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甚高频时岩石介电常数的测试方法和特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论20—200MHz频率范围内平行板电容法测量岩石介电常数和电导率的方法,指出常用的静电场公式的局限性,给出较精确的似稳场动态公式,并讨论20—50MHz频率范围内的岩石介电特性。  相似文献   
A new theory for high-resolution regional geoid computation without applying Stokess formula is presented. Operationally, it uses various types of gravity functionals, namely data of type gravity potential (gravimetric leveling), vertical derivatives of the gravity potential (modulus of gravity intensity from gravimetric surveys), horizontal derivatives of the gravity potential (vertical deflections from astrogeodetic observations) or higher-order derivatives such as gravity gradients. Its algorithmic version can be described as follows: (1) Remove the effect of a very high degree/order potential reference field at the point of measurement (POM), in particular GPS positioned, either on the Earths surface or in its external space. (2) Remove the centrifugal potential and its higher-order derivatives at the POM. (3) Remove the gravitational field of topographic masses (terrain effect) in a zone of influence of radius r. A proper choice of such a radius of influence is 2r=4×104 km/n, where n is the highest degree of the harmonic expansion. (cf. Nyquist frequency). This third remove step aims at generating a harmonic gravitational field outside a reference ellipsoid, which is an equipotential surface of a reference potential field. (4) The residual gravitational functionals are downward continued to the reference ellipsoid by means of the inverse solution of the ellipsoidal Dirichlet boundary-value problem based upon the ellipsoidal Abel–Poisson kernel. As a discretized integral equation of the first kind, downward continuation is Phillips–Tikhonov regularized by an optimal choice of the regularization factor. (5) Restore the effect of a very high degree/order potential reference field at the corresponding point to the POM on the reference ellipsoid. (6) Restore the centrifugal potential and its higher-order derivatives at the ellipsoidal corresponding point to the POM. (7) Restore the gravitational field of topographic masses ( terrain effect) at the ellipsoidal corresponding point to the POM. (8) Convert the gravitational potential on the reference ellipsoid to geoidal undulations by means of the ellipsoidal Bruns formula. A large-scale application of the new concept of geoid computation is made for the Iran geoid. According to the numerical investigations based on the applied methodology, a new geoid solution for Iran with an accuracy of a few centimeters is achieved.Acknowledgments. The project of high-resolution geoid computation of Iran has been support by National Cartographic Center (NCC) of Iran. The University of Tehran, via grant number 621/3/602, supported the computation of a global geoid solution for Iran. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. A. Ardalan would like to thank Mr. Y. Hatam, and Mr. K. Ghazavi from NCC and Mr. M. Sharifi, Mr. A. Safari, and Mr. M. Motagh from the University of Tehran for their support in data gathering and computations. The authors would like to thank the comments and corrections made by the four reviewers and the editor of the paper, Professor Will Featherstone. Their comments helped us to correct the mistakes and improve the paper.  相似文献   
确定煤层顶板导水裂缝带高度可为顶板防治水、采掘工程布置、防水煤柱留设以及瓦斯抽采设计提供依据。采用井下仰孔注水测渗漏法,实测山西西山煤田镇城底矿8煤导水裂缝带高度为57.98 m,其中冒落带高度16.72 m,裂隙带高度41.26 m。依据实测结果并收集了8个矿综采一次采全高中硬覆岩下导水裂缝带高度数据,利用数理统计回归分析的方法,得出了适用于综采一次采全高中硬覆岩下导水裂缝带高度计算的经验公式,并与《煤矿安全规程》中相应经验公式进行对比分析,结果表明,该公式适用性好,而《煤矿安全规程》中有关公式应用于中厚煤层综采一次采全高开采条件预测,其误差较大。  相似文献   
为了解决传统的Theis配线法在求参过程中无法利用全部抽水试验数据、手动配线效率较低、求参过程受人为主观因素影响较大等问题,利用抽水试验数据,以Theis公式和叠加原理为理论基础,以理论计算降深与实测降深的Nach-Sutcliffe效率系数值达到最大为目标函数,基于Matlab软件编程,再利用遍历搜索算法对导水系数(T)、贮水系数(S)在其对应范围内进行遍历,实现了水文地质参数的自动精确求解。将遍历搜索算法应用于2个抽水试验实例的水文地质参数求解,并与传统求参方法的计算结果进行比较分析。结果表明:利用遍历搜索算法求参的计算结果与传统求参方法的计算结果相近,表明利用遍历搜索算法求解水文地质参数有效可靠;2个抽水实例利用遍历搜索算法得到的参数对应的理论计算降深与实测降深的Nach-Sutcliffe效率系数值分别为0.996 5、0.970 8,且相比传统的求参方法而言更接近1.000 0,说明其拟合程度更好。  相似文献   
以石羊河流域5个气象站点1960~2009年逐日气象资料为基础,从估算模型和统计角度计算分析了该流域参考蒸散量及蒸发皿蒸发量的变化趋势和变化原因。结果表明:过去50 a石羊河流域蒸散发呈增加趋势,个别站点达极显著水平(p<0.01),1960~2009年和1970~2009年不同时段的选择对分析结果有一定的影响。估算模型理论分析认为桑斯威特法计算的参考蒸散量变率主要由气温决定,蒸发皿蒸发量和彭曼蒙蒂斯公式计算的参考蒸散量变化则是辐射、气温、风速及空气饱和差共同作用的结果,而相关分析和突变检验的分析结果验证了上述结论,并得出过去50 a石羊河流域蒸发皿蒸发量和彭曼蒙蒂斯公式计算的参考蒸散量变化的主要决定因素是空气饱和差。  相似文献   
The hydraulic conductivity, Ks, is one of the most important hydraulic properties which controls the water and solute movement into the soil. It is measured on soil specimens in the laboratory. On the other hand, sometimes it is obtained by tests carried out in the field by a number of researchers. Therefore, several experimental formulas have developed to predict it. Recently, soft computing tools have been used to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity. However, these tools are not as transparent as empirical formulas. In this study, another soft computing approach, i.e. model trees, have been used for predicting the hydraulic conductivity. The main advantage of model trees is that, unlike the other data learning tools, they are easier to use and represent understandable mathematical rules more clearly. In this paper, a new formula that includes some parameters is derived to estimate the hydraulic conductivity. To develop the new formulas, experimental data sets of hydraulic conductivity were used. A comparison is made between the estimated hydraulic conductivity by this new formula and formulas given by other’s researches.  相似文献   
本文概述了罗氏沼虾配合饲料福建省地方标准制订的目的和意义,对标准主要指标的拟订依据和思路作了较详细的说明.  相似文献   
辛玉琛  张敬东  常义  辛星  金颖  李羚  范长玉 《水文》2017,37(4):68-73
土壤墒情监测迟迟不能实现自动化,主要原因是墒情监测仪器的监测精度始终停留在只能定性地监视旱情的变化趋势,无法用自动监测数据准确分析出不同的干旱等级和计算出对应的受旱耕地面积。结合吉林省墒情监测工作实际,开展了土壤墒情监测仪器拟合公式的研究,提出了土壤墒情监测仪器拟合公式的最佳形式,对于仪器厂家转变观念,改变仪器公式形式,提高仪器监测精度,早日实现墒情监测自动化具有很好地参考价值。  相似文献   
彭阳草庙地区是宁夏南部山区深部煤炭资源勘查的重要地区之一。在钻探过程中,多数钻孔都遇到不同程度的漏失问题,部分钻孔由于漏失诱发了孔内事故或机械事故,最终导致报废。在现场调研的基础上,针对不同漏失地层的防漏堵漏对策进行了分析;通过室内试验评价得到对应的防漏堵漏配方与实施细则;在以ZK7-1孔为代表的多个钻孔展开现场试验,效果良好,可在该地区或国内类似地区进行推广。  相似文献   
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