、龙凤山构造、长岭断陷等登娄库组以下深部地层可钻性差,研磨性强,导致钻头磨损严重,使用效率低。在对牙轮钻头、PDC钻头及孕镶金刚石钻头在高研磨性地层中的适应性进行细致和全面分析的基础上,提出了把PDC钻头机械钻速高和孕镶金刚石钻头进尺多的技术优势相结合的研制思路,开展PDC+孕镶复合式钻头设计。现场应用取得了良好的试验效果。提出了合理化的建议。  相似文献   
The Triassic Yanchang Formation is the main source rocks for Mesozoic oil in Ordos Basin. The formation includes 10 oil-bearing beds (Ch 1–Ch 10), that each can be further divided into two to three intervals. Abundant C12–C14 and C15–C16 bicyclic alkanes have been detected in the formation in the Xifeng oilfield, Ordos Basin. The C12–C14 group is dominated by C12 and C13, and the C15–C16 group contains abundant C15. The groups show three distribution patterns: A) the C12–C14 group is the major component in the non-source rocks of the Ch 7-1 and Ch 8-1 intervals; B) both groups are abundant and are common in source rocks of the Ch 7-3 interval; and C) the C15–C16 group is the major component in source rocks of the Ch 7-3 interval and also in sediments that contain type Ⅰ or partial sapropel type Ⅱ1 organic matter (OM) in the Ch 7-2 and Ch 8-1 intervals. Although thermal maturities of the source rocks in the Ch 7 section are similar, they show significant differences with respect to the drimane isomerisation index, which indicates that the drimane rearrangement is controlled by thermal evolution of the sediments, but may also be closely related to the depositional environment. This study determined that reducing environments are more conducive to preservation of drimane than oxic environments. The drimane isomerisation index and the value of the hopane parameter Tm/Ts are positively correlated. The parameter Tm/Ts varies over a wide range within the sequence, and the large variations may be a result of terrigenous OM input by turbidity currents and/or gravity flows, mixed with the autochthonous sediments. Abundant homodrimane in both source rocks may reflect reducing environments in deep lakes and major input of higher plant OM. Organic-rich shale and oil shale in the Ch 7-3 interval of the Yanchang Formation are the primary sources of oil in reservoirs in the Xifeng area. The crude oil is rich in bicyclic alkanes that are dominated by C15–C16 as source rocks with pattern C for bicyclic alkanes, which indicates an origin mainly from the Ch 7-3 interval. The main peaks in all of the crude oils are associated with 8β(H)-drimane and lower abundance of rearranged drimane. However, most of the source rocks have a main peak associated with 8β(H)-homodrimane or rearranged drimane. Weak microbial action, selective degradation and water washing may be the cause of the significant difference in bicyclic sesquiterpane composition between the crude oil and the source rocks. The result suggests that oil-source correlations based on the bicyclic sesquiterpanes are questionable.  相似文献   
藏南错那淡色花岗岩位于喜马拉雅造山带的东部。对其进行LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,结果显示,结晶年龄为17.7±0.3Ma,代表中新世的地壳深熔作用。淡色花岗岩样品具有高的Si O2(74.46%~75.57%)、Al2O3(14.07%~14.64%)和K2O(4.19%~4.85%)含量,高的K2O/Na2O值(1.09~1.31)和A/CNK值(1.15~1.25),富集Rb、Th和U,亏损Ba、Nb、Sr、Zr等元素,显示高的Rb/Sr值(17.75~29.50)和强烈的负Eu异常(δEu=0.18~0.26),属于壳源成因的高钾钙碱性过铝质S型花岗岩。样品具有高的Isr值(0.78982~0.79276)和低的εNd(t)值(-19.5~-18.2),可与大喜马拉雅结晶杂岩(GHC)中的变泥质岩对比,暗示其来自变泥质岩的部分熔融。样品的Isr值较高,而Sr浓度较低,且随着Ba浓度的增加,Rb/Sr值逐渐降低,表明淡色花岗岩是无水条件下白云母部分熔融的产物,部分熔融可能与藏南拆离系(STDS)伸展拆离导致的构造减压有关。错那淡色花岗岩的形成反映了地壳伸展减薄背景下,构造减压导致的中下地壳中含水矿物脱水熔融,并沿STDS上升侵位的动力学过程。  相似文献   
四川平武银厂金矿区钻探施工中遇到漏失、缩径、岩心破碎、易孔斜和钻孔事故频发等施工难题,施工难度极大。本文结合地层特点,通过采用绳索取心液动锤、高密度低失水泥浆体系、跟管钻进等工艺技术措施,提高了钻进效率和施工质量,大幅度减少了孔内事故的发生,为顺利完成钻孔施工任务奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
近几年,随着四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩储层勘探的不断加强,碳酸盐岩储层强的非均质性已成为制约礁滩气藏勘探开发的现实问题。以川东宣汉盘龙洞长兴组典型台缘礁滩剖面为研究对象,通过对典型台缘礁滩野外剖面的精细观察,结合镜下薄片及岩矿资料分析,重点探讨了盘龙洞礁滩储层纵向非均质性特征及成因。剖面上礁滩体垂向上存在很强的旋回性和储层非均质性,其储集岩分布、储层厚度、白云岩化程度、溶蚀作用等受海平面周期性的升降变化影响而呈现周期性变化。礁滩储层非均质性受高能相带、海平面升降变化和建设性成岩作用的共同控制,高能相带控制储层原生孔隙的发育,决定了储层的沉积非均质性,白云岩化和溶蚀作用有利于礁滩体储层的形成,大气淡水淋滤改造对于优化储层具有关键作用,海平面升降变化决定了礁滩体旋回性发育,而建设性成岩作用的选择性改造深化了储层非均质性。  相似文献   
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