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介绍某低品位伟晶花岗岩型铀矿石矿物特性。研究在混合氧化剂存在条件下的这种难浸矿石的堆浸工艺。500 t半工业结果表明:试验解决了该类型矿石堆浸工艺,达到了工业生产要求的技术指标。  相似文献   
Two surveys were performed for determining bacteria biomass (BB), temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a (chl-a) and nutrient concentrations at 11 stations with three sampling depths in the high-incidence regions of red tide in the East China Sea (ECS) in the spring of 2006. Temperature and salinity increased from nearshore to offshore region and from high latitude to low latitude in the two cruises of 2006. BB were between 0.3–5.2 mgC m−3 (about 2.1 mgC m−3 on average) and 0.2–6.0 mgC m−3 (about 2.7 mgC m−3 on average) respectively in the two cruises. BB in the surface layer decreased from the Changjiang River estuary to high sea and from low latitude to high latitude. The results showed that bacterial growth was regulated by temperature, primary production and inorganic nutrient concentrations depending on different hydrographic conditions. In the surface and middle layers where the primary production can supply enough organic substrate, temperature was the main factor to control bacteria biomass. BB showed a good correlation between the surface and middle layers in both cruises. The distribution of nutrients during both cruises showed a similar decreasing trend from nearshore region and high latitude to offshore region and low latitude. High BB values were mainly recorded from samples in the middle layer where chl-a concentrations were also high, indicating primary production being strongly correlated with temperature over the ECS shelf. In the offshore area, phosphate and silicate became limiting factors for phytoplankton growth with indirect influence on BB. Bacteria played an important role in nitrogen regeneration process turning organic nitrogen to inorganic forms such as NH4 +. The increasing ratio of NH4 +/DIN could be a proof of that.  相似文献   
查岗诺尔铁矿床位于伊犁地块北缘博罗科努岛弧带.矿区广泛出露石炭纪火山岩.矿区的主要矿物共生组合为磁铁矿+石榴石+阳起石(绿帘石)组合.矿床大致可以分为早、中、晚三个成矿期.矿床是由富铁的安山质岩浆分异形成,并且后期受到热液作用的叠加改造.隐爆作用伴随整个成矿过程.该矿床成因上属于受到热液作用叠加改造的火山岩型铁矿床.  相似文献   
新乡市浅层地下水水环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效防治地下水污染,分析新乡浅表地层岩性、含水组空间分布及其水化学的类型分带和特征.在此基础上综合评价浅层地下水质量,发现新乡市浅层地下水质量污染普遍超标,建成区及周围地下水质量为Ⅴ类以上,其他地区达到Ⅳ类以上.  相似文献   
矿化区位于新疆吐哈盆地东南缘的大南湖凹陷东部,铀矿化赋存层位为中侏罗统西山窑组上段和中段上部,上段主要为冲积扇和辫状河沉积;中段主要为曲流河和三角洲沉积.铀矿石的特征元素有机碳orgC、CO2、∑S的化学分析平均值分别为0.42%、4.19%、0.38%,明显高于大南湖地区相应岩石的平均值0.34%、0.40%、0.14%,反映U元素的富集明显与其相关.铀矿石所分析的7种微量元素,其平均值均大于大南湖地区砂岩相应元素的平均值,反映了层间氧化作用可能是微量元素迁移富集的机制之一.铀矿化厚度4.9m,品位为1.902×10-4,U含量为1.996 kg/m2.矿体形态为板状.含矿岩石主要为褐黄色、灰色中一粗粒长石岩屑砂岩、砂质砾岩、砾岩.大南湖地区含矿层位中侏罗统西山窑组岩石原生地球化学类型为黑色和灰色.铀的存在形式以吸附状态为主.区内的铀矿化类型属层间氧化带型.铀矿化形成于氧化-还原过渡带,与层间氧化带发育存在直接的成因关系.  相似文献   
大兴安岭幔枝构造与银多金属成矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对大兴安岭地区构造演化、区域地质、地球物理、地球化学特征的研究,认为燕山期以来是该区地幔热柱强烈活动时期.最明显的表现是强烈的构造运动和大规模的岩浆活动,最显著的标志是兴蒙地区盆岭构造的形成和大规模的成矿作用.大兴安岭中南段是一较典型的幔枝构造,具有明显的核部岩浆-变质杂岩、外围拆离滑脱层及上叠断陷盆地,是该区重要...  相似文献   
Schistose high-grade hematite orebodies (>64 wt % Fe) in the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, were formed in shear zones by hydrothermal alteration of the Paleoproterozoic Cauê BIF during the Transamazonian orogenesis. The ore is comprised of platy hematite (specularite) grains that define the foliation and overprint a relict banded martite-hematite fabric resembling, at first sight, a mylonite. The EBSD analyses of a m-scale schistose orebody from the Pau Branco mine show that specularite grew as elongated plates with the (00.1) plane parallel to the foliation. The population of the measured grain aspect ratio (GAR) is homogenous in different scales, and the longest axes of the crystals align with the stretching lineation (L//X) building continuous domains, or anastomose around stretched iron oxide aggregates and rootless fold hinges. The pole figure of the (00.1) plane shows usually a maximum centered on the pole of the foliation Z often elongated on a girdle perpendicular to the lineation L. The {10.4} pole figure has the configuration of a symmetric cleft girdle and the corresponding {11.0} and {10.0} pole figures present well developed girdles parallel to the foliation with an elongated maximum centered on X. Microstructures associated with crystal-plastic behavior and dynamic recrystallization are missing and the fabric of the orebody probably results from precipitation of strain-controlled oriented hematite plates and anisotropic syntaxial growth of favorably oriented grains with the intervention of hydrothermal fluids during Fe enrichment. The shear zone provided pathways for the percolation of mineralizing fluids under temperatures that varied from 140 to 350 °C or higher, under ductile or ductile–brittle conditions. The orthorhombic fabric and CPO (crystallographic preferred orientation) of the ore nevertheless contrast with the asymmetry of simple shear as observed in the torsion experiments by Siemes et al., 2010, Siemes et al., 2011, probably due to volume loss and possibly a flattening component of deformation in the ore zone.  相似文献   
In this paper orientations of quartz veins from the Archaean age lode-gold bearing region of Gadag (southern India) are used to determine the relative stress and fluid pressure (Pf) conditions by constructing 3-D Mohr circle. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis of the host massive metabasalt reveals that the magnetic foliation is NW–SE striking, which is related to early NE–SW compression (D1/D2 deformation) that affected the region. The quartz veins have a wide range of orientations, with NW–SE striking veins (steep northeasterly dips) being the most prominent. Vein emplacement is inferred to have taken place under NW–SE compression that is known to have caused late deformation (D3) in the region. It is argued that the NW–SE fabric defined the pre-existing anisotropy and channelized fluid flow during D3. The permeability was initially low, which resulted in high Pf (>σ2). 3-D Mohr circle analysis indicates that the driving pressure ratio (R′) was 0.94, a condition that favoured fracturing and reactivation of fabric elements (foliations and fractures) having a wide range of orientations. This led to an increase in permeability and fluid flowed (burped) into the fractures. Resulting vein emplacement and sealing of fractures led to a reduction of Pf (<σ2). It is argued that at this low Pf, NW–SE oriented structures continued to remain susceptible to reactivation and vein emplacement, while fractures of all other orientations were inactive and remained sealed. As a consequence, the study area has a cluster of NW–SE oriented veins. R′ is calculated to be 0.07 from 3-D Mohr circle analysis at low Pf, when fractures with NW–SE orientation only were susceptible to dilation. However, it is envisaged that any emplacement of veins in these fractures would have sealed them, thus reducing the permeability and initiating the next cycle of rise in Pf (>σ2). Thus, it is concluded that the quartz veins in the Gadag region are a consequence of an interplay between conditions that fluctuated from Pf > σ2 to Pf < σ2.  相似文献   
对北山地区坡一和罗东含铜镍的镁铁-超镁铁质岩体铂族元素研究表明,两个岩体的铂族元素(PGE)总量较低,PPGE较IPGE富集,原始地幔标准化模式呈正斜率,均较原始地幔亏损,具Ir和Rh的弱负异常。较低的Pd/Ir比值表明岩石主要受岩浆作用控制,后期热液作用影响不明显。两个岩体的原生岩浆均为MgO 含量较高的PGE不亏损的拉斑玄武质岩浆,较高的Cu/Pd、Ti/Pd比值表明岩浆在演化过程中发生了硫化物的熔离。罗东岩体早期矿物相(橄榄石、铬铁矿)的分离结晶作用对岩浆中的硫达到饱和具有重要的贡献,而坡一岩体该作用对硫化物熔离的贡献不明显。坡一和罗东岩体的R值表明两岩体均具有达到中型Ni矿床的潜力。  相似文献   
郑波  张晋国  陈刚  朱永峰 《矿床地质》2013,32(6):1117-1138
包古图金矿四矿区L7号脉由浅部的自然砷-石英脉型矿石和深部的辉锑矿-石英脉型矿石组成。矿脉中含罕见的As、Sb矿物,如paakkonenite(Sb2AsS2)、自然砷、自然锑、方锑金矿、硫锑金银矿(Au3Ag4Sb10S12)等。热液过程划分为5个阶段:黄铁矿-毒砂阶段(Ⅰ),围岩中形成大量的毒砂和黄铁矿并伴随较强硅化;粗粒石英阶段(Ⅱ),形成沿围岩壁或围岩角砾的梳状石英;Au-As-Sb矿化阶段(Ⅲ),形成辉锑矿-自然锑-自然砷-paakkonenite-银金矿-自然金-方锑金矿-硫锑金银矿-辉锑银矿-银锌黝铜矿-斜方砷铁矿-硫铜锑矿-石英;晚期Sb矿化阶段(Ⅳ),形成与粒状方解石共生的辉锑矿、自然锑和paakkonenite;方解石阶段(Ⅴ),形成穿切矿体和围岩的方解石(-石英)细脉。辉锑矿和斜方砷铁矿交代毒砂,自然金、方锑金矿、paakkonenite和自然砷交代辉锑矿。辉锑矿的结晶主要受温度和还原S含量的控制,自然砷、自然锑的结晶主要受氧逸度和温度控制。As、Sb分别以自然砷、辉锑矿和自然锑形式存在,同时消耗大量H2S,流体进入张性空间后也释放H2S,导致硫逸度急剧降低,含Au络合物失稳而成矿。  相似文献   
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