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福建省大田县硫铁矿利用原有设备,部分进行技改配置生产铅锌混合矿;并采用铅锌混合优先浮选流程,经过一年多生产实践,混合矿质量均达到国家标准;但铅、锌回收率低。通过改造选矿工艺流程、增加精选槽数、稳定原矿和加强磨矿细度控制等试验表明,铅、锌回收率可稳定在92%以上  相似文献   

冰芯作为良好的地质载体,为第四纪气候和环境研究提供了详实的信息。本研究利用连续流动装置对格陵兰冰盖西北部获取的一支90 m浅冰芯(命名为NEEM2009S1:77.45°N,51.06°W;海拔高度2450 m)融化处理,对氧和氢同位素比率(δ18O和δD,2 cm分辨率)和硫酸根离子浓度(SO42-,10~12 cm分辨率)进行了测试。基于δ18O和关键的强火山事件对该冰芯进行了定年,结果为1711~1969年(不确定性为±1年);通过非海盐硫酸根离子浓度(nssSO42-)重建了该冰芯过去1711~1969年期间火山事件的历史。SO42-浓度和通量很好地揭示了不同强度大小的火山事件。评估了强火山事件(VEI≥5)其产生的气候制冷效应;同时,由于该冰芯距离冰岛较近,本研究重点讨论了该冰芯对冰岛火山事件的记录历史,数据结果对了解冰岛历史时期火山信息具有重要的意义;此外,低纬度东亚与阿拉斯加地区的火山也容易传输至格陵兰冰盖。重建结果对于更好的理解火山事件对区域、全球环境与气候的影响具有重要的参考价值。

本文运用摄动法解析地研究了磁尾电流片平板模型非线性撕裂模的时间演化及与晨昏电场的相互作用.结果表明,撕裂模的非线性时间演化最终会形成磁岛,磁岛宽度与扰动增长率的四次方根成正比;在扰动晨昏电场的作用下,磁岛宽度可发生尖点突变,尖点突变临界值所对应的晨昏电场扰动幅值约为5mV/m,这与磁亚暴发生时晨昏电场的幅值对应.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic surface exposure ages of glacial boulders deposited in ice-marginal Lake Musselshell suggest that the lake existed between 20 and 11.5 ka during the Late Wisconsin glacial stage (MIS 2), rather than during the Late Illinoian stage (MIS 6) as traditionally thought. The altitude of the highest ice-rafted boulders and the lowest passes on the modern divide indicate that glacial lake water in the Musselshell River basin reached at least 920–930 m above sea level and generally remained below 940 m. Exposures of rhythmically bedded silt and fine sand indicate that Lake Musselshell is best described as a slackwater system, in which the ice-dammed Missouri and Musselshell Rivers rose and fell progressively throughout the existence of the lake rather than establishing a lake surface with a stable elevation. The absence of varves, deltas and shorelines also implies an unstable lake. The changing volume of the lake implies that the Laurentide ice sheet was not stable at its southernmost position in central Montana. A continuous sequence of alternating slackwater lake sediment and lacustrine sheetflood deposits indicates that at least three advances of the Laurentide ice sheet occurred in central Montana between 20 and 11.5 ka. Between each advance, it appears that Lake Musselshell drained to the north and formed two outlet channels that are now occupied by extremely underfit streams. A third outlet formed when the water in Lake Musselshell fully breached the Larb Hills, resulting in the final drainage of the lake. The channel through the Larb Hills is now occupied by the Missouri River, implying that the present Missouri River channel east of the Musselshell River confluence was not created until the Late Wisconsin, possibly as late as 11.5 ka.  相似文献   
The Antarctic and the Arctic regions play a key role in global sea level change and carbon cycle, and reserve key information of the Cenozoic transition from a green-house to an ice-house Earth. They have become hot spots in earth science studies. The geological drilling projects in both polar regions (e.g., DSDP/ODP/IODP/ICDP) have achieved remarkable successes, which have freshened the knowledge of global environmental and climatic evolution. Along with the Cenozoic global cooling, the timing of glaciation was almost synchronous on both the Antarctic and the Arctic. Accompanied with the Antarctic ice sheet build-up and increased terrestrial weathering, the enhanced formation of Antarctic Bottom Water exerts significant impact on global ocean circulation. The volume of unstable West Antarctic Ice Sheet fluctuates during glacial-interglacial periods showing 40 ka obliquity cycles, its volume significantly reduced or collapsed during several peak interglacials or long warm intervals. The Southern Ocean plays a significant role modulating atmospheric CO2 concentration, global deep water circulation and nutrient distribution, productivity at different time scales. Sea level responses to the waxing and waning of polar ice sheets at different time intervals were tested, which provide valuable clue for predicting future sea level changes. The upcoming IODP drilling projects on polar regions will keep focusing on the high latitude ice sheet development, Southern Ocean paleoceanographic evolution, land-ocean linkages in the Arctic, and the impacts on the global climate, which will provide important boundary conditions for predicting global future climate evolution.  相似文献   
川西甲基卡伟晶岩型锂矿是中国大陆最大的硬岩型锂矿床。以揭示伟晶岩型锂矿深部结构和成因机制为目的的甲基卡伟晶岩型锂矿科学钻探工程(JSD)实施了一口3211.21 m(JSD-1)和两口各1000 m(JSD-2和JSD-3)的科学钻探,取得如下的创新性研究成果:(1)首次发现JSD-1中0~900 m深度的晚三叠世浊积岩经历中低压-高温巴罗-巴肯式叠加变质作用和穹状构造特征;(2)揭示JSD-1的100 m深度范围的含锂辉石伟晶岩存在,以及估算了在3211 m深度伟晶岩中的稀有金属丰度及成矿潜力;(3)利用锡石、铌钽矿和独居石的精确定年,确定JSD-1深部伟晶岩形成的两期岩浆-热液事件(210~204 Ma和193~192 Ma);(4)流体包裹体的碱性元素(Li、Na、K、Rb、Cs)和挥发性元素(B、As)的富集指示富锂伟晶岩高度结晶分异。利用JSD-1岩芯Li-B-Fe-Nd同位素示踪了岩浆的演化、流体出熔过程及成矿机制,揭示甲基卡伟晶岩型锂矿床的花岗岩岩浆演化过程中,岩浆结晶分异促进大量流体的出熔,从而在浅部形成钠长石锂辉石伟晶岩为主的矿体。这些结果不支持含锂伟晶岩是地壳深熔作...  相似文献   
全球海面变化的两极冰盖模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Clark等(1976)提出的在粘弹性地球上全球海面变化的数值模型和笔者(1992)提出的一极冰盖质点模型的基础上,考虑冰盖在两极的实际分布,建立两极冰盖质点分布的数理模型。计算结果表明,一极模型中海面变化的的极值区在S极,而两极模型中海面变化极值区在南半球的中纬度地区。  相似文献   

Endeavour 42 is a structurally controlled Au deposit with similarities to adularia‐sericite deposits. It is the largest of four gold prospects discovered in the Late Ordovician Lake Cowal volcanic complex, adjacent to the Gilmore Fault Zone, in central New South Wales, Australia. The Lake Cowal volcanic complex consists of calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic volcanic rocks and related sedimentary rocks that were deposited in a relatively deep‐water environment. The volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lake Cowal volcanic complex were intruded by diorite and granodiorite. Low‐grade porphyry Cu (0.2–0.35% Cu) mineralisation is developed in parts of the granodiorite intrusion. The gold deposits are developed north of the porphyry Cu mineralisation and occur within a north‐south corridor adjacent to a north‐south‐oriented body of diorite. The Endeavour 42 deposit is hosted by three volcanic units and a diorite. The stratigraphic units at Endeavour 42, consistently strike 215° and dip 50°NW, and comprise an upper unit dominated by redeposited pyroclastic debris and a lower conglomerate unit with clasts of reworked volcanic rocks. Separating these units is a sequence of trachyandesite lava and hyaloclastite breccias. Laminated mudstone and siltstone throughout the sequence are indicative of a relatively deep‐water, below wave‐base, environment. Porphyritic dykes, which are typically associated with zones of faulting, cross‐cut both the volcano‐sedimentary sequence and the diorite. The major fault orientations are 290° and 340°, forming subparallel conjugate fault sets. Both sets of faults are mineralised, contain deformed porphyritic dykes and are associated with sericitic alteration. Endeavour 42 is a sulfide‐poor gold deposit with free native Au and Au associated with pyrite and sphalerite. Minor galena, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are also observed. Irregular pyrite veinlets and carbonate‐sulfide veinlets occur in the upper unit of re‐deposited pyroclastic debris. Auriferous veins are parallel‐sided dilatant veins with quartz‐sulfide‐carbonate‐adularia. These veins display a consistent strike of 305° and a dip of 35°SW. Alteration and mineralisation were influenced by host‐rock composition and rheology. A pervasive alteration assemblage of chlorite‐carbonate‐hematite‐epidote is developed throughout the Lake Cowal volcanic complex. This is overprinted by sericite‐silica‐carbonate alteration around fault zones and dykes, with patchy and pervasive alteration of this type developed in the lava sequence and upper volcani‐clastic unit, reflecting permeability and probable alteration zoning. In the lower clastic unit, the diorite and, in parts of the lava sequence, a chlorite‐carbonate‐pyrite assemblage partially overprints sericite‐silica alteration, suggesting an evolving fluid composition, changing physico‐chemical conditions or a different alteration fluid. Age dating of the intrusive phases and sericitic alteration associated with mineralisation at Endeavour 42 yields ages of 465.76 ± 1 and 438.6 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively, suggesting that mineralisation post‐dates the Lake Cowal intrusive event and is related to intrusion of magma during the 440 Ma mineralising event, an important period in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   
This paper presents an erosion model, ARMOUR, which simulates time‐varying runoff, erosion, deposition and surface armour evolution down a hillslope either as a result of a single erosion event or as the cumulative impact of many events over periods up to decades. ARMOUR simulates sediment transport for both cohesive and non‐cohesive soil and dynamically differentiates between ‘transport‐limited’ and ‘source‐limited’ processes. A variety of feasible processes for entrainment of different size classes can be modelled and evaluated against data. The generalized likelihood of uncertainty estimation (GLUE) technique was used to calibrate and validate ARMOUR using data collected during rainfall simulator experiments at two contrasting sites: (1) non‐cohesive stony sediments at Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia; and (2) cohesive silty sediments at Northparkes Gold Mine, NSW, Australia. The spatial and temporal variations of model predictions within the individual runoff events showed that some entrainment processes could not model the spikes in concentration and subsequent depletion, while the hiding model of Andrews and Parker best simulated the concentration trends for both calibrated and independent runoff events. ARMOUR also successfully captured the coarsening of the surface material, though small, over the duration of the rainfall simulator trials. This was driven by the depletion of the finest size class of the soil. For a constant discharge, ARMOUR simulated higher sediment flux at the start of the storm with the sediment flux and concentration diminishing with time. For natural rainfall a power law relationship between sediment flux and discharge was observed. The calibration exercise showed that sediment concentration and discharge alone are insufficient to calibrate all aspects of the physics, in particular the armour depth. This appears to be because the armouring during the short duration events is driven by depletion of the finest classes of the sediments (diameters less then 62·5 mm), which are not normally measured. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文根据Cluster卫星上的粒子成像质谱仪(RAPID)探测器在穿越地球等离子体片过程中的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中能量离子能量密度的空间分布(氢离子能量范围从40keV到1500keV,氦离子和氧离子从10keV到1500keV),并且给出了离子能量密度在不同地磁活动时期随GSE-Z向分布的剖面.研究表明能量离子的能量密度以及能量密度的梯度与地磁活动指数Kp之间存在近似线性的关系.观测结果表明形成这种分布变化的主要原因是在地磁活动期间在电流片附近离子能量密度的增加,特别是其中的重离子成分增加更为显著.本文通过一个简化的电流片模型的数值计算,定性地研究了形成能量离子空间分布的机理.计算表明重离子在电流片中可以获得更多的能量,电流片加速可能是形成能量密度分布变化的一种可能的机制.  相似文献   
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