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用对角矩阵及相似矩阵性质证明了;当状态转移矩阵e ̄(At)中方阵A的特征根相异时,拉格朗日插值公式与Laplace变换法对e ̄(et)表达具有一致性,并用极限方法对方阵A含二重根时拉格朗日插值公式的应用进行了报导.  相似文献   
Systematic errors in the estimation of surface, insolation,Q, by two popular empirical formulas are investigated statistically by using coincident measurements of the global solar radiation and the total cloud cover at JMA observatories over Japan. The results show that Reed’s (1977) widely-accepted formula remarkably overestimatesQ under overcast conditions. The overestimation is particularly evident in the summer months. The formula also overestimatesQ in cloud-free conditions, which may be due to an overestimation of the clear-sky transmittance by Seckel and Beaudry, (1973). By contrast, Kondo and Miura’s (1985) formula underestimatesQ under overcast conditions, whereas it slightly overestimates in partially cloudy conditions. It is shown that these systematic errors can explain some, of the published differences between the estimation ofQ by the two formulas. The users of these formulas should be careful since these cloudiness-dependent errors can contaminate not only the absolute values but also the temporal anomalies or the spatial variability of the insolation, predicted by them. In particular, it can be serious in regions of dense cloud cover such as the northern North Pacific, the northern North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. It is also shown that the ratio ofQ to the insolation at the top of the atmosphere,Q TOA, takes on a range of values, particularly under dense cloud cover. This implies an inherent difficulty in estimation ofQ by a simple empirical formula utilizing only readily-available observables such as cloudiness.  相似文献   
The study of the hydrologic characters of a water course permits the correct management of the corresponding basin and a greater control over the water resources of the whole basin; therefore, a suitable planning and maintenance of the necessary interventions along the water course, especially in proximity of the outlet to sea, becomes necessary. An evaluation of the solid transport allows an estimation of the erosion to which the basin is subjected as a result of the river flow, and further helps to prevent hydrologic disasters in the possible risk zones. Among the various experimental techniques in use for measuring the suspended-solid transport, nuclear methods have been preferably used in this research, which are based on monitoring the concentration of the suspended sediments. The suspended-solid concentration is detected by the attenuation of radioactivity emitted by a source of 241Am dipped in the water. This attenuation, due to the presence of the sediments transported in great amounts during events of flood is measured using a scintillation detector made up of a crystal of NaI(Tl). With appropriate calibration curves built both in the laboratory and in the field, it is possible to trace the amount of suspended-solid transport in a certain river section that is located in the proximity of the river outlet. This methodology, applied to different equipped basins in Italy and Africa, is particularly useful for small and medium water courses (similar to those of the Apennine ranges in Italy), allowing an assessment of the erosion in the whole watershed. In this note, the techniques used are introduced in detail, with particular attention to the instrument calibration, and the numerical results obtained for some basins in the Marche region (Italy) are compared with some empirical formulae used in previous reports for the calculation of erosion.  相似文献   
本文依据球面波传播原理和介质阻尼效应解释了修正算子的物理含义,解释结果表明加修正算子γB0^0后的多次透射公式考虑了介质的几何扩散特性,或引入了介质的阻尼特性。最后,通过分析比较,指出基于球面波传播原理的物理解释更符合实际。  相似文献   
基于蛙跳算法优化的地下水水质韦伯普适指数公式   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
为了建立科学合理、普适通用和计算简便的地下水水质评价模型,在适当设定指标参照值CjO和指标的规范变换式基础上,提出了一个适用于规范值的多指标地下水水质的韦伯指数公式的一般表达式.采用具有全局优化的混合蛙跳算法对公式中的参数进行优化,得出优化后对33项地下水指标皆共同适用的的地下水水质单指标评价的韦伯普适指数公式.该公式还被应用于地下水水质实例评价,其评价结果与其它方法的评价结果基本一致,从而表明:该指数公式为地下水水质评价提供了一个简便、实用的新公式.  相似文献   
为准确评价勘查区内的水文地质条件,验证原有钻孔的施工质量,在距原7755号孔50m的地方施工了S06-1孔。施工发现,S06-1孔的标志层和煤层资料与原7755号相差很大,最大可达119.60m。究其原因是本区岩性软硬相间、岩层倾角大以及施工质量差所致。在仔细分析施工钻孔岩性的基础上,发现区内有一层灰褐色、含直径为1mm的石英泥岩较为稳定,可作为标志层对煤层进行预测,并以此提出了见煤深度预测公式,对该区煤层进行预测。预测结果与实际见煤深度很近,从而证明该标志层及预测公式可靠,可作为后续钻探施工指导依据。  相似文献   
Gravimetric geoid determination by Stokes formula requires that the effects of topographic masses be removed prior to Stokes integration. This step includes the direct topographic and the downward continuation (DWC) effects on gravity anomaly, and the computations yield the co-geoid height. By adding the effect of restoration of the topography, the indirect effect on the geoid, the geoid height is obtained. Unfortunately, the computations of all these topographic effects are hampered by the uncertainty of the density distribution of the topography. Usually the computations are limited to a constant topographic density, but recently the effects of lateral density variations have been studied for their direct and indirect effects on the geoid. It is emphasised that the DWC effect might also be significantly affected by a lateral density variation. However, instead of computing separate effects of lateral density variation for direct, DWC and indirect effects, it is shown in two independent ways that the total geoid effect due to the lateral density anomaly can be represented as a simple correction proportional to the lateral density anomaly and the elevation squared of the computation point. This simple formula stems from the fact that the significant long-wavelength contributions to the various topographic effects cancel in their sum. Assuming that the lateral density anomaly is within 20% of the standard topographic density, the derived formula implies that the total effect on the geoid is significant at the centimetre level for topographic elevations above 0.66 km. For elevations of 1000, 2000 and 5000 m the effect is within ± 2.2, ± 8.8 and ± 56.8 cm, respectively. For the elevation of Mt. Everest the effect is within ± 1.78 m.  相似文献   
铁南勘探区部分岩石可钻性为8级,研磨性中等,煤层以粉煤为主,胶结性差。针对该区煤心采取率低的情况,对绳索取心金刚石钻头进了了改进:一改钻头形状为三环尖齿底唇形状;二是根据不同地层及岩性选用不同胎体硬度金刚石钻头、不同的金刚石粒度与浓度;三是在底喷钻头水口处加设隔水墙,并改变倒角方向。  相似文献   
阐述了基于烟圈理论的最简化反演方法和磁源TEM测深一维经验式反演方法,这两种方法可由观测数据直接反演,不需要初始模型。结合中国东北永久冻土层勘查研究课题,对TEM原始探测数据进行了反演解释。两种反演结果对揭示沿剖面横向、纵向的电性层变化,体现了较好的一致性,可为分析、划分不同电性界面的变化趋势提供参考依据。  相似文献   
叙述了大姚铜矿的大药量爆破振动效应观测,研究了在建筑物下的爆破施工中,如何确保建筑物安保证安全生产最大用药量的问题,结合“爆破安全规程”药量指数m的应用与修正,从而得出正在对爆破上方的建筑物地面爆破振动动加速度a,速度v随爆心距地面投影r与爆心深度h之比值(r/h)的衰减变化规律;发现临近正对爆心的地面振动有强心现象,并定义它为“极震”效应;定义“极震”效应系数N为正对爆心实测加速度a或速度v与用振动衰减普适式求得值a'或v'之比(N=a/a',或N=v/v')。经多年的安全生产证明,采用振动衰减普适式(药量指娄m=1/3)和“极震”效应系数修正法,效果良好,获得生产最佳用药量,民房安全率达98%左右。  相似文献   
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