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The unsteady thermoelastic analysis of a cooling circular disk or cylinder which is originally at uniform temperature is a classical problem of the theory of thermal stresses. More recent studies consider the case of composite structural configurations. The present paper deals with a situation which, apparently, has not been previously considered: unsteady thermal stresses caused by the presence of a hot, central nucleus. The temperature field is obtained in terms of a Fourier–Bessel expansion and then, radial and tangential stresses are evaluated analytically. The problem is of basic interest in mechanical and naval engineering systems.  相似文献   
 Rheomorphic ignimbrite D (13.4 Ma, Upper Mogán Formation on Gran Canaria), a multiple flow–single cooling unit, is divided into four major structural zones that differ in fabric and finite strain of deformed pyroclasts. Their structural characteristics indicate contrasting deformation mechanisms during rheomorphic flow. The zones are: (a) a basal zone (vitrophyre) with pure uniaxial flattening perpendicular to the foliation; (b) an overlying shear zone characterized by asymmetric fabrics and a significantly higher finite strain, with an ellipsoid geometry similar to stretched oblate bodies; (c) a central zone with a finite strain geometry similar to that of the underlying shear zone but without evidence of a rotational strain component; and (d) a slightly deformed to non-deformed top zone where the almost random orientation of subspherical pyroclasts suggests preservation of original, syn-depositional clast shapes. Rheomorphic flow in D is the result of syn- to post-depositional remobilization of a hot pyroclastic flow as shown by kinematic modeling based on: (a) the overall vertical structural zonation suggested by finite strain and fabric analysis; (b) the relation of shear sense to topography; (c) the interrelationship of the calculated vertical cooling progression at the base of the flow (formation of vitrophyre) and the related vertical changes in strain geometry; (d) the complex lithification history; and (e) the consequent mechanisms of deformational flow. Rheomorphic flow was caused by load pressure due to an increase in the vertical accumulation of pyroclastic material on a slope of generally 6–8°. We suggest that every level of newly deposited pyroclastic flow material of D first passed through a welding process that was dominated by compaction (pure flattening) before rheomorphic deformation started. Received: 25 June 1997 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   
主要分析了90年代以来,江西省出现的4次“凉夏”年份7~8月的气候特点及其对江西省双季水稻和棉花产量的影响。发现“凉夏”对江西省双季水稻和棉花产量利多弊少,提出了“凉夏”年份应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   
A two-stream approximation is applied to the equation of infrared (IR) radiative transfer in order to compute the detailed structure of fluxes and cooling/heating rates in inhomogeneous, cloudy atmospheres. The spectrum between 4 and 400 m is split into 50 bands, and absorption of water vapour, uniformly mixed gases, ozone, water vapour polymers and water droplets are taken into account. Allowance is made for scattering by water droplets in the atmospheric window region (8–12.8 m) where the delta function approximation is used. The backward scattering coefficient is calculated from the asymmetry parameter by means of a new simple formula. The model is compared to other radiative transfer schemes and some applications are presented.  相似文献   
By EOF, Power spectrum and nonlinear mapping methods, the temperature time series of May to July in Jianghuai river basins from 1948-2014 (67 years) were objectively divided into several climate stages. The time series were divided into three climate stages with similar lengths: the stage with its air temperature trend going downwards stage (1948-1970); the stage with its air temperature trend going upwards (1971-1994) and the stage with its air temperature trend going gentle upwards (1995-2014). Their climate characteristics can be quantified by a special climate index. Then, the statistic characteristics of Jianghuai cyclones in the three climate stages were compared with the cooling or warming trends. The results showed that characteristic evolutions of the frequency of yearly average of Jianhuai cyclones, the cyclones with their life cycles in the area longer than 48h, the cyclones with three types of thickness, shallow and bottom shapes classified according to the cyclone height, the cyclones with three kinds of zonal, meridional, and circular trajectory, responded to the temperature changing trends in the three climate stages. The cooling trends of the stage temperature restrained the activity of Jianghuai cyclones, and the warming trends of the stage temperature promoted the cyclone’s development, maintaining, activity, and also led cyclone moving towards to north further. The composite analysis of cyclone structures showed that the evolution characteristics in the center intensity, temperature grads, the maxima velocity of jet of the cyclones, and the intensity, length and position of the vapor flux passage of the Jianghuai cyclones, also the intensity, thickness, the positions of the warm and cold air masses within the cyclones, all responded to the trend change of stage temperature including cooling, warming and gentle warming. The results show clearly that temperature cooling reduces the intensity of cyclone structures and restrains the activity of cyclones in the temperatures trend down stage. The temperature warming enhances the stable development and strengthening of cyclone structure,and maintains the activity of cyclones in the temperature warming stages.  相似文献   
塘古兹巴斯坳陷中生代地层缺失严重,中生代以来的构造发育、隆升过程,是该区构造-沉积演化的难点。裂变径迹低温热年代学技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,在地质热事件定年、地质体热演化历史、构造区隆升与剥蚀等方面应用十分广泛,在确定隆升过程及热历史上有其独到的优越性。本文通过塘参1井钻井岩心样品的裂变径迹实验和热演化史模拟,结合地层发育情况,揭示了塘古兹巴斯坳陷中-新生代存在5个冷却抬升-增温沉降旋回,即248~240Ma(早-中三叠世)、199~120Ma(三叠纪末-早白垩世)、72~55Ma(晚白垩世-古新世)、24~15Ma(晚渐新世-早中新世)和7.4~2.2Ma(中新世晚期-上新世)等5个抬升冷却期,期间为沉降沉积期。此5个冷却阶段的平均冷却速率的变化具有先增后降的过程,从三叠纪至中新世期,平均冷却速率逐渐增大;在早中新世达到最大为4.22℃/Myr;晚中新世至今,平均冷却速率逐渐减小。反映了中-新生代以来隆升最快的时期为喜马拉雅中期(24~15Ma)。持续最长时间的抬升表现在侏罗纪-早白垩世中期,塘古兹巴斯坳陷处于前缘隆起,未接受沉积,并使中上三叠统沉积地层遭受剥蚀。且塘古兹巴斯坳陷中古生代及晚古生代早期沉积地层,在早-中三叠世前经历了较高的古地温,致使磷灰石样品发生完全退火,锆石样品部分退火,不同于相邻的巴楚地区。塘古兹巴斯坳陷热演化过程中冷却(抬升)及增温(沉降)事件的发生时期,与古特提斯、新特提斯闭合及印度-亚洲碰撞的关键时刻相吻合,可作为青藏高原多阶段构造运动的响应。  相似文献   
U/Pb systematics of the Acapulco meteorite have been determined on phosphate and feldspar separates and on grain size fractions of bulk material. The latter show an enrichment of U and Th with respect to CI chondrites and a low (∼1) Th/U ratio. This is consistent with the model that the majority of U and Th was added early by a low temperature melt to the Acapulco precursor. The feldspar exhibits a Pb isotope composition that is close to the primordial Pb composition. Mineral separates and bulk fractions define a 207Pb/206Pb isochron. The age corresponds to 4555.9 ± 0.6 Ma. This age anchors the thermal evolution of the Acapulco parent body into an absolute time scale. Evaluation of the Hf/W and U/Pb records with the cooling rates deduced from mineralogical investigations confirms the idea that the Acapulco parent body was fragmented during its cooling. The U/Pb system precisely dates this break-up at 4556 ± 1 Ma.  相似文献   
城乡过渡地带低空温度平流和边界层特征的观测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用兰州河谷盆地城乡过渡区边界层观测资料,分析了该地区的温度平流和边界层特征。分析表明:(1)夜间热岛环流明显,白天则较弱;(2)夜间200m高度以下有较强的冷平流,在250~400m高度有较弱的暖平流,冷暖温度平流对测点上空边界层温度和层结变化有显著影响;(3)由声雷达确定的夜间边界层高度对应于Ri<1.0的高度,在这一高度范围内存在逆位温和强的风切变。本地区下垫面和复杂的地形导致夜间边界层高度随时间周期性地升高和降低,变化周期约3h。  相似文献   
The variation in cooling processes with depth in a magma body is evaluated quantitatively by analysis of the extent of exsolution coarsening and deuteric coarsening as sub-solidus reactions. This method is applied to evaluation of the Okueyama granitic body of central Kyushu, Japan. Exsolution coarsening has produced microperthite textures in this body, while deuteric coarsening has resulted in patchperthite, myrmekite, and reaction rims, respectively. Through measurement of six textural parameters, including the width and spacing of lamellae and the thickness of myrmekite and reaction rims, the extent of these sub-solidus reactions is shown to increase systematically with depth in the granite body, indicating that the Okueyama cooled gradually from the roof. The hornblende–plagioclase and ternary feldspar thermometers indicate temperature a range of 710 to 620 °C for volume diffusion associated with exsolution coarsening, while deuteric coarsening is found to have occurred at temperatures below 500 °C on the basis of the ternary feldspar thermometer. The cooling period corresponding to exsolution coarsening is estimated using a one-dimensional heat transfer model, yielding periods of 820 y at the roof and 1390–1890 y at the base of the exposure (1000 m below the roof) depending on total depth of the original magma body.  相似文献   
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