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兰州都市圈发展可行性与发展战略研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
近年来都市圈理论的引入和创新发展,对城市化理论有重要影响。我国西部地区的城市化有其特殊性,西部地区的城市化研究对促进西部地区的现代化发展、落实科学发展观、保障全国的可持续发展都具有重要理论与现实意义。都市圈理论对西部地区尤其是西北地区中心城市区域的发展具有指导性,以兰州为例分析了西北地区都市圈建设的可行性与前景。首先分析论证了兰州都市圈建设的可行性,得出了兰州不仅迫切需要建设都市圈而具备发展都市圈的良好条件的结论;接着,以定量与定性结合的方法,评价了兰州在我国西部地区中心城市中的地位和兰州都市圈发展水平,发现兰州都市圈的雏形已经形成,在区域开发中发挥着重要作用;最后,提出了兰州都市圈发展战略,包括战略目标、战略思路、战略重点等,展示了兰州都市圈发展的前景。兰州都市圈可行性的典型研究,也展示了都市圈发展模式在西北地区开发中的应用的可行性,对完善我国的城市化理论和实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   
广西扶贫开发与城乡协调发展战略探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西石漠化地区人口-资源-环境-发展的矛盾非常突出。2002年,广西农村贫困人口仍有95.6万人,城乡居民收入差异、人均消费支出差异分别为3.43和3.37倍,明显高于同期全国的平均水平,因而是我国贫困人口集中、城乡差距问题突出的区域之一。在分析广西农村贫困化基本状况、发生成因基础上,梳理了近10多年来广西实施就地开发、对口帮扶、异地安置和小额信贷等主要的扶贫开发成功模式,进一步指出新形势下加快扶贫开发和统筹城乡协调发展的必要性,以及促进农村扶贫开发和城乡协调发展的可行战略。  相似文献   
在全球气候变化背景下,植被动态变化以及植被对气候变化的响应方式已经成为生态学和地理学领域的热点。本文对比分析了南方亚热带季风区将乐县不同类型森林植被对不同时间尺度的干旱响应的差别。基于2000-2017年MODIS-EVI数据及气象站点数据,用最大值合成法、趋势分析法以及相关分析法,分析了森林植被及气象因子的动态变化特征,并对比不同森林植被对气候变化响应的差别。研究表明:① 2000-2017年,研究区植被覆盖度、EVI和降水均显著增加,区域内湿度增加,森林长势渐趋良好;② EVI在生长季初期和末期与同期的降水、温度均显著正相关(P<0.1),初期森林受降水因子的影响更大,末期受温度因子的影响大;③ 1-3月和周年的气候变化对森林的生长至关重要,长时间尺度的湿度增加对森林生长具有显著的促进作用,SPEI的时间尺度越长与EVI的相关性也越大;④ 针阔混交林与同期温度、降水的相关系数最高,并且与不同时间尺度的SPEI相关性均比较高,属于气候敏感型林型,在生产经营中要谨慎预防气候变化对该林型带来的伤害;⑤ 森林覆盖度变化与降水和SPEI_24的相关性极显著,长时间尺度的降水变化是影响森林植被覆盖率变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
京津冀都市圈人口集疏过程与空间格局分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人口集疏过程及其空间格局变化是人口空间分布最直观的表现。以1982-2010年4期人口普查数据为基础,采用人口总量和人口密度指标,结合人口增减变化分级、人口商度等方法,定量分析了京津冀都市圈人口集疏过程及其空间格局变化。研究表明:近30年来,京津冀都市圈人口总量呈现持续增长趋势,人口空间分布日益不均衡,区域人口分布存在明显的南北、东西差异;人口增加是主要特征,人口集聚效应凸显,人口增加地区的县域单元比例在80%以上,以人口显著增加为主;人口减少只是零星分布,人口减少地区的县域单元比例占不到20%;人口流动比较频繁,以人口流入为主,主要流向北京、天津和河北的市辖区,人口流出地区仅是散落分布在张家口和承德的山区贫困县域;无论从静态人口指标还是动态人口分析方法,都表明京津冀都市圈人口地域集疏特征十分明显,已形成以北京、天津、石家庄为中心,其他地市(县域)人口分别向外依次扩展的人口多中心分布的圈层结构。  相似文献   
The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is one of the most developed Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMR) in China.With the rapid urbanization,the agglomeration of population and industries has emerged,which has led to dramatic changes of spatial structure and land use in this region.With data of high resolution TM remote sensing images and Google Earth maps,this paper identified and analyzed the spatial pattern of the Zhujiang River Delta EMR using Envy and ArcGIS tools.It was found that 1) the industrial land uses were expanding substantially,particularly on the bank sides of the Zhujiang River estuary;2) large-scale housing developments were concentrated in the fringe of metropolitan areas such as those of Guangzhou and Shenzhen;3) a regional transportation network with the spatial pattern of ″1 circle +2 pieces + 3 axes″ had significantly affected the location choice of manufacture enterprises.At the same time,both highly specialized land use and severely mixed land use patterns were identified.As a consequence of the latter,land use efficiency of the whole EMR areas was reduced.Moreover,ecologic and environmental problems were severe.Based on the above analysis,suggestions were given from the viewpoint of spatial safety,land use efficiency,and the reorganization of spatial structure in the Zhujiang River Delta EMR.  相似文献   
盐水沟北铜矿区位于新疆库车县北部,其大地构造位置处于塔吉克-塔里木陆块区、塔里木陆块、塔里木北缘隆起、库车前陆盆地,区内构造活动强烈。铜矿床赋存于新近纪中新统康村组第一岩性段,矿体呈层状,严格受地层控制。区内共圈定10个铜矿体,矿石矿物主要为孔雀石、赤铜矿、水胆矾、自然铜等,矿体内无夹石,顶、底板围岩均为褐红色及浅红色粉质泥岩。该矿床为砂岩型铜矿床。  相似文献   
Reaction and deformation microfabrics provide key information to understand the thermodynamic and kinetic controls of tectono‐metamorphic processes, however, they are usually analysed in two dimensions, omitting important information regarding the third spatial dimension. We applied synchrotron‐based X‐ray microtomography to document the evolution of a pristine olivine gabbro into a deformed omphacite–garnet eclogite in four dimensions, where the 4th dimension is represented by the degree of strain. In the investigated samples, which cover a strain gradient into a shear zone from the Western Gneiss Region (Norway), we focused on the spatial transformation of garnet coronas into elongated garnet clusters with increasing strain. The microtomographic data allowed quantification of garnet volume, shape and spatial arrangement evolution with increasing strain. The microtomographic observations were combined with light microscope and backscatter electron images as well as electron microprobe (EMPA) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis to correlate mineral composition and orientation data with the X‐ray absorption signal of the same mineral grains. With increasing deformation, the garnet volume almost triples. In the low‐strain domain, garnet grains form a well interconnected large garnet aggregate that develops throughout the entire sample. We also observed that garnet coronas in the gabbros never completely encapsulate olivine grains. In the most highly deformed eclogites, the oblate shapes of garnet clusters reflect a deformational origin of the microfabrics. We interpret the aligned garnet aggregates to direct synkinematic fluid flow, and consequently influence the transport of dissolved chemical components. EBSD analyses reveal that garnet shows a near‐random crystal preferred orientation that testifies no evidence for crystal plasticity. There is, however evidence for minor fracturing, neo‐nucleation and overgrowth. Microprobe chemical analysis revealed that garnet compositions progressively equilibrate to eclogite facies, becoming more almandine‐rich. We interpret these observations as pointing to a mechanical disintegration of the garnet coronas during strain localization, and their rearrangement into individual garnet clusters through a combination of garnet coalescence and overgrowth while the rock was deforming.  相似文献   
Two crust-forming events dominate the Precambrian history of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) at about 1800–1600 Ma and 1550–1400 Ma. The influence of the Sveconorwegian orogeny (1200–900 Ma) is restricted to the region south of Moldefjord-Romsdalen. A series of anorthosites and related intrusives are present, possibly derived from the now-lost western margin of the Baltic craton that may have been emplaced in the WGR as an allochthonous unit before the Ordovician.The Caledonian development is split into two orogenic phases, the Finnmarkian (Cambrian — Early Ordovician) and the Scandian (Late Ordovician/Early Silurian — Devonian). The lower tectonic units west of the Trondheim Trough may be Finnmarkian nappes ; they were part of the lower plate during the Scandian continental collision. The Blåhö nappe is correlated with dismembered eclogite bodies along the coast. A regional change of nappe transport direction from 090 to 135 marks the initiation of an orogen-parallel sinistral shear component around 425 Ma. The change caused the development of a complex sinistral strike-slip system in the Trondheim region consisting of the Möre-Tröndelag Fault Zone and the Gränse contact. The latter cut the crust underneath the already emplaced Trondheim Nappe Complex, thus triggering the intrusion of the Fongen-Hyllingen igneous complex, and initiating subsidence of the Trondheim Trough, and was subsequently turned from a strike-slip zone into an extensional fault. Minor southward transport of the Trondheim Nappe Complex rejuvenated some thrusts between the Lower and the Middle Allochthon. A seismic reflector underneath the WGR is interpreted to be a blind thrust which subcrops into the Faltungsgraben. During Middle Devonian orogenic collapse, detachment faulting brought higher units, now eroded elsewhere, down to the present outcrop level, such as the Bergen and Dalsfjord nappe and the Old Red basins.  相似文献   
大别造山带钾氩年龄的解释—差异上升的地块   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
根据冷却年龄理论和大别造山带变质岩K-Ar表面年龄的平面分布,指出这些年龄既不代表岩石形成事件,也不简单地反映后期热事件,而代表岩石经剥蚀隆起温度下降到该矿物封度温度以来的时间,即反映地区的构造隆起历史。现有资料说明大别造山带整体在印支期开始隆起,但中部罗田—英山一带则隆起较快或地热增温率高,因而表现出年轻(燕山期)的表面年龄。  相似文献   
鄂东北大别杂岩中混合岩形成的动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王江海  杨问华 《地质学报》1994,68(4):308-323
本文针对中小位移量伸缩缝构造进行设计研究,提出了一种常温固化型桥梁伸缩缝。经过对伸缩量Δ20cm,Δ=40cm的多座桥梁的实验应用表明,这是一种适用于中小位移量桥梁中性能良好的伸缩缝,施工简便。其桥缝具体结构为,在两侧拍击区采用钢纤维混凝土增,缝内用高分子聚合物与一定比例的水泥及掺合物拌和均匀,经一段时间与桥面和加固铺装层固化成具有较高弹性和一定强度的整体式桥梁伸缩缝。其效果良好,供应用参考。  相似文献   
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