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利用直接电位法,采用标准加入的方式测定了不同浓度和温度条件下,LiPF6水溶液中的F-浓度,同时考察了碱处理对LiPF6水解的影响,并采用电导率测定结果进行了验证.实验表明,LiPF6能够在水中稳定存在,且几乎不受碱度和温度的影响.  相似文献   
国产高分卫星6号(简称GF6)具有高分辨率、宽覆盖、高质量和高效成像等特点,可为农业资源遥感监测提供可靠的数据支撑。本研究以GF6卫星影像为主要数据源,综合利用遥感技术理论和方法开展对夏津县棉花种植面积的提取研究,利用同时相的哨兵2号(简称Sentinel2)影像解译结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明:基于GF6卫星的夏津县棉花种植面积提取方案高效、准确,提取精度明显优于Sentinel2卫星,进一步证明了新增了红边波段的GF6卫星能够显著增强作物的识别能力,其在大规模作物种植信息提取方面具有广阔的应用潜力。  相似文献   
试从现有的大量遥感影像中提取不同环境下地物的反射率,以目前常用的ETM+影像数据和荔枝波谱数据提取为例,先对影像进行系统校正得到星上反射率,然后采用6S大气校正模型对图像进行订正,反演地物的真实反射率,并采用与野外实测相结合的方法,分析了星上反射率、6S反演的反射率与实测值之间的误差,结果证明6S校正法是一种较高精度的地物波谱反演方法,可以方便、快捷、准确地从现有的大量遥感影像上直接获取荔枝的反射率.为下一步的自动高效从影像反演地物反射率的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   
FSRU码头系泊模型实验与数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FSRU在恶劣环境条件下的作业和安全停靠性能与系泊缆张力、靠垫挤压应力、船体6自由度运动等参数有关。针对FSRU码头处海洋环境条件,进行FSRU不同装载状况的模型实验,获得FSRU的6自由度运动及其系泊载荷的动力特性。基于三维辐射和绕射理论,使用Sesam软件进行频域计算,以此为基础在相应海洋环境条件下进行时域耦合分析,获得FSRU 6自由度运动、系泊载荷、靠垫应力等参数的响应时历。结果表明:30%装载、横浪条件下FSRU的运动响应最大,系泊缆张力未达到破断值,靠垫压力超过其压缩60%时的载荷;模型实验对FSRU运动响应和系泊缆张力的预测结果可信,靠垫受力情况需要数值仿真进行辅助研究。  相似文献   
This paper uses detailed mapping of eskers to address three questions which are important for reconstructing meltwater behaviour beneath contemporary and ancient ice masses: ‘What controls the morphology of simple and complex esker systems?’, ‘How do esker systems evolve through time?’ and ‘Are esker patterns compatible with groundwater controlled hydraulic spacing of esker tunnels?’. Esker crestlines and widths are mapped on the Breiðamerkurjökull foreland for eight time slices between 1945 and 2007, from high resolution (~50 cm) aerial photography, permitting their long‐term morphological evolution to be analysed in a high level of detail. We find that complex eskers develop where meltwater and sediment is abundant, such that sediment clogs channels, forming distributary eskers. Isolated eskers are simpler and smaller and reflect less abundant meltwater and sediment, which is unable to clog channels. Eskers may take several decades to emerge from outwash deposits containing buried ice and can increase or decrease in size when ice surrounding and underlying them melts out. It has been suggested that groundwater–channel coupling dictates the spacing between eskers at Breiðamerkurjökull. Our results do not dispute this, but suggest that the routing of sediment and meltwater through medial moraines is an additional important control on esker location and spacing. These results may be used to better understand the processes surrounding esker formation in a variety of geographical settings, enabling a more detailed understanding of the operation of meltwater drainage systems in sub‐marginal zones beneath glaciers and ice sheets. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Supraglacial channels are an important mechanism for surface water transport over the ablation zone of western Greenland. The first assessment of the spatio‐temporal distribution of surface melt channels and their relationship to supraglacial lakes over the Jakobshavn Isbræ region of Western Greenland was analysed using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus panchromatic images during the 2007 melt season. A total of 1188 melt channels were delineated and show an increase in the number of melt channels throughout the season, reaching a peak on 9 August. Water‐filled melt channels advanced to a maximum elevation of 1647 m on 9 August and attained a minimum average slope of 0.009 on 8 July. The ablation zone demonstrates two hydrologic modes, where crevasse and moulin terminating channels dominate at elevations <800 m and higher‐order channel networks >800 m. Development of higher‐order networks is interrupted by flow divergence due to partitioning of melt water into vertical infiltration through moulins and crevasse fields prevalent at lower elevations. Tributary and connector networks between 800 and 1200 m in elevation are correlated with fewer lake occurrences, lower surface velocities (~50 m a?1), and ice flow dominated by internal deformation over basal sliding. High‐order channels are associated with lake basins that exceed melt water storage capacity. Evolution of channel networks is coupled to changes in melt water production, runoff, and ice dynamics with implication for the englacial and subglacial environments. © 2013 The Authors. Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH, EC is the first and main regulated enzyme of oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP), catalyzing the conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to 6-phospho-gluconolactone and playing important roles in the growth and development of plants. It is preciously reported that the enhancement of freezing resistance of Populus suaveolens cuttings is clear related to the distinct increase in cytosolic G6PDH activity. Here, a 1697 bp cDNA fragment (PsG6PDH) is amplified by RT-PCR from cold-induced total RNA of the freezing-tolerant P. suaveolens . A sequence analysis showed that PsG6PDH coding region had 1 530 bp and encoded 510 predicted amino acid residues. Genomic Southern analysis revealed that the isoform is encoded by a few copies of the gene in the poplar genome. The cloned gene PsG6PDH is cloned into binary vector pBI121 and used to transform tobacco. PCR and Southern blotting results verified integration of this gene into the genome of tobacco. Moreover, cold treatment experiments and membrane defense enzyme activity analysis confirmed that overexpression of the PsG6PDH gene could enhance the tolerance to cold or frigid stresses in transgenic plants.  相似文献   
Five mobile digital seismic stations were set up by the Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province near the epicenter of the main shock after the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake on June 3, 2007. In this paper, the aftershock sequence of the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake is relocated by using the double difference earthquake location method. The data is from the 5 mobile digital seismic stations and the permanent Simao seismic station. The results show that the length of the aftershock sequence is 40km and the width is 30km, concentrated obviously at the lateral displacement area between the Pu’er fault and the NNE-trending faults, with the majority occurring on the Pu’er fault around the main shock. The depths of aftershocks are from 2km to 12km, and the predominant distribution is in the depth of 8~10km. The mean depth is 7.9km. The seismic fault dips to the northwest revealed from the profile parallel to this aftershock sequence, which is identical to the dip of the secondary fault of the NE-trending Menglian-Mojiang fault in the earthquake area. There are more earthquakes concentrated in the northwest segment than in the southeast segment, which is perhaps related to the underground medium and faults. The depth profile of the earthquake sequence shows that the relocated earthquakes are mainly located near the Pu’er fault and the seismic faults dip to the southwest, consistent with the dip of the west branch of the Pu’er fault. In all, the fault strike revealed by earthquake relocations matches well with the strike in the focal mechanism solutions. The main shock is in the top of the aftershock sequence and the aftershocks are symmetrically distributed, showing that faulting was complete in both the NE and SW directions.  相似文献   
在介绍鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区延长组长6段沉积特征的基础上,探讨了该储层物性特征、浊积岩特征、浊积岩分布规律及其对油藏的影响,明确了浊流沉积的石油地质意义.结果表明:鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区长6段以发育长石砂岩为主,填隙物成分有方解石、绿泥石、白云母以及少量的石英加大、长石加大等,砂岩储集层孔隙结构具有很强的非均质性;吴堡地区长6期湖盆沉降趋于稳定,是三角洲的高建设时期;多水系、多物源的三角洲前缘沉积为深湖浊积扇沉积提供了充足的物质基础;在吴堡地区东北部三角洲前缘水下分流河道前端发育深湖浊积扇沉积,可区分出中心微相和边缘微相两个沉积微相带,其中浊积扇中心微相以细砂岩、粉砂岩与暗色泥岩呈砂泥互层;从平面上看,浊积岩砂体非均质性在侧向上逐渐变弱,砂体底部发育厚度较大、成熟度较高的暗色湖相沉积的烃源岩,深湖相的暗色泥岩含有丰富的烃源岩,而浊积岩砂体是由深湖相的暗色泥岩构成,孔渗物性好的区域易于形成良好的上倾尖灭的透镜状岩性油藏.  相似文献   
本论文内容涵盖传感器组网,数据获取、存储、管理、迁移与服务,以及地震动参数计算与发布等检测系统各个环节,在研究过程中,以地震动参数速报技术研究为主题,并注意把相关的技术应用在实际的工作中。“基于IPV6对地震烈度传感器网络”部分直接使用了ShakeMap开发过程中有关数据流的接收、服务,操作系统的重编译,事件检测,图片产出,  相似文献   
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