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铁沙岗铁矿床位于沙坡―安宁―上冲铁矿带的北段,磁铁矿体均主要产于云开群兰坑岩组(Pt2-3l)与加里东期中细粒黑云母花岗岩体(γ3)接触带上的矽卡岩内。主要构造为NE―SW向展布的陆川复式背斜,断裂总体控制该矿区矿体呈NE向展布,并提供了有利的储矿场所。矿石矿物以磁铁矿为主,次为方铅矿、闪锌矿、赤铁矿,少量磁黄铁矿、菱铁矿。围岩蚀变主要有矽卡岩化、硅化、黄铁矿化等,矽卡岩化、硅化带为该区最重要的找矿标志。  相似文献   
磁性铁是超贫磁铁矿勘查中的基本分析项目之一,为准确测定磁性铁的含量,首先需要实现磁性铁的定量分离。目前常用的手工内磁选法由于所用磁铁的有效磁场强度难以保证,而且受人为操作的影响较大,导致分析结果的重现性差。本文应用50 m L滴定管、电磁铁和三相异步电动机,研制了一种新型磁选装置——电磁式磁性铁分选装置,实现了超贫磁铁矿中磁性铁与非磁性铁的定量分离,结合重铬酸钾容量法建立了超贫磁铁矿中磁性铁的分析方法。在选定的磁选条件下(电流2.5 A,磁选管运动频率40 r/min,磁选时间5 min)分析铁矿石标准物质,磁性铁的测定值与标准值的相对误差小于1.0%;分析采自实际矿区的超贫磁铁矿样品,磁性铁的测定结果与手工内磁选法一致,且相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)小于1.0%,优于手工内磁选法的精密度。本方法采用的电磁式磁性铁分选装置有效地控制了磁场强度的强弱,避免永磁铁出现磁损失,同时可以量化磁性铁分离的参数,提高了磁性铁的分析精度。  相似文献   
胶东西北部是我国最主要的金矿集中区,金矿的同源岩为滦家河花岗岩,属中深侵入体。根据它富含磁铁矿及副矿物组合,高铁低镁的黑云母,岩石化学成分,锶、氧、硫同位素组成,认为属磁铁矿花岗岩,相当于Ⅰ型花岗岩。用K、Rb、Sr、岩石化学成分,稀土元素和硫同位素判别,确认其为壳源(相当于胶东群变质岩的成分)重熔型。我国脉状金矿的容矿围岩时代老,成矿时代新,空间受构造—岩浆带制约,成矿过程脉岩活动频繁,对其原因,本文提出了一种解释。  相似文献   
在华北盆地南缘早古生代碳酸盐岩中,发现了包括交代假象和交代残余枯内的一系列足以支持磁铁矿与的矿之间发生双向交代作用的确凿矿物学证据,甚至在同一个磁性矿物颗粒内,还辨认出方向完全相反而且是先后发生的2种交代现象。磁铁矿(铁磁性矿物)和黄铁矿(顺磁性矿物)之间有双向交代会直接干扰古地磁数据,并影响以此为基础而开展的地块运动分析和古地理的重建。  相似文献   
矿业活动中产生的固体废弃物包括废石、尾矿和;台炼废渣。这些固体废弃物堆放于露天环境,经过长期的自然风化作用,会对周围环境产生重要的影响。以攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿业活动为例,采集了废石、尾矿和冶炼废渣3种类型的固体废弃物,通过浸出实验,研究了不同粒度、不同pH值条件下这些废弃物中重金属元素的释放机理及其对环境产生的影响。结果表明,大多数元素在pH值条件偏小的环境中浸出率更大,在碱性环境中浸出率更小,但废石中的v、Cr和废渣中的Ti在碱性条件下浸出率更高:细粒样品在相同pH值条件下浸出率较粗粒大。但在pH=12的条件下Ti、V、Ni、cr和pH=1条件下Tj、Cr的浸出量出现反常,即在粗粒样品中高于细粒样品。固体废弃物释放的重金属元素会对周围环境产生一定的影响,需要加强监测。  相似文献   
Morphological characteristics and microstructures of magnetic minerals extracted from Chinese loess and paleosols were investigated using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Our results indicate that maghemite in loess–paleosol sequences was transformed from magnetite through oxidation of magnetite. Maghemite transformed from eolian magnetite during chemical weathering has low-angle grain boundaries among maghemite nano-crystals. Some nano-crystalline maghemites with nanoporous texture resulted from microbe-induced precipitation of magnetite or transformation of poorly crystalline ferric Fe (oxy)hydroxides in presence of Fe-reducing bacteria. Aggregates of euhedral maghemite nano-crystals were transformed from magnetite magnetosomes. Both microbe-induced nanoporous magnetite and microbe-produced magnetite magnetosomes are directly related to microbial activities and pedogenesis of the paleosols. It is proposed that the formation of nano-crystalline maghemite with superparamagnetic property in paleosol results in the enhancement of magnetic susceptibility, although the total amount (weight percent) of magnetic minerals in both paleosol and loess units is similar. Our results also show that nano-crystalline and nanoporous magnetite grains prefer to transform into maghemite in semi-arid soil environments instead of hematite, although hematite is a thermodynamically stable phase. This result also indicates that a decrease in crystal size will increase stability of maghemite. It is also inferred that surface energy of maghemite is lower than that of hematite.  相似文献   
We study the mineralogical changes suffered by specimens of natural miocene red and green continental sandstones (from Pozuelos Formation and Tiomayo Formation) cropping out in the Argentine Puna that increase their bulk magnetic susceptibility and change color when thermally treated. We hypothesize that on heating siderite, which is present in small quantities as cement in the studied sandstones, would oxidize and decompose into maghemite and/or magnetite. Subsequent heating to higher temperatures sometimes would bring about the conversion of maghemite and/or magnetite to hematite. Mössbauer spectroscopy proved to be a very valuable tool for the determination of the presence of siderite in small amounts in the studied samples. The present results show that further work is needed in order to fully understand the mineralogical changes suffered by continental sandstones during heating. The characterization of such changes occurred during laboratory routines is relevant, since they can help to better understand natural processes.  相似文献   
北京密云水库表层沉积物磁性矿物的鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对密云水库表层沉积物中的磁性矿物进行了岩石磁学和透射电子显微学的综合研究.本实验建立的磁选方法实现将70%~85%左右的磁性矿物从沉积物中分离出来.岩石磁学研究表明,密云水库沉积物中的磁性矿物以多畴和单畴磁铁矿为主,还含有少量高矫顽力弱磁性载磁矿物(可能为赤铁矿).对磁选矿物的透射电镜观测表明,样品中部分单畴磁铁矿具有纳米尺寸和化学纯度高等特点,为拉长的立方-八面体磁铁矿,是趋磁细菌产生的化石磁小体;多畴磁铁矿多数具有微米尺寸,形状不规则,为碎屑成因;超顺磁磁铁矿粒径约为5~20 nm,且含硅、铝等元素,可能为自生成因.研究结果表明,岩石磁学和透射电子显微学的综合应用可以更全面、准确地分析沉积物中磁性矿物的成分、含量、粒径和化学成分等信息,为环境磁学、生物地磁学和古地磁学研究提供依据.  相似文献   
有机质对纳米级磁铁矿热稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
单畴磁铁矿颗粒是地质样品中最重要的磁性载体,其稳定性一直备受关注.为了认识有机质对纳米级磁铁矿颗粒热稳定性的影响,本文对比研究了趋磁细菌AMB-1合成的单畴磁铁矿分别在全细胞中和经去胞提纯后的纯化磁小体中的热磁性质,以及热处理后样品的磁滞参数和低温磁性的变化.发现仅有磁小体膜包裹的纯化磁小体中单畴磁铁矿热稳定性极强,而全细胞中的单畴磁铁矿加热过程中发生了显著的热变化:磁铁矿在约270℃即开始转化,400℃以前几乎完全被有机质还原为顺磁性物质;同时在400℃以前,有机质的还原作用与有机质热分解引起磁小体链的坍塌,共同导致了样品矫顽力(Bc)、剩磁矫顽力(Bcr)和剩磁比(Mrs/Ms)的减小,以及矫顽力比(Bcr/Bc)的增加. 我们的实验结果清楚地表明,当地质样品中含有较多有机质组分并受热事件影响时,其中的单畴磁铁矿难以得到保存.  相似文献   
Magnetic carriers in remagnetized Cretaceous granitic rocks of northeast Japan were studied using paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by comparison with unremagnetized granitic rocks. The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of the remagnetized rocks is strong (0.3–1.7 A/m) and shows a northwesterly direction with moderate inclination (NW remanence), whereas the unremagnetized rocks preserve weak NRM (<0.5 A/m) with westerly and shallow direction (W remanence). Although thermal demagnetization shows that both NRMs are carried by magnetite, the remagnetized rocks reveal a higher coercivity with respect to alternating field demagnetization (20 mT相似文献   
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