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Atmospheric dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were measured at Baring Head, New Zealandduring February and March 2000. Anti-correlated DMS and SO2 diurnalcycles, consistent with the photochemical production of SO2 from DMS, were observed in clean southerly air off the ocean. The data is used to infer a yield of SO2 from DMS oxidation. The estimated yields are highly dependent on assumptions about the DMS oxidation rate. Fitting the measured data in a photochemical box model using model-generated OH levels and the Hynes et al. (1986) DMS + OH rate constant suggests that theSO2 yield is 50–100%, similar to current estimates for the tropical Pacific.However, the observed amplitude of the DMS diurnal cycle suggests that the oxidation rate is higher than that used by the model, and therefore, that theSO2 yield is lower in the range of 20–40%.  相似文献   
浙江平水铜矿位于钦杭成矿带北东段浙西北地区,是浙江省最大的铜矿床,前人研究表明其为典型的火山成因块状硫化物矿床(Chen 等, 2015)。平水铜矿体在新元古代形成之后,该地区经历了加里东的变质变形作用,在铜矿体的下盘普遍发育千糜岩带(韧性剪切带),本项目组在研究过程中认为千糜岩带与铜矿无关,但明确提出本区可能存在造山型金矿,继而老矿山接替资源勘查在平水铜矿布置了10个坑内钻孔,其中9个见矿,成功的在平水深部发现两层金矿体和一层铜矿体。金矿体严格的受韧性剪切带的控制;金矿石有明显的宏观和微观韧性变形结构;矿石矿物主要是自然金和少量的黄铁矿,脉石矿物主要有石英、绢云母、绿泥石、碳酸盐和白云石。本文主要对平水金矿体开展流体包裹体研究,结合矿床地质特征,最终确定金矿体成因类型,为平水地区下一轮深边部找矿勘查提供依据。  相似文献   
Copper (Cu) is an essential element for biological systems, however, when present in excess, is toxic. Metallothioneins can play an important role in Cu homeostasis and detoxification. Moreover, Cu can catalyse the production of toxic hydroxyl radicals that cause lipid peroxidation but defence systems in the cells can limit the oxidative damage. The present study was performed to investigate the effect of three Cu concentrations (0.5, 2.5 and 25 μg l−1) on the response of antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), selenium-dependent glutathion peroxidase and total glutathion peroxidase), total proteins, metallothioneins (MT), malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations in the gills of the clam, Ruditapes decussatus. The activity of antioxidant enzymes and total proteins, MT and MDA concentrations were measured in the gills of the clams after 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of Cu exposure. Results indicate that Cu only induces an imbalance in the oxygen metabolism during the first week of Cu exposure due to a decrease in mitochondrial SOD and CAT, selenium-dependent and total glutathion peroxidase activities. Cu also causes lipid peroxidation, measured by the MDA formation, that was Cu dependent. In the gills of clams exposed to 25 μg Cu/l, the excess of Cu triggers the induction of MT synthesis after 3 days of exposure.  相似文献   
建德铜矿床的海底喷流沉积成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建德铜矿床是浙江西部多金属成矿带中一个引人瞩目的重要矿床。它产于中石炭统底部伴有火山岩、硅质岩和碧玉岩的白云岩中。整合块状矿体之下有一筒状矿化蚀变带。其成分以Cu>Zn>Pb为特征。根据矿床地质、地球化学特征以及近年来研究所获得资料,认为该矿床属海底喷流沉积成因  相似文献   
The rates and mechanisms of both gas and liquid phase reactions for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide play an important role in the production of atmospheric acids and aerosol particles. Rhodeet al. (1981) concluded that sulfate production rates were highly non-linear functions of sulfur dioxide emission rates. Their modelling study used an HO x termination mechanism for the HO—SO2 reaction in the gas-phase. Stockwell and Calvert (1983) determined that one of the products of the overall reaction of HO with sulfur dioxide was an HO2 radical. The National Research Council (1983) using a version of the Rhodeet al. (1981) model modified to include HO2 production from the HO—SO2 reaction concluded that sulfate production becomes much more linear with respect to reductions in sulfur dioxide emissions. However, the cause of this increased linearity was not explained by the National Research Council report. It is demonstrated that the increased linearity is due to the coupling of gas-phases and aqueous phase chemistry. The gas-phase sulfur dioxide oxidation mechanism has a very significant effect on hydrogen perodide production rates.  相似文献   
地下水是中国西南云贵高原斜坡地带重要的饮用水源,其中黔中镇宁县北部存在大面积地下水中硫酸盐超标地区,导致了当地出现水质性缺水问题。本次研究通过岩相古地理分析、水化学分析、D、18O、34S同位素测试、岩样测试、岩心观察等技术手段,查明了研究区内地下水的补给源主要为大气降水,地下水中硫酸盐(SO_4~(2-))浓度在30~1100 mg/L,平均值为221.78 mg/L,呈现高度富集SO_4~(2-)的特点;在区域相对隔水层以上,不同类型地下水中SO_4~(2-)浓度大体具有机井上升泉下降泉溶潭地下河出口基岩裂隙泉表层岩溶泉的规律;探讨了地表水、地下水中SO_4~(2-)的来源,表层岩溶泉中硫酸根的来源主要为大气降水,高硫酸盐样品中硫酸根的来源主要为石膏溶解。在此基础上,结合钻井资料,掌握了研究区膏岩层分布及含水层结构特征,通过建立"越层找水"模式,采取下层低硫酸盐含水层,获取合格饮用水源,可有效解决当地水质性缺水问题。  相似文献   
根据 K+ ,Na+∥ Cl-,SO4 2 -— H2 O体系相图 ,提出了氯化钾与芒硝制备硫酸钾工艺中新的工业化生产循环和解决钾芒硝富集问题的具体方案 ,取得良好效果。  相似文献   
The influence of diet on comparative metal accumulation was investigated using a predatory muricid gastropod Thais clavigera. Individuals were fed for up to 56 days on either barnacles, i.e., Tetraclita squamosa, or mussels, i.e., Perna viridis, collected from metal-contaminated and clean sites. Barnacles and mussels have contrasting metal handling strategies and, therefore, different body concentrations, intracellular distributions and detoxification systems. Field collection of prey items that accumulated body metal concentrations over a lifetime of exposure allowed bioavailability to the predator, T. clavigera, to be assessed naturally, which may not be the case for prey exposed to metals for a short time in the laboratory. T. clavigera that was fed cadmium- and copper-contaminated barnacles or mussels ingested significantly greater amounts compared to those fed conspecifics collected from clean locations. T. clavigera body cadmium and copper concentrations were not, however, significantly different between individuals fed either contaminated or clean prey. Amount of zinc ingested was similar in mussels collected from clean and contaminated environments but much less when compared to the barnacle prey. The body concentrations of zinc in T. clavigera fed mussels collected from both sites fell. In contrast, the amount of zinc ingested from barnacle prey was significantly greater from those collected from the metal-contaminated site as compared to the clean one. This was reflected as significantly greater body zinc concentrations in T. clavigera fed contaminated barnacles compared to those fed clean individuals. Copper and zinc accumulation from prey was, therefore, complex. It varied between metal and between prey type, but appeared to be related to the amount ingested and the metal handling strategy of the prey.  相似文献   
本文选择酒石酸消除海水基体对铜信号的干扰,用塞曼石墨炉原子吸收法直接测定海水中的铜。从Cu的原子化曲线可知,加入酒石酸后,背景值减小,Cu原子吸收信号增强,且出现时间提前,表明酒石酸是有效的海水基体改进剂。用P.E.Z3030光谱仪测得双蒸水及海水中的元素Cu的特征质量(m。)分别为12.5pg及12.7pg;检测限分别为0.18μg/L和0.19μg/L,表明基体效应已消除,符合海洋监测要求。可用纯Cu标准溶液作校正曲线,以国家海洋局的两个标准海水样品中的Cu评定本法的准确度,相对偏差为0及-4.6%,与经典的经富集后的FAAS法的结果相比,相对偏差在3.0—6.5%范围内。用不同类型的光谱仪测定了30个海水样品,回收率在89—104%范围内。本法操作简便、快速。  相似文献   
通过沉积物柱孔隙水中甲烷,SO2-4,Cl-,δc(34S-SO2-4)、δc(13 C-CH4)的垂直分布特征,研究了硫酸盐还原和甲烷厌氧氧化(anaerobic oxidation of methane,简称AOM)过程在九龙江河口沉积物中的分布规律.测定结果显示两个站位(J-A和J-E)间隙水中SO2-4浓度随深...  相似文献   
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