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This brief overview discusses the difficulty of demonstrating causal associations between exposure to endocrine active compounds (EACs) and the occurrence of developmental, reproductive, or demographic disturbances in aquatic wildlife. While for biological responses at the suborganism level correlational or causal evidence of an EAC etiology has been established in a number of cases, well proven examples of ecological consequences of endocrine disruption are rather few in number. The attribution of causality is complicated due to (i) lack of data on EAC exposure and bioaccumulation, (ii) lack of specific biomarkers and endpoints, together with insufficient knowledge on the mechanisms and conditions by which EAC‐induced disruption of endocrine functions translates into impaired organism development and reproduction, and (iii) insufficient understanding of the importance of species diversity in endocrine physiology and life histories for the consequences of endocrine disruption. Future research should address these gaps in our understanding of EAC exposure and effects, but additionally needs to pay more attention (i) to ecological determinants influencing the population‐level consequences of the endocrine disruption of developÍmental and reproductive functions, and (ii) to the use of epidemiological principles and approaches.  相似文献   
A detailed structural glaciological study carried out on Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland reveals that recent flow within this maritime glacier is concentrated within a narrow corridor located along its central axis. This active corridor is responsible for feeding ice from the accumulation zone on the south‐eastern side of Öræfajökull to the lower reaches of the glacier and resulted in a c. 200 m advance during the winter of 2013–2014 and the formation of a push‐moraine. The corridor comprises a series of lobes linked by a laterally continuous zone of highly fractured ice characterised by prominent flow‐parallel crevasses, separated by shear zones. The lobes form highly crevassed topographic highs on the glacier surface and occur immediately down‐ice of marked constrictions caused by prominent bedrock outcrops located on the northern side of the glacier. Close to the frontal margin of Kvíárjökull, the southern side of the glacier is relatively smooth and pock‐marked by a number of large moulins. The boundary between this slow moving ice and the active corridor is marked by a number of ice flow‐parallel strike‐slip faults and a prominent dextral shear zone which resulted in the clockwise rotation and dissection of an ice‐cored esker exposed on the glacier surface. It is suggested that this concentrated style of glacier flow identified within Kvíárjökull has affinities with the individual flow units which operate within pulsing or surging glaciers. © 2017 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
湖南常德地区桃源推测隐伏断层是否存在   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对湖南常德地区桃源推测隐伏断裂沿线详细的地质地貌调查,以及配套的物探、钻探工作和不同深度钻孔沉积物的新年代测试,表明前人推测的桃源隐伏断裂两侧地层单元连续分布,物探剖面界面清楚,可连续追踪,没有显示断错现象;钻孔中的3个热释光年代样品也表明(13.1±11.0)×104a以来的第四纪地层在断层可能通过的位置两侧可以完全对应,下伏的基岩岩性相同,不存在新活动性。在尧河乡沅江东岸发现的“正断层”实际上为卸荷张裂缝。桃源推测隐伏断层没有存在的证据,发生1631年常德634级地震的太阳山断裂带被严格地限制在常德-益阳-长沙断裂带以北。这为地震带以及潜在震源区的划分提供了一个合理的地质背景,对于认识1631年湖南常德634级地震的构造条件也具有重要意义  相似文献   
在极端气候事件频发和人类活动加剧的背景下,抚仙湖水位波动显著,尤其是2009—2012年极端干旱事件的发生,使抚仙湖平均水位(1721.31 m)低于法定最低水位(1721.65 m),给生态环境安全带来严重威胁.因此,找到合适有效的湖泊水位模拟方法,对气候变化影响下的未来水位进行预测,并做好相应的应对准备,对湖泊生态系统的保护至关重要.本文运用DYRESM水动力模型对抚仙湖1959—2050年水位进行了模拟.因抚仙湖流域尚无长时间序列的历史水文观测数据,故利用模型和水量补偿法对抚仙湖入湖水量进行反推,构建了降水量-入湖水量的回归方程,并通过有效的实测入湖水量和水位数据,对回归方程的精度进行了检验.利用全球气候模式BCC-CSM2-MR中SSP245和SSP585两种情景提供的未来气候预估数据,运用DYRESM预测了抚仙湖2021—2050年水位变化趋势.结果表明:(1)构建的DYRESM水动力模型和降水-入湖水量回归方程精度较高,模型结果能很好地反映抚仙湖水位的年际和年内变化趋势,且能有效捕捉到抚仙湖的水位峰值.(2)在SSP245和SSP585两种情景下,抚仙湖2021—2050年多年平均水位分别为1722.98和1723.93 m,较1959—2017年平均水位1721.77 m分别升高1.21和2.16 m.两种情景下抚仙湖未来水位均有部分时段超过法定最高蓄水位(1723.35 m),但均高于法定最低水位.因此,未来气候变化对抚仙湖水量的影响有限,并不会导致水位过低,当水位超过法定最高蓄水位时,可通过控制出流闸门将水位调节在合理范围内.  相似文献   
V6多功能系统及其在CSAMT勘查应用中的效果   总被引:4,自引:12,他引:4  
地球物理多功能探测系统V6是中国科学院地质与地球物理所2000年底从加拿大凤凰公司引进的新仪器,它具有频点多(62频点系列),抗干扰能力强,发射功率大,A/D转换16位置及发射与接收信号GPS(Globe Position System)时钟同步等特点,能有效地提高纵向分辩率和测量信号的信噪比,为浅层精细勘探提供了保障。V6系统在牛栏山水源八厂标准剖面的试验,山东莱芜业庄矿突水勘查工作等充分证明,V6系统能较准确地确定目标的层深度,结合地质资料,可以提供含水性的判断。  相似文献   
地下水已成为满足全球农业生产和生活用水需求的重要来源,也是实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程的关键资源。地下水的数量和质量会直接或间接地受到气候变化的影响。IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组报告对全球和区域历史时期及未来地下水变化趋势进行了评估。报告指出:(1)自21世纪初以来,由于地下水灌溉用水量增加,全球许多国家和地区地下水储量呈现下降趋势。(2)在气候变化背景下,地下水开采量将持续增加,包括全球主要含水层中不可再生的地下水。(3)在热带和半干旱地区,气候变化引起强降水发生频率加快,导致地下水补给量呈增加趋势;在高寒地区,受气候变化影响地下水主要补给期从春季向冬季演变,由于融雪周期和融雪量的减少造成高寒地区春季地下水补给量减少。在地下水退化区域开展渐进式生态修复,是应对气候变化和保障水安全的重要措施。  相似文献   
IPCC AR6报告解读:气候变化与水安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保障水安全是应对和缓解气候变化的核心问题,也是实现可持续发展的前提。IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组报告单独设立第四章“水”,分析了气候变化对全球水循环的影响,评估了水循环变化对人类社会和生态系统的影响,指出了当前与未来的水安全风险,分析了与水相关适应措施的收益与成效。报告显示,人类活动导致的气候变化加速了全球水文循环,对水安全产生负面影响,面临水安全风险的人口与地区增多,并增加了由社会经济因素造成的水资源脆弱性。水安全风险随全球升温水平的升高而增加,在水安全脆弱地区表现更为显著。将全球升温限制在1.5℃可有效降低未来的水安全风险,有助于实现水安全、可持续发展和具有气候恢复力的发展三重目标。我国水安全问题突出,急需在“灰-绿”基础设施生态水文效应、三维水资源短缺、水-粮食-能源耦合、地球系统模拟器研发应用等方面重点开展研究工作。  相似文献   
IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第三工作组(WGⅢ)报告对全球工业部门碳排放现状、减排需求、主要措施等情况做了系统全面评估。报告指出,工业部门是2000年以来碳排放增长最快的部门;到21世纪中叶,工业部门实现CO净零排放是可能的,但面临巨大挑战,需要在持续推动工业节能的同时注重提升材料效率、推进电气化与燃料替代、发展CO捕集利用与封存(CCUS)等减排措施的应用。报告相关结论,对我国工业部门碳减排工作的部署具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
IPCC第六次评估报告第三工作组报告交通运输章评估了该行业温室气体的减缓措施和转型路径。1990年以来,全球交通运输部门温室气体排放量一直增长,2019年已经成为全球第四大排放源,仅次于电力、工业以及农业、林业和其他土地利用(AFOLU)部门,其增长速度超过其他最终用途行业。报告强调了交通减排的重要性,主要的减排措施包括三方面:首先是减少需求,其次是对陆路交通部门进行脱碳,再次是对重型的水运和航空运输等进行脱碳。评估的多种燃料和动力技术处于不同的商业化水平,它们未来应用时间节点和规模各有不同。对于陆路交通来说,需要继续推进电气化;对于水运和航空来说需要进一步应用低碳技术,并优化国际管理机制;从中长期来看,所有部门都需要强调运输服务需求管理和运输效率的提升。情景相关的文献评述分析表明,全球温升目标要求全经济部门采取减排措施,特别是交通电气化的减排潜力在很大程度上取决于电力部门的脱碳。如果不采取减缓措施,交通运输部门排放在2050年可能增长65%(相对2010年);如果成功实施减缓战略,该部门的排放量将减少68%,这也与全球1.5℃温升目标要求相一致。关于这些减缓措施的分析和判断,对我国交通运输部门实现碳中和与碳达峰具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
The degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was studied in alkaline solution. The products were characterised using UV/vis spectroscopy, size‐exclusion chromatography (SEC), and by the analysis of low‐molecular‐weight organic acids (LMWOA). The degradation experiments were performed with water from a brown water lake or its isolated fulvic acid fraction and sodium hydroxide at different reaction times and temperatures. Depending on the wavelength and the reaction time, the UV/vis absorbance between 230 nm and 600 nm increased or decreased. The behaviour of model compounds during reactions in alkaline media was compared to the UV/vis spectroscopic behaviour of DOM. The release of LMWOA was described by kinetic data and compared to the data of model reactions. Evidence was given for the carboxylic esters playing a significant role in the release of LMWOA only during the beginning of the alkaline degradation. The results gained by SEC with on‐line UV and DOC detection showed that the average size of DOM was decreasing, and that a major part of the degradation products consisted of low‐molecular‐weight mono‐ and dicarboxylic acids.  相似文献   
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