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Metanorites from two eclogitized metagabbros of the Hercynian French Massif Central preserve coronitic textures of hornblende, garnet, quartz and/or kyanite produced at the expense of the primary magmatic assemblage orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Using a petrogenetic grid in the CFMASH system, two possible PT evolutions for the origin of the coronas are evaluated. The sequence of reactions involving the formation of Hbl (–Ky) ± Grt and Qtz coronitic assemblages is consistent with an isobaric cooling at high pressure (c. 1–2 GPa) under hydrated conditions. However, this PT path, inferred by using only petrographical observations, is inconsistent with the geochronological constraints: emplacement of the gabbro at 490 Ma and high‐pressure metamorphism at 410 Ma. In order to reconcile petrographical observations with geochronological constraints, we propose a discontinuous two‐stage evolution involving a change in water activity with time. (1) Emplacement and cooling of the norite at low pressure under anhydrous conditions, at 490 Ma. (2) During the Hercynian orogeny, the norite experienced an increase in pressure and temperature under fluid‐present conditions. Adding water to the system implies a dramatic change in the petrogenetic grid topology, restricting the orthopyroxene–plagioclase assemblage only to high temperatures. Therefore, the breakdown of the unstable magmatic assemblage, through apparent retrograde reactions, occurred along the prograde PT path which never crossed the equilibrium boundaries of these reactions.  相似文献   
The synthetic amphibole Na0.95(Li0.95Mg1.05)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 was studied in situ at high-T, using IR OH-stretching spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. At room-T the sample has P21 /m symmetry, as shown by the FTIR spectrum. It shows in the OH region two well-defined and intense absorptions at 3,748 and 3,712 cm−1, respectively, and two minor bands at 3,667 and 3,687 cm−1. The main bands are assigned to the two independent O–H groups in the primitive structure. The two minor bands evidencing the presence of small amount of vacant A-site (A0.05). With increasing T, these bands shift continuously and merge into a unique absorption at high temperature. A change as a function of increasing T is revealed by the evolution of the refined unit-cell parameters, whose trend shows a transition to C2/m at about 320–330°C. The spontaneous scalar strain, fitted with a tricritical 2–6 Landau potential, gives a T c of 325(10)°C (β parameter = 0.27). Comparison with the second-order P21 /mC2/m phase transition at 255°C for synthetic amphibole ANa0.8B(Na0.8Mg1.2)CMg5Si8O22(OH)2 indicates that the substitution of Na with Li at the B-sites strongly affects the thermodynamic character and the T c of the phase transition. The comparison of LNMSH amphiboles with cummingtonitic ones shows that the high-T thermodynamic behaviour is affected by A-site occupancy.  相似文献   
Extensive high-grade polydeformed metamorphic provinces surroundingArchaean cratonic nuclei in the East Antarctic Shield recordtwo tectono-thermal episodes in late Mesoproterozoic and lateNeoproterozoic–Cambrian times. In Western Dronning MaudLand, the high-grade Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt is juxtaposedagainst the Archaean Grunehogna Province and has traditionallybeen interpreted as a Grenvillian mobile belt that was thermallyoverprinted during the Early Palaeozoic. Integration of newU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe and conventionalsingle zircon and monazite age data, and Ar–Ar data onhornblende and biotite, with thermobarometric calculations onrocks from the H.U. Sverdrupfjella, northern Maud Belt, resultedin a more complex PTt evolution than previouslyassumed. A c. 540 Ma monazite, hosted by an upper ampibolite-faciesmineral assemblage defining a regionally dominant top-to-NWshear fabric, provides strong evidence for the penetrative deformationin the area being of Pan-African age and not of Grenvillianage as previously reported. Relics of an eclogite-facies garnet–omphaciteassemblage within strain-protected mafic boudins indicate thatthe peak metamorphic conditions recorded by most rocks in thearea (T = 687–758°C, P = 9·4–11·3kbar) were attained subsequent to decompression from P >12·9 kbar. By analogy with limited U–Pb singlezircon age data and on circumstantial textural grounds, thisearlier eclogite-facies metamorphism is ascribed to subductionand accretion around 565 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatismunder amphibolite-facies conditions is ascribed to the intrusionof post-orogenic granite at c. 480 Ma. The recognition of extensivePan-African tectonism in the Maud Belt casts doubts on previousRodinia reconstructions, in which this belt takes a pivotalposition between East Antarctica, the Kalahari Craton and Laurentia.Evidence of late Mesoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism duringthe formation of the Maud Belt exists in the form of c. 1035Ma zircon overgrowths that are probably related to relics ofgranulite-facies metamorphism recorded from other parts of theMaud Belt. The polymetamorphic rocks are largely derived froma c. 1140 Ma volcanic arc and 1072 ± 10 Ma granite. KEY WORDS: Maud Belt; Pan-African orogeny; geochronology; PTt path, East Antarctica  相似文献   
田晋 《海洋测绘》2008,28(1):32-35
以IGRF全球地磁位模型为基础,设计地磁测量参考场计算软件,实现地磁场参数长波分量的时间域与空间域离散点计算,为野外磁力测量相关数据采集与仪器配置提供先验信息,使数据采集的作业效率及可靠性大大提高。  相似文献   
中国南方含油气区构造-沉积类型及其勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南方含油气的复杂构造区根据构造—沉积类型的不同,可将其分为四种类型。通过对不同类型典型含油气区的生烃量及非构造运动天然气散失量的化学动力学计算,认为这四种类型含油气区的油气聚集潜力从好到坏依次为:喜马拉雅运动抬升暴露型、燕山运动抬升暴露型、反复抬升—沉降型和海西—印支运动抬升暴露—后期浅埋型。主要构造运动发生越晚,对油气保存越有利。  相似文献   
通过1:5万区域地质调查、典型剖面及刻槽采样等研究, 在云南峨山塔甸地区中元古界黑山头组识别出厚104~227 m数层石英岩矿层, 含矿岩性为灰白色、白色、乳白色块-厚层状石英岩, 呈隐晶质-粒状变晶结构, 主要由石英(>95%)组成; 分析显示样品SiO2含量为95.15%~99.41%, Al2O3含量为0.21%~2.61%, CaO含量为0.008%~0.047%, TFe2O3含量为0.088%~0.47%, K2O含量为0.009%~0.56%, MgO含量为0.010%~ 0.13%, Na2O含量为0.012%~1.4%, TiO2含量为0.011%~0.06%, 部分达到玻璃用、结晶硅用等硅质原料矿工业指标要求, 黑山头组石英岩矿为多层位赋存且单体厚度大的矿体, 层位稳定, 且延伸较远, 为一套滨海相沉积-变质型石英岩矿床, 具有较大潜在价值和经济效益, 有望形成大型石英岩矿原料产地。  相似文献   
Comparing spaceborne satellite images of Landsat‐8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat‐7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) was undertaken to investigate the relative accuracy of mapping hydrothermal alteration minerals. The study investigated the northern part of Rabor, which contains copper mineralization occurrences, and is located in the Kerman Cenozoic magmatic assemblage (KCMA), Iran. Image processing methods of band ratio, principal component analysis (PCA), and spectral angle mapper (SAM) were used to map the distribution of hydrothermally altered rocks associated with the porphyry copper mineralization. The band ratio combination of both sensors for mapping altered areas showed similar outcomes. PCA exposed variations in the spatial distribution of hydroxyl‐bearing minerals. The representation of hydrothermal areas using OLI data was more satisfactory than when using ETM+ data. SAM analysis found similar results for mapping hydroxyl‐bearing zones. Verification of the results came through ground investigation and laboratory studies. Rock samples (n = 56) were collected to validate results using thin sections, X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and spectral analyses. Field observations and laboratory analysis revealed that phyllic and propylitic alterations dominate the alteration zones in the study area. Argillic and iron oxides/hydroxides alterations were observed to a lesser degree. The results indicate that alteration maps prepared by OLI data using PCA for visual interpretation are more suitable than those of ETM+ due to a higher radiometric resolution and lower interference between vegetation and altered areas. As the spectral bandwidth of ETM+ band 7 covers absorption feature of propylitic alteration, better mapping of propylitic alterations is achieved using ETM+ data.  相似文献   
中国近海天然气水合物找矿前景   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:38  
天然气水合物是一种新型能源,在海底沉积物和陆上永远冻土带中均有广泛分布。西太平洋是全球三大天然气水合物成矿带之一,在其中已发现许多水合物矿床或矿点。中国近海,包括南海、东海和台湾东部海域,具备良好的天然气水合物成矿条件和找矿前景,并已在这些海域中发现了一系列的找矿标志。南海的西沙海槽、台湾西南陆坡和台西南盆地、笔架南盆地及其东缘增生楔、东沙群岛东南坡、南部陆坡区,东海的冲绳海槽和台湾东北部海域是中国近海最有利的天然气水合物找矿远景区。  相似文献   
白面石地区有着得天独厚的铀成矿地质背景,区内铀矿化是在富铀的白面石花岗岩体基础上发展起来的。富铀基底花岗岩的风化,使铀活化迁移,形成高铀含量砂岩层,是该区成矿的基础;北西向展布的双峰式火山岩浆喷溢、形成覆盖在高铀含量砂岩层之上的火山岩层,起着热盖和封闭作用,使铀聚积成矿,是成矿的关键;后期断裂作用及次火山岩的贯入,带来了丰富的热能,使铀再次活化迁移,铀矿化叠加变富。  相似文献   
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