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在103-105a的尺度上,地磁场强度变化是影响陆地宇生核素生成速率的主要因素,其影响程度取决于样品的地理位置和暴露时间。根据已有的磁场古强度数据,模拟200 ka以来海拔2 km、25°N和40°N的地表10Be生成速率的变化,进而分析地表宇生核素生成速率变化对岩石暴露年代测定的影响及其模式年龄的校正。校正磁场强度变化后,海拔2 km、25°N上,50-200 ka的模式年龄可被压缩14%~19%,大于1σ的误差,相同海拔40°N上的模式年龄可减小约8%。对中低纬两组模式年龄的校正充分证明,磁场强度引起的陆地宇生核素生成速率变化是暴露年代测定中主要误差源之一,尤其在低纬高海拔地区这一影响更不容忽视。  相似文献   
Source apportionment of particulate matter <10 µm in diameter (PM10), having considerable impacts on human health and the environment, is of high priority in air quality management. The present study, therefore, aimed at identifying the potential sources of PM10 in an arid area of Ahvaz located in southwest of Iran. For this purpose, we collected 24‐h PM10 samples by a high volume air sampler. The samples were then analyzed for their elemental (Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Li, Ti, V, Zn, Mo, and Sb) and ionic (NH, Cl?, NO, and SO) components using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and ion chromatography instruments, respectively. Eight factors were identified by positive matrix factorization: crustal dust (41.5%), road dust (5.5%), motor vehicles (11.5%), marine aerosol (8.0%), secondary aerosol (9.5%), metallurgical plants (6.0%), petrochemical industries and fossil fuel combustion (13.0%), and vegetative burning (5.0%). Result of this study suggested that the natural sources contribute most to PM10 particles in the area, followed closely by the anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   
Samples from three medieval rock avalanches from the French (Le Claps, Mont Granier) and Austrian Alps (Dobratsch) and a man-made structure, i.e. the Stephansdom in Vienna, have been analysed for in-situ produced 36Cl by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). All four sampling sites of independently known exposure duration turned out to be not appropriate as calibration sites for the determination of the 36Cl-production rate from Ca. Indeed, the determination of short exposure ages for dating rock avalanches and man-made structures by 36Cl is hindered dramatically by inheritance, especially for samples characterized by high natCl-concentrations. Generally, there are hints that the theoretical calculation of 36Cl-production from epithermal and thermal neutron-capture on 35Cl is highly underestimated in all existing models, thus, asking for particular precaution if working on high-Cl samples for any project. Hence, this work evidences that potential high inheritance, even for samples reasonably shielded before exhumation, has to be considered especially when dealing with recently exposed surfaces such as glacially polished rocks, alluvial terraces, fault scarps etc.  相似文献   
以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗的察干淖尔盐湖为研究对象,利用OSL(Optically Stimulated Luminescence)测年技术和DEM(Digital Elevation Model)数字高程模型,重建湖面波动历史,探讨湖泊形成与环境变化过程.通过对察干淖尔盐湖周边大量的野外考察,发现湖泊周围存在海拔高程为1020、978和973 m的三级古湖岸阶地,其OSL测年结果分别为29.2±1.3、18.4±0.8及8.2 8.0 ka.通过湖岸阶地高程恢复的上述3个时期的古湖面积分别为3600、500和400 km~2.与现今的干旱盐湖景观迥然不同.  相似文献   
The Wulanmulun site found in 2010 is an important Paleolithic site in Ordos (China), from which lots of stone and bone artifacts and mammalian fossils have been recovered. It was previously dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques on quartz. To further confirm the reliability of the chronology constructed based on OSL ages and test the applicability of the recently developed pIRIR procedure on sediments from northern China, twenty-four sediment samples (including eolian, lacustrine and fluvio-eolian sands) from the site were determined using the multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR or pIRIR) procedure on potassium feldspar. The results show that the studied samples have two MET-pIRIR De preheat plateaus (280–320 and 340–360 °C), and the bleaching rates of the luminescence signals are associated with sample ages and stimulation temperatures. All the pIRIR ages (7–155 ka) corrected for anomalous fading and residual dose obtained after solar bleaching for 15 h are larger than the corresponding quartz OSL ages (4–66 ka) previously determined, even for the young eolian samples (<10 ka). But the corrected IRSL(50 °C) ages (6–85 ka) are broadly consistent with the quartz ages. It appears that the IRSL(50 °C) ages are more reliable, although this contradicts the previously results obtained by other people. On the other hand, we also obtained an extended age plateau between the stimulation temperatures of 50 and 290 °C in the plot of age versus stimulation temperature (A-T plot) by subtracting different residual doses obtained after different bleaching times. The reliability of the plateau ages requires further investigation. For the sediment samples from this site, quartz should be more suitable for dating than K-feldspar, and the quartz OSL ages of 50–65 ka for its cultural layer should be reliable.  相似文献   
In a study of which the main objective was to assess the impact of climate change and tectonics on the formation of river terraces along the Sankosh River, the eastern foreland of the Himalayas, the authors obtained geochrono-logical data using luminescence technique. Four strath river terraces (T4–T1) were distinguished within the valley bottom, and alluvial sediments from three terraces (T4, T2 and T1) were dated to the age range from 143 to 14 ka. The alluvial mantels of river terraces were then linked to the scheme of glacial-interglacial cycle. The paper, however, suffers from few inconsistent and missing information, and the assessment on the landscape evolution of the river valley is incomprehensive. The authors relied on feldspars and therefore the IRSL method was used, but “OSL ages” are discussed at the end. They state that (i) tectonics creates space for sediment accommodation and (ii) the luminescence ages flank deposition and incision phases. Despite the fact that the statements are questionable, the ways these happen are not elucidated within the paper. Due to the lack of geochronological data for T3 terrace, its formation is very enigmatic. It is even more mysterious in the light of the data for the other terraces, but the authors made no attempt to explain this riddle. However, that certain inability of reconstructing the history of T3 would shed a shadow on the robustness of the ages obtained.  相似文献   
By dating detrital zircon U-Pb ages of deposition sequence in foreland basins, we can analyze the provenance of these zircons and further infer the tectonic history of the mountain belts. This is a new direction of the zircon U-Pb chronology. The precondition of using this method is that we have to have all-around understanding to the U-Pb ages of the rocks of the orogenic belts, while the varied topography, high altitude of the zircon U-Pb ages of the orogenic belts are very rare and uneven. This restricts the application of this method. Modern river deposits contain abundant geologic information of their provenances, so we can probe the zircon U-Pb ages of the geological bodies in the provenances by dating the detrital zircon U-Pb ages of modern rivers' deposits. We collected modern river deposits of 14 main rivers draining from Pamir, South Tian Shan and their convergence zone and conducted detrital zircon U-Pb dating. Combining with the massive bed rock zircon U-Pb ages of the magmatic rocks and the detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the modern fluvial deposit of other authors, we obtained the distribution characteristics of zircon U-Pb ages of different tectonic blocks of Pamir and South Tian Shan. Overlaying on the regional geological map, we pointed out the specific provenance geological bodies of different U-Pb age populations and speculated the existence of some new geological bodies. The results show that different tectonic blocks have different age peaks. The main age peaks of South Tian Shan are 270~289Ma and 428~449Ma, that of North Pamir are 205~224Ma and 448~477Ma, Central Pamir 36~40Ma, and South Pamir 80~82Ma and 102~106Ma. The Pamir syntaxis locates at the west end of the India-Eurasia collision zone. The northern boundary of the Pamir is the Main Pamir Thrust(MPT)and the Pamir Front Thrust(PFT). In the Cenozoic, because of the squeezing action of the India Plate, the Pamir thrust a lot toward the north and the internal terranes of the Pamir strongly uplifted. For the far-field effect of the India-Eurasia collision, the Tian Shan on the north margin of the Tarim Basin also uplifted intensely during this period. Extensive exhumation went along with these upliftings. The material of the exhumation was transported to the foreland basin by rivers, which formed the very thick Cenozoic deposition sequence. These age peaks can be used as characteristic ages to recognize these tectonic blocks. These results lay a solid foundation for tracing the convergence process of Pamir and South Tian Shan in Cenozoic with the help of detrital zircon U-Pb ages of sediments in the foreland basin.  相似文献   
The geochronology of cave deposits in the Cradle of Humankind UNESCO World Heritage Site in South Africa provides a timeframe essential for the interpretation of its fossils. The uranium-lead (U–Pb) and uranium-thorium disequilibrium (U/Th) dating of speleothems, mostly flowstones that underlie and blanket the fossil-bearing sediments, have been effective in this sense, but U–Pb is limited by the requirement of ∼1 ppm U concentrations and low common Pb contents, and U/Th has a c. 500 ka limit of applicability. Here we report age results for calcite-aragonite speleothems obtained using a new combined uranium-thorium-helium ((U,Th)–He) and U/Th dating routine. We reproduced within analytical uncertainty, the published U–Pb or U/Th ages for (a) flowstone in three drill core samples in the range 2000–3000 ka, (b) a flowstone hand sample taken at surface with an age of 1800 ka, and (c) five underground flowstone samples in the range 100–800 ka. Calcite retentivity for He under cave conditions is thus demonstrated. In the few cases where helium loss was observed in speleothems, only some of the subsamples were affected, and to varying degrees, suggesting loss by lattice damage not related to diagenetic processes, rather than volume diffusion. In the 100 to 800 ka range, the combined U/Th disequilibrium and (U,Th)–He method also yielded reliable values for initial (230Th/238U) and (234U/238U) activity ratios. Importantly, most subsamples had high initial (230Th/238U) values, ranging from 1.0 to 19.7, although having low Th/U ratios. This is probably due to incorporation of Fe–Mn oxides-hydroxides dust, on which 230Th was previously adsorbed. Such samples are mostly not dateable by U/Th without the additional input from the He analysis. If not detected and corrected for, such high initial (230Th/238U) values can lead to inaccurate U/Th and U–Pb ages. Our study shows that the incorporation of He analysis in U/Th dating has broad potential application, with four methods for calculating the ages, in carbonates from different environments where U-Pb or U/Th dating would not work.  相似文献   
Many lakes in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) experienced dramatic lake level changes in the late Quaternary, as suggested by well-preserved paleo-shorelines up to ∼200 m above present lake levels. These relic shorelines provide direct geomorphic record to reconstruct past lake level fluctuation history and water volume changes, linked closely to variations in paleo-climatic controls including Asian monsoon, westerlies and glacial meltwater. In this study, 27 near-shore sediment samples from three of eight paleo-shorelines at north of Nam Co were dated by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique, using coarse grains of quartz and potassium feldspar.Our results indicate that: 1) S1 is the highest/most developed shoreline (+26 m). Sediment from upper part of S1 has a consistent age of ∼25 ka (nine samples from 3 gullies), suggesting a high lake level of Nam Co occurred around 25 ka. An overflow point west of Nam Co has a close elevation to that of S1 and thus limits the presence of higher lake levels; 2) sediment profile from the slightly lower S2 (+22 m) contains two parts, silty sand (6.9–8.9 ka) at the bottom and shoreline deposits atop (∼2.3 ka), suggesting Nam Co maintained a relative high lake level in the early Holocene and such lake level occurred again at about 3.0–2.0 ka; 3) In contrast to the swift variations of monsoon precipitation and glacial meltwater in the late Quaternary, water level of Nam Co remained relatively stable during the period from ∼25 ka to about early Holocene (from +26 m to +22 m), implying a continuous outflowing stage and lake infill constantly exceeds evaporation; 4) S5 (+11 m) has an age of 0.7–1.4 ka. Nam Co showed a much accelerated pace of shrinkage since about 2.0 ka in the late Holocene in roughly two steps: it dropped from +22 m to +11 m from ∼2.0 ka to 1.4 ka, and subsequently dropped another 11 m after 0.7 ka.  相似文献   
Weichselian advances of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet have generated several glacitectonically deformed structures in the southwestern Baltic Sea area. One example is the 100 km2 large Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex (JGC), which was formed proglacially and consists of two subparallel-orientated sets of composite ridges that represent a northern and southern structural complex. The two-part morphological structure of the JGC suggests a formation by two ice advances, one approaching from NE and one from SE direction. So far, this divided structure has been assumed to have been formed by short-time ice-front oscillations during an MIS 2 ice advance. However, based on their recently published ice dynamic model for MIS 3 and the available age data from Jasmund, lüthgens et al. (2020) propose a chronological reinterpretation of the JGC development, according to which two distinct ice advances during early and late MIS 3 formed the JGC. In order to test this novel stratigraphical model for the JGC formation, five OSL samples were taken from fluvial and lacustrine deposits at a key section near Glowe (NW Jasmund). The investigated succession is divided into pre-kinematic sediments, deposited before the glacitectonic deformation, and post-kinematic sediments, deposited after the deformation. Our results show that the youngest dated pre-tectonic sediment has a burial age between ∼40 and 34 ka, which rules out a glacitectonic deformation during an early MIS 3 ice advance (∼60–50 ka). In addition, by reviewing the existing age data set, a development of the JGC during an early and late MIS 3 advance of the SIS must be rejected. Instead, our data confirm the genesis of the JGC during MIS 2.  相似文献   
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