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靖安油田延长组长6段低孔低渗透储层特征及评价   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
靖安油田延长组长6段储层为湖相三角洲前缘砂体,长6期是三角洲建设的高峰期,发育三角洲水下分流河道与河口砂坝砂体及远坝微相。孔隙空间主要是原生孔隙及由次生原因形成的孔隙和裂缝。研究表明:孔隙的形成和演化受成岩作用的控制。主要成岩作用有机械压实作用,胶结作用和溶蚀作用。压实作用,胶结作用不利于孔隙的演化,而溶蚀作用有利于次生孔隙的形成。从而使某些砂岩段在低孔低渗储层中形成较发育的次生溶蚀孔隙的成岩微裂缝,并成为有效孔隙,通过综合评价认为,水下分流河道和河口砂坝微相为本区最好的储集层。  相似文献   
The Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project(FAFMIP) is an endorsed Model Intercomparison Project in phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6). The goal of FAFMIP is to investigate the spread in the atmosphere–ocean general circulation model projections of ocean climate change forced by increased CO2, including the uncertainties in the simulations of ocean heat uptake, global mean sea level rise due to ocean thermal expansion and dynamic sea level change due...  相似文献   
对气溶胶气候效应开展分类评估并探讨诊断方法的合理性。人为气溶胶辐射效应对计算云辐射强迫的影响为0.38 W·m~(-2)。诊断评估气溶胶对云辐射强迫的影响需要排除这个偏差。两种基于不同试验设计诊断得出的半直接效应分别为0.21和0.09 W·m~(-2),存在显著差异。主要原因可能是人为气溶胶影响云辐射强迫的不同机制之间在模式模拟过程中不断地相互交织,不是简单的线性叠加关系。模式诊断得出的Twomey效应不仅包括Twomey效应本身,还包括Twomey效应引起的部分快速调整。总之,利用模式评估分析人为气溶胶气候效应需要注意审查试验设计和诊断方法的合理性。  相似文献   
利用黄海与东海海底地貌、海底活动构造研究成果,对1996年11月9日南黄海6.1级地震地质构造背景做了初步分析。根据震前对南黄海地区的震情追踪表明,这次地震前震中100~200km范围内无明显的测震学异常现象,而异常主要分布于南黄海中、北部地区,认为南黄海6.1级一类地震的地点预测是十分困难的。  相似文献   
The basaltic Azas Plateau volcanic field is located in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. The area was glaciated multiple times, and the field is characterized by the formation of subglacial volcanoes called tuyas, but subaerial volcanoes and lava fields also exist. A combined study of remote sensing and field observations in the vicinity of the tuyas in the southeastern Azas Plateau volcanic field identified landforms that are best explained by the jökulhlaup hypothesis. The landforms include elongated hills, paleochannels, and butte and basin topography. These landforms are hypothesized to have formed by both erosion and deposition caused by high-energy water streams. The triggering for the hypothesized jökulhlaups was either melting of ice by subglacial volcanism and/or destabilization of ice-dammed/subglacial reservoirs. The age estimation of the flood events is difficult, but they probably occurred during the ice ages of the Quaternary, as late as in the Middle-Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
董炜峰  苏荣 《海洋通报》2007,26(2):96-99
参考《海洋监测规范第6部分:生物体分析》(GB17378.6-1998)的规范方法,采用单一HNO3-HClO4常压方法消化贻贝成分分析分析标准物质(GBW08571)。取样量为0.500g时,在加热温度为160℃~210℃,加入10mL HNO3、2mLHClO4,加盖加热7h左右,最后的样品消化液赶酸赶净的条件下,样品消化液直接以原子吸收分光光度计测定,其中Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr的测定值都在标准值范围之内。并着重对比温度对消化效果的影响以及Cu,Cd以火焰法与无火焰法测定的差别。  相似文献   
A model of the R CrB star chromosphere is calculated on the basis of the observed profiles of the Ca II H and K lines and IR triplet and D lines of Na I and H-alpha. The calculated profiles of Ca II H and K lines and IR triplet and H-alpha are in good agreement with the observed ones both for an undisturbed state and for the light minimum. The line profiles for the light minimum are calculated under the assumption that the minimum is attributed to obscuring of the star disc with a dust cloud. In this case, the chromosphere is not hydrostatic since the column density at the chromosphere base is two orders of magnitude higher as compared to that in a hydrostatic model. The model proposed is more extended, less dense at the chromosphere base, and denser in the upper chromosphere. The extension of the calculated chromosphere is about 3 star radii. The density in the chromosphere is 108–1010 atoms per 1 cm3 and the temperature is 5000–7000 K. Agreement of the calculated and observed profiles of Na I D absorption lines is possible if we assume that, around the star, there is a cold envelope containing Na I atoms which expands with a velocity of about 30 km/s. This envelope is beyond the chromosphere, but near enough for the star and the envelope to be observed as a single whole. The optical thickness of the envelope in the Na I D2 line is 1.8. At the brightness minimum, this envelope illuminated with the star light yields additional emission attributed to resonant scattering in the Na I D lines.  相似文献   
以鄱阳湖流域上游铀尾矿库周边水体为研究对象,在研究铬(Cr)污染程度的基础上,采用水文地球化学模拟软件PHREEQC计算Cr各不同赋存形态的浓度,讨论不同条件下Cr形态的变换规律以及健康风险评价,对研究水体中Cr生物有效性具有实际意义.结果表明:铀尾矿区排放水、渗滤水、浅层地下水中Cr浓度均未超出相关标准值.水体中Cr主要赋存形态大多为Cr(Ⅲ)的水解产物Cr(OH)2+和Cr(OH)2+. pH和电子活度(pe)共同影响Cr在水体中的赋存形态,当pH=3~5时,以CrF2+为优势离子;当pH>5时,随pH递增,pe值对Cr赋存形态的影响增加,pe值增大,Cr(Ⅲ)水解产物浓度逐渐减少,而Cr(Ⅵ)氧化产物逐渐增加.浅层地下水中的Cr不会对人体产生致癌风险和非致癌风险,但当p H、pe变化时,Cr致癌风险系数均高于ICRP和USEPA推荐的最大可接受值.由于Cr(Ⅵ)的毒性远强于Cr(Ⅲ),故应密切关注水体中pe与pH值,避免污染加重.  相似文献   
露天堆积的煤矸石遭雨淋滤后易污染环境。以陕北矿区煤矸石为研究对象,利用自主研制淋滤仪器,模拟降雨工况,尝试不同降雨强度及矸石粒径条件下淋滤试验,结果表明:淋滤液电导率随时间表现为“快降—缓降—趋稳波动”3个阶段,Cr浓度随时间表现为“快降—缓降(或趋稳波动)”2个阶段;降雨强度增大68%时,大、小粒径组的电导率平均值分别降低18.9%、24.6%,Cr浓度平均值分别降低18.8%、22.0%;平均粒径增大50%时,大、小雨强组的电导率平均值分别降低4.0%、10.7%,Cr浓度平均值分别增大34.5%、29.2%。主要结论:矸石可溶元素释放呈指数衰减规律,雨强对可溶元素整体淋出水平更为敏感;Cr淋出过程与其他可溶物相似,遵循淋出浓度分段降低逐渐趋稳的规律,粒径对Cr淋出水平更为敏感;矸石风化面较新鲜面更早达到Cr释放峰值,导致淋滤后期浓度波动;可溶元素的整体释放水平决定于试样总表面积,但Cr主要由矸石风化表面淋出。  相似文献   
为研究青海省海晏县海北化工厂地下水Cr(Ⅵ)污染治理方案,在深入分析青海省海北化工厂一带环境水文地质条件、历年地下水及地表水环境Cr(Ⅵ)监测资料、地下水Cr(Ⅵ)点状污染源现状规模、污染羽空间展布特征以及地下水污染途径等的基础上,分析了海北化工厂地下水Cr(Ⅵ)污染地下水污染机理。基于此,从保护水环境的角度,经多方案比选,推荐可渗透反应墙(PRB)技术为修复治理海北化工厂Cr(Ⅵ)污染地下水的最佳方案。  相似文献   
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