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The spatial sampling offered by TOPEX and Jason series of satellite radar altimeters and its continuity during the last twenty years are major assets to provide an improved vision of the global mean sea level (GMSL). The objective of this paper is to examine the recent GMSL variations (1993–2012) and to investigate the correlation between the GMSL and ENSO (El Niño-southern oscillation) episodes. For this purpose, a mean sea level anomalies time series, obtained from TOPEX, Jason-1 and Jason-2 measurements, is used to determine the trend of GMSL changes by using a simplified form of an unobserved components model (namely UCM). Then, to investigate the impact of the ENSO phenomenon on the GMSL changes, we considered the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) index over the Niño3 region (5N–5S 150W–90W). Cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence analysis are performed to expose common power between the GMSL changes and the SSTA index and their relative phase in the time–frequency space. The results indicate that there are in the estimated GMSL's trend a number of fluctuations over short periods that are least partly related to the El Niño/La Niña episodes. Cross wavelet transform and wavelet coherence analysis indicate that a significant correlation between GMSL and ENSO occurred during 1997–1998, 2006–2007, 2009–2010 El Niño events and 2007–2008 and 2010–2011 La Niña ones. All these areas show in-phase relationship, suggesting that GMSL and SSTA index vary synchronously.  相似文献   
在油气勘探、评价及开发中,岩性识别和薄片鉴定是十分重要的基础工作,准确的薄片识别结果可以为勘探和开发提供可靠的依据。传统的人工判定方法或实验室分析方法具有主观性强、效率低、自动化程度低等问题。目前基于内容的智能图像识别技术在准确性和具体应用方面还面临着许多难题。论文基于国内外相关研究成果与油气勘探与开发中岩芯薄片图像的特点及要求,设计并研制成功薄片图像自动识别系统和薄片智能鉴定系统。利用图像梯度分布和色彩分析进行火成岩岩石薄片智能分类,对所有像素进行类别划分进而得到整体的鉴定结果,实现了省时、高效、高精度的薄片智能鉴定成果。  相似文献   
利用山东及邻区数字地震台网2001- 2012 年的地震观测报告及波形资料分析了沂沭断裂带及周缘地区的地震活动并利用识别出的重复地震估算了断层深部滑动速率。重新定位后的地震图像清晰展示了沂沭断裂带南北两段及东西两侧地震活动的显著差异,在研究时段内,60%以上的地震发生在沂沭带东侧的两条断裂上,震源深度分布与研究区的深部构造吻合。根据波形意义上相似地震(cc≥0.8)的定义,识别出了沂沭断裂带及其周缘相似地震共50例,组成相似地震对和多重相似地震对共19组,相似地震对的复发间隔较为随机,从数小时到数百天不等。通过对相似地震对震源位置- -致性的强约束后,基于1组重复地震估算出安丘-莒县断裂在地表以下5.9km处的滑动速率估计值为2.19mm/a,与GPS和地质等浅表观测的滑动速率值基本一致。  相似文献   
Summary A short review of the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sedimentary and volcanogenic successions in Poland is concerned with depositional and tectonic developments. The successions accumulated in shallow shelf and deeper slope environments. They overlie Palaeoproterozoic crystalline basement of the Baltic Craton and Gondwana-derived Neoproterozoic Cadomian basement. This discrepancy in the nature of the basement is viewed as indicating distinct terranes. During the course of Palaeozoic time, the discrete terranes were assembled along the Teisseyre-Tornquist Lineament and the Trans-European Suture Zone adjacent to the Baltica palaeocontinent.  相似文献   
Rayleigh波勘探方法在探测近地表横波速度、动力学特征等环境与工程地球物理领域获得了广泛应用.这种方法以弹性层状介质理论为基础,然而实际介质具有黏弹性,研究面波在层状黏弹性介质中的传播特征,将为近地表面波勘探提供有益帮助.在某些弹性层状介质模型中,例如存在低速夹层和强波阻抗差异地层模型,Rayleigh波相邻两条频散曲线彼此会非常靠近,产生看似彼此"交叉"的现象,即"osculation"现象,但对于黏弹性介质中的这种现象并没有进行相关的研究.本文利用Muller法计算层状黏弹性介质Rayleigh波频散方程,基于层状介质模型中Rayleigh波频散和衰减曲线连续的性质,结合本征位移曲线特征,分析二层黏弹性介质模型中Rayleigh波频散曲线"交叉"现象以及"交叉"点附近的波动特性.结果表明:与弹性介质相比,黏弹性介质中Rayleigh波的波动特性存在明显差异,随着介质对地震波的损耗越来越强,将导致Rayleigh波频散曲线发生"交叉"现象.  相似文献   
The galactic dynamical system expressed by a third-order axisymmetric polynomial potential is investigated numerically by computing periodic solutions. We define as Sthe compact set of initial conditions generating bounded motions, and as S p , with S p ? S, the countable set of all initial conditions generating periodic solutions. Then, we consider the subsets S s p and S a p of S p , where S s p S a p = S p , S s p S a p = Ø, the first of which corresponds to symmetric periodic solutions, and the second to asymmetric solutions. Then, we approximate the set S s p , leaving treatment of the set S a p of asymmetric solutions for a future publication. The set S s p is known to be dense in S (‘Last Geometric Theorem of Poincar;’, Birkhoff, 1913). Using a computer programme capable to locate all elements of the set S s p that generate symmetric periodic solutions that re-enter after intersecting the axis of symmetry from 1 to ntimes. The results of the approximation of S s p in the total domain and in the sample sub-domains of zooming, we present in graphical form as family curves in the (x, C) plane. The solutions located with the largest periods re-enter after 440 galaxy revolutions while the families calculated fully (initial conditions, period, energy, stability co-efficient) include solutions that re-enter after 340 galaxy revolutions. To advance further the approximation of the set S s p thus obtained, we applied the same procedure inside eight sub-domains of the domain Sinto which we ‘zoomed’ through selection of finer search steps and double maximum periods. The family curves thus calculated presented in the (x, C) plane do not intersect anywhere in some sub-domains and their pattern resembles that of laminar flow. In other sub-domains, however, we found family curves from which branching families emanate. The concepts of completeand non-completeapproximation of S s p in sub-domains of laminar and sub-domains with branching family curves, respectively, is introduced. Also, the concept of basic family of order1, 2, ..., n, are defined. The morphology of individual periodic solutions of all families is investigated, and the types of envelopes found are described. The approximate set S s p was also checked by computing Poincar; sections for energy values corresponding to the mean energy range of the eight sub-domains of zooming mentioned above. These sections show that most parts of the compact domain in Sgenerating non-periodic but bounded solutions correspond to with well-shaped tori that intersect the x-axis, a fact that implies that dominant to exclusive type of periodic solutions are the symmetric ones with two normal crossings of this axis. The presence of non-symmetric periodic solutions as well as of chaotic regions is encountered. All calculations reported here were performed using the variable step R-K 8th-order direct integration and setting the allowable energy variation Δ C= |C start? C end| < 10?13. The output, consisting of many thousands of families and their properties (initial conditions, morphology, stability, etc.), is stored in a directory entitled ‘Atlas of the Symmetric Periodic Solution of the Galactic Motion Problem’.  相似文献   
邢康  贾漯昭 《中国地震》2019,35(4):685-694
本文选取河南及邻区39个宽频带和甚宽频带地震台站记录的2014年1月~2015年12月垂直分量的连续波形资料,通过波形互相关和叠加运算得到台站间的经验格林函数,并用时频分析方法提取了498条瑞利波群速度频散曲线,进而采用噪声层析成像方法反演获得了河南及邻区8~25s的瑞利波群速度分布图像。结果表明,8s周期的群速度分布与地表构造特征密切相关,平原地区表现为低速异常,而基岩出露的山区呈现为高速异常;14s、20s周期的群速度在山区表现的高速异常与8s相似,说明中上地壳与地壳浅部结构有一定的相关性和继承性;8~20s周期的群速度在华北平原地区存在低速异常范围随周期增加而减小的现象。华北平原地区在下地壳表现出的低速异常,可能与大陆地壳减薄有关。大致以太行-武陵重力梯度带为界,下地壳表现出的西部低速、东部至研究区中部高速异常差异,体现了地壳东薄西厚的结构特征。  相似文献   
利用呼图壁地震台洞体场地水准二期的比对观测数据、呼图壁场地跨断层水准四期的同时间段观测资料以及1987~2012年大丰跨断层测线的水准观测数据,分析了呼图壁红山地震台洞体场地水准观测成果的变化速率与跨断层水准观测成果的年变速率的差异性,判定原地震台使用的Ni004光学水准仪的可靠性,依据分析结果提出合理建议。并根据大丰跨断层水准观测的历史观测成果和呼图壁洞体场地水准观测比对后的分析结果,初步探索研究跨断层水准在研究区域的地形变特征。  相似文献   
S. Sutulo 《Ocean Engineering》2010,37(10):947-958
The method of boundary integral equation developed by the authors was applied for computing inertial and damping characteristics of ship sections for the cases of multi-stepped and inclined bottoms. Comparative calculations for three typical ship hull sections were performed and analyzed. The frequency-dependent data computed for these ship sections can be used to assess the bottom geometry's influence onto the ship motions in waves by means of the strip theory. Limiting values of the same characteristics corresponding to the close-to-zero frequency can also be used for estimation of hydrodynamic forces in manoeuvring over shallow and confined waterways.  相似文献   
太湖地区多剖面地层学分析与良渚期环境事件   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
史威  马春梅  朱诚  王富葆  李世杰 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1129-1138
太湖地区多剖面地层学分析和环境考古研究表明:本区良渚期为全新世大暖期中气候逐渐向干凉转变的时期,但大部分时间里仍略比今天暖湿。良渚期末气候走入低谷并剧烈波动,良渚期侵蚀面反映一次较长时间的海面下降过程,气候剧烈波动的转型期与海面下降至低海面过程相一致。此时本区洪积层、埋藏遗址及遗址地层中文化间歇层等发育皆反映古洪水泛滥事件的存在;而良渚期侵蚀面上的铁锰结核聚集现象及现没于水下的众多良渚期开挖的古井等遗迹还反映出这一时期也曾发生过气候干燥事件。分析认为良渚文化繁荣发展期陆地面积扩大,气候略好于今天;而良渚文化衰亡期则处于4300~3800aB. P.间的水、旱灾丛生的低海面气候异常期。  相似文献   
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