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Contourite origin for shelf and upper slope sand sheet, offshore Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A widespread (3200 km2), thick (10 cm to > 100 cm) sand deposit exists on the continental shelf and upper slope offshore of the Pennell Coast, Antarctica. The sand body occurs at water depths between 200 and 1200 m. The mean grain size of the sand varies from 3·3 phi to 1·2 phi, and the composition is dominantly volcanic. The only source for this volcanic material is Cape Adare, a volcanic headland. Sands are transported up to 70 km from Cape Adare by a westward‐flowing circumpolar boundary current that impinges on the upper slope and shelf. Radiocarbon dates from the sand and from the glacial unit beneath it indicate that the deposit formed within the past 9000 years. The occurrence of this sand sheet demonstrates the ability of contour currents to assemble extensive sand bodies on the shelf and upper slope and the relatively rapid rate at which these deposits may form.  相似文献   
Drumlin Formation Time: Evidence from Northern and Central Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large‐scale drumlins occur abundantly throughout central and northern Sweden. Whereas many drumlins in the north are an integral part of a relict glacial landscape >100,000 years old, those to the south are generally interpreted as of last deglaciation age. Typically, the latter ones have not been overprinted by younger glacial landforms. Despite this apparent difference in formation history, drumlins in both regions have similar directional and morphological characteristics. A systematic analysis of >3000 drumlins in (i) areas within relict landscapes, (ii) areas with an ambiguous deglaciation age assignment, and (iii) areas within deglacial landscapes, indicates that these latter deglaciation drumlins differ clearly in both shape and size from drumlins in the other two types of landscapes. In addition, numerical modelling indicates that basal melting conditions, a prerequisite for drumlin formation, prevailed only for a very limited time over much of northern Sweden during the last deglaciation, but lasted for longer periods of time during earlier stages of the Weichselian. A reconnaissance radionuclide bedrock exposure date from the crag of a large drumlin in the relict landscape indicates that glacial erosion, and presumably drumlin formation, at this location predated Marine Isotope Stage 7. We conclude, therefore, that the large‐scale drumlins of central and northern Sweden did not form during the last deglaciation, or during any other specific ice flow event. Instead, we suggest that they were formed by successive phases of erosion and deposition by ice sheets of similar magnitude and configuration.  相似文献   
The maximum palaeotemperature of oil-bearing sandstones in the UpperTriassic in the eastern Ordos basin has been determined by using many methods including thevitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion, apatite fission track, illite crystallinity, chlorite polytypeand diagenetic change of authigenic minerals. The thermal gradient in the Late Mesozoic wasabout 2.9-3.0℃/100m. The Upper Triassic was in a mature stage of organic matter andhydrocarbon began to be generated and migrated during this period. The palaeotemperatures ofoil-bearing sandstones were in the range of 88-110℃; those for the generation and migrationof oil ranged from 112 to 122℃. The thickness of the denuded strata overlying the UpperTriassic was 2465-2750m. The present burial depth of oil-bearing sandstones is generally from400 to 1200m. At a depth of ca. 1900m, the temperature may reach 140℃. Below this depth,organic matter was supermature and mainly generated gas.  相似文献   
龙岗火山群四海玄武质火山渣层为金龙顶子火山爆发形成,而非多个火山共同喷发的结果。火灾山渣组成金龙顶子火山渣锥及以东相伴随的火山碎屑席,反映火山爆发时强劲单向西风的吹指。火山碎屑席中火山渣层厚度,火山渣粒度参数远离火山渣锥呈规律性变化。  相似文献   
Landsat images reveal a previously unsuspected large-scale pattern of streamlining within drift that is assumed to reflect former phases of ice flow. Such a glacial grain can be regarded as a landform assemblage comprised of a number of components. Drumlins and megaflutes form part of the pattern, but in addition there are two previously undocumented ice-moulded landform elements: streamlined lineations of much greater proportions, referred to as mega-scale glacial lineations, and a distinctive cross-cutting topology within the grain. The ice-moulded landform assemblage is described and illustrated with reference to examples from Canada. Possible modes of genesis of such landforms are discussed and their glaciological implications outlined. The discovery of this pattern indicates the pervasive nature of subglacial deformation of sediment, and demands a radical re-interpretation of ice sheet dynamics.  相似文献   
抽拉—逆冲岩片构造——秦岭造山带的新模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
除地槽回返造山和板块碰撞造山之外,尚存在第三种造山模式,即抽拉-逆冲岩片构造造山模式,秦岭-大别造山带就是抽拉-逆冲岩片构造的典型代表。文中详细介绍了抽拉-逆冲岩片构造的基本概念、运动方式和在大陆造山带发展、演化中所起的作用,运用抽拉-逆冲岩片的观点对秦岭造山带的构造单元进行了划分,并明确提出抽拉-逆冲岩片构造是一种新的造山模式。  相似文献   
This paper uses a numerical ice sheet model to investigate the role of topography in influencing ice sheet growth. The model is applied to the maritime, mid-latitude uplands of Scotland and relies on a series of assumptions about mass balance, topography, and ice flow. It is driven by an imposed pattern of temperature change. The model is able to predict effectively the extent and thickness of the Loch Lomond ice sheet, using a palaeotemperature curve based on Coleoptera assemblages. A series of experiments with a stepped, constant July air temperature depression suggests that in Scotland a change in excess of ?3·0°C is necessary to initiate ice sheet growth; that steady state ice caps build up at changes of ?3 to ? 6·5°C; and that large ice sheets build up at changes of more than ? 6·625°C. The bifurcation revealed by the last two types of behaviour is the result of topography. Both the vertical amplitude and the spatial distribution of bedrock basins and ridges are important in determining the pattern, rate, and extent of ice sheet growth. The implication is that topography plays an important role in determining the dynamics of ice sheet growth.  相似文献   
黄河源区更新世冰盖初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄河源区广泛分布的冰川遗迹,如流线型地形、贯穿型谷地、浑圆状山顶、冰碛沉积、花岗闪长岩漂砾、带擦面的擦痕石、冰砾阜等表明本区曾发育过更新世冰盖。据上述各种地貌和沉积物复原,冰盖面积约达到80000km2,中心厚度约1360m,发育时间在倒数第二或第三次冰期。现代黄河源区是青藏高原最寒冷和降水相对丰裕的地区,倒数第二和第三次冰期时雪线降低到了4300m以下,有条件形成冰盖。  相似文献   
Cosmogenic 10Be ages on boulders of 54-51 ka (n = 4) on a penultimate Cordilleran ice sheet (CIS) drift confirm that Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 (early Wisconsin) glaciation was extensive in parts of Yukon Territory, the first confirmed evidence in the Canadian Cordillera. We name the glaciation inferred from the mapped and dated drift the Gladstone. These results are in apparent contrast to the MIS 6 (Illinoian) age of the penultimate Reid glaciation to the east in central Yukon but are equivalent to exposure ages on MIS 4 drift in Alaska. Contrasting penultimate ice extents in Yukon requires that different source areas of the northern CIS in Yukon responded differently to climatic forcing during glaciations. The variation in glacier extent for different source areas likely relates to variation in precipitation during glaciation, as the northern CIS was a precipitation-limited system. Causes for a variation in precipitation remain unclear but likely involve the style of precipitation delivery over the St. Elias Mountains possibly related to variations in the Aleutian low.  相似文献   
数字地貌制图是地貌制图及其应用研究适应信息化发展的必然趋势。本文以昆明幅(G-48)地貌图为例,探讨在遥感与地理信息系统技术的支持下,中国1∶100万数字地貌制图的技术路线和方法,并结合昆明幅的具体地貌特征,重点分析数字地貌制图过程中的几个关键问题。分析结果表明:基于遥感与地理信息系统的数字地貌制图技术,不仅能提高地貌制图的效率,还能提高解译的质量和精度。  相似文献   
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