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Many studies have shown systematic correlations between the composition of plutons worldwide and the metal content of associated skarns. This is the first report of similar correlations between the composition of Çelebi granitoid and skarns of the Çelebi district in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Çelebi district is well known for its polymetallic Fe–W and Cu vein ores. These are hosted by calcic skarn zones. Both exoskarns (pyroxene–garnet) and endoskarns (epidote–pyroxene) occur in the district formed mainly along the granitoid contacts and along the fractures within the marble. Based on mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, two different igneous rocks were recognized in the Çelebi granitoid, referred to as leucocratic (felsic) and mesocratic (intermediate) Çelebi granitoid. The leucocratic Çelebi occurs as dominant rock type, and is classified as granite. The mesocratic Çelebi is not widespread and is classified as adamellite, tonalite, quartz monzonite and quartz monzodiorite. The mesocratic Çelebi has I-type characteristics, and have subalkaline, calc-alkaline and metaluminous characteristics like most worldwide skarn granitoids.A post-collisional tectonic setting is proposed on the basis of field evidence, the relative timing of intrusions with respect to metamorphic and obducted ophiolitic rocks and trace element geochemistry. The high abundance of La and Ce and the enrichment of V in mafic components suggest that Çelebi granitoids are formed by partial melting of mantle rocks, but have been contaminated by interaction with continental crust involving possible magma mixing processes (i.e. mixing of coexisting felsic and mafic magmas). In the district, the mesocratic type and mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) mainly within leucocratic type represent a mafic underplating magma that was mixed with and/or injected into felsic magma of the leucocratic type.The present study shows that Fe mineralization is associated with mesocratic Çelebi type, whereas W mineralization is associated with leucocratic type. Mesocratic Çelebi granitoid is significantly different from the worldwide average of plutons associated with Fe skarns. In particular, MgO vs. SiO2, FeOt+CaO+Na2O/K2O vs. SiO2, Fe2O3/Fe2O3+FeO vs. SiO2 and V vs. Ni vary from typical values (are lower than values typical for plutons associated with Fe skarns) for plutons associated with Fe skarns. Instead, it resembles the geochemical characteristics of plutons associated with worldwide Cu and possibly Au skarns. This suggests new exploration possibilities for copper and gold in the Çelebi district.  相似文献   
将环境植物样品在400─500℃灰化,用硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸分解,用盐酸(1+1)提取,控制2%─3%的盐酸介质,用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定环境植物样品中的微量铜、铅、锌、铁、锰。该方法简单、快速、可靠。对环境植物标准样品的测定结果理想。  相似文献   
喇嘛苏铜矿床斑岩体地质地球化学特征及含矿性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
矿区内广泛发育以斜长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩为主的中酸性斑岩体。斑岩的结构特征反映出岩浆浅成侵位成因。研究表明该区斑岩具有相对富硅和富碱高钾的岩石化学特征,属钙碱性系列;具有Cu、Ag、Bi等成矿元素高丰度的微量元素地球化学特征和低ΣREE与高δEu值的稀土地球化学特征。矿区内铜矿化富集在斑岩体内外接触带,斑岩体深源浅成特点和富碱高钾岩石化学特征于铜矿化富集有利。Cu、Ag等成矿元素高丰度及其与矿化类型一致性说明成矿与岩浆活动有密切成因关系。  相似文献   
邹平铜矿处于齐河-广饶深大断裂带南部的邹平火山岩盆地中,形成于破火山口火山通道充填的石英正长闪长岩岩颈中央上部,包括伟晶岩型铜矿和细脉浸染状斑铜矿床两种类型。前者矿体较小,但品位高;后者品位较低,但规模中等。含矿石英正长闪长岩等密度小、磁性弱,故在火山岩系中呈现高背景重力场上的重力低和杂乱高磁场背景中的低负异常,即“重磁同低”,且高极化。重磁同低异常区和高极化率异常带,是本区寻找铜矿的有利部位。  相似文献   
A multivariate statistical analysis was carried out with log-transformed values of Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cr, Mn, Ca, and Sr in several sets of samples collected across the mineralized base metal zone in sheared soda granite, feldspathic schist, and chlorite schist from the central section of Mosaboni Mine of the famous Singhbhum Copper Belt of eastern India. Linear correlation coefficient matrices of two sets of ore samples (>0.5% Cu)—one from levels 18 and 21 and the other from levels 25 and 28—indicate two well-defined and distinct clusters comprising Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn on one hand and Ca, Sr, and Mn on the other. Varimax-rotatedR-mode factor analysis of two above-noted sample sets, taken along with available geologic information, indicates that over 80% of the variability in data matrices for 9–10 elements can be accounted for by four distinct processes: (a) an early phase of copper mineralization which apparently replaced Mn, Ca, and Sr in the host rock; (b) a silicate-cum-oxide phase of crystallization/recrystallization of host rock; (c) remobilization of sulfide-forming ore elements (Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn); and (d) a phase of mineralization of Ag which appears to have replaced Cr, Ca and Cu. Process (c) was quantitatively most important. Factor score studies are suggestive of preferred introduction of Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn along central parts of preexisting copper-mineralized zones.  相似文献   
刘建成  王运生  唐涛  谢振斌  井浩  詹明斌  唐之茗  肖礼颖 《地质论评》2024,70(4):2024040009-2024040009
四川省广汉三星堆遗址出土了大量青铜器,目前关于三星堆青铜器铜料来源的研究尚无定论,通过对大宝山铜矿遗留矿洞进行实际调查,并在不同采矿点采集矿石以及冶炼弃渣样品进行铅同位素测定以及Cu、Pb、Zn等主要金属元素,Au、Ag、Se、As、Sb等亲铜元素和Ni、Co等亲铁元素的含量测定。采用铅同位素比值法和微量元素示踪法,与前人对三星堆青铜器化学成分的研究结果进行比对,综合分析大宝山铜矿与三星堆青铜器铜料来源的关联性,结果揭示:(1)大宝山铜矿石为普通铅,用铅同位素比值法对三星堆这类含特殊铅青铜器的铜料进行溯源研究不能准确的得到其铜矿石来源。(2)微量元素含量特征表明三星堆青铜器中大部分青铜器的微量元素组合特征与大宝山铜矿的微量元素特征接近。(3)通过微量元素的进一步因子分析和聚类分析,表明三星堆部分青铜器的微量元素组合特征与大宝山铜矿大部分样品相似,该部分青铜器铜料很可能来自大宝山铜矿。  相似文献   
浙江平水铜矿位于钦杭成矿带北东段浙西北地区,是浙江省最大的铜矿床,前人研究表明其为典型的火山成因块状硫化物矿床(Chen 等, 2015)。平水铜矿体在新元古代形成之后,该地区经历了加里东的变质变形作用,在铜矿体的下盘普遍发育千糜岩带(韧性剪切带),本项目组在研究过程中认为千糜岩带与铜矿无关,但明确提出本区可能存在造山型金矿,继而老矿山接替资源勘查在平水铜矿布置了10个坑内钻孔,其中9个见矿,成功的在平水深部发现两层金矿体和一层铜矿体。金矿体严格的受韧性剪切带的控制;金矿石有明显的宏观和微观韧性变形结构;矿石矿物主要是自然金和少量的黄铁矿,脉石矿物主要有石英、绢云母、绿泥石、碳酸盐和白云石。本文主要对平水金矿体开展流体包裹体研究,结合矿床地质特征,最终确定金矿体成因类型,为平水地区下一轮深边部找矿勘查提供依据。  相似文献   
应用杨赤中滤波法系统分析了胡篦型铜矿几个矿床成矿元素的品位资料,结合矿床地质特征研究,认为该类矿床不仅受NE向褶皱冲断构造控制,而且还受NW向断裂构造复合控制,在其交汇部位形成矿柱。矿柱是组成该类矿床的基本单元,其产状与两组构造的交线产状基本一致。  相似文献   
甘肃省铜矿床主要类型及其找矿潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶炳昆 《甘肃地质》1995,4(2):44-54
通过对甘肃铜矿资源现状的分析以及对主要铜矿类型特征的总结,结合铜矿形成的地质背景和时空分布规律,对我省找矿潜力作出合理评价,并提出了找矿方向。研究表明,甘肃找矿的第一主攻类型为火山岩型铜矿,其次为硫化铜镍型;主攻地区为北祁连和碧口地区,其次为北山和龙首山。  相似文献   
于萍萍  陈建平  王勤 《岩石学报》2019,35(3):897-912
铁格隆南铜(金)矿床是近年来在班公湖-怒江成矿带西段多龙矿集区新发现的超大型Cu(Au-Ag)矿床。本文针对铁格隆南矿区深部找矿问题,以现代成矿地质理论和多元地学信息综合分析技术为支撑,以构建矿床找矿模型为指导,依托数据库技术、3S技术、三维建模与可视化技术及地质统计学理论与方法,开展基于矿产地质、地球物理、地球化学等成矿条件及找矿标志的三维地质实体建模与矿化异常三维空间重构,将铁格隆南矿床的预测评价研究拓展到三维空间,揭示了区内成矿地质特征、地球化学及地球物理异常表征,据此探讨了矿床的成因及矿体分布特征。并在此基础上,开展了矿区的地质-地球化学-地球物理综合信息分析与预测评价,以期减少单一信息多解性和成矿条件不确定性,为铁格隆南矿区深部找矿工作提供参考。研究结果表明:在地质找矿模型指导下,基于深部成矿空间三维结构重构基础上的三维地质、地球物理、地球化学异常信息提取与综合分析,可以有效的识别成矿地质体和矿致异常信息,实现深部矿产资源靶区空间定位预测,为深部找矿预测研究提供了新思路。综合分析结果显示铁格隆南矿床深部找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   
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