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错那洞穹隆是北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹隆带(NHGD)中发现的新成员,穹隆由核-幔-边3部分组成。核部由寒武纪花岗质片麻岩组成,幔部由早古生代云母片岩和矽卡岩化大理岩组成,边部由变质沉积岩组成。在穹隆核部侵入有大量淡色花岗岩和伟晶岩脉。通过系统的地表工程控制,在穹隆幔部中新发现了环穹隆展布、层位稳定的矽卡岩带和厚大的铍铷稀有金属工业矿体。通过对错那洞穹隆东部矿带典型矿区的解剖,初步把矿床的类型定为热液型稀有金属矿床,在碳酸盐赋矿层位中形成富铍、铷、钨、锡的矽卡岩型矿床。铍铷稀有金属矿具超大型的资源潜力,钨锡也达大型规模。错那洞铍铷稀有金属矿主要的矿床类型为矽卡岩型。此外,还有伟晶岩型稀有金属矿、锡石硫化物型锡多金属矿。文章研究矿体特征和总结矿床类型,提出了下一步的找矿方向。  相似文献   
In the Kachchh Mainland, the Jumara Dome mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession is represented by the Jhurio and Patcham formations and siliciclastic-dominating Chari Formation (Bathonian to Oxfordian). The Ju- mara Dome sediments were deposited during sea-level fluctuating, and were interrupted by storms in the shallow marine environment. The sandstones are generally medium-grained, moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded and of low sphericity. The sandstones are mineralogically mature and mainly composed of quartzarenite and subar- kose. The plots of petrofacies in the Qt-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, Qp-Lv-Ls and Qm-P-K ternary diagrams suggest mainly the basement uplift source (craton interior) in rifted continental margin basin setting. The sandstones were cemented by carbonate, iron oxide and silica overgrowth. The Chemical Index of Alteration values (73% sandstone and 81% shale) indicate high weathering conditions in the source area. Overall study suggests that such strong chemical weathering conditions are of unconformity with worldwide humid and warm climates during the Jurassic period. Positive correlations between A1203 and Fe203, TiO2, Na20, MgO, K20 are evident. A high correlation coefficient between A1203 and K20 in shale samples suggests that clay minerals control the major oxides, The analogous con- tents of Si, A1, Ti, LREE and TTE in the shale to PAAS with slightly depleted values of other elements ascribe a PAAS like source (granitic gneiss and minor mafics) to the present study. The petrographic and geochemical data strongly suggest that the studied sandstones/shales were deposited on a passive margin of the stable intracratonic basin.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation was carried out in which four dome cup ends were tested to failure under external hydrostatic pressure. The collapse pressures of the dome cup ends were compared with that of a conventional dome cap end. The investigation revealed that the dome cup ends were structurally more efficient than the conventional dome cap ends. All the vessels were made from the same batch of glass fibre matting and associated material.  相似文献   
谢克家  曾令森  刘静  高利娥 《岩石学报》2010,26(4):1016-1026
打拉二云母花岗岩岩体位于雅拉香波穹隆的东南,侵入到中生代以前的变质岩系(眼球状花岗质片麻岩和石榴黑云母片麻岩)和特提斯沉积岩(页岩和砂岩)中,主要由石英、斜长石、钾长石、黑云母和白云母组成,形成于~44.3Ma。打拉二云母花岗岩地球化学特征表明:打拉花岗岩具有高Al_2O_3(16.0%~17.0%)、Na_2O/K_2O(1.2)以及A/CNK比值(1.05),表明打拉花岗岩为富钠过铝质花岗岩;轻稀土(LREE)富集,重稀土(HREE)相对亏损,HREE中的Ho到Lu元素有变平的特征((Ho/Lu)_N=1.11~1.46);具有微弱或无Eu异常,Eu/Eu~*=0.87~0.95;较高的初始Sr同位素比值(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr(i)=0.71754~0.71785)和较低的初始Nd比值(ε_(Nd)(i)=-9.15~-12.4)。打拉花岗岩具有高Sr含量(为355×10~(-6)~416×10~(-6))和Sr/Y的比值(59.1~71.5)、高La/Yb比值、低Y及HREE亏损的特征,与埃达克质花岗岩类似。上述特征表明打拉花岗岩是在较高压力条件下,以角闪岩为主的深部岩石部分熔融的结果。  相似文献   
Dome A冰川学研究进展及深冰芯计划展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目前,位于东南极冰盖分冰岭中心的冰穹-Dome A已成为深入理解南极冰盖演化、稳定性和找寻地球气候久远记录的研究热点。通过整理总结在Dome A获得的冰川学研究进展,结合国际冰芯科学研究计划(International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences,简称IPICS)有关寻找最古老冰芯的相关资料,对Dome A的气象要素、地貌、冰厚、冰下地形、冰体流速、冰盖内部结构等环境特征进行归纳分析,讨论Dome A冰川学的最新发展及其对深冰芯钻探计划的影响,并分析概述Dome A深冰芯钻探需考虑的问题和未来发展动向。  相似文献   
斯里兰卡岛以东海域在西南季风期间常会出现一对低频涡旋偶极子(即斯里兰卡穹顶气旋涡和反气旋涡),对当地的海洋生态系统及气候有着重要影响。基于(1/12)°分辨率的混合坐标海洋模式(Hybrid Coordinate Oceanic Model,HYCOM)再分析资料以及多尺度子空间变换(MWT)和基于MWT的正则传输理论等方法,分析了它们的生成发展机制。结果发现这2个涡旋发展所需能量最终都来源于海表风应力做功,但具体可取3条完全不同的路径:①风应力直接驱动涡旋;②风应力驱动背景场的西南季风流,其后西南季风流发生正压不稳定以提供涡旋所需的涡动能;③西南季风流通过风应力做功获得的动能转换为有效位能,其后通过斜压不稳定给涡旋提供位能。涡旋最终衰亡的主要原因包括风应力对涡旋做功的减少、西南季风流正压不稳定的减弱、涡旋的能量频散以及低频涡向更高频扰动的正向能量级串。  相似文献   
Supracrustal rocks around the North Pole Dome area, Western Australia, provide valuable information regarding early records of the evolution of crustal processes, surface environments, and biosphere. Owing to the occurrence of the oldest known microfossils, the successions at the North Pole Dome area have attracted interest from many researchers. The Paleoarchean successions (Warrawoona Group) mainly comprise mafic‐ultramafic greenstones with intercalated cherts and felsic lavas. Age constraints on the sediments have been mainly based on zircon U–Pb geochronology. However, many zircon grains have suffered from metamictization and contain anomalously high contents of common Pb, which makes interpretation of the U–Pb data complicated. In order to provide more convincing chronological constraints, an U–Pb Concordia age is widely accepted as the best estimate. Most zircons separated from two adamellites also suffered from severe metamictization. In our analyses, less metamictized domains were selected using a pre‐ablation technique in conjunction with elemental mapping, and then their U–Pb isotopic compositions were determined with a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Most analyzed domains contained certain amounts of common Pb (204Pb/206Pb > 0.000 1), whereas three and five U–Pb data points with less common Pb (204Pb/206Pb < 0.000 1) were obtained. These U–Pb datasets yielded U–Pb Concordia ages of ca 3 445 Ma and 3 454 Ma, respectively. These ages represent the timing of the adamellite intrusion, and constrain the minimum depositional age of the Warrawoona Group. In addition, a single xenocrystic zircon grain showed a 207Pb/206Pb age of ca 3 545 Ma, supporting the idea that the sialic basement of the Pilbara Craton existed prior to 3 500 Ma. The in situ U–Pb zircon dating combined with the pre‐ablation technique has the potentials to identify non‐metamictized parts and to yield precise and accurate geochronological data even from partially metamictized zircons.  相似文献   
大气水汽同位素实时监测为水循环和区域大气环流分析提供了新的定量化方法. 依托雪龙号考察船, 利用水同位素激光光谱仪(PICARRO L1102-i)完成了38° N~69° S海表大气水汽氢氧稳定同位素的观测, 结合表层海水和GNIP降水同位素分析了多相水同位素纬向特征. 结果表明: 水汽、降水和表层海水同位素比率(δ18O, δD)随纬度呈明显的递变性规律, 赤道最低, 副热带升高, 而在南极大陆外围高纬区域则急剧降低;过量氘(d-excess)变化与此相反, 反映出副热带下沉气流对同位素富集影响以及高纬度极地气团经过洋面时过饱和分馏的剧烈变化. 实测水汽同位素与LMDZ4-iso和ECHAM5-wiso模型对比表明了模拟结果较好, 根据模拟进一步分析了南极内陆Dome A水汽同位素反映的水汽源区. 结果显示, 除了中纬度印度洋海区之外, 中低纬东太平洋海域也是冰盖内陆的重要水汽源区.  相似文献   
藏南特提斯喜马拉雅东部的错那洞淡色花岗岩产出有白云母、石榴子石、电气石等特征性矿物,显示具有高度分异岩浆岩的特征。从二云母花岗岩到电气石花岗岩到石榴子石花岗岩,碱性长石均为正长石,斜长石从更长石演变为钠长石,白云母Al2O3、Na2O含量逐渐升高,反映花岗岩逐渐向富Al富Na演化的趋势。二云母花岗岩中黑云母XFe值、Al逐渐升高,表明二云母花岗岩之间存在结晶分异演化。电气石Xvac值、Al、Mg和Fe含量之间的变化,反映电气石花岗岩到花岗伟晶岩岩浆结晶环境中Na含量的增加,表明花岗伟晶岩结晶分异演化程度高于电气石花岗岩。石榴子石高XFeXMn值的特征,也是高分异花岗岩的标志。上述矿物学研究结果表明,错那洞二云母花岗岩是由岩浆早期结晶矿物与残余的母岩浆组成的糊状物经过长期结晶形成的,而电气石花岗岩和石榴子石花岗岩由从晶粥体中分离出来的衍生熔体形成。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(1):44-55
Fluid-absent and fluid-fluxed melting of muscovite in metasedimentary sources are two types of crustal anatexis to produce the Himalaya Cenozoic leucogranites. Apatite grains separated from melts derived from the two types of parting melting have different geochemical compositions. The leucogranites derived from fluid-fluxed melting have relict apatite grains and magmatic crystallized apatite grains, by contrast, there are only crystallized apatite grains in the leucogranites derived from fluid-absent melting. Moreover, apatite grains crystallized from fluid-fluxed melting of muscovite contain higher Sr, but lower Th and LREE than those from fluid-absent melting of muscovite, which could be controlled by the distribution of partitioning coefficient (DAp/Melt) between apatite and leucogranite. DAp/Melt in granites derived from fluid-absent melting is higher than those from fluid-fluxed melting. So, not only SiO2 and A/CNK, but also types of crustal anatexis are sensitive to trace element partition coefficients for apatite. In addition, due to being not susceptible to alteration, apatite has a high potential to yield information about petrogenetic processes that are invisible at the whole-rock scale and thus is a useful tool as a petrogenetic indicator.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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