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The Berriasian-Valanginian Springhill Formation of the Austral Basin of southern South America comprises fluvial to marine deposits. In order to interpret depositional systems and unravel the stratigraphic architecture of this unit in the southern region of the basin (Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina), 500 m of cores combined with well-log data from 41 wells were studied. Facies associations corresponding to fluvial (A1-A6), estuarine (B1-B5) and open-marine (C1-C4) depositional environments were identified. These facies associations succeed each other vertically across the entire study area (6800 km2) forming a ∼120-m-thick transgressive succession. This unit filled a north-south-oriented valley system, developed in the underlying Jurassic volcanic complex.Lowstand fluvial deposits of the first stage of the valley-system fill occur in downdip segments of the system above a sequence boundary (SB). These fluvial deposits are overlain by coastal-plain and tide-dominated estuarine strata across an initial transgressive surface (ITS). In the northern sector the earliest valley infill is characterized by a transgressive fluvial succession, overlying a merged SB/ITS that is probably time-equivalent of marginal-marine deposits of the southern sector. The fluvial strata in the north are overlain by wave-dominated estuarine deposits. A drastic change to open-marine conditions is marked by a marine flooding surface, with local evidence of marine erosion (FS-RS). Open-marine strata are thin (<10 m) and dominated by lower-shoreface and offshore-transition deposits. They are capped by a younger flooding surface (FS), which represents the onset to offshore conditions across the study area due to a continuous long-term transgression that persisted until the Barremian.Although the interpreted depositional systems and stratigraphic architecture of the Springhill Formation resemble transgressive incised-valley-fill successions, the greater thickness and larger size of the Springhill valleys suggest inherited rift topography rather than valley development during a relative sea-level fall.  相似文献   
In the Kopet-Dagh Basin of Iran, deep-sea sandstones and shales of the Middle Jurassic Kashafrud Formation are disconformably overlain by hydrocarbon-bearing carbonates of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous age. To explore the reservoir potential of the sandstones, we studied their burial history using more than 500 thin sections, supplemented by heavy mineral analysis, microprobe analysis, porosity and permeability determination, and vitrinite reflectance.The sandstones are arkosic and lithic arenites, rich in sedimentary and volcanic rock fragments. Quartz overgrowths and pore-filling carbonate cements (calcite, dolomite, siderite and ankerite) occluded most of the porosity during early to deep burial, assisted by early compaction that improved packing and fractured quartz grains. Iron oxides are prominent as alteration products of framework grains, probably reflecting source-area weathering prior to deposition, and locally as pore fills. Minor cements include pore-filling clays, pyrite, authigenic albite and K-feldspar, and barite. Existing porosity is secondary, resulting largely from dissolution of feldspars, micas, and rock fragments, with some fracture porosity. Porosity and permeability of six samples averages 3.2% and 0.0023 mD, respectively, and 150 thin-section point counts averaged 2.7% porosity. Reflectance of vitrinite in eight sandstone samples yielded values of 0.64-0.83%, in the early mature to mature stage of hydrocarbon generation, within the oil window.Kashafrud Formation petrographic trends were compared with trends from first-cycle basins elsewhere in the world. Inferred burial conditions accord with the maturation data, suggesting only a moderate thermal regime during burial. Some fractures, iron oxide cements, and dissolution may reflect Cenozoic tectonism and uplift that created the Kopet-Dagh Mountains. The low porosity and permeability levels of Kashafrud Formation sandstones suggest only a modest reservoir potential. For such tight sandstones, fractures may enhance the reservoir potential.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地沙河街组钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渤海湾盆地沙河街组中钙质超微化石的发现,表明这一时期渤海湾盆地与海水有过联系。对钙质超微化石古生态及沉积环境研究表明,化石主要产出时代为始新世晚期至渐新世早中期,属“间冰期”亚热带气候型。这一问题的深入研究,对于渤海湾盆地的石油勘探有重要意义。  相似文献   
甲藻赤潮及其毒素的产生机制及夜光藻氮代谢途径   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
依据80-90年代国内外有关资料,从甲藻分类、甲藻室内培养、甲藻毒素及其生物合成上方面,综合评述甲藻赤潮及其毒素最新研究进展;并结合作者自己的研究结果,对夜光藻赤潮的生产与调控机理模型提出一种理论假说,这一假说的验证将为全面阐明夜光藻生活史及赤潮成因和机理提供分子水平的框架路径。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地西江凹陷南部文昌组层序地层及沉积体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
珠江口盆地西江凹陷南部包括两个相邻洼陷:西江36洼和番禺4洼,钻探结果却揭示了截然不同的油气勘探前景,其中,番禺4洼探明储量已过亿吨,而西江36洼却未有商业发现,导致勘探上对西江36洼烃源潜力有所顾虑。为了揭示这种差异油气地质条件产生的原因,亟待开展两个洼陷的对比研究。以主要烃源层系文昌组为切入点,通过开展精细的层序-沉积研究,进一步系统评估西江36洼烃源潜力。依据地震、钻井及分析化验等资料,在西江36洼与番禺4洼文昌组共识别了6个三级层序。西江36洼和番禺4洼文昌组发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖底扇及湖泊沉积等沉积相类型,垂向上沉积相带具有旋回特征。伴随裂陷不同阶段和边界断层活动差异,陡坡带和缓坡带三角洲沉积体系规模呈现差异演化特征,而湖盆和半深湖-深湖相规模总体呈现出先增大后减小的规律。沉积相带在横向上也具有明显的迁移特征,表现为文六段时期先在西江36洼开始沉积,文五段开始再扩展到番禺4洼,同时文一段时期西江36洼湖盆已经消失,只在番禺4洼沉积充填。进一步对比两个洼陷各三级层序反映优质烃源岩条件的半深湖-深湖规模及物源供给量,结果显示在文六段至文四段时期两个洼陷烃源条件基本一致。鉴于该层段作为番禺4洼的主力源岩,其巨大的生烃潜力已经被勘探所证实,因此认为不能低估具有相似烃源条件的西江36洼生烃潜力。  相似文献   
以常规和非常规油气成藏理论为指导,结合储层、流体等测试分析结果,开展西湖凹陷Y构造花港组气藏特征及成藏主控因素研究。结果表明:① 花港组垂向上符合中下部致密砂岩气、上部常规天然气藏的分布序列;② 常规气藏气水关系正常,受断盖配置对沿断裂运移油气的封闭作用和断层侧向封堵能力影响,油气主要在区域盖层之下的断背斜顶部富集;③ 致密气藏具叠覆跨越源储组合关系,含气饱和度低,无明显气水界面,属先致密后成藏类型,不同部位含气性受构造幅度和储层物性共同控制。本次研究丰富和完善了西湖凹陷常规-非常规天然气序列成藏规律,并为致密砂岩气的勘探提供理论指导。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地为新生代典型的海相盆地,也是我国重要的海上油气生产基地。前期已有很多学者对珠江口盆地的地层划分与对比开展了研究,但研究的精度不够。为了提高珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷韩江组地层划分与对比的精度,选择珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷A、B井韩江组的自然伽马数据序列作为古气候替代性指标,使用频谱分析、滤波等方法进行旋回地层学分析。通过深度域频谱分析和小波分析认为,该套地层中保存了米兰科维奇旋回信号,且主要受405 ka长偏心率周期的影响。利用稳定的405 ka长偏心率周期进行天文调谐,结合古生物地层年代框架,建立起陆丰凹陷“绝对”天文年代标尺;结合碳氧同位素变化曲线,估算出2次碳同位素负漂移和1次碳同位素正向偏移事件的持续时间;利用天文旋回周期计算出陆丰凹陷韩江组的沉积速率,发现沉积速率的变化与海平面变化具有相关性。  相似文献   
The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   
The provenance of the Maastrichtian deep-water reservoir sandstones from the Jubarte oil field (Campos Basin, eastern Brazil), was studied using an integrated approach that included quantitative petrography, conventional heavy mineral analysis, garnet mineral chemistry and zircon geochronology. The reservoirs are predominantly coarse, poorly-sorted sandstones with feldspathic composition derived from uplifted basement terrains. The fourth- and fifth-order depositional sequences analyzed show no major variations in composition or in provenance through time. However, variations in apatite:tourmaline presents potential to be used as a parameter for sandstone correlation within the field. The composition of heavy minerals indicates derivation from high temperature and low-to-medium pressure aluminous metapelitic rocks, from granites and subordinate mafic rocks, derived from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain and the Oriental terrain of Ribeira orogen, characterizing a supply route from SW to NE. The low ZTR index, as well as the absence of low-grade stable heavy minerals and of metasedimentary rock fragments, suggest that by the end of Cretaceous all supracrustal, low-grade terrains had already been totally eroded, and that plutonic, infracrustal rocks were exposed, similarly to the present situation.  相似文献   
根据板东构造板东4井等长兴组钻探资料,对长兴组的生物礁进行了研究。研究表明板东构造长兴组储集岩有生物(屑)泥晶灰岩-含生物(屑)泥晶灰岩、礁灰岩和白云岩。综合储集岩物性特征、区域钻、测井资料及野外剖面,总结了生物礁的形成与演化模式及模式各部位所对应的岩性和物性。通过地震响应特征、反演等技术建立了长兴组储层识别模式,利用对应速度、Landmark属性提取的储层有效厚度经计算机网格化编制出了长兴组储层厚度分布预测图,与钻测井厚度对比,证实板东4井生物礁为点礁。  相似文献   
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